

Dedicated to enabling understanding & embodiment of freedom in the body. Specializing in kettlebells, injury prevention, fat loss, & pain management.


“I haven’t gained any weight back and my clothes still feel good.”
- M (week away & away Fat Burning behaviors)

HOW can this be?

How can you deviate from your “diet” & not really gain weight?

W Fat Burning it’s 2 things.


A Fat Burning body is a more insulin sensitive body (to comment on ONE beneficial hormone we have going on for us).

B/c we’ve eaten less carbs/less often over time we’ve groomed our body to require less insulin for the same job we once did.


A more insulin sensitive body = easier to lose weight & HARDER to GAIN WEIGHT.


In order to use your own fat for energy the body actually has to MAKE NEW MITOCHONDRIA to do so.

(This is why you can’t just jump into burning fat, but instead need to ease the body in over several days)

The longer you’re burning fat for your energy (vs sugar) the MORE MITOCHONDRIA your body has TIME to make.

This is why @:

- 3 weeks your experiencing 80% of the benefits of Fat Burning

- 6 months = 90%

- 1 year+ = 100%

And that’s due to the # of mitochondria that have been ABLE to be made due to your diet & lifestyle.

W/ deviations along the way. 🤪

Like a vacation.

It’s ok.

We got you.

Just come back when you’re through 🙃 & all will keep trucking along as desired.

If you’re a woman over 40 who’d like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy & slowed aging…

plus have more GRACE in the realm of weight loss,

Please check out Fat Burning PRO:

Get things figured out & moving forward (finally!) in the direction of your waistline desires.

Know that deviation is normal & perfection is not required in order to have what you want. 😘




In case anyone (else) needed a map.




Uh!!! This is a hard one! & one that seems UNIMAGINABLE to even consider.

To LET GO of all or nothing thinking & to aim to LISTEN to your body & HONOR it is effort of the highest order, & work that is not often done.

When we don’t trust our impulses & internal wisdom, it makes all the sense in the world to trust something ELSE!

To listen to rules outside of ourselves & to follow along in (@ times) extreme ways ALWAYS leads to a feeling of deprivation, more dramatic swings in the opposite direction, higher anxiety around the matter & a state of being more fully consumed by the process.


What a F’ing prison.

Many believe that to see numbers drop on the scale that restriction MUST be part of the process - & it’s honestly not true.

Another option is respecting our hunger.
& respecting when we’ve had enough.

Listening to our bodies & trusting that (once we’ve cleared the Sugar Burning clutter, & have clear signals through our fat burning biology) we’ll hear how much we need & when we need it.

This can be SCARY to do!

AND it is FREEING once mastered!!

It’s PEACE INDUCING to trust yourself.

And it’s also REALLY freaking NECESSARY as a Fat Burner.

Nobody gets away with simply following orders OR the diet brainwashing of the past.

Uh uh.

It doesn’t work.

But when you DO listen to yourself & honor your body’s cues…

you can maneuver swiftly, do EXTREME things SAFELY, & lose weight QUICKLY.

B/c you’re on the pulse of your BODY’S WISDOM. 🧘🏻

Not the disconnected chatter of the mind. 😫

If you’re a woman over 40 who’s ready to LISTEN TO YOURSELF in order to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy & slowed aging…

Check out Fat Burning PRO!

Would love to have your join our growing, harmonious, lit up, FUN, (how awesome is it to know how to have your cake & eat it too?! 🥳) community!

To giving you tools, & empowering you to do the rest. xox


EXERCISE = #1 for FAT LOSS(??)

Often when ppl wish to lose weight their thoughts automatically shift to working out.

Working out more.

Working out more intensely.

Working out in a specific way.

Working out w a trainer.

All good.

Kind of.



On a lot. 😬.


If you want to lose fat through exercise, start walking. (Really really)

If you want to ENSURE you’re GETTING to the gym & have some direction - hire a trainer.

Exercise is one part of fat loss, but it’s not the biggest.

Diet is Queen in the realm of weight, & the simplest way to lose more fat is to set up your body to BURN it for the fuel it requires.

When a lovely lady reached out to me the other day to talk training, I didn’t expect to be meeting w her the next AM & immediately usher her into Fat Burning PRO & the FREEING biological mode of fat burning. 🙏♥️

I’m so honored & flattered that she thought to ask for my assistance in helping her attain what she desires.

& I’m so GRATEFUL that she trusted me enough to hear out what I believed to be the best first step BEFORE turning to enhancing her fitness efforts.

Training will happen, but training will happen when it can be used best & when the results will be most evident! 💪😍

IE: when she’s already losing FAT by BURNING IT, & she can TAP INTO her FAT to FUEL her WORKOUTS! 🤩

If you’re a woman over 40 who’d like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy & slowed aging…

check out Fat Burning PRO.

It’s always possible to have our wishes come true.

But often a little strategy goes a long way while requiring LESS EFFORT for us attain them.


Photos from Kettlebella's post 09/02/2024


I can’t even begin to express the MULTITUDE of FEELINGS that FLOOD for both clients & ME when we bump up against a long standing pattern of IGNORING oneself.

MANY that struggle w weight are also used to dismissing how they feel (physically AND emotionally!).

Weight loss is often connected to weathering hunger, not paying attention to cravings, & pushing through physical discomfort in exercise.


And NO.

This s**t is not only NOT necessary for weight loss but w Fat Burning it’s actually COUNTERPRODUCTIVE. 😣

We MUST be listening to the body b/c its signals are what lets us know where things stand physiologically (ARE you burning Fat? Or Sugar?).

PLUS it lets us know when things are appropriate to do (eat later in day, eat earlier, do strength training, stick w walking…).


The path to fast weight loss isn’t to indiscriminately eat less calories/carbs indefinitely.

Our bodies need to know that there’s plenty of food AT TIMES in order to keep letting go of weight.

So the NATURE of Fat Burning (& strategic streamlined weight loss) REQUIRES listening.

It breaks my heart that people assume weight loss expects just the opposite & it stuns me on repeat when Fat Burners believe the same. 😬

It makes me CRAZY 🤪 when there’s a blanket assumption that leanness or desired weight loss requires denying your own needs & disconnecting from your body more.

Ah no.

Just the opposite.

Truth be told weight loss can be (certainly via the path of Fat Burning) inherently SELF LOVING.

The goal is to pay attention to, be able to discipher in a more educated way, & HONOR what your body is telling you.

Win win all the weight loss way home.

And when we go THIS way we can stay here.


B/c it makes sense, it feels good, & it DOES good. 🤓🥰🔥💃

For our waistline, our health, & our emotional well being.

So if you’re a woman over 40 who’d like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy & slowed aging…

while learning to LISTEN to her body, make her right, & LOVE herself MORE…

Join Fat Burning PRO. (In link in bio)



ALL GLOW(n) UP = 21 years later

How crazy is THIS s**t??!?


I LOVE fb memories for this fact.

I used to STRUGGLE w wearing shorts.


The photo of the left was taken in 2003 while visiting a beloved girlfriend in London.

(****Disclaimer! Your body is beautiful! Wear what you love! AND if you desire something different, still know that you can get what you want!)

At that point I felt like I needed a 12 step program to wear shorts.

My thighs always felt chubby & heavy.

My shape is my shape (muscular thighs), but my weight always migrated there.

Cargo shorts were my friend & I felt envious & frustrated about not UNDERSTANDING how to lose weight in that spot & create more of the shape that I desired.


The thing I need to hold on high to all those who have yet to experience this magical state is that it’s DIFFERENT!

It feels EASIER than other LIFESTYLE approaches to losing weight.

AND when you lose weight in a fat burning state YOU LOSE FAT.


I don’t know about you, but having a shrinking upper body while your lower half still holds on to fat due to feeling compromised from a particular approach SUCKS.

Symmetry & strength is hot to me, & THAT’S what FAT BURNING affords.

If you’d like to learn about an approach that can help you look, FEEL & FUNCTION (inside & out = self love, making yourself right, nervous system regulation, learning to listen to your body, FUN, TURN ON+++) to the tune of YOUR version of BETTER,


Woman over 40 who would like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy and slowed aging…

Check out Fat Burning PRO:

To getting what you desire.

ESP if it’s 21 years later. 😉




In many respects fat loss is not about doing more, but doing less.

Many of us who wish to lose weight aim to tackle the gym hard straight out of the gate as well as get SUPER “clean” (often to the point of impractical) w/ our diets.

& for sure, those 2 components DO affect our waistline (a few OTHER things do as well), but HOW we approach exercise & the food we’re consuming can also make a more significant impact as well as feel infinitely easier.

One thing I adore about the state of Fat Burning (as there are honestly an ENDLESS number) is how much of this mode is PASSIVE.

Once certain shifts in your biology have been made, & once certain tools/techniques have been put into life as a LIFESTYLE - there’s an element of doing less vs doing more that actually enables one to cruise towards a size that feels good/better/best(!) as well as have MORE space for other things in life.

THAT is healthy. THAT is sustainable. & THAT is freaking s*xy.

If you’d like to understand MORE around how to more calmly have your cake & eat it too, w/ not having to be CONSUMED about how to enable such a situation, please check out, “7 TIPS TO LOSE FAT FAST”.

To doing less in order to have more.

xox, M

Photos from Kettlebella's post 08/05/2024


2nd official Workshop in the books!

Last night was a lovely intimate affair in an enchanted garden where the wildlife was on display!

(Family of wild turkeys, rabbits, a variety of birds, more…? I missed most of the performance due to speaking 🙃)

Loved getting to share the traditional Weight Loss Equation (calories in vs calories out) & the secret switch to flip if you want to ENSURE you’re burning fat.

Enjoyed getting to greet new faces & reconnect w longtime friends & clients.

Excited to help some of these lovely ladies into the mode of Fat Burning where the Super Power of weight loss is easier & weight gain harder!

Freeing stuff!

Excited for their futures!

And excited for the next one!

Be in touch w interest!




One thing I promote w my Fat Burners in is both strategic deviation (carb feasts +), & deliberate deviation.

It’s WONDERFUL to literally know how to have your cake & eat it too & affect hormones+ in a positive way to get a desired result.

It’s also SMART to deviate deliberately while still keeping your eyes on your ultimate desire.

I personally think that we should be able to have ALL of what we want @ SOME point.

And the rule I aim to adhere to & encourage my Fat Burners to follow is this:

A ) how solidly are you in a fat burning mode? ( = more wiggle room)

B ) are you far/close to where you desire to be weight/shape wise?

C ) depending on those Qs, do you REALLY want it? Or not so much?

Grilled cheese sandwiches w short ribs or fried chicken & Sweet Potato waffles sound AMAZING, “if”, you REALLY want them.

But if not, then perhaps this is the day to choose other things.

And other things that help move you closer to what you’re aimed @ in a way that’s still satisfying & pleasurable.

If you’d like to see how much wiggle room you may have for deviations @ this moment, get your hands on our Sugar Burner Questionnaire

(Leave an 🙋🏼‍♀️ in the comments or DM me.)

Photos from Kettlebella's post 07/26/2024


My big mission in the world is to change the face of Fat Loss & Fitness from one of self criticism, punishment, & deprivation to one of honor, freedom, celebration, & self love.

I LOVE that this lovely lady has DECLARED just that.

It’s understandable to wish to create change when you’re NOT loving what currently is.

But it’s ultimately necessary to be in agreement & harmony w yourself to stay the course.

When many wish to lose weight holding their breath & doing things that are HARD is overwhelmingly expected.

Sadly those tactics might not actually be the most effective AND that approach will never last.

We can’t ignore ourselves 😬 forever.

And when we actually DON’T & DELIBERATELY pay attention to our needs, our body’s cues, what’s true based on what we know & what we ultimately want…

it’s not only NATURAL to make the best choice for you in the moment…

It’s also the SAFEST & MOST EFFECTIVE way to get what you desire.

Fat Burners MUST listen to their bodies.

If they don’t we can blow past pivotal points as the body is transitioning into more easily accessing FAT as its primary fuel source & keep people in a struggle of high hunger & still present cravings. 😬 Or energetic lows.

Or slowed weight loss. 😣

No thank you & SO not necessary.

So when a new Fat Burner starts to increasingly TRUST herself & her body - the game CHANGES. 😍 No longer is she @ war w her physiology or shape - instead she respects herself & knows that the more she listens & WORKS w herself in any moment the more she creates a win win situation. (Comments)



The body is logical. AND it is neutral.


It responds to our environment. It responds to how it’s treated (emotionally & physically). & it responds to how we feed it.

If one is going to contract “something” (some weakening of their immune system or system as a whole) - what I’ve learned is that it’s GENERALLY (there could be other factors based on your particular situation) due to one or more of these...

- less sleep
- more stress
- poor nutrition (sometimes macro, often micronutrients = vitamins)

If we both aim to tend to these pieces on a consistent basis, AND look to them 1st when something goes awry - we generally both PREVENT the sickness/etc from ever happening. Or actually deal w the real culprit when something does take hold.

One thing that I like to make clear (& get v excited about), is that the Metabolic Mode of Fat Burning ALWAYS positively affects one health, while creating a side effect of fat loss.

When these 3 elements (plus) are being tended to & monitored daily - THINGS CAN CHANGE.

Big things!

Like blood sugar, cholesterol, & blood pressure levels!!

Hormonal balance!

Our energy!

The quality of our sleep!

Our mood!


If getting Freakishly Healthy AND Hot from the inside out is of interest - please check out the

Or if you’re a woman over 40 who’d like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy & slowed aging…

Check out Fat Burning PRO!

To keeping it REAL, & to making things SIMPLE so you can get what you WANT.

Love, love, love. xox




Have you grabbed this yet?


Regardless of where you are implementing ANY of these strategies will help your weight loss (& HEALTH) game.

Get it here/link in bio:

Photos from Kettlebella's post 07/10/2024



- weight loss simplified


Last night’s event was so great!

It was thrilling to get to share how weight loss works & how STRAIGHTFORWARD it can be when your body is burning its own FAT for ENERGY!

Adored how engaged & participatory everyone was & how much love the best, “diet”, drink on the planet got. Especially w the addition of seltzer! 😍🙌

Such a gorgeous night & such a delightful time.

Excited for next steps for some of these lovely ladies.

Felt wonderful to shift thinking & help new possibilities start to appear.

And thank you to the active Fat Burners in our midsts!!

Sharing your experience from a place of results, ease, & desire to continue on FOREVER 😂🤪🙌 is beyond persuasive.

Felt so supported in this event.

Thank you all who attended & made that possible. 🥰🙏♥️

Looking forward to our next live event!




You could take this comparison in use it in a MILLION different areas of one’s life (I am), but I’d love to share how this is super helpful to turn to in the realm of food, drink, & self love.

So often when we feel frustrated w how things are (esp w how we feel or look) we choose to deliberately tighten things up.

I’ll NEVER eat _______ again.

I’ll only drink _______ when socializing.

The problem w the tight grip of control is that it always HAS to loosen & fail.

When we don’t trust ourselves we don’t LISTEN to ourselves, & when we don’t listen to ourselves we are FU**ED.

For real.

Like sitting duck, su***de squad, paddling w a hole in the boat while tied to an anchor - fu**ed.

The only thing that’s our own is our truth, & the only thing we have to give is our attention (more on that another day).

The way to ensure a safe voyage through this crazy & wonderful world is to not only listen to ourself, but to also trust what we hear.

When we’re suddenly ready to lose _____ lbs or get back into shape, adopting a strategy that’s RIGID & EXTREME is often what most ppl do.

B/c fast change is what’s desired!

That makes sense!

However when the tactic we’re using to go about things is essentially tension applied to ourselves, when we either hit a bump in the road (stress, anxiety, heartbreak..) or when we’re faced w overwhelming OPPORTUNITY (can someone say long holiday weekends & SUMMER?!?) we often BUCKLE & do just the opposite of what was intended. 😬😭

& b/c that s**t was both hard AND we saw ourselves as not being able to stick w it - we GIVE UP…(comments)



It’s remarkable how many “close to ledge jumping” conversations I have early on w/ my Fat Burners.

Where a morning confessional is shared about how EPIC a fail they had @ a party/out that they either feel they need to restart the process from (depends on timing & what we’re talking 😳), OR that all indeed might be lost.


It’s super easy to have a myopic view of ONE DAY, or A weekend - but the truth is we keep living, & we get to live out new choices NOW.

Couple this perspective w how BULLETPROOF fat burning is & how “failure” can actually be useful - a total bottoming out is rare @ best.

ADDITIONALLY it is SO satisfying to get to open new Fat Burner’s eyes to the nuances of both fat loss & the gifts the Metabolic Mode Fat Burning holds.

This s**t is flexible & FORGIVING 😬.

Truth be told, if we ate (& drank) gallons of garbage everyday all day - that would probably be tough to get around.

BUT knowing how to both “work” a situation (sometimes to our advantage 😳😍), AND knowing how a typical day for a fat burner can simply get our Biology right back on track OR make it more solid - IS FREEING.

“Failing” = LIVING.

Having that perspective is key, & knowing what to do next will set you free. 😉

If you’re a s*xy ass woman over 40 who wants to feel even HOTTER & lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy & slowed aging…

check out Fat Burning PRO @

Knowledge is power, & knowing more will help you navigate the grey to have MORE of what you want. 🔥💃

Love, love, love to you.




Happy (almost) 4th of July (long) Weekend!

Wherever you are & on whichever day might be the focus of your celebration - PARTIES might indeed be happening for YOU!

So, one big tip to kick off your holiday right (especially if you are worried about overdoing it)…

Skip breakfast.

Have coffee.

Or have some tea.

Drink a bunch of water.

Go for a walk.

ESPECIALLY if your party (parties!) are cookouts & start in the afternoon.

You’ll be eating soon enough & this way your body will be more insulin sensitive when you do eat (less likely to store fat).

Or if you MUST eat (sugar burning to the max! 😬) have something SMALLER & more PROTEIN/fat rich.

Full fat Greek yogurt or eggs are a great option here.

This will set you up better hormonally going forward through the rest of your day.

Hope those 2 tips were useful thoughts for this holiday weekend.

And if you’d like to have more options of salty, snacky treats to bring to your shindig (or have on your own) please check out this blogpost.

Love to all! Happy (almost) 4th!! ♥️


“When you feel more confident & comfortable in your own body it’s more pleasurable for both.”
- T (month 6 Fat Burning)

I have to own I hardly ever think about other people being motivated by attraction/hotter s*xy times 🔥😍 as a driver for weight loss.




We communicate confidence, self assuredness, WORTH.

When we FEEL SEXY it shows & it shows that we actually give a s**t about how WE feel & how we treat ourselves.

More attention from the opposite s*x (or whatever your preference might be) or reliably hot times in the bedroom aren’t the only things one needs to be HAPPY…

But they are CERTAINLY a nice addition to the whole picture! 🤪🙌

Set yourself up to magnetize more of what you want.

More of who you are.

More of what feels hottest & most alive.

To you.

More simply.

This business doesn’t have to feel hard, or restrictive, or unattainable after 40…

No ma’am!

So check it out.

Give Fat Burning PRO a look-see if you’d like to lose 8-15lbs in a month while having more energy, slowed aging, & a simpler way to getting a hotter body that you (& others! 🤪🔥) have been dreaming about. 😍



If, “MOVE MORE EAT LESS”, has been your weight loss mantra AND you’ve seen the pitfalls w that thinking…

This podcast is for you.

If you’d like to step away from working HARD or even doing MORE in the effort to drop some pounds give this sharing a listen.

You may be surprised WHAT’S actually effective to give you the change you desire AND some simple tips that could make your results come faster. 🙌

Check it out!



Are we all clear that in order to lose weight that the things of consequence are:



When wishing to lose weight you HAVE to eat less than the body requires (height and weight + physical activity), but where most people get this wrong is they believe undereating = HUNGRY.

And WAY undereating = DAMAGE.

This IS true if you’re going about things in a less than effective way - IE eating small frequent meals and/or a good amount of carbs.

The thing that plays into the calorie game here is INSULIN.

Insulin is released each time we eat.

Regardless of what we eat (besides only FAT = butter, oil, heavy cream).

If we’re ONLY eating FAT we know it.

So if we’re eating (regardless of whether it’s high fiber, fruit, meat, organic, only a small amount, or little calories) INSULIN is released.

Why this matters is because insulin both STORES FAT, but more consequentially in this conversation is that it also BLOCKS body fat from being used for ENERGY…

(Read the rest in link tree in bio: )

Photos from Kettlebella's post 04/15/2024


Doesn’t working out MORE or HARDER = BETTER when trying to lose weight?


Or @ the v least - not necessarily.

In addition to several other problematic aspects of working out too much/long or too hard (overtraining, getting run down, injury, lack of enjoyment making you wish to stop, prohibitive time wise)...

It can simply be counterproductive for weight loss as well.

How so?

When we work TOO HARD or TOO HARD for TOO LONG - our body can easily start to pull from sugar for fuel & call out for FOOD.

**PRO TIP: if you’re wishing to lose weight, make sure your workouts never make you HUNGRIER.

Does that make sense?

One major variable in weight loss is eating LESS calories in some form or fashion (comfortably).

Exercise is another way to increase your caloric expenditure, therefore helping you to be in more of a caloric deficit. 💪🏽

If the activity you’re using to improve that caloric imbalance actually makes you want to eat more...?

& often more of the s**t we don’t ACTUALLY want more of for our waistline...

We best choose to work out SMARTER vs HARDER when hitting the gym.

So how do we do that? If you ARE finding yourself feeling hungrier during or after your workouts either:

- decrease the intensity

- or decrease the duration

So many of us want what we want YESTERDAY, but keeping the dial turned UP indiscriminately (esp w exercise) is NOT always the best approach.

So, if you’re aiming to do HIIT or circuit training & you find yourself feeling HUNGRIER during or after:

- rest for longer

- or shorten your work periods

If you find yourself either hungrier or LOW on energy w LOOOOOOOOONG workout sessions: (comments)



Many identify w being BODY POSITIVE, chucking structure out the window & EATING INTUITIVELY b/c “dieting” has resulted in feeling s**tty about themselves, their bodies, & like they have to be something different than they are.


If the goal is something unattainable, or insanely restrictive & FULL of a feeling of self punishment...

It would make sense to STOP.

The thing that I feel MOST ppl (sometimes even FAT BURNERS) are unaware of is that weight loss, & staying @ the weight that feels best for one’s body should feel EASY.


Even GOOD.

I shared on our weekly WHAT GETS IN THE WAY call that the GOAL w Fat Burning is to LISTEN TO THE BODY.

It’s actually kind of crucial if we’re looking to have this process (& lifestyle) work best.

P (quoted below) had believed that the discomfort of hunger was just par for the course & that he needed to IGNORE his body & solider on.

I kept explaining that he shouldn’t be hungry (based on how things typically go) & that we needed to either problem solve & change whatever was getting him OFF COURSE, or


(Exp: 2 quick fixes to reduce hunger:
- tsp salt in water in AM if you ARE eating less carbs
- apple cider vinegar in water w stevia) Fat Burners can do seemingly crazy things:

- not eat until late in the day
- workout before eating
- go hours & hours between meals
- only eat once a day!

But it’s not b/c it’s HARD, we do it b/c it’s EASY.

AND when ppl ARE hungry or have cravings (once they’ve already solidly gotten into a fat burning mode) something is either off or they NEED MORE FOOD!


So what do we do?

We GIVE the BODY what it WANTS.

Why? B/c it ultimately knows best.

When we continually try to fight w what our body’s truth is we experience discomfort, feel deprived, sometimes MESS w our METABOLISM, & generally simply CRASH & BURN calorie & food choice wise b/c the body will ALWAYS get what it needs.

So I loved this statement made by P.

“At some point you DO have to make peace w the body.”

& when you do you have an ally in this effort & most importantly a GUIDE... (Comments)


EASTER DRESS. Little more business casual for this holiday than most but this frock more than fit the bill comfort, function, & shape flattering wise 🔥. Plus the question of its color made for a bit of conversation. 🙃🐣♥️

Photos from Kettlebella's post 04/02/2024


I thought to share some thinking that goes on on an actual Holiday non carb feast meal.

I was OFF food & sleep wise last week.

I haven’t been taking care of myself emotionally as I typically do, & then I didn’t listen to my body & have a carb feast when I really needed it (Thursday).

So I had one+ 🙃 Friday (so not ideal) & was then faced w an Easter feast 2 days later.


So what does one do when confronted w delicious abundance knowing your body does NOT need a surplus of calories or carbs, while wishing to enjoy the offerings of the day AND not feel regret or like you backslid majorly if your desire is to slim down?

Here’s some of the tactics I took (& typically take):

- sipped my Bulletproof Coffee in the AM. Didn’t finish it & deliberately saved it for later

- worked out fasted

- planned on only having 1 meal (always for me, but always on Holidays for Fat Burners)

- started meal w apple cider vinegar in water w stevia

- had vegetables first (that was olives = best I could do w what was on the table)

- had a deviled egg next (protein & fat). - had some cheese w/o crackers following (still working protein & fat before carbs)

- skipped the cured meats as we’d be having loads of ham

- no alcohol (didn’t want/need it, & I brag I drink so seldom now that my family doesn’t even expect it @ my home 🙌)

- checked out the dressing on the salad (calories low & no bulls**t oils/chemicals = had it). (Comments)

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A CERTIFIED YOGA TEACHER FROM INDIA with more than 8 years of teaching experience providing all different types of Yoga for age groups along with Yoga Therapy, Healing and Diet Cha...

Be Younger Naturally Be Younger Naturally
300 Toll Gate Road
Warwick, 02886

Be Younger Naturally is an anti-aging and rejuvenation website dedicated to helping you look and feel your best.

Fit Happens Fit Happens
Perkins Street
Warwick, 02886

Personal training and coaching.

Rachel's Basic Bites Rachel's Basic Bites

Hi, welcome to my page! I am all about empowerment through the mind, body and spirit.