Dr. Marie Rodriguez

Dr. Marie's biz page for her healing and artistic work

craniosacral therapy | shamanic healing | c She is also an artist: bluelotusart.com

Dr. Marie is a licensed naturopathic physician specializing in emotional wellness through energy medicine. She combines shamanic healing, craniosacral therapy and constellation work in her healing sessions.


I have what I call process paintings, and channeled paintings. Every once in a blue moon, a painting breathes a life of its own as this one did. I painted it right after a Tibetan 5 element meditation retreat at the Ligmincha institute in Serenity Ridge, VA.

I had gone on retreat with a lot on my mind and a lot of heavy energy to clear. We learned the seed syllables for all of the elements and spent our days chanting, doing breathwork and in meditation.

I remember feeling so elevated on the drive home and inspired to make a change in the collective energy. This painting, with the qualities of mountains and sky, is what came through.

The original was bought by a dear friend and client right away who gave me permission to recreate via giclee printing.

24x30" giclee print. 30% off in September on bluelotusart.com


Join us tonight! Feel the magical energy of the moon. Register, then get as comfy as you can, login, and let the soothing sounds take you away, giving you the restoration you deserve.

Link in bio.


Excited to share a glimpse of our accommodations in PERU at the Willka Tika resort. I’m going to sleep like a baby there! 💤

Join us on this transformative retreat! Comment PERU and I’ll DM you more info.


Join us for a soul-nourishing Full Moon Sound Healing. The Sturgeon Full Moon embodies the peak of harvest, when sturgeon were particularly plentiful in the Great Lakes for indigenous tribes to catch.

The energy of this moon is particularly intense, and for many of us comes with rising emotions. It is common for parts of ourselves that have been hidden to be shown. This moon can help release these repressed emotions and energies, that, though we may not even realize, impact our daily lives.

Link in bio.


Photos from Dr. Marie Rodriguez's post 08/16/2024

Our Full Moon Shamanic Sound Healing is in 1 week!

Each month we gather in a virtual circle, create a safe, sacred container and go really deep into a subliminal space. We release stuck energy so we are freed up to grow our intentions. August is the Sturgeon Moon, in honor of the plentiful sturgeon in the Great Lakes that indigenous people caught. It is a time to allow pent-up emotions to rise up (be caught) and dealt with.

This sound healing gives us a chance to slow down, after all we're just not wired to receive information at warped speed or work as much as we do. Our bodies require s p a c e to just be. Give yourself the gift of a deep reset. Join us!



This is a HUGE piece of art - 5 ft by 6 ft. And it is GORGEOUS. I had so much fun creating this piece - I had a gigantic canvas and challenged myself to create my biggest work yet. It felt like she created herself - I painted it going around and around with rollers and completely got lost in the creative process.

While it looks like a hurricane, it felt like an ocean portal spiraling up from the seafloor and emerging up to meet the sky.

Staring at the ocean/sky horizon has always had the most clarifying impact on my body/mind. This is an explosive version of the potent energetic space of where the ocean meets the sky…

‘Cosmic Rebirth’ - 55% off through August on www.bluelotusart.com
60x72 inches


🧘‍♀️ Meditation 🧘‍♀️ is not one-size-fits-all, and what's right for you on any given day can vary. If you’ve struggled with meditation, don’t give up just yet! Explore different techniques such as sound-guided meditation, mantra meditation, visual focus, Tibetan chanting, visualization, or specific breathing techniques.


🧘‍♀️ Meditation is not one-size-fits-all, and what's right for you on any given day can vary. If you’ve struggled with meditation, don’t give up just yet! Explore different techniques such as sound-guided meditation, mantra meditation, visual focus, Tibetan chanting, visualization, or specific breathing techniques.


Save the date for my 🌟 PERU RETREAT 🌟 in Sept 2025!

I find that healing in these sacred lands is very intensified and potent. On this retreat you’ll connect with your intuition, reclaim your spiritual path, and rediscover your higher self.

Comment with the word PERU and I’ll DM you a link with more info!


You are stuck on overdrive and constantly overfunctioning. I see this all the time with my patients and I have the perfect treatment plan to get you to slow down and replenish. I give my patient's this homework: 2 couch potato nights and 1 full day of doing nothing per week (it may take more than one week). In order to replenish, we need to be forced to slow down, and in time this will feel more natural.

When we slow down, we often struggle to feel what comes up. It may seem easier to continuing to operate on overdrive . But the real healing comes when we listen to our bodies and our hearts, deal with things that come up and give ourselves grace and compassion. It's not an easy route, but its where the real healing happens.


Do you remember what it feels like to have your energy flowing freely? We are meant to have a regulated nervous system. To have our energy flow. To feel light, unburdened, far removed from our to-do lists.


Join us tonight! Feel the magical energy of the moon and sound healing. Link in bio.


Join us for a soul-nourishing Full Moon Sound Healing. The Buck Full Moon embodies power and challenges you to embrace and manifest new versions of yourself.

Through our sound healing under this moon, we'll honor the cycle of growth, celebrate life changes, and deepen our connection with nature.

Link in bio.


You deserve this moment. Right now. Just pause and let yourself breathe.


Our Full Moon Guided Healing Journey is in 1 week! July is the Buck Moon, in honor of the new antlers that emerge on a deer buck's forehead around this time (old antlers are shed and new ones grow each year). It is a time for you to feel grounded, strengthened and replenished.

Humans are not wired to receive information at warped speed or work as much as we do. Our bodies crave s p a c e to just be. Join us and give yourself this gift.


Most people don't realize that the additional 🌟 summer sunshine 🌟 provides a nurturing backdrop for the ‘darker’ work of shadow integration. Summer's abundance makes it much easier to find strength to face our deepest wounds, and tend to them with love and compassion.

Just as plants require sunlight to flourish, so too do our wounded selves require the nourishment of the sun's rays to heal. The radiance of the sun provides comfort to sit with our pain. As the sun rises, invite it to illuminates areas of stuck emotional energy, softening it and allowing for greater awareness.

Allow yourself to sit with the painful aspects of your life with courage and compassion. Like the tides that rise and fall with the rhythm of the moon, our emotions ebb and flow with the passing of each day. As we journey through the depths of our pain, we begin to see glimpses of light filtering through the darkness. In the warmth of the summer sun, we find the courage to step boldly into this light.

It is only by finding beauty in the highs and lows of our inner landscape and in confronting our shadows that we can become our true selves. Growth and transformation always lies on the other side.


Hey sunshine lovers! Soaking up some rays is crucial for our body's production of vitamin D, which plays a key role in bone health, immune function, and mood regulation.

Here are some tips for safe sun exposure:

🌞 Timing is Key: Aim for short, regular sun exposure during off-peak hours, typically before 10 AM or after 4 PM. This reduces the risk of sunburn and skin damage while still allowing you to soak up those vitamin D-boosting rays.

🌞 Cover Up Sensibly: While it's important to get some sun on your skin, be sure to protect yourself from overexposure. Wear loose, light-colored clothing that covers your arms and legs, along with a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses.

🌞 Use Sunscreen Wisely: Sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, but it can also inhibit vitamin D production. Try to expose unprotected skin to the sun for around 10-15 minutes before applying sunscreen. This allows your body to start producing vitamin D while still protecting your skin.

🌞 Know Your Skin Type: People with fair skin produce vitamin D more quickly than those with darker skin tones. If you have darker skin, you may need longer sun exposure to achieve the same vitamin D levels. Be mindful of this and adjust your sun exposure accordingly.

🌞 Supplement When Necessary: If you live in a location with limited sunlight or have difficulty getting enough sun exposure, consider taking a vitamin D supplement. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the right dosage for you.

Remember, moderation is key when it comes to sun exposure. Enjoy the sunshine safely and keep your vitamin D levels in check for optimal health!


My best advice for women transitioning into perimenopause is to ride the waves of change.

Embrace this natural phase with grace and resilience. It's a powerful time to tune into your body's wisdom, nourish your mind, and honor your spirit.

Listen to what your body needs, prioritize self-care, and surround yourself with a supportive community. You're not alone on this journey. Together, we can navigate these changes and emerge stronger than ever.

Photos from Dr. Marie Rodriguez's post 07/04/2024

Summer's in full swing and I'm feeling beach vibes (even in WV!). Now is peak harvest and time to enjoy connections and all that nature has to offer.

Here are some tips to soak up the most of summer's extroverted energy:

🌱 Dig into Gardening - Plants heal! If you’ve never started a garden but have always been curious, this is the perfect time and it’s an activity that’s deeply rooting and nourishing - there's something magical about watching your plants thrive under the summer sun.

🍓 Find your Local Farmers' Market - Hit up your local farmers' market and connect with your local farmers. It’s prime time to indulge in the freshest produce of the season.

🍽️ Dine Alfresco - Gather your crew for dinner in the park or a backyard BBQ. Food tastes better in nature, and good company makes it even sweeter!

🚶‍♂️ Outdoor Adventure - Dive into nature's playground! Whether it's hiking through lush trails, kayaking on serene waters, or camping under the stars, it's an awesome time to get refilled and refueled in the great outdoors.

🔥 Build Community Connections - Everyone feels more social in the warmer months! It’s the perfect time to build and strengthen connections. Host a backyard soirée, or gather around a bonfire for some quality friend time.


Another creation of watery layers from my California days. This painting started as a brilliant drippy grid background to which I added the tigles (spheres) and a blue Buddha. I got inspired after taking a workshop on how to draw the Buddha in traditional thangka style. The workshop was taught by a Tibetan monk trained as a Thankga painter. Everything in class was measured accurately with rulers and pencils - it was extremely structured. I decided to practice what I learned on canvas and what resulted when I created this Buddha felt like a direct transmission of the nature of the mind.

I practice Dzogchen meditation and many say this spiritual technology originated from another dimension. I really felt that quality come through powerfully as I painted this. It was as though the canvas became a portal and I merged right with it. It’s hard to find the words to describe what ensued but my room shape shifted into an inner planetary dimension as I painted…and as a result I grasped the complex teachings of the primordial state of awareness directly through embodiment.

30x36" acrylic on canvas. 30% off in July on bluelotusart.com


Join us for this powerful moon. June's full moon is the first of two back to back full moons in Capricorn. Capricorn is our diligent, goal-oriented worker of the zodiac. Whatever we are working on, or experiencing now will be carried into July's full moon.

If we've been on track doing our work, this is our opportunity to create results and experience new heights. On the flip side, if we've been avoiding, denying or bypassing we could be in for a more trying time - setbacks may serve as reminders that a new approach is required.

Join us and feel the magical energy of the moon and sound healing. Link in bio.


Join us TONIGHT to celebrate summer solstice! We will gain increased vitality and joy to sustain us through the long summer days/nights. We'll clear = some things out in the process through shamanic journey and the gentle vibration of the rainstick, drum, bells, rattles and bowls.

Let go of daily reality to journey to higher states of consciousness - the place where answers are revealed, insights are retrieved and spontaneous healing happens.

In this sound journey you will access universal support, become deeply relaxed and most importantly, re-connect you with your highest Self - that part of you that’s eternally connected to universal wisdom and knows exactly what you need in any given moment.

If you are in Arlington, VA, reserve your spot now! Link in bio.

Photos from Dr. Marie Rodriguez's post 06/20/2024

It’s summer solstice and time to embrace the 🔥fiery🔥 energy of summer.

More fire means:

🔥More drive - our passions get additional energy, so it’s a great time to dive into creative endeavors.

🔥A time to embrace healing and growth - the emotional heart is connected to the element of fire and our access to increased light supports the illumination of our shadow. It's a time to shed and evolve.

🔥Increased vitality and energy - the warmth of the sun's rays revitalizes our spirits by infusing us with additional energy. It’s a great time to say yes to adventure!

🔥Courage and confidence - this season is the time to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and pursue goals fearlessly!

🔥Celebration - The element of fire is associated with laughter and joy, make plans to gather with loved ones and friends and savor moments in community!

Bask in summer’s fiery embrace to ignite our passions, fuel our growth and shine a light on our futures!


Join us for a soul-nourishing Full Moon Sound Healing. The Strawberry Full Moon embodies spiritual awakening, renewal, and abundance. Through our sound healing under this moon, we'll honor the cycle of growth, celebrate life changes, and deepen our connection with nature. Aligning with the summer solstice, this Full Moon offers heightened energy, vitality, and brightness.

Link in bio.


In today's rapidly evolving world, the expectations placed on men to embody the divine masculine can feel overwhelming. From being providers to nurturers, leaders to listeners, the roles seem endless. But are these expectations fair?

Are we asking too much?

Today men are expected to be successful providers who are emotionally intelligent and communicative and have the correct balance of masculinity strong but not too strong, to be leaders…but not too aggressive.

They are under pressure to restructure our society that’s unsustainable and out of balance, yet at the same time they’re under expectations to succeed within this society that increasingly devalues them.

More often than not, men have not had supportive role models, and they’re overcoming father wounds and generations of trauma.

The truth is healthy men ARE not just valuable but essential.

Let’s recognize all the pressure men face today and support them in their journey to heal.


Our Full Moon Guided Healing Journey is in 1 week! June is the Strawberry Moon, marking the significance of this time of abundance. Reset your energy so you can embrace and exude abundance in all areas of your life.

Humans are not wired to receive information at warped speed or work as much as we do. Our bodies crave s p a c e to just be. Join us and give yourself this gift.


Join us on the Summer Solstice to honor the longest day of the year, gaining increased vitality and joy to sustain us through the long summer days/nights. We'll clear some things out in the process through shamanic journey and the gentle vibration of the rainstick, drum, bells, rattles and bowls.


The end of the school year can mean a whirlwind of exams, projects, and endless activities…after all this hustle, it's time to give yourself the gift of rest.

Hit the pause button after a demanding school year to:

☀️Recharge & Replenish: Your mind and body need time to reset and recharge so you can return refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.

☀️Reflect: Use this time to reflect on your accomplishments and growth. Celebrate achievements, honor your experiences, and set intentions for the future.

☀️Self-Care: Prioritize self-care for your well-being. Whether it's indulging in a favorite hobby, spending time with loved ones, or simply lounging in bed with a good book, do what nourishes you now.

☀️Savor the Present Moment: Slow down and enjoy the NOW. Take a moment to let go of worries about the past or future, to immerse yourself fully in the here and now.

As you unwind and recharge during this well-deserved break, remember that self-care isn't selfish—it's essential. So kick back, relax, and revel in the joy of doing absolutely nothing. You've earned it!

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Videos (show all)

Excited to share a glimpse of our accommodations in PERU at the Willka Tika resort. I’m going to sleep like a baby there...
Guess what?It’s International Relaxation DayAnd it’s not too late to celebrate by unplugging and chilling for at least a...
Our Full Moon Shamanic Sound Healing is in 1 week! Each month we gather in a virtual circle, create a safe, sacred conta...
Plant baths are essential self-care in my life as a collective light worker!This week was REAL and Im SO happy to be BAC...
💕✨Grateful for connections and like minded community ✨💕I’ve been in solo practice for 22 years now, and it feels full ci...
Celebrating my Siberian on International cat day.#onceacatladyalwaysacatlady
Are you feeling it?The energy has been very HEAVY the past few weeks! Nightmares and astral battles…phewTime out time an...
The energy has been HEAVY recently!More self care, self love AND a friendly reminder to not judge yourself if plan A is ...
Hey hey heyI’m putting together a little booth and taking my healing show to the WV peeps this Saturday!WV still does it...
🦁Today is the new moon in Leo - a good time to embrace: creativity, confidence, and self-expression. 🌞 Leo is ruled by t...
🧘‍♀️ Meditation 🧘‍♀️ is not one-size-fits-all, and what's right for you on any given day can vary. If you’ve struggled w...
🧘‍♀️ Meditation is not one-size-fits-all, and what's right for you on any given day can vary. If you’ve struggled with m...


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