Wallingford Community Theatre, Wallingford, CT Videos

Videos by Wallingford Community Theatre in Wallingford. The Wallingford Community Theatre is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation providing educational, artistic,

Other Wallingford Community Theatre videos

The WCT is more than shows and performance s - It's reaching out to our community and supporting all the good things they are doing.

Our Glinda gown finally arrived. Custom made for our lovely Sarah Donahue.

"Home" from Beauty and the Beast
Sarah Donahue as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Beautiful!

Practically Perfect in Every Way
Mary Poppins shares with Jane and Michael what it means to be Practically Perfect at the recent Meet and Greet at Gaetano's on Main.

Vlog Espisode 2 - Rhys Washington, Intern for WCT
Here is Episode 2 of our wonderful intern, Rhys Washington. Thanks, Rhys. Enjoy!

Cast of Mary Poppins stroll downtown Wallingford!
Mary and Bert share just a little of the wonderful music and talent in the upcoming production of Mary Poppins at the recent Meet and Greet at Gaetano's on Main.