Dr. Marie Rodriguez, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Dr. Marie Rodriguez in Washington D.C.. Dr. Marie's biz page for her healing and artistic work craniosacral therapy | shamanic healing | c

Excited to share a glimpse of our accommodations in PERU at the Willka Tika resort. I’m going to sleep like a baby there! 💤

Join us on this transformative retreat! Comment PERU and I’ll DM you more info.

#PeruRetreat2025 #SacredIllumination #SpiritualJourney #SelfDiscovery #Empowerment #HolisticHealing #WillkaTika #ReconnectWithYourself

Other Dr. Marie Rodriguez videos

Excited to share a glimpse of our accommodations in PERU at the Willka Tika resort. I’m going to sleep like a baby there! 💤 Join us on this transformative retreat! Comment PERU and I’ll DM you more info. #PeruRetreat2025 #SacredIllumination #SpiritualJourney #SelfDiscovery #Empowerment #HolisticHealing #WillkaTika #ReconnectWithYourself

Guess what? It’s International Relaxation Day And it’s not too late to celebrate by unplugging and chilling for at least a few moments. Allow today to be a friendly reminder importance of slowing down and taking a moment for ourselves. We often work so we can rest later and perhaps we have it backwards- we should rest first, so we can work later!! Some ideas for today: 🌲enjoying a peaceful walk in nature 🛁soak in a soothing bath 🧘‍♂️get centered by practicing meditation, 😮‍💨or simply take a deep breath Afterall, relaxation isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for our well-being! I’m giving you permission to unwind, recharge, and find your inner calm. You deserve it!! How are you celebrating today? Share your favorite way to relax in the comments 💕

Our Full Moon Shamanic Sound Healing is in 1 week! Each month we gather in a virtual circle, create a safe, sacred container and go really deep into a subliminal space. We release stuck energy so we are freed up to grow our intentions. August is the Sturgeon Moon, in honor of the plentiful sturgeon in the Great Lakes that indigenous people caught. It is a time to allow pent-up emotions to rise up (be caught) and dealt with. This sound healing gives us a chance to slow down, after all we're just not wired to receive information at warped speed or work as much as we do. Our bodies require s p a c e to just be. Give yourself the gift of a deep reset. Join us! #SturgeonMoon #FullMoonSoundHealing #FullMoon #FullMoonHealing #Sound #SoundHealing #EnergyHealing"

Plant baths are essential self-care in my life as a collective light worker! This week was REAL and Im SO happy to be BACK (until the next wave 🌊 rolls on in) Plant baths are cheap, easy and all about intention. Plants want to help us out because when we reconnect to them it’s a win:win - we heal and so does Mama Earth. Mama Earth misses her children who have become distracted and disconnected. It’s not too late to plug back in!

💕✨Grateful for connections and like minded community ✨💕 I’ve been in solo practice for 22 years now, and it feels full circle as I started out at health fairs before everything went full on tech. My practice is having a rebirth so how fitting to have a table at an in person event again today! new friends, sound baths, inspiring conversations harp lessons, gemstones galore- my cup is filled 💕✨

Celebrating my Siberian on International cat day. #onceacatladyalwaysacatlady

Are you feeling it? The energy has been very HEAVY the past few weeks! Nightmares and astral battles…phew Time out time and no judgement about being slooow and non productive. This fog shall lift sometime…

The energy has been HEAVY recently! More self care, self love AND a friendly reminder to not judge yourself if plan A is unattainable.

Hey hey hey I’m putting together a little booth and taking my healing show to the WV peeps this Saturday! WV still does it the way we used to before we all went under the zoom spell! Great to get off the screen and into the real world. I’ll be doing 20 min energy resets with: 🌞polarity acupressure 🌿plant spirit healing 🪇shamanic sound healing ❤️craniosacral https://divinearchways.com/events/

🦁Today is the new moon in Leo - a good time to embrace: creativity, confidence, and self-expression. 🌞 Leo is ruled by the Sun, and it brings an energy of warmth, passion, and leadership. 🌚This new moon is particularly powerful for setting intentions related to personal growth, pursuing passions, and stepping into your authentic self. 💡Here are some ideas to honor your inner light: 💃Creative Expression: Allow yourself to fully express your individuality and let your creativity flow freely with painting, dancing or writing. 📝Self-Confidence Ritual: Write down affirmations that boost your confidence and self-esteem. Repeat these affirmations daily, focusing on the qualities you admire in yourself and the goals you wish to achieve. 🧘Meditate on your 3rd chakra or solar plexus chakra - the energy center associated with your personal power and confidence. Visualize a vibrant yellow light emanating from this center, filling you with strength and courage. 🍱Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements! Take in pride in how far you have come and what you have accomplished. Gift yourself with downtime, a tasty meal or a spontaneous outing with no agenda but enjoyment.

🧘‍♀️ Meditation 🧘‍♀️ is not one-size-fits-all, and what's right for you on any given day can vary. If you’ve struggled with meditation, don’t give up just yet! Explore different techniques such as sound-guided meditation, mantra meditation, visual focus, Tibetan chanting, visualization, or specific breathing techniques. #MeditationJourney #Mindfulness #FindYourZen

🧘‍♀️ Meditation is not one-size-fits-all, and what's right for you on any given day can vary. If you’ve struggled with meditation, don’t give up just yet! Explore different techniques such as sound-guided meditation, mantra meditation, visual focus, Tibetan chanting, visualization, or specific breathing techniques. #MeditationJourney #Mindfulness #FindYourZen

Save the date for my 🌟 PERU RETREAT 🌟 in Sept 2025! I find that healing in these sacred lands is very intensified and potent. On this retreat you’ll connect with your intuition, reclaim your spiritual path, and rediscover your higher self. Comment with the word PERU and I’ll DM you a link with more info! #PeruRetreat2025 #SacredIllumination #SpiritualJourney #SelfDiscovery #Empowerment #HolisticHealing #WillkaTika #ReconnectWithYourself

Your opportunity to reset and realign with powerful lunar frequencies is here! Check the link or message me 💫

Do you remember what it feels like to have your energy flowing freely? We are meant to have a regulated nervous system. To have our energy flow. To feel light, unburdened, far removed from our to-do lists. #FreeYourEnergy #SelfCare #EnergyHealing #Balance #EmotionalWellbeing

You deserve this moment. Right now. Just pause and let yourself breathe. #Meditation #TakeBreaks #MindfulMoments #DailyMindfulness #ConsciousLiving

Our Full Moon Guided Healing Journey is in 1 week! July is the Buck Moon, in honor of the new antlers that emerge on a deer buck's forehead around this time (old antlers are shed and new ones grow each year). It is a time for you to feel grounded, strengthened and replenished. Humans are not wired to receive information at warped speed or work as much as we do. Our bodies crave s p a c e to just be. Join us and give yourself this gift. #BuckMoon #FullMoonSoundHealing #FullMoon #FullMoonHealing #Sound #SoundHealing #EnergyHealing

Hey sunshine lovers! Soaking up some rays is crucial for our body's production of vitamin D, which plays a key role in bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. Here are some tips for safe sun exposure: 🌞 Timing is Key: Aim for short, regular sun exposure during off-peak hours, typically before 10 AM or after 4 PM. This reduces the risk of sunburn and skin damage while still allowing you to soak up those vitamin D-boosting rays. 🌞 Cover Up Sensibly: While it's important to get some sun on your skin, be sure to protect yourself from overexposure. Wear loose, light-colored clothing that covers your arms and legs, along with a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses. 🌞 Use Sunscreen Wisely: Sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, but it can also inhibit vitamin D production. Try to expose unprotected skin to the sun for around 10-15 minutes before applying sunscreen. This allows your body to start producing vitamin D while still protecting your skin. 🌞 Know Your Skin Type: People with fair skin produce vitamin D more quickly than those with darker skin tones. If you have darker skin, you may need longer sun exposure to achieve the same vitamin D levels. Be mindful of this and adjust your sun exposure accordingly. 🌞 Supplement When Necessary: If you live in a location with limited sunlight or have difficulty getting enough sun exposure, consider taking a vitamin D supplement. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the right dosage for you. Remember, moderation is key when it comes to sun exposure. Enjoy the sunshine safely and keep your vitamin D levels in check for optimal health! #SunshineVibes #VitaminD #HealthyLiving

My best advice for women transitioning into perimenopause is to ride the waves of change. Embrace this natural phase with grace and resilience. It's a powerful time to tune into your body's wisdom, nourish your mind, and honor your spirit. Listen to what your body needs, prioritize self-care, and surround yourself with a supportive community. You're not alone on this journey. Together, we can navigate these changes and emerge stronger than ever. #Perimenopause #WomensHealth #SelfCare #NaturopathicHealing #HolisticHealth

Who do you call when your deepest patterns arise? The new moon in cancer is upon us, so grab your tissues, and consider who you can reach out to in times when you need connection. We all need a supportive friend on speed dial!