Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist

Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist

Whole Health is about fueling your body with the correct foods as well as having a positive mental, emotional and physical lifestyle.

I work to prevent disease with feeding your body properly and guide you to find positive balance in your life.


You do not have to be 127 lbs to be healthy and just because you are 127lbs doesn't mean you are healthy! There are so many myths out there, diets saying they are the best, how are you supposed to know what is the best way to go?!
Every person's body is unique and we will all benefit from different things, but knowing what that is for you can be difficult. This is where working with a nutritionist can be so beneficial!

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 05/25/2021

Making lasagna roll ups for dinner ๐Ÿ˜‹
Whole wheat noodles, my homemade tofu "ricotta"rehydrated mixed veg mix, mushrooms, a little Moz cheese, tomato puree and diced tomatoes. Stay tuned for pics of the finished product! ๐Ÿคค

Did you know I offer meal prep help, menu planning and even a tofu 101 class?! Check out my website for more info on all these and the other services I offer ๐Ÿ˜


I am starting to prepare for my June get healthy support group chat now. If you are interested in learning how to set yourself up for a diet free life of whole body health sign up for this chat!
You will be in a group of supportive like-minded people with the same get healthy goal in mind. You will receive daily tips and information to help you on your health journey. I will be available daily to answer questions you may have and will offer weekly one on one check-ins to see how you are coming along in your journey.
This will be the last month I will be offering the group chat for free.
Don't miss the chance to check it out and see how you can make little changes that can make a large impact on your health!
Any questions just ask.
If you want to join this June chat just type " I'm in" in the comments below and I will add you when I open the chat the weekend before. ๐Ÿ’ช


What have you done for yourself today? Self care is so important to your health. Take 15 min for you today! ๐Ÿ’• 05/09/2021

Happy mother's day to everyone! Post pictures of your yummy mom's day treats ๐Ÿ˜‹


Happy MAY ๐Ÿคฉ๐ŸŒป.
Are you interested in joining a happy, healthy and ready for summer support group?!

We are now heading into the warm spring and summer months.
This is a time where the
" I want to loose a few more lbs"
" I want to fit into my xyz"
All start running through minds. Many people will jump into fad diets, quick result promised programs and pills, drinks or starvation.

I work towards healthy eating for your body. Weight loss is never a goal, but a side effect/ result of eating properly for your body.

But eating properly can sometimes be a challenge! Temptations are everywhere ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿ‘€ and sometimes you just don't know where to start ๐Ÿฅด
Having guidance and others with the same focus as you that can help keep you on track can make a huge difference between success and being stuck.

I will be running a support group this month for FREE! Join in for a group chat with a focus of helping each other , getting support, accountability, and tips from me to guide you to your goals ๐Ÿ˜Š
I will be joining in on all the fun as well and will be following all the tips and goals we set together!

To be added to the group chat just comment ADD ME! Below ๐Ÿคฉ

*I will keeping the group small so I will probably cap this at 10ish.


Word of mouth is so important for small businesses! Let's support each other ๐Ÿ’• if you have a small business post this on your page and I will support you also! AND drop your business page link/website in my comments so all my friends and followers can find you too ๐Ÿคฉ.


Can we talk about how beautiful this looks ๐Ÿ˜
Super simple and nutritious! Whole grain soba noodles frozen mixed vegetable for stir fry( which I was slightly disappointed in the was alot of carrots and very little broccoli ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ) and pank o crusted tofu! So simple,so delicious and took me 20 minutes to make!

Many people are wary of tofu and soy products due to much misinformation that is out there. Many studies are now showing that these worries and concerns are not true. Estrogen in soy is different than what our bodies produce. Soy is actually beneficial to those who have had and are worried about breast cancer!
Please check out the article I have attached from He backs all his work with facts,studies and this site has great information on it!
Want to try tofu but don't know where to start? I have a tofu 101 class I would love to tell you more about ๐Ÿ˜Š


Can you add greens to that?!

Green leafy vegetables are known for all their health benefits and are so important to get into our diet daily. Most people do not get any greens into their bodies for days or even weeks! Kids can be very picky, and some of the healthiest greens can be bitter or rough textured.
So what can you do to get these important greens each day that is not another salad?! Think outside the box!
* Love for smoothies- add a handful of greens to a smoothie filled with fruits. Want to cover the color of the green? Mix in a dark berry smoothie or a chocolate smoothie! My pro tip for smoothies is make sure they are cold! I use frozen fruit or add ice to make sure it is frozen in texture. This will make a big difference if you are on the fence with smoothies๐Ÿ˜.
*Chop it up! Not a fan of getting huge leaves in every meal? Chopped up spinach or arugula blend really well into many dishes( pasta, rice, soups). Chopping it smaller will make it so you are not getting huge clumps of greens and they blend nicely into whatever you pair them with.
*Bed of greens- Every meal you eat think, can I put this on top of greens? At first it may be odd to think about eating pasta on top of greens, but after you eat those greens covered in sauce you will think differently about everything else. I love tacos, stir fry over greens and chinese food over cabbage!
* Keep the lettuce please! - eating a sandwich, add a leaf, burger, add a leaf, taco-better add lettuce. Normal everyday foods that we usually add greens to, but can easily get skipped over. Each leaf adds up! So make sure you add even a little wherever you can!
* Don't write off romaine! Yes, kale and arugula trump the others in nutrition, but even iceberg has beneficial vitamins! We always hear about the best of the best, but all greens can benefit your body. These mild lettuces can be great for those just starting to get into greens. If you do not like arugula, mix a little into some romaine so your taste buds can gradually get used to it's flavor.

I could go on! There are many other ways and ideas to get greens into your day. The most important thing is that you do! Not sure how to work them into your daily foods? Let me help!

Here is an article about some of the amazing benefits greens have to our bodies.
Have a great weekend and go eat your greens! ๐Ÿ˜ #:~:text=The%20vitamin%20K%20contents%20of,the%20best%20cancer%2Dpreventing%20foods.


When you expect perfection you set yourself up for failure.

Temptations never go away. Even the healthiest minds and bodies give in to temptations. There is nothing wrong with this! We are human and those advertisers are great at their jobs!
I worked a 6 hour day today with a colorful pallet of these bad boys staring at me the whole time. Reminding me of that delicious childhood snack I loved so much. I was hungry as it was after my lunch time... So I got them. I made a choice to bring them into my house. I also made the choice of making and eating a filling salad BEFORE I even opened them and pre loading my body with something healthy and beneficial to me.
I knew if I sat down with this box and the icing in my state of hunger I would end up an hour scroll into Facebook and a half of bag and container gone before I realized I had ate that much.. ultimately leaving me with a huge stomach ach for sure!
But instead, because I made a choice to eat a salad first, I ended up never even touching these! I was satisfied with my lunch and the craving to inhale them passed. They will be a treat for when I'm ready and able to enjoy a few. They are now out of sight and will not be tempting.

I never will call this a cheat, because it is not. Is it the healthiest option-NO! Does it match what I eat 90% of the time-NO! Every choice we make of what goes into our bodies is a decision based on-
is this healthy?, good for me? Benefits my goals?
But temptations will still exist, so even at times of asking these questions you will have occasions you will choose the tempting option instead.
Knowing how to handle these temptations is important. Not letting this put you in a "my day of health is ruined I mine as well binge" mindset that so many go to is important. Not mentally punishing yourself for making this choice is important..

As a nutritionist, helping set you up for success when you hit your own temptations on your journey is part of my goal. This is what will lead you to succeed with your goals. Learning how to handle these situations and temptations is important in resetting your body on its health journey. Want to learn more? Reach out to me โ˜บ๏ธ

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 04/12/2021

Going into a busy week like I am?! Food prep can make the difference between fueling your body with nutrients or stoping at the drive thru.
All this took me a little over an hour to prep AND clean up after!
Tip for meal prep:
Start with a clean kitchen ( and empty dishwasher if you can- I did not ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ)
Have a plan on what you plan on making. Even if it's just basic items, meals will be easier to make.
Think ahead and chop, wash and prep what you will need for other recipes to make it easier.

Don't know the first thing about meal prep? I offer one on one meal prep sessions and will help you through a meal prep! Ask me for more information.

See pictures for more:

Nutritionist | Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist | United States 04/09/2021

My website is officially live! ๐Ÿฅณ
So many hours of work went into it and I am so excited to finally get to share it !
Check it out and let me know what you think!๐Ÿ˜Š
If you come across any issues please let me know!

Nutritionist | Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist | United States Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist and health coach following a whole food plant based diet. Helping to prevent and reverse common diseases with food.


Stocked up on the basics ๐Ÿ˜ With the weather warming up we switch over to many cold meals. What are some of your favorite spring and summer meals? Is there a meal that you love but wish was a little healthier? Let's talk food! ๐Ÿ˜‹

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 04/04/2021

Happy Easter! For my last day of what I eat in a week I have some of my favorite recipes!
Breakfast cobbler great with any fruit, I usually do mixed berries, but today I did peaches and blueberries ( frozen)
Dinner lentil loafs ( I make them in a muffin pan. I like the portion size and that they each get a crispy outside! This also makes for great make ahead and my recipe usually makes enough for 2 meals and I freeze half the tray) my daughter requested beer bread so I made that as well.

Recipes in pics below. If you want more clarification just ask! My handwriting on them is horrid and they are written so I can understand ๐Ÿ™ƒ
I added spinach and arugula to finish up my weeks greens stash, not in recipe, but definitely amazing in the loafs! The cobbler recipe is adjustable and very forgiving..if I run out of flour I will replace with oat flour. Today I subbed the maple syrup with molasses and local honey.
The lentil loaf is also very forgiving. I often add, change up and adjust ingredients, flavors and seasonings used. Today I doubled the mushrooms and added the greens!
The beer bread recipe can be adjusted as well. I highly recommend sifted or very fluffed measuring of the four. Over flour will turn this into a thicker bread and be dense. It should be closer to a pour into pan batter than a kneadable dough ( no kneading or wait needed with this bread- mix and bake!) I often add oats and seasonings to it to change it up for the meal we are eating with it .



Just wanted to drop this here for all of you who were interested in my amazing water bottle!
$11.99 with code!

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 04/02/2021

6/7 of what I eat in a day.
It is freezing again today so I opted to go with a nice warm bowl of oats! I added 2 cups of frozen berries in before cooking which made it very cobbler ish ๐Ÿ˜‹ I also made a nice cup of tea including nettle, which try to drink every day as it is so good for inflammation and many other things!
Since the past few days I have been running around my body was actually craving salad so I have a huge salad for lunch. I got hungry in the afternoon so I ate some nuts for a snack. I always keep a jar on my table filled with nuts as a quick grab snack.
Dinner was one of my kids favorites- sushi bowls.. everything good about sushi in a bowl!

See pictures for ingredients.

* Tomorrow I will not be home at all and I would like to be able to show you a nice meal so I will be posting day 7 on Sunday instead.

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 04/01/2021

Day 5/7 of what I eat in a day
Today was different for me than normal because I took the kids out for day. I don't normally skip lunch but today I did due to schedule and not being hungry.
For breakfast I had a large sweet potato with 2 tablespoons peanut butter and a banana ( sprinkled with cinnamon)! So good! One of my favorites and super filling, great for a brunch or when you know you won't be able to eat for a while!
When I got home I didn't want lunch so today I opted for an apple and lots of water. ( We went to a trampoline park!)
Dinner was whole wheat pasta , baked diced onions and tomatoes for 1/2 hour until explody. Then topped with a cashew "Alfredo" sauce. ๐Ÿ˜‹ I pour the mixture on Top and cook for 10-15 min I'm oven with tomatoes. I do change the recipe slightly to fit our taste ( we add mustard powder and fresh dried basil ๐Ÿคค)
When everything is done I add it all Into the pot and add chopped arugula and mix in and serve! So delicious and so many variations you can do! This sauce is a great base for any creamy alfredo dis And has no dairy!

Recipe for Alfredo: this site has amazing recipes and I use many!

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 03/31/2021

Day 4/7 of what do I eat in a week๐Ÿ˜‹

Breakfast chocolate chip cookie dough! Yep! ๐Ÿคฏ
Lunch- I was running around today, so I snack lunched. Apple, banana, some of my favorite crackers ( mary's gone crackers) and a basic salad when I got home . Sorry no picture ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
Dinner- stuffed shells

See pics for descriptions โ˜บ๏ธ

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 03/30/2021

Day 3/7 of what I eat in a week.
Breakfast was oatmeal, lunch leftovers( yes, an often occurrence..makes life easy!) Dinner TACOS! ๐ŸŒฎ
Discription and ingredients under pictures.

Now off to prep tomorrow's breakfast ๐Ÿ‘€ wait until you see what I have planned!

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 03/29/2021

Day 2/7 of what I eat in a day.
Started my day with another smoothie.
Lunch was leftover veggie loaded pasta salad.
Dinner chinese takeout ๐Ÿคฏ
Now obviously this takeout is not the healthiest, but the family wanted chinese and I figured it would be a great tool to show you can eat anywhere and find something healthy ish! Many chinese restaurants offer multiple tofu and veggie dishes, as well as have a diet section! Check out the pictures for discription.

Photos from Gwenn Durst- Holistic Nutritionist's post 03/29/2021

As promised yesterday: What I eat in a day 1 of 7.
I was so busy that I didn't stop for a snack today ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

Descriptions in pictures ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‹


Every one of us is on a journey. We all have things we struggle with. Today I want to tell the reason why I got into nutrition and let you in on my journey. A journey I am still on.
I am not what you envision when you hear health coach. I am not your typical coach either: I am not a thin girl, I relate to my clients daily struggles! I have struggled since my teens with my weight. I have yo-yo dieted, tried fads, and would ALWAYS end up larger than the past times in my weight gain. Then after having my kids my health took a turn. I started having struggles I should not have had at my age. After YEARS of back and forth with many tests and doctors I still had no diagnosis! There were assumptions and a probable autoimmune, a fatty liver, but that is where it ended. No treatment, just the suggestion to go see more doctors. Thankfully I was introduced to a movie โ€œForks over Knivesโ€ by a family member, which was a blessing as it opened my eyes and lead me down a path of research and realization. This is where I found my passion for health, not only mine but all of societies. My eyes were now open to the true meaning of โ€œyou are what you eatโ€. After putting into place what I learned I saw a change in my health, symptoms disappear, test results show normal levels all within months! Eventually I did get a proper diagnosis of my health issues, but with all the changes I put into place I was able to control symptoms and reverse my fatty liver. With the passion I had and the knowledge I learned I knew this is what I wanted to pursue in life and I needed to teach others that we donโ€™t have to be set up for diabetes and high blood pressure as we age. We can prevent most cases of these illnesses and many others with our food choices! So I went back to school and studied even more.
But that is not where my story ends. See covid happened. Life wasnโ€™t normal. Stress eating took place. Goals, mentalities and focuses set went to the back burner while the โ€œjust get thru thisโ€ took front and center. The grocery stores went empty, choices changed. The holidays were different, cookies were eaten. Then Bam! After a year of eating poorly my body said, โ€˜hey you are not taking care of me againโ€™ and a thyroid flare hit. And this is where I sit today. In the aftermath of my body not in balance and the addiction of processed food back into my life. So I re-established my own goals and am set back on my journey as I set out to help others start on theirs. But this isnโ€™t a diet; it is fueling our body with what it needs to thrive to give us the best life we can live!

For the next week I will show you some of my daily meals to give you an idea of what eating for your body entails and show you it is not all salads. I encourage you to think about your diet and make one small change that will change your body for the better. Donโ€™t know where to start? Message me to set up a free consult and see if I can help you in your journey!


Figured I would start my first post off with my best and most important tip!
๐Ÿ’ฆDrinking enough water is so important! And most of us do not drink nearly enough! You should drink 50-65% of your body weight in oz of water a day. So the typical 160 lb person should drink 80 oz of water or 10, 8 oz glasses! The rest we need will come from foods in our diet.
Bet your not drinking enough, huh?! ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
My best tip for you is invest in a motivational water bottle! This is my favorite tool to get my water in. Without I can easily only drink coffee as my only liquid all day! Having a tool to show me where I should be at each hour keeps me well hydrated all day. I also love the bottle with the straw as it is alot easier to drink more than you realize when using the straw.
Tell me how much water do you usually drink each day? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿง

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