Beautiful and Healthy Transformations
Nearby health & beauty businesses
Cahaba Heights Court, Birmingham
At Beautiful and Healthy Transformations, my private practice, I specialize in empowering you to make extraordinary changes in your health and appearance!
Lose weight, detoxify, target the roots of chronic health issues, and discover strategies for anti-aging and hormonal balance that produce results and rejuvenate the skin. I offer comprehensive, highly individualized nutritional therapy for all ages. I have over 23 years experience in designing customized dietary, nutritional supplement, hormonal balance, skin care, anti-aging and healthy lifestyl
THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS. Learn How To Be Successful & Finally Reach Your Weight Loss Goals. PHONE US TODAY (205.915.0474) TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE 20-MIN. DISCOVERY CALL & register for this amazing, completely customized, 12-week program. Benefit from my 25 years of expertise in the biochemistry of weight loss, hormonal balance & unparalleled care of patients with complex health issues such as diabetes, neuropathy, PCOS, joint pain, chronic kidney disease, digestive disorders, liver disease, migraines, heart disease, cancer, peri-menopausal concerns, autism & more….
Target The COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES with Functional Medicine Nutrition. Customized nutritional therapy offering science-backed solutions to obstacles encountered by diabetes patients in regaining their health & energy & seeing a real difference in their next labwork. CALL TODAY FOR MORE INFO.: Karen Bishop, RDN, LD, 205.915.0474.
A little known fact is that MANY patients who suffer from FIBROMYALGIA also suffer from oxalate sensitivity/oxalate metabolism challenges and foods high in oxalate can cause a marked increase in their pain, as nerves that are stressed are further irritated. Many foods we consider healthy are high in oxalate, such as almonds and spinach. There are many more. The good news is that with a few well-chosen nutritionals to control the flow of sodium and potassium in and out of cells (Vitamin B1) and highly effective antioxidants in proper dosages, together with repleting magnesium in the proper form, correcting calcium intake and metabolism, oxalate-triggered pain almost always decreases profoundly. I always make specific recommendations to each patient based on his or her medical history, current issues, and lab values. Patients with various chronic disease states, such as kidney or liver disease, or those living with cancer, need special care in nutritional intervention in order to avoid high levels of certain nutrients and subclinical deficiencies of others. I invite you to phone our office if you or someone you love suffers from FIBROMYALGIA. WE CAN HELP! Karen Bishop, RDN, LD 205.915.0474. [email protected]
WANT TO HELP YOUR ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBERS THRIVE? SCHEDULE A NUTRITION "CHECK-UP"...especially If They Have DIABETES, HEART DISEASE or KIDNEY DISEASE: Prescription meds can only do so much to impact disease, rarely targeting the root causes...or addressing the biochemical nature of how a chronic condition developed & is progressing. Also, many meds cause depletion of nutrients the body critically needs, such as the way statins affect the body's coenzyme Q10. PROPER supplementation + customized dietary recommendations can be a game changer for health. PHONE OR TEXT MY PRIVATE PRACTICE TO LEARN MORE...205.915.0474...and visit us at
RECLAIM YOUR VITALITY!!! Our world is becoming more TOXIC, more STRESSful & people are WORKING HARDER while RELAXING & EXERCISING LESS…&…the hands of time continue to tick as WE AGE. The result? IMBALANCED HORMONES, loss of muscle mass & difficulty losing body fat, loss of the libido of our earlier years… or just not feeling our best…mentally & physically. CALL US TODAY (205.915.0474) For More Information & Get Empowered To Turn The Tides! (All programs are also available by phone & every program is tailored to each patient’s specific needs. No “cookie cutter” approaches!)
Do You Know An Elderly Person Who Is “Slipping” - their physcal health and their cognitive health/memory? More medications? Declining kidney function? That person might even be you.Most elderly suffer from vitamin & mineral inadequacies, fatty acid deficiencies, and mounting cellular damage from chronic illnesses like diabetes and even side effects of various medications. In short, cascades of chemical processes in the body have been progressing improperly for years and the toxic metabolites have collected. Think of it as opening your jewelry box and finding all your necklaces tangled. Think how wonderful it would be if you could begin to untangle many of those treasures and enjoy a better quality of life and a healthier you. For over 25 years I have been helping patients, including the elderly with complex health issues on multiple medications get proactive with their health with functional medicine nutrition via personalized nutritional recommendations and weekly follow-up to keep you on track. PHONE US TODAY at 205.915.0474 to schedule your FREE 20-minute DISCOVERY CALL to learn more about becoming a patient. (KAREN BISHOP, RDN, LD. Main Office: 4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Suite 122, Vestavia Hills, AL 35243. All programs also available by phone.I invite you to visit us at
So proud of the patients who graduated from their 12 Week Weight Loss and Health Transformation Program this week! I am sooo proud of all of you!!! It has been my honor to walk beside you and guide you...step by step!
How To Get Past BARRIERS TO WEIGHT LOSS: 1) EXPERT GUIDANCE. 2) a CUSTOMIZED PROGRAM designed for YOUR specific metabolic / health issues that moves you into FAT-BURNING MODE, 3) support for your THYROID & ADRENAL health, 4) expert action for HORMONAL balance, 5) targeted EXERCISE GUIDANCE, 6) intervention for developing strategies to overcome EMOTIONAL EATING, 7) a plan to identify & naturally DETOXIFY from chemicals that are working against you, 8) CUSTOMIZED MEAL PLANS & MENUS (Quick & Easy Meals), SIMPLE RECIPES as well as "NO-COOKING-NEEDED Options, an ACTION PLAN For Eating-On-The-Run & travel, 9) Careful attention to adjusting your plan, including the REVIEW OF LAB RESULTS, 10) Recommendations for Nutritional Supplements to help bring your body back into a state of balance more quickly, 11) Intensive FOLLOW-UP, 12) Learn HOW TO MOVE OFF THOSE DREADED PLATEAUS that many dieters experience! With your personalized,12 week program I teach you how to address all of these & how to move forward with confidence. Note: I am condifent caring for patients with serious health issues who are on multiple medications (such as diabetes, kidney disease, COPD, congestive heart failure, etc.). CREATE A NEW YOU! PHONE US TODAY at 205.915.0474 to schedule your FREE 20-minute DISCOVERY CALL to learn more about becoming a patient. (KAREN BISHOP, RDN, LD. Main Office: 4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Suite 122, Vestavia Hills, AL 35243. All programs also available by phone.)
Your Hormonal Balance & Metabolic Barriers can make or break your WEIGHT LOSS program! I offer 25 YEARS OF SUCCESS in helping women lose weight, LOOK & FEEL YOUNGER while targeting chronic health issues (such as DIABETES, FOOD ALLERGY, DIGESTIVE DISEASE, FIBROMYALGIA, KIDNEY DISEASE, ARTHRITIS & AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONS) at their root causes with FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE NUTRITION. PHONE US TODAY at 205.915.0474 to schedule your FREE 20-minute DISCOVERY CALL to determine if you would like to become a patient. (KAREN BISHOP, RDN, LD. Main Office: 4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Suite 122, Vestavia Hills, AL 35243. All programs also available by phone.) Visit and
MOST PEOPLE WHO HAVE KIDNEY DISEASE DIDN'T FIND OUT ABOUT IT EARLY IN THEIR ILLNESS. It's sad but much of the time that info. was right there in their lab results but they simply were not made aware that their kidneys were declining in function. The kidneys naturally become weaker with age but most people suffer a more significant decline due to medication side effects, diabetes or high blood pressure. Other types of kidney disease are genetic in origin or even autoimmune. The blood supply to the kidneys may also be compromised, causing diminished function. Assessing kidney function involves more than just looking at your eGFR but here is some food for thought: Do you know your eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate) from your labwork? This is an estimate of your kidney function. If it is below the average level for your age group go on a quest to discover why it is lower than it should be...then do all that you can to improve it before your condition becomes more advanced. Being poorly hydrated will make your eGFR lower also so keep drinking water to help kidneys function better. Only patiets in the latest stage of kidney disease are generally given a fluid restriction. (The kidneys maximize their urine production at 96 to 112.5 ounces of water per day.) Of course there is a lot of individual variation but here are the age group averages for eGFRs published by The National Kidney Foundation. Age 20 to 30: 116...Age 30 to 40: 107...Age 40 to 50: 99...Age 50 to 60: 93...Age 60 to 70: 85...Age 70+: 75. When your eGFR drops to below 60 you can always get an appointment with a kidney specialist (a nephrologist) and in other circumstances, even if your eGFR is over 60, such as protein in your urine. It is always a good idea to talk with your doctor about the potential for kidney damage for any medications you are taking; often there are alternatives that are less nephrotoxic. If you would like information about how functional medicine nutrition can target kidney disease to slow its progress (even improve your numbers) and can help you reduce the risks of developing kidney disease in the first place, I invite you to phone my private practice at 205.915.0474 and visit our website at (This information is provided for education purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your doctor for advice.)
Shepherd's Pie Potatoes goes meatless for all of us "veggies" when all the "goody" is placed in baked, scooped out potatoes. Eliminate the dairy by using vegan shredded "cheese." The filling includes a combo of carrots, green beans, English peas, tomato paste & spices. Reduce the carbs by combining a bit of potato with riced cauliflower. Let your conscience be your guide! LOL. Watching your oxalate? Not eating the potato skin reduces your oxalate by about half! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
My patients don't suffer at holidays when they have to follow a restricted diet in order to transform their health! Irish Soda Bread can go gluten-free!
WHO DO YOU KNOW WITH KIDNEY DISEASE? MOST PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE OF THIS: There have been functional medicine nutrition advances in helping these patients improve their lab values profoundly, feel better & slow the progress of their renal disease. Whereas diabetes, high blood pressure & use of NSAIDs & certain other Rx meds are 3 of the main contributing factors to renal disease, other factors affect risk (such as nitric oxide production, long-term hydration with pure water, appropriate potassium & magnesium intake plus proper perfusion of the kidneys with blood). Some kidney disease is genetic. Call us for more information: KAREN BISHOP, RDN, LD (205) 915-0474 Telephone consultations are also available. I have been helping patients with renal disease improve their health for over 25 years. Visit us at
NOVEMBER IS DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH. In most cases there are slow changes in labs for many months or years before a patient receives a diagnosis of diabetes. Get copies of your labs & keep them from year to year. If your blood glucose levels are creeping up this means you need to take action. With all the lower carbohydrate substitution products out there, diabetes no longer means unappetizing foods or tiny serving are nutritional supplements to target root cause biochemical issues -- but to always work in tandem with your doctor's care. Call us for more info. (205.915.0474) if you or a loved one is concerned about diabetes (205.915.0474). and
Cardinals appear when angels are near.
WATCH MY POSTS...&... JOIN ME FOR...12 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER YOU BY CHRISTMAS! (Dec. 8 through Dec. 19) On This FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS open your mind to how important it is to stay well hydrated. It takes about 12 to 13 eight ounce glasses of water per day to maximize urine production (for most people). In high temperature environments or in cases of profuse perspiring the need is often greater. When you are not well-hydrated your blood volume decreases, your skin, hair and brain decrease in volume/moisture; toxins cannot effectively leave and nutrients cannot properly move into your cells and tissues. Intentional fat loss occurs less efficiently when you are volume-contracted or dehydrated. Not drinking enough water places you at greater risk for kidney stones, urinary tract infections and bladder irritation. Acids collect in tissues...muscles cannot recover properly...the scene for inflammation is set; heart function is affected; blood pressure can drop low. Fluids accumulate outside of the bloodstream when water intake is inadequate as a phenomenon called third spacing occurs. Also...SO MANY people suffer from poor energy. They try supplements, change their diet...start to exercise... but they may miss the #1 most important factor to first consider: DRINK ENOUGH PURE WATER. It is a challenge for many people to stay well-hydrated. These days people are often on-the-go and may not take the time to drink enough pure water. In addition, illness (such as chronic diarrhea from a "stomach bug," too much alcohol consumption, or other serious gastrointestinal issues) can result in dehydration and electrolyte disturbances that can become dangerous or deadly (affecting heart and kidney function). Being underhydrated is often a contributing factor to leg cramps. HERE ARE SOME TIPS FOR GETTING ENOUGH WATER: First of all...You need a planned system that works for YOU. I have a container that holds a gallon and I have it marked on the outside with a small piece of clear tape at a level to give me 106 ounces. That is perfect for me. If you spend a great deal of your time at home, try a pretty water pitcher on your bathroom counter, covered and filled with distilled- or low mineral content spring water (like Volvic or Fuji). Adding a few slices of fruit and/or mint leaves can give a great flavor to the water and it adds very few carbs. Fruited water is best kept in the refrigerator unless it is quickly consumed. Note, however, that drinking water room temperature is better for your digestion. TIPS FOR HOSTING FRIENDS OR FAMILY THIS HOLIDAY SEASON: I always provide a delicious flavored water for my guests at a gathering. My favorite at the holidays is a bit of sliced orange, apple, mint leaves and a few cranberries. WHAT TYPE WATER IS BEST TO DRINK? Don't be afraid to drink distilled water. Tap water has many contaminants (everything from chemicals to viruses, bacteria, medications, etc. and added fluoride, which competes with iodine in the diet -- needed for thyroid health). You should be getting all those needed minerals from a diet rich in vegetables or from a customized botanical regimen of natural botanicals to target issues in your body that may contribute to health conditions. BPA and other toxins in certain plastics are a big concern for many of us. Look for BPA-free jugs, glass jugs or spring for a home water distiller. Whole Foods has distilled water available. You can bring your own glass jugs or purchase glass jugs (or BPA-free plastic jugs) and fill up! There are, of course, some individuals who must limit their water/fluid intake due to a serious medical condition, such as advanced kidney disease, as well as a few other serious medical conditions. These individuals should follow the advice of their doctor and/or registered dietitian whom he or she consults as a patient. (This post is intended for educational purposes and does not constitute a recommendation for the health of readers, their friends, family of colleagues. Always seek the approval of your doctor before you make dietary or lifestyle changes. If you would like specific guidance for your health I invite you to contact our office at 205.915.0474 and we will provide information you need to decide if you are ready to become a patient and transform your health with functional medicine nutrition. You can also visit our website at
DO YOU HAVE IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH and POST-COVID CONCERNS? Learn how to KEEP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONGER. Have you gained unwanted weight during the pandemic? NOW IS THE TIME TO LOSE IT! Are you DIABETIC? Now is the time to use food as a tool to help reduce high blood glucose levels. CALL MY PRIVATE PRACTICE TODAY for more information (205.915.0474). Target chronic health issues (poor immune function, diabetes, digestive disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances, kidney disease & more) with FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE NUTRITION. OVER 23 YEARS OF SUCCESS in helping patients recreate their health. KAREN BISHOP, RDN, LD Main Office: 4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Suite 122, Vestavia, AL 35243. All programs are available by phone. Visit us at and
Discover How Much YOU Can Improve From COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES……FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE NUTRITION addresses metabolic barriers to WEIGHT LOSS, systemic inflammation, cell membrane health, immune system balance, mineral balance, antioxidant function & much more. “Many patients with diabetes suffer from its complications, such as NEUROPATHY, erectile dysfunction (ED), cellulitis, gastroparesis, KIDNEY DAMAGE, retinal damage, congestive heart failure/cardiovascular disease & increased risk of stroke & dementia. You CAN take a proactive approach to decrease your risks of developing these complications & reduce the severity of existing complications. Patients are often surprised to learn that diabetes is not just a disease of elevated blood glucose levels. There are numerous other metabolic abnormalities which occur in diabetes & many of these are involved in the development of complications, especially when allowed to continue long-term without being properly addressed. Call my private practice today at 205.915.0474 to learn more about how you can benefit from comprehensive nutritional therapy based in functional medicine nutrition.I have over 23 years experience helping patients with diabetes live their best life with meal plans, nutrition counseling, exercise prescription, and carefully selected, effectively targeted nutritional supplements.” KAREN BISHOP. RDN, LD. Main Office: 4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Suite 122, Vestavia, AL 35243. ALL PROGRAMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BY PHONE. Visit us at
Learn How FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE NUTRITION Can IMPROVE & SLOW THE DECLINE Of CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. Medications (especially NSDAIDS), elevated blood sugar (diabetes), high blood pressure, autoimmune conditions, compromised blood circulation to the kidneys & some industrial toxins are often contributing factors. I have been working with renal disease & other chronic health issues for over 23 years to help patients improve their kidney function...always keeping their nephrologist & primary care doctor updated on their progress.” CALL TODAY FOR MORE INFO. at 205.915.0474 & take control of your kidney disease.” KAREN BISHOP, RDN, LD. Main Office: 4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Suite 122, Vestavia, AL 35243. ALL PROGRAMS ARE AVAILABLE BY PHONE. Visit us at
Our Amazing CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM is back again this year for BLACK FRIDAY ONLY! Get HEALTHIER & THINNER THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE BY CHRISTMAS! Sale price good through midnight tonight! Contact my private practice at 205.915.0474 for details. Available by phone for busy schedules! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Helping patients lose what they gained during COVID19 with customized weight loss programs that target their particular barriers to reaching their goals...Hormonal Imbalances, Emotional Eating, Eating-On-The-Go & More. Call me, Karen Bishop, RDN, LD for more information at 205.915.0474 & for your FREE 20-Minute Chat to help you decide if your would like to become a patient... Visit us at
Many dieters fail to realize that one very common reason for fatigue when dieting to lose weight is low intake of potassium. Most women and men with normal kidney function (and not taking potassium-sparing medications) need about 2,600 mg and 3,400 mg potassium, respectively, on a daily basis, to feel their best. In addition, not meeting your potassium needs can contribute to high blood pressure, the development of osteoporosis and the loss of carbohydrate tolerance (because it is necessary for the production of insulin). Because some of America's favorite high potassium sources are also high-carbohydrate foods like orange juice, potatoes and high-fructose fruits, many dieters find their potassium intake low after streamlining their diet IF they do not include ample servings of non-starchy vegetables. If you don't know how to truly enjoy fast & easy vegetable options as part of customized meal plans designed to target the complex metabolic issues that may be involved root causes of your specific health issues just give us a call (205.915.0474). Most people who say that they don't like vegetables have never been taught to properly prepare them. My strategies for fast & delicious vegetables will wow you! And...for those who need to LIMIT their potassium intake for medical reasons (as in chronic kidney disease) there are many great strategies. Visit us at
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Our Story
At Beautiful and Healthy Transformations, my private practice, I specialize in empowering you to make extraordinary changes in your health and appearance! I offer comprehensive, highly individualized nutritional therapy for all ages. I have over 25 years experience in designing customized dietary, nutritional supplement, skin care and healthy lifestyle regimens to produce the most remarkable results in the shortest period of time! I am expert at helping people lose weight, reverse chronic disease with nutritional therapy and turn back the hands of time!
As a Holistic Nutritionist/Registered Dietitian and Fitness Specialist with a background in the beauty industry, I offer evidence-based nutritional therapy, caring support, and makeover consulting to guide you on the shortest path for reaching your health and beauty goals.
Those suffering from weight loss challenges, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension/heart disease, food allergy, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, adrenal exhaustion, suboptimal thyroid function, fibromyalgia, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, emphysema and chronic yeast overgrowth comprise a large number of those who consult me. I specialize in using diet, botanical medicine, nutritional supplements (in moderation) and exercise prescription to bring the body back into a state of balance. I have an extensive background in creating specialized diets for multiple food allergies/sensitivities, including gluten-free/Paleo diets, kidney stone prevention, vegetarian/vegan, transition to vegetarianism and improving outcomes and/or quality of life in those dealing with cancer. Every person with whom I work receives quick and easy customized meal plans that fit into their lifestyle.
I provide successful programs for normalizing the inflammatory response, detoxifying the body and rejuvenating both the facial and body skin, especially after weight loss. My clients are educated on how to care for their skin from the inside out and have the option of makeover guidance. Both single visits and 90-day programs (12 visits) are available for weight loss/health transformations. Every weight loss patients also receives education and recommendations on every other health issue which affects their life or that is likely to in the future. Phone consultations are also available.
I have lectured extensively throughout the community, including the Alabama Chiropractic Association, The University of Alabama at Montevallo, Tuscaloosa, Birmingham and Samford University. I am always delighted to come to your church and do a free seminar on preventing and addressing high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes. Just give me a call!
Contact the business
4268 Cahaba Heights Court, Ste 122
Vestavia Hills, AL
Opening Hours
Monday | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday | 9am - 5pm |
Friday | 9am - 5pm |
Vestavia Hills, 35243
Nutrition counseling and healthy lifestyle changes for weight loss, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol! Special program for Semaglutide, Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy patients...
11971 Liberty Parkway
Vestavia Hills, 35242
Learn to eat clean and heal your body with Coach Jenn
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Vestavia Hills, 35243
It is the hope of NutriFocus that by addressing the emotional and physical relationship to food with nutritional education and counseling, the individual is equipped to live a life...