International Carnivorous Plant Society - ICPS, Walnut Creek, CA Videos

Videos by International Carnivorous Plant Society - ICPS in Walnut Creek. The International Carnivorous Plant Society is an all volunteer run organization. We are horticultur

Kenny, our Education Director for the ICPS, visited Nova Scotia and discovered several types of carnivorous plants including Sarracenia purpurea.

Other International Carnivorous Plant Society - ICPS videos

Kenny, our Education Director for the ICPS, visited Nova Scotia and discovered several types of carnivorous plants including Sarracenia purpurea.

Karl @bk_ffox found the old skin of a praying mantis this morning, from a recent molt. A little later he discovered the mantis happily sitting in his Sarracenia Judith Hindle growing on his deck in Brooklyn. His son is buying the mantis crickets to stay full. #prayingmantis #sarracenia #sarraceniajudithhindle

Happy Belated World Carnivorous Plant Day!
Happy Belated World Carnivorous Plant Day!

Dick Rauh wishes you all a Happy World Carnivorous Plant Day! Dick came to botanical painting in retirement, after a career in motion picture special effects. The certificate program in botanical art at the New York Botanical Garden led to illustration work for a number of scientists. Ignorance of botany caused him to pursue a graduate program in plant sciences, and he earned a doctorate in 2001 from the City University of New York. Congratualations Dr. Dick Rauh. Dick is 98 years old.

2023 International Carnivorous Plant Society's Annual Photo Contest
Our annual photo contest this year concludes the THIRD annual World Carnivorous Plant Day! We hope you learned something, was inspired by the plants, and will participate in their conservation. Thank you to everyone who participated and to all of our presenters. Your enthusiasm and passion for carnivorous plants is energizing. Categories for the contest included; Portraits of Carnivorous Plants, Carnivorous Plants in the Wild and People and Plants. Thank you Boaz Ng, Zachary Lim and Nicolas Bogaert for being the judges this year and making the tough decisions! (Kenny really appreciates it!) These three were the winners from last year's contest. The 3 winners this year each received a 1-year membership to ICPS and an invitation to be judges next year! All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

North Carolina's Carnivorous Plants
Taylor Jones, Extension Agent for North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service takes us out to see native carnivorous plants in the Green Swamp. All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Tepuis to Tucson - Growing Heliamphora in the Sonoran Desert
"Heliamphora are often viewed as delicate plants that require close replication of their unique tropical alpine habitat to succeed in cultivation. I have found that many species and hybrids are much tougher than they're cracked up to be and can be acclimated to less than ideal conditions and still thrive. In this video I'll show you how I cultivate these amazing plants in ordinary household conditions in the Sonoran desert." - @yreagwerdna All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Feliz Dia Mundial das Plantas Carnívoras!
Aqui podem ver o vídeo que fiz de forma a celebrar o dia mundial das plantas carnívoras para a associação internacional de plantas carnívoras (ICPS). Neste vídeo podem ouvir e ver um pouco da minha experiência com estas plantas e perceber um pouco o cultivo das mesmas. Não há plantas mais fantásticas que as plantas carnívoras! All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Selecting and hybridizing Sarracenia with Hampshire Carnivorous Plants
Selecting and hybridizing Sarracenia with Hampshire Carnivorous Plants All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Can Midge Larvae Emigrate to New Pitchers?
Midge larvae Metriocnemus knabi can emigrate to new pitchers within Sarracenia purpurea after pitcher drainage All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Venus Flytrap Myths and Misconceptions
Matt and Leah of, their specialty Venus flytrap shop, wish you a Happy World Carnivorous Plant Day and discuss common myths and misconceptions about cultivating Venus flytraps. Matt has been growing Venus flytraps off and on for nearly 40 years, and Leah and Matt have been operating and as their primary business for nearly 15 years. The myths and misconceptions discussed in this video are the most common ones their customers and FlytrapCare forum members have asked over the years. All International Carnivorous Plant Society projects are directly supported by donations. Support us by making a financial contribution to the ICPS. Any amount is gratefully accepted and tax deductible. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Growing Genlisea
Growing Genlisea with Vincet Green “This video is a basic introduction into the world of Genlisea. In it we will go over the general care needs to keep your plants happy. We will also see how the traps work and differentiate themselves from other carnivores. Once you see how easily these fit into any collection and how amazing the flowers are you’re definitely going to love them!” The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support the goal of teaching children science related standards and instilling a love of carnivorous plants. The ICPS has funded prescribed burns at bog sites, restoration of endangered habitats, and has partnered with the US Forest Service to remove an introduced species from a protected national botanical area. Contributions to the ICPS support these and other endeavors to preserve these unique species. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

Feliz Dia Mundial das Plantas Carnívoras!
Feliz Dia Mundial das Plantas Carnívoras! The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support the goal of teaching children science related standards and instilling a love of carnivorous plants. The ICPS has funded prescribed burns at bog sites, restoration of endangered habitats, and has partnered with the US Forest Service to remove an introduced species from a protected national botanical area. Contributions to the ICPS support these and other endeavors to preserve these unique species. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected] #worldcarnivorousplantday #worldcarnivorousplantday2023 #wcpd #icps #internationalcarnivorousplantsociety #carnivorousplants #carnivorousplantconservation #growingcarnivorousplants #propagation #plantpropagation

La Guida Definitiva Per Heliamphora
DESCRIZIONE LUCE Lampada a LED a spettro completo accesa tutto l'anno per 12 ore Hunta BAR 2400 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 336 Pcs-Warm White Light (144 Pcs)/White Light (144 Pcs)/Red Lights (40 Pcs)/IR (4 Pcs)/ UV (4 Pcs) Power consumtion: 200W PPFD: 2720 umol Size: 67.5 cm x 57 cm La lampada che acquisterò l'anno prossimo: Set LED Sanlight 1x EVO 5-150 SUBSTRATO Sul fondo 2 cm di spugna a fiocchi inmarcescibile e circa 2 cm di perlite, al centro 50% torba bionda acida di sfagno e 50% perlite, pomice, lapillo fine e bark fine in parti uguali. Sulla superficie sfagno vivo (piccola grandezza delle teste e della fibra) TEMPERATURA Coltivazione indoor: Temperatura ambiente costante tra i 23 °C ed i 19°C circa. ACQUA Primavera, estate, autunno: Acqua a pioggia ogni tre giorni Inverno: Acqua a pioggia una volta a settimana Nebulizzazioni: In inverno almeno due nebulizzazioni la mattina e la sera dopo che si sono spente le luci per rinfrescare. In estate nebulizzazioni frequenti con impianto automatico ogni due ore per un minuto dalle ore 8:00 alle ore 20:00. VASI vasi alti bianchi 10 cm x10 cm x H 17 cm vasi alti bianchi 15 cm x15 cm x H 20 cm vasche bianche 60 cm x 40 cm CONCIMAZIONI Maxsea 16-16-16: Solo in ascidio e sulle foglie, nel terreno evito perché aumenta la quantità di alghe, muschi e cianobatteri. 0,5 grammi per 1 litro di acqua. Oppure Concime per orchidee con dosaggio dimezzato rispetto la dose indicata sull'etichetta. Concimazione su foglie, ascidi ed anche versando sul terreno facendo fuoriuscire l'eccesso. The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support

DESCRIZIONE LUCE Lampada a LED a spettro completo accesa tutto l'anno per 12 ore Hunta BAR 2400 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 336 Pcs-Warm White Light (144 Pcs)/White Light (144 Pcs)/Red Lights (40 Pcs)/IR (4 Pcs)/ UV (4 Pcs) Power consumtion: 200W PPFD: 2720 umol Size: 67.5 cm x 57 cm Grow Light LED with full spectrum: Sansi 15W Sansi 36W Reglette 9W 60cm T5 P1-T5-LED-9W -Luce: Fredda 6400k Bozily LED 300W Plant Grow Light SUBSTRATO Substrato molto drenante Tecnica del substrato a strati Sul fondo 2 cm di spugna e 2 cm di perlite ed al centro il cuore del substrato: 1) torba, perlite, quarzo fine, lapillo vulcanico, seramis e zeolite ( 5%). Substrato specifico in vendita su 2) torba (35-40%), perlite (20-25%), lapillo fine (25-30%), vermiculite (3-5%) e leonardite (1%) Substrato specifico in vendita su Floricoltura Az. agr. NOVAFLORA di Oliosi Marco Uso dei vasi retati: La traspirazione data dal vaso traforato sostituisce la presenza di perlite e spugna che potrebbero risultare in questo caso superflue. In un vaso traforato, passando già naturalmente tanta aria, sul fondo uso semplicemente due cm di quarzo a grana media. 3)substrati senza torba: Kanuma, perlite e lapillo in parti uguali Akadama, perlite (70%, 30%) Kanuma, perlite (70%, 30%) Akadama 100% TEMPERATURA Coltivazione indoor: Temperatura ambiente costante tra i 23 °C ed i 19°C circa. ACQUA Primavera, estate, autunno: Acqua a pioggia ogni tre giorni In inverno acqua a pioggia una volta a settimana Nebulizzazioni: In inverno almeno due nebulizzazioni la mattina e la sera dopo che si sono spente le luci per rinfrescare. In estate nebulizzazioni frequenti con impianto automatico ogni due ore per un minuto dalle 8:00 alle 20:00. VASO Vasi Ercole antispiralizzazione: 1,3 LT, 2 LT, 3 LT Vasi alti bianchi 15 cm x15 cm x H 20 cm Vasi auto irriganti Lechuza: 5 LT, 5,5 LT Eda Plastiques - Mini

Deciphering U. dichotoma Complex
Emmi Kurosawa is the vice president of the New England Carnivorous Plant Society, USA and a PhD candidate at Biology Department in University of Massachusetts Boston, USA. Dr. Rob Gibson, a world renowned Australian botanist, and Emmi went on an adventure along the east coast of New South Wales, Australia trying to identify the *Utricularia* *dichotoma* complex (bladderwort) which was recently split into 8 subspecies by Jobson and Baleeiro (2020). Emmi then joined her friend Lisa Robbie in Tasmania, and continued deciphering *U. dichotoma* complex there. Introduction to the genus *Utricularia*, and the key to ID *U. dichotoma* complex are also discussed The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support the goal of teaching children science related standards and instilling a love of carnivorous plants. The ICPS has funded prescribed burns at bog sites, restoration of endangered habitats, and has partnered with the US Forest Service to remove an introduced species from a protected national botanical area. Contributions to the ICPS support these and other endeavors to preserve these unique species. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to

Propagating Drosera, Sarracenia, and Cephalotus
Happy World Carnivorous Plant Day! My name is Megan and I am a carnivorous plant researcher, writer and enthusiast from the UK. My video features 3 different propagation methods for 3 different carnivorous plants, Drosera leaf cuttings, Sarracenia rhizome cuttings and Cephalotus leaf pullings. These methods are super easy to do at home and often have high success rates, allowing you to build up a collection of your favourite plants. To check out more of what I do feel free to follow me on Instagram or YouTube under the name (carnivorous_plant_girl). The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support the goal of teaching children science related standards and instilling a love of carnivorous plants. The ICPS has funded prescribed burns at bog sites, restoration of endangered habitats, and has partnered with the US Forest Service to remove an introduced species from a protected national botanical area. Contributions to the ICPS support these and other endeavors to preserve these unique species. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education

Growing Drosera sect. Lasiocephala (petiolaris complex)
Notes on the cultivation of Drosera section Lasiocephala, including how environmental cues experienced in the wild contribute to behavior seen in cultivated plants. An analysis of conditions shown to be beneficial in the horticulture of this group as well as discussion on troubleshooting common issues experienced with the “petiolaris complex” ex-situ. The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support the goal of teaching children science related standards and instilling a love of carnivorous plants. The ICPS has funded prescribed burns at bog sites, restoration of endangered habitats, and has partnered with the US Forest Service to remove an introduced species from a protected national botanical area. Contributions to the ICPS support these and other endeavors to preserve these unique species. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]

How to Know What You Are Growing
Learn how to identify plants like Drosera spatulata, Nepenthes alata and Nepenthes x ventrata. Learn why it is important to know what you are growing. The ICPS strives to support conservation and education initiatives. Donations fund research and the protection of threatened habitats across the globe. ICPS grants are directed towards programs that have demonstrated effectiveness at stewarding sites, to promote their native carnivorous plants and biological processes that encourage their continued presence. Educational programs such as the ‘Carnivores in the Classroom’ grant support the goal of teaching children science related standards and instilling a love of carnivorous plants. The ICPS has funded prescribed burns at bog sites, restoration of endangered habitats, and has partnered with the US Forest Service to remove an introduced species from a protected national botanical area. Contributions to the ICPS support these and other endeavors to preserve these unique species. Visit WCPD 2023 merchandise is available at on the WCPD page at Creator Spring. Proceeds support ICPS conservation and education initiatives. Shipping is worldwide. International Carnivorous Plant Society website: Join ICPS today: Instagram @intl_carnivorousplantsociety Facebook: @InternationalCarnivorousPlantSociety If you would like to be a WCPD speaker for 2024, please reach out: Director Contact: Kenny Coogan, ICPS Director of Education and Community Relations [email protected]