
DONA-trained doula based in Grand Rapids. I use a spiritual approach to pregnancy, birth, and beyond!


National Rainbow Baby Day is bittersweet. We celebrate the rainbow babies, as we remember the babies who came before them. And, we also recognize the heartbreaking reality that not all rainbow babies live and not all loss parents go on to have a rainbow baby, for many different reasons.

We want you to know that we see you too, parents. We see the love you have for all of your children. We see your parenthood. Sendi

Read one mom's story, "[Living] Rainbow Babies: A Reality Not Every Loss Mama Lives" ➡️





All upcoming .circle will get immediate access to tons of workshops on mental health for nutrition. Including one of our members favorites with psychiatrist . What we eat has a massive impact on how we regulate our emotions and how quickly we can bounce back from stress. Comment “WAITLIST” then check your DM to get access to this and every workshop we’ve hosted. Enrollment opens Sept 1st— and spaces do sell out


Happy World Breastfeeding Week 2024. Let’s close the gap in inequalities by ensuring breastfeeding support for all.

🧡💙💚 🤱🤱🏻🤱🏼🤱🏽🤱🏾🤱🏿 WBW2024


Who else will I see there?!


Soft Opening Monday 7/29
Grand Opening Celebration Sunday 8/4

Link in bio

NEW childcare registration link in bio!

Photos from Latched Mama's post 07/25/2024
Photos from Mind Body Baby's post 05/09/2024

Huge for our community!


The womb has 13 menstruations a year.
The womb ovulates on the 13th day.
So life is created within the 13 portal.
For thousands of years in many cultures, priestesses of the sacred rose have sat in circles of 12, with the 13th being the teacher guide.
The womb is the sacred rose
Every woman holds the sacred rose.

In 1487 Henrich Kramer labelled this divine feminine energy as witchcraft, heresy & evil. 13, power number of creation of life itself, the number of the womb, became a sign of the devil and an unlucky number. Hatred for feminine power took to extreme lengths as so very many women were murdered, tortured and burnt at the stake.

Now we reverse this.
We reclaim our sacred power.
We are not men, we are women, we are wombs, we bleed in cycles and we honour and celebrate this.
We do not plug up and numb out with ‘why rest when you can carry on’ slogans.
We do rest.
We do listen.
We do honour what womb wants.
We awaken.
We reclaim the 13.
We reclaim our sacred womb spaces (whether we have had our womb removed or not, all women have womb spaces)
We remember the beauty and power of our sacred rose
We listen within as she rises

She will tell us what she wants
Let her guide you
How will you bring back her power within you?
Together, we are now re-entering the time of the sacred rose.

Author: Ishtara Rose

Artwork: Arla Patch .patch


"In the midst of taking newborn pictures in the hospital, Justin candidly captured me in all my “new” mom glory.

Mesh un**es, big ole pad, engorged breasts, sexy nursing bra, chomping on ice. The reality of motherhood.

During pregnancy, people are always asking you if you need anything. You see your doctor every month, then every two weeks, and then weekly until you deliver.

After birth, it’s easy to feel like an after thought.

You’re here, just having created, grown, and birthed an entire human — and all of the sudden you’re put in the background. All the attention is now placed on your tiny human. Which, don’t get me wrong, makes you feel completely grateful! But you’re still here. Bleeding. Swollen. Cramping & contracting (yes you still do this after labor). Emotional about your first postpartum BM and nobody cares.

You see your doctor for one 6 week postpartum check-up and then you don’t check-in again for an entire year.

This is motherhood.

There will be many moments that you don’t feel confident. There will be many times when you really need help, that won’t be offered. But you’re going to get through it because mothers are strong. 🧡"



If you’re feeling this and need help on where to turn next, reach out to me 💕

Today is National Depression Screening Day. Do you know the most common signs to look for with Postpartum Depression (PPD)?

-Depressed mood
-Diminished interest in activities
-Increase or decrease in appetite
-Agitation or anger
-Fatigue or loss of energy
-Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
-Suicidal thoughts

If you feel like any of these apply to you, reach out for support today!

PSI Helpline: 1-800-944-4773


Need Help? ⤵️⤵️⤵️

🔵 In an emergency or crisis situation, call or text 988.
🔵 In a non-emergency situation, call or text the HelpLine at 800-944-4773. You never need a diagnosis to ask for help.
🔵 Call or text the 24/7 National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) to receive immediate 24/7 support from trained and licensed mental health providers.

✨These resources are for all parents in need of support. You do not need a diagnosis and you can call on behalf of a loved one. Sometimes getting someone help requires finding support for yourself and reaching out for them. ✨

You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help, you will be well. 💙

Help PSI support more parents seeking perinatal mental health resources and support. Donate today ➡️

Photos from Jordoula's post 10/09/2023



Happy Pride! 🌈 PSI is proud to offer an online Q***r & Trans Parents Support Group! The Q***r & Trans Parent Support Group is FREE and open to all members of the q***r community who are expecting, adopting, and/or parenting babies up to 2 years. This group is intended for gestational, non-gestational and adoptive parents.

View the schedule and register at or at the link in our bio! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Photos from The Postpartum Stress Center's post 03/09/2023


We are so excited to announce our NEW Postpartum Planning Class, meeting on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month! 🎉

Is your family growing, and you're interested in learning how to prepare for the postpartum period? Join us for a 2-hour Postpartum Planning class for 2nd & 3rd trimester expecting parents. We welcome moms, birthing people, non-gestational parents, partners, couples, and single parents. Unlike most birth and postpartum classes, the intended focus is on the parents' emotional well-being during the postpartum period. The class will include education, discussion, a review of a postpartum plan, and resources. The main topics covered will be postpartum physical recovery, partner support, self-care, support networks, lactation and emotional well-being, and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

This class is a one-time free resource, so please only register once. We anticipate many families signing up to join the class, so we appreciate you canceling your registration at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot attend. This allows waitlist attendees a seat in the class. We thank you and hope you leave the class feeling more confident and knowledgeable about the postpartum period. You are not alone, and we are here to help.

Register at! 💙

Photos from Postpartum Support International's post 03/03/2023

“Will you teach me everything you know?” the Boy asked.

“I don’t think so,” replied the Ox.

“It would be better to relearn life with you than teach you my old ways.”

Posted • No Mum Is An Island

How beautiful to allow our children to show us new ways, to teach us through theirs eyes, through their understanding.

Just because we are the adult and they are the child does not mean our way is best.

Listening to them can create incredible new perspectives.

Learning side by side.



We don't mean to dismiss our children's emotions when we say things like "don't cry," but the message behind these phrases is "emotions are bad." ⁠

Emotions are something we are meant to control or suppress. ⁠

Here's a powerful perspective shift:⁠

✨ Emotions are neither bad nor good. Emotions are energy in your body that you can use to push forward and try to do something hard or to reach out and connect with someone. Emotions are useful.✨ ⁠

That is a small shift, but a powerful one! Let me know what you think about this shift -- comment below! ⁠

Read more about the science behind this idea by clicking the link in my profile or the link in my story. ⁠

I am honored to collaborate on this article with the American Society for the Positive Care of Children.


Having three girls, I’ve always talked openly about my period.

I showed them how I track it, talked about my symptoms, my preferred method of sanitary products as well as what other options are out there.

I’ve showed them how tampons work with water, we’ve watched videos, we created emergency kits, and I always had books available.

My daughter came up to me this morning and said:

“Thanks for normalizing this for us. I’m not nervous at all. I’m glad you always talked openly about everything.”

Talk to your girls y’all. Even if you don’t think they are listening or care to hear about it.

Also, can we also normalize menopause and talk about those symptoms?! . 😂



We need to address a popular misconception.⁠

People often assume they're having a high-risk pregnancy due to their size.⁠

While care providers set their own guidelines, the American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians states that size is not an indication for the transfer of routine obstetric or gynecologic care.⁠

If someone goes into pregnancy without any underlying medical concerns, they should receive individualized healthcare and not automatically be labeled high-risk because of their size.⁠

When searching for a care provider, ask how you'll be labeled during pregnancy based on your unique health history.

If you like the additional oversight - that's great! ⁠

If you don't, work to connect with a care provider who doesn't view pregnancy as high-risk based only on BMI. ⁠

And if you develop pregnancy complications and become high-risk, know that you're not alone! People of ALL sizes need additional care during pregnancy; there's nothing wrong with that. ⁠

Were you labeled high-risk during pregnancy?





It’s taken me (and will continue to take me) a long time to learn how to feel my feelings instead of trying to ignore them.

How about for our children? What are we teaching them about feelings?

Posted • A lot of us think what we learned, before becoming a parent, was self-regulation skills but what most of us learned was suppression. ⁣

We tend to realize this when our children bring up triggers for us that we had no idea about. We search for self-regulation skills and realize all we have is suppression, avoidance, projection and disassociation. ⁣

We think “I thought I did the work! I thought I was grown! I thought I was healed!” And then we return to another familiar pattern that we haven’t managed to figure out yet which is self-loathing. We begin beating ourselves up for not being “healed enough.” But in fact, our children just show us the areas that still need healing. Healing is a LIFE LONG JOURNEY. Triggers are not bad, they are messages. Messages that our mind and body don’t feel safe in this moment and we need to figure out why, not just tell yourself not to feel that way anymore. ⁣

Let me tell you something else, even when you do the work and learn these skills, triggers will still come up. New triggers will come up. Each stage of our child’s life may bring up new and unknown triggers. If we learn tools to process these triggers, we’re not so scared about them happening. We may feel nervous, but we know we have the tools to process the triggers now.⁣

Learn more about this in my latest 📖 ⁣

Finding Your Calm: A Responsive Parents Guide to Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation⁣

Link in bio or on the Website:⁣

Credit: Responsive Parenting Inspirations

Timeline photos 02/20/2023

Nurtured Nurslings Lactation Consulting LLC - Kelly Slattery IBCLC, RLC

Several of you have mentioned that this doesn’t apply to you because baby likes to keep a hand on the breast either way. Note: look at what baby is doing with his/her hand. Making a fist = hungry baby. Open, relaxed hand = full.


"Someday, they’re going to ask me.
“What was it like, mama?”
“How did you do it, mama?”
“Will I always be tired, mama?”
“Is it worth it, mama?”

And these are the things I will say.

The nights lacked sleep and restoration,
but they were rich with holy surrender.

My body lost shape and figure,
but my heart reoriented itself with bittersweet clarity.

Our bed was rarely empty,
but I never wished your tiny warmth away.

I longed for the peace after bedtime,
but I missed you once you slept.

I hated watching the dimpled hands disappear,
but I loved watching you become who you are.

It was noisy, so noisy, so often,
but the stolen silences were ripe with your absence.

It was so easy to lose sight of your father,
but we fought hard for us, and I hope you noticed.

The mid afternoon hours stretched for an eternity,
but I watched years go by in one deep exhale.

I danced between work and home,
but you loved me without regard for time.

I once marveled at the waters and the mountains,
but then I wondered at the mystery of you instead.

It was hard, so very hard,
But the joy lacked reason, limits, confines.

I could never make sense of any of it,
But I’ve loved you immeasurably in all of it.

Someday, they’re going to ask me.
And these are the things I will say."



📣 NEW SUPPORT GROUP: Support for Parents of High Needs Babies will begin on February 28, 2023 and will take place on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm EST / 9:30 am PST!

Led by trained peer facilitators, this group is for parents of “high need” newborns to 12-month-old babies. All babies have needs and depend on their caregivers, yet some babies have more needs than others. “High needs baby” is not a medical term or diagnosis, but it is a term used to describe babies with some of these characteristics: constant crying (for several hours in a row), difficult to soothe, and easily overstimulated. A highly sensitive or high needs baby might not sleep without being held, might cry for three hours every evening, or might get restless and frustrated when transitioning from one environment to another. We know that parents of “colicky” or high-needs babies can feel isolated, exhausted, and overwhelmed. You are not alone, and we are here to help. Crying babies are welcome too!

If you are looking for a group for parenting a medically fragile baby or child, please check out our group specifically for those parents.

To view all our online support groups, visit 💙

Photos from 2Life Doula's post 01/09/2023

Making a plan for your postpartum time is so important. Taking care of a newborn is such a big job that sometimes we overlook taking care of ourselves. So, talk to your partners, set up a meal train, consider a , ask your sister or mother or friend to come and take care of laundry or walking the dog, schedule play dates for older siblings and reach out to someone when you need help. Because .

Photos from Jordoula's post 12/31/2022

Cheers to a wonderful year! I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who encouraged and supported me this year!!

When I decided to dive into doula training in March, I never imagined all the wonderful opportunities I would be honored to witness. Families invited me to hold hands (and legs) during life-changing moments, and to capture memories of their pregnancy & birth, breastfeeding journeys, or first birthdays.

I launched my own business and stepped into the birth-worker world, introducing me to some of the most inspiring people. I got connected with strong female mentors, and I am looking forward to all that I have yet to learn, experience, and witness standing among them and my future clients 🧡

Two doulas help deliver a Christmas Eve blizzard baby by coaching dad over the phone 12/29/2022

Two doulas help deliver a Christmas Eve blizzard baby by coaching dad over the phone “We’re all OK, thanks to them,” says the relieved Buffalo father who followed their instructions.

Photos from's post 12/27/2022


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