Goddess Ritual Yoga
Sarah is a 200 Hour Certified Yoga Instructor offering virtual yoga classes!
Believe in yourself and trust the Journey!
Happy Monday! Here is our first class focusing on Self-Confidence 🙌
All classes going forward will only be recorded and posted on YouTube!
Access today’s class here - https://youtu.be/qE3KYjufrBs
~ Sarah
This weeks theme is Self-Confidence!
Self-confidence is about believing in yourself , being comfortable with who you are, and being certain of your abilities and future.
It also requires not underestimating your abilities!
Self-confidence does not require that we are confident all the time, but that we are confident when we deserve to be… and that is way more often than you think!
Yoga is an excellent way to understand when it is appropriate to be confident.
This is because every time you step on to the mat you continue to improve your practice and deserve opportunities to try new poses and techniques while believing that these activities are accessible.
Yoga is surrounded by the theme of self-confidence!
For some of you it takes self-confidence to even step on the mat and try yoga!
I hope that yoga offers you the chance to recognize some deserved confidence within yourself this week.
So… each time you step on the mat this week I want you to set an intention to take some self-confidence off of the mat and into your day with you 🙌
Set intentions to become more confident!
You deserve to feel self-confident!
See you on the mat!
~ Sarah
*all classes going forward will be recorded and free on my YouTube channel!
Unfortunately I will not be able to teach any more classes this week. ❤️
Check back in next week for my love class schedule and replay uploads.
I do have plenty of class replays on my YouTube channel though! Head over there and let me know which class is your favorite after trying a few!
Good Morning 🌞 Today’s class is now available on our YouTube channel!
Grab your yoga mat and get ready to set some intentions focused on reassuring yourself that you are on the right path!
Link to the class is in the comments!
Have a beautiful day 🌺
~ Sarah
This weeks theme is Reassurance 🌺
Reassurance means to assist in alleviating doubt and fear.
It involves kindness through moral support, which can help others and ourselves to succeed.
Reassurance fuels the belief that goals can be achieved and that all will be well.
When we offer this to ourselves, we practice self-assurance.
In yoga, props and verbal encouragement provide reassurance to those who might doubt their capabilities or fear of trying something new.
While your on the mat I want you to reassure yourself that you can do yoga, yes yoga is for you, and yes you belong here on the mat with all the goddesses because you too are a goddess!
So this week consider an area of your life where you might appreciate some reassurance.
What feels uncertain to you?
Dedicate your practice towards identifying reassurance within yourself and developing the confidence that you are following the right path.
I look forward to seeing you on the mat! 🌺
~ Sarah
Ps … don’t forgot all classes are now free! There is a link pinned to the top of my page for you to join our live zoom class!
Friday’s class is now available on out YouTube Channel! Link is in the comments! Have a beautiful weekend Goddesses 🦋
Today’s Morning Yoga class replay is now available on our YouTube channel!
You can access it here - https://youtu.be/XN-CMbUibNA
Here is Wednesday’s class!
Perseverance - https://youtu.be/7ogvhgb8P2c
Here is our first class for this week where we focus on the energy of perseverance 🙌
You can access this class on my Youtube Channel - https://youtu.be/53GpgabgHzs
More classes to come as we make our offering changes! Stay tuned!
Did you see today’s email?
This weeks theme is perseverance 🙌
Perseverance means to practice persistence towards achieving a goal, irrespective of difficulties and delays.
So perseverance requires inner drive, self encouragement, determination, dedication, and resilience.
These are all qualities that could be nourished through a yoga practice.
Perseverance requires patience with the added elements of active effort and self motivation.
Yoga can help us to achieve this through repetition to build physical and mental stamina.
This can help with achieving goals on and off the mat.
So this week I want you to consider something that you’re working towards that has been taking a while…..
This could be something that is taking much longer than you had anticipated or something that has been more difficult than you imagined it would be.
This endeavor should be something that you are still willing to keep working towards.
Then, I want you to dedicate your practice this week towards fueling your inner perseverance , so that you are inspired to keep working towards your ambitions.
What will you dedicate your practice this week?
I will be dedicating my practice to completing my last 10 classes in 10 days so I can finally finish my bachelors degree 🙌
I can’t wait to see you on the mat.
~ Sarah
I think it was Brene Brown who told a story about a village where all the women washed clothes together down by the river.
When they all got washing machines, there was a sudden outbreak of depression and no one could figure out why.
It wasn't the washing machines in and of themselves. It was the absence of time spent doing things together. It was the absence of community.
Friends, we’ve gotten so independent.
We’re “fine” we tell ourselves even when in reality we’re depressed, we’re overwhelmed, we’re lonely, and we’re hurting. “We’re fine, we’re just too busy right now” we say when days, weeks, months, and years go by without connecting with friends. I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s so easy to say even when it’s not true.
We’ve become so isolated and it’s hard to know how to get back. It’s so hard to know how to even begin to build the kind of relationships our hearts need. And I think In our current culture, it’s just not as organic as it once was. It's more work now.
Because you know, we have our own washing machines. We don't depend on each other to do laundry, or cook dinner, or raise babies anymore. We don't really depend on each other for much of anything if we're being honest.
In Brene Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness, she says that being lonely effects the length of our life expectancy similar to smoking 15 ci******es a day. I don’t say that to freak anyone out, but to let you know that the longing for connection is LEGIT.
I think we’ve treated friendship like a luxury for far too long; friendship isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.
We don't want it. We kind of need it.
Be independent. Be proud of it. But be an independent woman who realizes the value and the importance of opening the door to other good women.
You can do it alone, but you don't have to. Islands are only fun for so long.
There is true magic when women come together and hold hands and share ideas and share stories and struggles and endless bowls of salsa.
You use your gifts, and I'll use mine, and then we'll invite that girl over there who brings a completely different set of skills to the table we are building, and we'll watch together as something miraculous unfolds.
Slow Down • Cultivate Patience • Find Peace
This week’s theme is PATIENCE 🙏
Patience is the ability to wait, despite inconvenience and difficulty.
It also challenges us to avoid feeling impatient and annoyed when delays interrupt our plans or exceed our expectations.
Patience is a virtuous quality because it allows us to feel at ease no matter how long we must await or postpone something.
This could relate to a goal or waiting on some thing that is out of our control.
We must also be patient with others when they compromise a planned schedule.
In yoga, we cannot force ourselves into a position and have no choice, but to be patient and practice so that we do not hurt ourselves attempting some thing that we are not prepared for.
So, by practicing patience on the mat, we can also strengthen her ability to be patient in every day circumstances.
This theme is coming at a time where I am struggling with a few health conditions.
I ended my week last week with one infection in my body.
And over the weekend I got stung by a bee and I ended up with an infection in my hand and arm so I must be patient before getting on the mat again!
You will see that I am only teaching classes on Thursday and Friday this week.
So I hope you’ll be patient with me and take this time to ponder where else in your life is calling for you to be patient right now.
~ Sarah 
Today’s Inner Fire 30 Minute Morning Yoga Class replay is available!
You can purchase a single class for $3, rent the Replay Library for $20 a month or sign up for a Monthly Membership for more perks!
~ Sarah
Access Today’s Class - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-flow-7-6-23-inner-fire
Want access to ALL the replays? Rent the replay library here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-replays
Want to be able to attend Live Classes AND access the entire on demand library? Sign up for our VIP Membership here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/offering_packages/88cdc9a3-201a-40e6-919a-60b9cf9a39c3
"If you wanted to, you can find thousands of reasons to complain today. You can beat yourself up and repeat self-defeating thoughts over and over, you could. But you also, if you choose, can go a different route. You can choose to put your energy towards solutions and ideas.
You can choose to take it one day at a time. You can find pockets of happiness throughout the day.
Choose wisely."
Today’s Inner Fire 30 Minute Morning Yoga Class replay is available!
You can purchase a single class for $3, rent the Replay Library for $20 a month or sign up for a Monthly Membership for more perks!
~ Sarah
Access Today’s Class - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-flow-7-25-23-inner-fire
Want access to ALL the replays? Rent the replay library here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-replays
Want to be able to attend Live Classes AND access the entire on demand library? Sign up for our VIP Membership here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/offering_packages/88cdc9a3-201a-40e6-919a-60b9cf9a39c3
This weeks theme is 🔥 INNER FLAME 🔥
Our inner-flame is a deeply-rooted desire within us to achieve our passions.
It is fueled by self-discipline and is about working towards something repeatedly, even when that venture is not easy.
The concept of an inner-flame also relates to the yogic concept of Tapas, which translates from Sanskrit to fire or to burn.
Yoga itself represents an internal flame that requires discipline to safely progress.
Wile some yoga techniques have immediate benefits, other techniques and asanas require practice.
Accepting this can help to avoid frustration and help to inspire us to continue towards a goal.
We can revisit the mat and improve our practice while also becoming more passionate and curious.
So this week on the mat I want you to be inspred to persevere and nurture your ambitions.
~ Sarah
Be proud of how hard you are trying!
It is time to let go of intrusive thoughts and connect with your body!
Grab your yoga mat and this class!
You can purchase see a single class or sign up for a monthly membership that gives you access to the entire on demand library!
~ Sarah
Access Today’s Class - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-flow-7-20-23-healing
Want access to the entire on demand library? Grab a monthly membership here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/offering_packages
From the chaos of her heart… flowed the power of her intuition.
Ready to release those stored emotions goddesses?
Then roll out your yoga mat and grab this On Demand 30 Minute gentle yoga class!
You can purchase see a single class or study go up for a monthly membership that gives you access to the entire on demand library!
~ Sarah
Access Today’s Class - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-flow-7-19-23-healing
Want access to the entire on demand library? Grab a monthly membership here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/offering_packages
Better late than never! We missed today’s live class, I do apologize for oversleeping!
But here is the On Demand Class! It is available in the On Demand Library!
Today is our first day focusing on healing! I hope you enjoy the new playlist in the background as well!
Happy Monday Goddesses! 🌞
~ Sarah
Access Today’s Class - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/online_store/30-minute-morning-yoga-flow-7-17-23-healing
Want access to the entire on demand library? Grab a monthly membership here - https://goddessritualyoga.offeringtree.com/offering_packages
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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Prince Street
Warwick, RI
You are Kind, Beautiful & Strong. A simple mantra I started sharing to my sweet baby girl the moment she was born. We say it daily as a reminder that your kindness, your inner b...
Warwick, 02886
Yoga asanas prepare the body to sit in meditation. Take a break from your day to become aware of your breathing and find clarity. Join us for group or individual sessions. Find our...