Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health in Washington D.C.. Delta Omega is the honorary society for graduate students in public health.

Nominations are open! Faculty from schools and programs with active chapters may apply for this award at 👉

Delta Omega created this annual award to applaud the important role public health education plays in the development and maintenance of a strong, active, and well-prepared public health profession.

This unique award seeks submissions that are creative and bridge the gap between public health academia and practice. Award winners stimulate the evolution of innovative graduate public health courses that are responsive to the educational needs of the public health work force. #PublicHealth #DeltaOmega #awards

Other Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health videos

Nominations are open! Faculty from schools and programs with active chapters may apply for this award at 👉 Delta Omega created this annual award to applaud the important role public health education plays in the development and maintenance of a strong, active, and well-prepared public health profession. This unique award seeks submissions that are creative and bridge the gap between public health academia and practice. Award winners stimulate the evolution of innovative graduate public health courses that are responsive to the educational needs of the public health work force. #PublicHealth #DeltaOmega #awards