Dr. McCombs' Candida Plan

"It is never too late for anybody. The body is simply miraculous given the right tools and the opportunity for help." - Dr. Jeff


It's that time of year again! Each year, I am more thankful for the opportunity to continue learning, growing, and being of service to all of those who I can assist.

Healthcare is going to continue to evolve in the coming years and the health of the microbiome will continue to play a very central and growing role. The microbiome is an internal garden that requires ongoing care and maintenance.

Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving and may it be your best ever! May we always find many reasons to be thankful each and every day of the year for the rest of our lives!

***Our 15% OFF Thanksgiving offer is here for Candida Plan sets. (Enter 15%CS at checkout)***Good through November 27th.


Higher intakes of fiber, total vegetables, and fruits may attenuate the risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality: findings from a large prospective cohort study - Nutrition Journal 11/18/2023

The national recommendation for fruit and vegetable consumption is a total of 10 servings per day. In a survey we did of people on the Candida Plan, we found fruit and vegetable consumption was a minimum of 12 servings per day.

Higher fruit and vegetable consumption has been inversely associated with all causes of death and mortality in several studies over the past few decades. Many people maintain this practice after the Plan.

Here's the latest study on this topic -

Higher intakes of fiber, total vegetables, and fruits may attenuate the risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality: findings from a large prospective cohort study - Nutrition Journal Background Although studies have reported an inverse association between fruits, vegetables, and fiber consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality, the issue remains incompletely defined in the Middle Eastern population. Aims The current study aimed to investigate the association between....


Another nice testimonial -
"We are on Week 12 and my husband stopped the pill for blood pressure two weeks ago and he is doing great. He never experienced again the light-headedness and today he told me he is feeling great!!! Thank you so much!

I'm surprised at the number of medications that are carelessly being prescribed to more and more people. In speaking to a few people today, they stated that their MDs were never interested in finding out the cause, just prescribing meds. I used to joke that MD meant Medication Dispenser, but this is really becoming more of a reality every day.

The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence - Molecular Psychiatry 11/01/2023

The prescription of SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) for depression results in over $17 billion dollars of sales per year in the United States and continues to grow.
In the UK, prescriptions increased by 34% from 2016-2022.
A multi-billion dollar industry without any good evidence for its existence, yet there is evidence of the harm these drugs can create.

"The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations. Some evidence was consistent with the possibility that long-term antidepressant use reduces serotonin concentration."

The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence - Molecular Psychiatry The serotonin hypothesis of depression is still influential. We aimed to synthesise and evaluate evidence on whether depression is associated with lowered serotonin concentration or activity in a systematic umbrella review of the principal relevant areas of research. PubMed, EMBASE and PsycINFO were...

Inflammation in severe COVID linked to bad fungal microbiome 10/26/2023

People with candida had worse responses to covid -

Inflammation in severe COVID linked to bad fungal microbiome An overabundant ‘mycobiota’ in the gut might be involved in triggering harmful immune responses.


I found this in another group -

Testimony and encouragement…there is hope!!
I had systemic Candida for 15 years. I (thank the Lord) stumbled upon this group and someone in here recommended Doctor MCCombs. I hired him and paid for a consult and have been on his program for 3 months.
Prior to hiring him, I had spent $250 thousand dollars (yes you read that correctly) over the last 15 years trying to find help, trying to find answers. NONE of the western medical doctors has answers. In fact, I was told “everyone has Candida” and “it was in my mind” and “I was fine. They didn’t see anything wrong on the tests.” Meanwhile, every single day I was in pain, breaking out in rashes, constipated, stomach hurt, woke up multiple times during the night only to have to take pills to make the pain go away. Trust me there were more symptoms too….a ton more!
Anyhow back to current day, I hired McCombs. I have lost 20th a on the Candida diet and following his plan and supplements. I sleep better. I feel better. I am no longer constipated. I am no longer in pain. I feel better in my clothes and skin. I don’t have to worry about popping 40-60 pills a day (and I’m not exaggerating.
That’s how many supplements I took before DAILY) to not be in pain.
I say all of this bc I pray you go to a leasing expert and don’t be like me and wait 15 years or even 5 years living with Candida. It’s serious and you’re worth it an will be SO HAPPY you took care of it early!! You’ve got this!!!
Courtney Markoff

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights - Episode #29 - Candida and Cancers - Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! 06/12/2023

A new podcast - Candida and Cancers

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights - Episode #29 - Candida and Cancers - Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights - Episode #29 - Candida and Cancers


A new testimonial -
I am so happy to report that I feel better. My skin is softer now, I have more energy, and my toenail fungus is gone—no more ugly black toenails. I can see the healthy nail now. I get up early every day to make a healthy breakfast for my husband. I am back to cooking. Since I am not fatigued, I enjoy the cuisine following the diet. Doing the candida plan for both of us is excellent.
My husband's blood pressure is normal; he still takes his medication, but the levels are like when he was younger. His feet were always swollen, but not anymore. The left one is slightly swollen but far from where it used to be. He stopped taking one of the diuretics that the Specialist prescribed. Lately, he has not complained about cramps. Thank you!

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! 06/07/2023

Two new podcast episodes -
#27 Curing the Incurables
#28 Candida and Alzheimer's

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights for greater health and vitality!


Another nice testimonial -

I know it's early still, but in the last week and a half, I've felt better than I have in a very long time. It's clear that the program is working and I'm hopeful for the next few weeks. I have less brain fog and feel more clear. There is also an increase in my energy levels where in the past I felt like I needed a nap during the day, I am making it through the day and going to sleep at a good time.The congestion is improving slightly, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being very bad, I am at about a 5 or 6. The difference is I don't wake up feeling as horrible as I used to before. This is incredibly exciting. Thank you so much for all of your help, Dr. McCombs!

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! 05/09/2023

A new podcast - Candida and Pregnancy

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! Listen to Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! on Spotify. Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights for greater health and vitality!


It's been a few months and just wanted to chime in to let you know that I'm doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 21 weeks... and I tell ya, I've had practically ZERO symptoms... no nausea, no fatigue, no reflux, and I have tons of energy - I credit your plan for all this....your plan has launched me into this wonderful pregnancy. You're just a blessing to so many... I keep sharing your plan with friends and random people I meet... it seems so many have some level of imbalance which is at the root of all their medical issues! Just there other day I gave another random lady I met at Whole Foods your phone number... so expect another call. any day now... lol...

Also, my friend Natalie who saw you is doing great too.... her awful reflux has dissipated and she lost some weight. A couple more of my family members will also probably cave in and go see you as well... just heads up.

Anyhow, I'm rambling, but just wanted you to know that I'm so so so grateful that I found you because you are helping so many! Sending all the very best to you and your family!

I was a skeptic at first. I've dealt with stomach issues for my entire life and had learned how to "manage" them for the most part. However, as I entered into my 30's, my issues had slowly gotten worse and more frequent. The constant, undiagnosed pain was now controlling my day to day life and my wife/daughters were suffering because of it. After a litany of tests over this past year, I finally had my answer. It was Crohn's and Celiacs disease. After doing a lot research on Crohn's and what the "medication" could do to me long term, I made the decision to go as natural path as possible. That's when a friend of mine recommended checking out Dr. McCombs' Candida Plan. I read . . . I hesitated. After suffering all these years, it almost seemed too simple a method of relief from my constant pain. Doesn't the old adage say, "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"? I read some more . . . I jumped in. I'm now entering my 8th week of the plan and I can't fully express how much my life has changed. I haven't been in pain since I started (normally 2 to 3 days a week), my energy level is through the roof, and I'm more aware of what my body is telling me. Also, as a lot of people have mentioned, I've lost a considerable amount of weight. Simply put, I went from skeptic to believer. We're smart, we Google things, we all see the critics of plans like these . . . I saw them too. From personal experience, I can say with full confidence this is no gimmick. If you stick to the plan, ALL OF THE PLAN, you will see results. For me, it's been life changing.


I began this plan at the end of 2014. I have had a very difficult time with food my whole life and it wasn't until after I had my son that they got worse. Doctor's tested me for everything and they couldn't find anything. They just said, "you must just be sensitive to certain foods." I just could not tell what foods were making me sick. I would get extremely nauseous, only at night and it never made sense. Also, I had problems with my joints, I could barely move and it gave me stabbing pains in my knees, ankles, everywhere. I was hardly walk at times. I've always known I was lactose intolerant and I found out after I had my son in 2010, I was allergic/sensitive to gluten, only when nausea and joint pain began to occur.
I started this diet because I heard about it from a family member who had similar issues. I didn't talk to my doctor about it, I just went for it. I will admit, it was sooo difficult, but I began to feel better. There was lots of tears because I started right before Thanksgiving and Christmas! Every week was so difficult to plan for, but I started to feel better immediately. The stabbing pains in my stomach went away, I felt like I could move around better and I felt happier. I also lost weight, which is a plus! I have since become vegan and that has cleared up my eczema. I also am conscious about the sugar levels I eat because after this diet I found that sugar flares up my eczema and my acne. I am writing this because this diet truly and whole heartedly changed my life. I not only learned about the what each food impacted my body, but I learned how to cook, and became more aware of what is in foods. Thank you for this diet and lifestyle and when people ask me about how I lost weight, became healthier, etc I point them right to the candida diet ♡ Sam

I have suffered with a great many health problems for twenty years - mainly Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with its many symptoms but also depression, IBS, headaches, auto-immune problems, night-sweats, swelling of glands, reflux, very underweight, flatulence, bloating - the list goes on and on. After hearing a podcast of a radio show featuring Jeff McCombs that spoke to me on a very deep level in terms of my experience of living in my body I took the plunge to do the full program. I had high hopes but I was also aware I had had high hopes on many, many occasions for other treatments, diets, protocols etc so my cynicism remained ready and waiting. I started the program on April 10th 2014 - it is now September 24th 2014 and my overall health has not been as good in twenty years (since I was 22 actually). Not only did the program alleviate my candida problems, it got me to a state of well being sufficient that I was able to discover an underlying PTSD problem that had also been driving adrenal and fatigue problems in my body. I kept a regular contact with Jeff and he has even pointed me in a very helpful direction as regards to my PTSD issue. I cannot recommend him or his program enough. There were times when I felt truly awful on the program but Jeff\'s reassurance and explanations kept me on target. I am now reborn at 44 years old. Thank you Jeff! Marc

Last we communicated was in October of 2008. I don't expect you to remember me but I am the "YOUNG" -now 51 -year old in upstate New York who went on your plan for the main purpose of trying to cure/help/alleviate symptoms of an allergic dermatitis or eczema that I developed right after I turned 50. I had been on various strengths of many cortisone creams as well as zyrtec and benedryl almost everyday. Anyway, it was something that absolutely changed my life in so many negative ways and I struggled everyday with this affliction. Sadly to say - due to my utter frustration and suffering with this illness -I only lasted 3 months on your plan - but never ever cheated during those 3 months. While it did not help my skin problem - I did lose 25 lbs., my eye pressure went from pre-glaucoma levels (for several years) to a low normal, my digestive processes seemed to improve greatly (no acid reflux - or daily symptoms I usually suffered with IBS), I was finally able to get a complete nights sleep without having a two hour wakeful period each night and eventually even my hot flashes stopped. Val

Lori Butler Sauers 2
I want to add that I had terrible acid reflux for years before the plan. Took extra strength Zantac 2x daily. Did the Plan...no more acid reflux at all. I take no meds. It's been two yrs this month since I completed the plan and I still have no acid reflux or any stomach issues. Lori B.

Hello Dr. McCombs,
I would like to start by telling you how extremely satisfied I am with my results. I can not thank you enough and I genuinely think it has changed the way I now live my life!
Since beginning the plan:
I have not had a headache or stomach ache
The Seborrheic Dernititis on my scalp has significantly been reduced
My Body Temperature has gone down and I don't sweat as much
I have more Energy
My joints still hurt, but I can not expect everything to be solved. I realize its going to take a lifestyle change and not a diet for a few months. However, I will continue to eat healthy!

Hi Dr. McCombs,

Thanks for getting back to me. It’s helpful to remember how much healing is actually taking place. My panic attacks— which were happening in my sleep and waking me up 3-5x per week-- are gone. The constant motor of anxiety is gone. (I am able to rest now whereas I wasn’t easily before.) I’m going to sleep easily and sleeping 8 hours non-stop. My skin feels less dry and itchy. And my constipation, that I had for over 10 years is much better. (I am finally normalizing in that area, now that I’m taking the acidophilus.) I’m still tired, but I’m learning to sleep and rest more and not take so much on, and I notice subtle shifts in my eyes pain, which make me feel hopeful that that pain will heal in the next few months. MS


I found writing this new blog post to be challenging, as there's so much information to cover and trying to convey information in a succinct way is almost impossible.
The human body is very complex and embracing that complexity is a necessity if one is to truly understand health and the process toward healing.
In order to understand our complex selves, we need testing that assesses the complexity.
This is not the norm today in a world where the normal attention span continues to decrease and everyone wants a quick result.

Give it a read and let men know if you have any questions.


Are the supplements you're taking helping or harming you? 04/05/2023


Are the supplements you're taking helping or harming you? Are the supplements you're taking helping or harming you? We generally believe that supplements (vitamins, minerals, and herbs) can only provide benefits, but that all depends on several factors present in the body. When we consider these other factors, we see that there are times when they can help...


This interview is available as of today!

Can Stress Cause Candida? 01/28/2023

A new blog post -

Can Stress Cause Candida? Can stress cause candida? I would say no, as there are too many factors required to convert candida from its normal yeast form to its problematic fungal form. Can stress play a role in activating an asymptomatic fungal infection that already exists? Yes, absolutely! This can happen in several ways.....


This was an enjoyable interview that could have lasted much, much longer if time had permitted. The Autoimmune Summit starts on Monday, January 16 thru the 29th.

Roberta Tachi has brought together 25+ panelists for this complimentary series. They are sharing their expertise on self-care strategies, nutrition, gut health, fascia health, anxiety, reducing pain and inflammation, breathing techniques and supporting detox.

They will be sharing everything they know to help you find the healthier, happier path on your autoimmune journey and your overall well-being.

Get your free tickets here -


Blessings to everyone this Holiday Season. May you have greater health, wealth, and happiness than ever before!

Use "10%OFF" to receive 10% off of Candida Plan Sets - https://shop.candidaplan.com/candida-products/

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! 11/27/2022

4 new podcasts - https://www.buzzsprout.com/2031739

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights #21 - Candida and Biofilms

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights #22 - Candida Case Study

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights #23 - Candida and Weight Loss

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights #24 - Candida and Depression

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights! Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights for greater health and vitality!

GLUT1 is a missing link in healthcare for many people! 08/11/2022

A new post on Glucose Transporters (GLUTs) and their significance in health and candida.

GLUT1 is a missing link in healthcare for many people! GLUT1 Transporter If I told you that GLUT1 is a missing link in healthcare for many people, you probably wouldn't know what I was talking about. It's time to find out as this applies to many, many people. GLUT1 is the abbreviation for Glucose-Transporter 1. Its job

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights 07/28/2022

We. just added 3 more mini-podcasts on Spotify and Amazon Alexa Flash Briefings.

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights Listen to Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights on Spotify.

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights 07/06/2022

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights on Spotify -

Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights Listen to Candida Diet Tips, Recipes, and Insights on Spotify.

Depression and Candida 06/29/2022

Jeffrey McCombs

There is once again a lot of emphasis being placed on mental health, especially with the events of the past two years. Inflammation is a strong driver of depression and can often be the main cause. The inter-relationship between the physical-emotional-mental is so tightly regulated by various pathways in the body, that affecting one will affect the others.

Here is an article that I wrote over 10 years ago that still has relevance today -

Depression and Candida Depression and candida In 1990, the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study listed depression as the 4th leading cause of disease burden worldwide. In 2000, the GBD listed it as the #3 cause. In the latest GBD study from 2010, it is

US Court of Appeals overturns EPA’s decision that glyphosate is safe for humans and wildlife | NationofChange 06/24/2022


It's about time that this happened!

US Court of Appeals overturns EPA’s decision that glyphosate is safe for humans and wildlife | NationofChange EnvironmentHealthJustice US Court of Appeals overturns EPA’s decision that glyphosate is safe for humans and wildlife Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto-Bayer’s pesticide, is the most widely used pesticide in the world. By Ashley Curtin - June 24, 2022 26 SOURCENationofChange Share...

The case of RaDonda Vaught highlights a double standard for nurses and physicians 06/06/2022

An MD should never be a primary care physician, as they know very little or nothing about health and nutrition, which are required in order to restore someone to a state of health. Their knowledge base lies in using medications to reduce pain and other symptoms. This never addresses the underlying conditions and often advances them. An MD specializes in palliative care, which by definition is "relieving pain without dealing with the cause of the condition."

The case of RaDonda Vaught highlights a double standard for nurses and physicians Convicting a nurse for making a grave error versus acquitting a physician who intentionally causes harm goes against the very aim of creating a culture of patient safety.

Antibiotics wreak havoc on athletic performance: Knocking out gut bacteria deflates the will, ability to exercise 06/03/2022

In this study, the researchers found a 21% reduction in performance. We've had many athletes do the Plan and report remarkable results. As fungal candida increases inflammation throughout the body, this can affect many pathways and down regulate performance on many levels..
Here are a couple of testimonials -

“Dr. McCombs, thank you so much for your program and your dedication to the health of people who suffer a somewhat mysterious condition as Candida.

At the time my Candida was at it’s worst, i was cycling professionally and had several accidents that required fairly heavy doses of anti-biotics. I’ve experienced problems with digestion and Candida for 8+ years. Over the years my symptoms would multiply and become yet more difficult to manage. I’d developed sensitivities from a wide range of foods to the odour inside a heated car with vinyl seats. Stress from training and racing became way beyond manageable. I felt mentally and physically hopeless on the worst of days. I tried so many different programs and diets, and nothing really stuck. When i found out about Dr. McCombs, i knew i would follow his program when he responded to my e-mail right away. The science, articles and wealth of information resonated with what i was going through. I followed the plan for 5 months to a T. It changed my life, my energy was back, i felt ‘clean and healthy’, and my mind was much sharper. The program took a lot of dedication, and it was absolutely worth it. After finishing the plan i have so much more energy and enjoy a fast paced, highly activity life style. With stresses from an active lifestyle i currently find the first thing to flare up is my Candida, i am grateful your supplements are available to help manage stress when it comes. Also, many thanks to your staff for their quick and helpful services.”

"I have struggled with Candida for years resulting in major skin
issues and as an athlete a lack of ability to recover quickly. After
sticking to the McCombs diet, supplements and baths every night I
experienced long overdue relief, greater clarity of mind and much, much
faster recovery times from tough workouts."

Antibiotics wreak havoc on athletic performance: Knocking out gut bacteria deflates the will, ability to exercise New research demonstrates that by killing essential gut bacteria, antibiotics ravage athletes' motivation and endurance. The mouse study suggests the microbiome is a big factor separating athletes from 'couch potatoes'.

Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because of disruption to the gut's immune system 05/20/2022

Even though this is listed as a new study finding, it's really a repeat of other studies that have been done before. The one new finding is that an antibiotic like vancomycin will knock out the body's Th17 immune response, which is its anti-fungal defense. Another way they could put this is that use of vancomycin guarantees a fungal infection, and in hospitals, this could kill you.

Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because of disruption to the gut's immune system Patients prescribed antibiotics in hospital are more likely to get fungal infections because of disruption to the immune system in the gut, according to a new study.

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Dr. McCombs Candida Plan

We’ve been helping people correct the imbalances created by fungal candida and antibiotic use for the past 27+ years with the Candida Plan. Dr. McCombs has written 2 books on candida and one on autoimmune conditions. He consults with people worldwide and also utilizes genetic, hormonal, and blood testing; Trauma Release Exercises (TRE); Functional Movement Screen (FMS); chiropractic and osteopathic techniques; Perrin Technique; diet, nutrition, and homeopathy; and other modalities to bring about greater levels of health.


1891 Goodyear Avenue, Ste 615
Ventura, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm

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