Budo Voorhees Martial Arts, Voorhees, NJ Videos

Videos by Budo Voorhees Martial Arts in Voorhees. We are Dedicated to Building Strong Bodies, Stronger Minds, and the Strongest Spirit!

Meet Ben…When Ben started Budo in January, he was anxious to participate, would often freeze 🥶 up, and had trouble putting himself out there to have fun with us.This is Ben today!As you can see, Ben now has no trouble attacking obstacles and challenges 💪, speaks up to the coaches and his teammates, and has become one of our go-to leaders in the Saturday morning Lil Ninja class 🔥He also has no problems being silly 🤪 and having fun with us in class!Students like Ben show us that anything is possible with some patience and hard work 🙌

Other Budo Voorhees Martial Arts videos

Meet Ben…When Ben started Budo in January, he was anxious to participate, would often freeze 🥶 up, and had trouble putting himself out there to have fun with us.This is Ben today!As you can see, Ben now has no trouble attacking obstacles and challenges 💪, speaks up to the coaches and his teammates, and has become one of our go-to leaders in the Saturday morning Lil Ninja class 🔥He also has no problems being silly 🤪 and having fun with us in class!Students like Ben show us that anything is possible with some patience and hard work 🙌

How important is being coachable? The ability to be coachable is one of the primary drivers of success…You never hear about people succeeding alone. There’s always a coach, mentor, etc. in the background helping to lead the way! Zeyd is one of the most coachable students we have at Budo 💪 A big focus 👀 of this drill was to move SMOOTHLY versus going fast. Over time, smooth becomes fast. Zeyd and Mukund did a great job working together, managing the drill and being smooth, which was when I knew Zeyd was ready for some more coaching cues. The biggest being keeping his hands up on his face while he navigates through the combo 🥊 As you can see and hear in the video, I give Zeyd the cue to keep his hands up, then as he’s trying to focus on that he loses the coordination of the combo. He laughs it off, and crushes it 🔥 the next rep!He didn’t get frustrated, just trusted the process, put his head down, and got back to work. Huge green flags of coachability here!

You should’ve seen her face! 😱 Koral has been trying to land this “Kip Up” for a long time! She got it once when she was little after practicing a ton, but lost the movement over the years 😞 Well this week, she built the trust and faith in herself to go for it and land her first Kip Up in years 🔥 Great job Koral!

Watching KIDS Develop a Strong Body & Mind is ADDICTING ❤️🔥 💪🏽 #kidsactivities #strongkids #voorheesnj

Check out how this one drill helps kids develop confidence 📈 to conquer any challenge 👉 In this video, Sensei Carlo explains the importance of the “chamber” before throwing a kick. At first glance, you’d think throwing a kick is simple. Balance on one leg and fire the other one towards the target 🎯 There’s way more to it, though… Properly chambering a kick is difficult. It takes balance, core strength, and coordination to effectively chamber and throw a good kick. We appreciate parents getting engaged with our after-class debriefs so that they can help their kids continue to learn and grow stronger outside of the school 💪 It takes a village!

Kicks 🦵vs Defense & Takedowns Check out how this drill helps elevate your child’s game ⬇️ Isolation drills like this are designed to limit the tools you’re allowed to use. This does 2 things 1️⃣ Allows you to focus on just the tools at hand and not get overwhelmed with the amount of weapons you could be using 2️⃣ Forces you to adapt and use some tools and concepts you’re not as strong with in order to adapt and improveThen, you take what you learned and apply it when you have all of your tools at your disposal again. Try ➡️ Make Mistakes ➡️ Learn ➡️ Repeat. Like if you agree!

Teamwork and problem-solving…it’s what’s for dinner in Lil Ninja class 🔥 Cross Lake Yamanaka (the game being demonstrated) is designed to put kids in an environment where they have to communicate 🗣️ with one another to figure out the best way to get across the “lake” without falling in 💧In order to do that, they have to 1️⃣ Communicate clearly 2️⃣ Lead by example and 3️⃣ Think critically. And these kids are only 4 & 5 years old 🤯 At Budo, we believe in learning through play: through experiencing and exploring different scenarios, satisfying our curiosities 🧐 and desire to figure things out. “Like” if you agree! It’s our job as coaches to create that environment that’s gets them curious and engaged. It’s one of the best parts of what we get to do! If you love watching your kids be curious and learn, comment below ⬇️ with a gif.

Are your kids prepared for violence?!?In today’s world 🌎, bullying takes many forms…Physical bullying, verbal abuse, cyber bullying, etc. At Budo, we stand against 💪 bullies and teach kids to speak up for themselves (use your words) and do whatever they need to in order to get home 🏠 safe. Sometimes, that means fighting. And fighting, means violence. Violence is scary. No one wants to get in a fight, and we hope our students are able to defuse and deescalate situations before they become violent. However, we know that reality isn’t always what we want it to be. Sometimes, violence is necessary.In this video, Sensei Carlo is explaining the SPEAR Form, a drill intended to develop the proficient use of our student’s tools for personal defense. Real life violent encounters can happen anywhere, at any time, so we practice our tools in a variety of different positions, visualizing the bad guy and how they move and react, to be best prepared for that “ambush” scenario. Comment #standagainstbullies if you’re with us!

Getting punched is scary 😱 Even if you’ve done it a thousand times, it’s never fun 😅 So why do we do it? Well, to start, learning to live with discomfort is essential in living a happy 😃, successful life. You won’t achieve your goals without going through a little discomfort, first. Next, by learning to manage the emotions 😭 and stress that come with getting hit (sparring), you’re able to learn more about yourself and how you can manage those emotions in other environments (work, school, etc.) Lastly (for now 😉), once you’ve overcome the fear and anxiety of getting hit you have to start to problem-solve. That’s where this drill comes in.In the drill, we’re isolating the Jab 🥊 at about 50% speed. This gives students time to see the pre-contact cues and react accordingly to the punch. By limiting their focus to one punch, it minimizes the fear and allows them to figure out how they can address the one problem at hand. This teaches quick-thinking and problem-solving 🤔 skills that not only apply to sparring/combat, but also every day life. Through drills like these we teach students to take ACTION 💥 on their problems versus waiting for someone to solve them for them.(Hint - no one will solve them for you) Comment #problemsolver below if you want your kids to be a critical thinking 🧐

Little footwork sequence working on shifting weight properly to set up the next strike 💥 or movement! Being aware of foot placement and where our weight is while moving is crucial to being a good athlete! Whether you’re running, jumping, changing directions, or doing any other athletic maneuver, knowing how to place your feet and control your weight is key 🔑

Footwork is the core of any combat sport. If you’re not using footwork effectively, you’re severely handicapping yourself when it comes to offense and defense. This drill builds coordination and the ability to move in strategic ♟️ ways. Not only are the students getting reps of moving their feet, they’re also practicing shifting their weight effectively and balancing by figuring out how hard or softly they need to push to retract their foot.

Some fancy footwork 🕺 and utilizing the Jab 🥊 to set up kicks! The Jab is a super useful weapon in any striking sport. Not only is it a great weapon by itself, it’s also amazing for setting up other weapons. Why, you might ask? It comes back to physiology and psychology. By conditioning your partner for the Jab, you’re narrowing their focus on that one weapon. When their focusing on one thing, their perception speed of others is slowed. This utilizes a concept we talk about a lot where “the bad guy flinches, too!” So, by understanding that concept, our students are becoming more well-rounded martial artists 🥋 and athletes, but also safer and more able to protect themselves and their loved ones ❤️ What it’s all about!

Utilizing punches to set up takedowns, then reversing and using the takedowns to set up punches 🥊 By throwing punches first, we’re taking advantage of the body’s natural defense mechanism to address the immediate threat. Then, we go underneath the arms into a takedown. In the reverse, we’ve set the threat of takedowns, so when the partner hyper-focuses on defending the takedown, we capitalize by stepping back and firing hands. Finally, by going back and forth between punches and takedowns, we keep our partners off guard and keep the match where we want it 💪

A tough, grinding round from these two 🔥 Sometimes the flash and flare 💥 isn’t always there. These rounds show students what it’s like to be patient and understand that not every round is going to be their best round. Sometimes it’s just tough and they need to focus in on the basics taking things one step at a time 📈 Over time they find a breakthrough 🙌 and are able to level up to overcome that roadblock!

What do Martial Arts 🥋 and Chess ♟ have in common? Everyone knows the common saying that in chess you have to think 2, 3, 4 steps ahead in order to win. That strategy and ability to think 🧠 ahead is critical to success in the game! Martial Arts is very similar. Being able to plan your moves ahead of time is so important to getting the edge over your partner. By utilizing one move to set up the next, your partner is always on the defensive and has minimal opportunities to be offensive and strike back. Just one of the reasons parents choose the Martial Arts journey for their kids 🙏

Building athleticism 🏃‍♂️ from a young age! This Mount escape drill teaches kids how to be explosive 💥 with their hips and lower body in general, plus how to engage their muscles to move effectively on the ground 💪 Great work ladies!

Don’t get complacent ❌ In this drill, students are working to move as soon as they finish their combo as to not give their partner time to counter 🥊 This helps them get reps of acting preemptively, but also helps to reinforce their punch mechanics and their distribution of weight! Layers on layers to help them grow 📈 into well-rounded athletes and martial artists 🥋

A fun, technical ⚔️ battle between these two warriors! Live grappling is a great way for students to understand how the techniques they learn are applied to a non-compliant partner! It also helps them learn what techniques and movements work best for them so they can improve their arsenal and overall game 💪

4-step progression drill for this 9-12yr old Intermediate 🥋 class: 1️⃣ Result of Inaction (what happens if I do nothing?) 2️⃣ Cover (don’t get hit) 3️⃣ Parry (starting to pick ip the timing) 4️⃣ Slip (move tactically to avoid the threat) Those punching get to work their mechanics and target 🎯 acquisition, while those on defense are working through the above steps to stress inoculate and increase their capacity of picking up on pre-contact cues 👊

Some highlights from Naim’s big 7th birthday 🎂 this weekend! Happy birtbday dude and thanks for celebrating with us at Budo!