Rain Ministry

We are here to take back what is Yahuah’s and restore it to Him, for His glory. By unity in Yahusha.


Those who hate the truth and try to silence the truth, will have to answer for their wickedness and Torahlessness by which they have despised the truth in favor of blatant lies and deceptions....


Post from dodi Ach Daniel Jennings

This is the TRUTH
There is only 1 YAH, 1 Messiah, 1 people, one Law, and 1 covenant.
Anyone seeking the one YAH must enter through the one Messiah, join the one people, live the one Law, and accept the one covenant.
ALL 12 of the tribes of Israel, Yah's people, turn to foreign gods and YAH scattered them and divorced them.
Under divorce, a man can not take back the woman ever.
So YAH sent His Son the Messiah to RENEW the covenant because YAH had made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. All those who receive the Messiah (open invention to all) are now the one people (Israel). The one covenant is the same marriage agreement that was given to Israel at Mt. Sanai. If you keep my commandments, I will be your YAH.
The Messiah, lived the Law perfectly, He was the living Torah, our example.
Through His death, burial and resurrection, He became our High priest and Husband Renewing the covenant with Israel His people. Becoming our perfect sacrifice for sin. He gives us HIS set apart Spirit to empower us to walk as He walked, perfectly keeping ALL the commandments of YAH.
He didn't do away with the old covenant, He made it new again.
I hope this blesses you and increase your Faith.


Abba Yahuah is comforting me in His Word and this is amongst a couple of different Scriptures I've been reading over lately and how powerful it is!!!!


This is beautiful to me...


Be encouraged mishpacha... I hope this helps someone...


Most of us have had a very rough life and had to learn how to survive in a wicked world.. But what Abba Yahuah is doing is bringing healing and restoration to our broken lives and He completes us and refines us through it all... He is awesome to me...


The tzadkim are bold as lions when it comes to our Abba Yahuah and our Messiah Yahusha...We stand by the full counsel of Scriptures and against the unrighteous and wicked ones without fear or compromise!!!!


We are in an epic spiritual battle against the forces of darkness and evil on many levels... And we will have to continue to endure through this, contending against the wickedness and evil against and around us... This will be our reality until Yahusha returns and it's imperative we stay in prayer and Abba's Word and the belief, most especially of what Yahusha Himself has done for us...We will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and word of our witness!!!!



This is a public notice to all who engage in communication with Rain Ministry, any sub ministries, branch ministries, and myself.

Any communication outside of the following, will result in you being banned from any future communication.

This will be carried out in peace. Our only objective is to keep peace, and no division.

If you disagree with something you see you can do the following:
Private message, with respect and honor.
Pass it by with no negative reaction.

The following is our declaration, and list of grievances, of which is the basis of our guidelines:

Preamble for Rain Ministry

As is shown throughout the fallen-state of recorded history, when humanity exercises it’s own free will outside of the inspiration of the One and only Creator, without regard to the equality of all men under Him, that a division and distinction is necessary for the protection and preservation of all Yahuah-given rights. Though division is not desired, it does not come at the hands of Righteous men, who, after exhausting all means to reconcile and restore communion in Love and Fellowship, declare their Sovereignty above all apostasy. Such division, rather, is allowed by men, who desire to willingly disobey Yahuah, thereby cutting themselves off from their original design, and subjecting themselves to deception.

As was after the Beginning, that the serpent deceived man, and with man’s consent, man believed the lie and the communion was severed between Adam and Yahuah, so it is today to those who do not believe in the full redemptive work of Yahusha HaMashiach. That Yahuah, through His abounding favor, has made a way for all of humanity to return to Him in full communion, with all the pleasures that are found in Him, and to establish upon Us once again Sonship of Divine Design.

That we be no more led by the fear of man, who satan in times past, and in present, has used in tyrannical fashion, to deceive and destroy all Sovereign Sons and Daughters and to lead them away from their purpose to reconcile all creation.

We here, as Sovereign Sons and Daughters under Yahuah, do establish and ordain the establishment of Rain Ministry, to defend and promote these truths.
List of Grievances for "The Declaration of Sovereign Existence":
"As We have thus declared Our Sovereign Existence, it is only Fair and Just of the Righteous to also record a List of Grievances for which this Declaration has been made. Be it by the favor of Yahuah that We, the Sons and Daughters of Our most barak Yahuah, do not desire to cut off from Ourselves those who unknowingly have participated in deception and evil practices, nor of those who, having knowingly and willingly participated in evil have from thence ceased from their errors, have received from Yahuah the free Gift of favor, and have been Restored and Reconciled to His Body, the Bride, the Talmidim. These Grievances rather, are to the apostate institution, and to those who pledge their allegiance to the same.

These Grievances are not the sole decree of Rain Ministry, but are an agreed composition of the Body of Mashiach in the Heavenly Assembly. We are the Seven Candlesticks, We are One in Ruach HaKodesh Flame, and We carry the Light of Truth. Therefore, let it be known by this List of Grievances that Our Light shall shed proof upon the fleeing darkness, and these Grievances are as follows:"
Persecuting those in their congregation and community as sinners. Without the full knowledge of the Torah.
Improperly accusing the children of Yahuah and publicly slandering them.
Teaching and worshiping demons named, [GOD, JESUS, HOLY SPIRIT, LORD], all of which are demonic and not to be spoken. The true Name of the creator is Yahuah.
Not obeying the Torah.
Worshiping on Sunday instead of the true sabbath (Saturday/Seventh Day).
Celebrating pagan demon days instead of Torah mandated feast.

By your continued communication with Rain Ministry and any group under Rain Ministry, you acquiesce to this notice.

Notice to agent is notice principal, and notice to principal is notice to agent.

Photos from Rain Ministry's post 06/25/2024

One Day we shall shine like the sun and the stars as Abba Yahuah bestows His Tzadakah and Ohr upon us as His Children...The Torah of Yahuah is the Light or Ohr within us and why we shine brightly in the Malchut of our Abba Yahuah Himself....

Yah Scriptures 06/25/2024

One of the best translations Chris and I have found is this one:

Yah Scriptures Yah Scriptures is a collection of 103 books, including the 66 original books and 37 books of the Apocrypha. With the Name of our Creator and His Son in Paleo Hebrew. Our team has spent hundreds of of thousands of hours of editing, proof reading, and restoring the names of our Creator and His Son. Fo...

Photos from Rain Ministry's post 06/17/2024

According to the Navi Yoel, Abba Yahuah is pouring out His Ruach HaKodesh on all flesh and that is why many of us are having dreams and visions in powerful ways...In line with this we know that we will be given visions and insights, we will gain insight in the Malchut of Yahuah Himself and the matters He entrusts us with... But prove all things and ask for further confirmation if in doubt whether it's from Yahuah or not...


Yisrael was never replaced..The problem is that most people fail to actually study the full counsel of Scriptures period and end up deceived...Yahusha willingly laid down His life and this had to happen to fulfill His purpose and the Word...He is talking about another sheep fold: Efrayim, because of the judgment against all the Houses of Yisrael and now when Yahusha returns we will all be gathered together in the Greater Exodus!


This is very important counsel our Messiah Yahusha gave us: heed it!


Beautiful encouragement for this Shabbat 🐑

Photos from Rain Ministry's post 06/13/2024

The great Name of Yahuah matters far more than people realize... Those are don't think it matters what we call our Abba and Creator, are not knowing His heart at all.. Yahuah's Name is about His character and integrity and His Name is so important to Him, it's in the Torah itself... His Name is above ALL names period... Please honor Him!


‭"But I say the truth to you. It is better for you that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you at all, but if I go, I shall send Him to you.

“And having come, He shall convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment – concerning sin because they do not believe in Me, concerning righteousness because I go to My Abba and you see Me no more, concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is judged.

“I still have many words to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now. “But when He comes, the Ruach of the Truth, He shall guide you into all the truth.

For He shall not speak from Himself, but whatever He hears He shall speak, and He shall announce to you what is to come. “He shall esteem Me, for He shall take of what is Mine and announce it to you.

“All that the Abba has is Mine. That is why I said that He takes from what is Mine and announces it to you.
Yocḥanan (John) 16:7-15


My heart hurts and I have never had any intention of causing any trouble for anyone; I try to help people and lift them up, especially if I know someone is struggling...

I have my battles just like everyone else but not afforded the same compassion and patience I try to give others... It doesn't matter how much I love or care or help others, it's like it doesn't matter at times...

This world is hard because people are not fully walking by Ruach HaKodesh of Yahuah and reacting in the flesh...I see it every single day and I pray for people...We are supposed to come together in unity with the Abba Yahuah and through Yahusha but all I keep experiencing and witnessing is strife or offense, even when none is intended....

I'm tired, mishpacha and I thank you for your prayers and everything... Let's love one another instead of attacking each other because the real enemy is hasatan....


The adversary has monitored and watched us since we were born and knows exactly what can trip us up in our flesh and which buttons to push...

If he can cause us to stumble in our walk in any way he can, he will try, so as to stand in accusations against us ( he is the accuser of the brethren and therefore has an agenda to cause us to fall into sin, so he can discredit us before Yahuah and Yahusha...

But we have authority over him and our flesh if we choose to stay steadfast in our belief...

Rebuke the ruachim and shedim that are trying to tempt, trip or ensnare us and who are trying to rob, murder and destroy us!!!! Know who we are and to Whom we belong to!!!!! We will overcome him if we learn how to discern his tactics and pray accordingly!!!!!

*If you want to share, you have to also add the gif below or only the text is shared*


Be aware if you are experiencing any of these symptoms in addition to the ongoing weekly solar flares happening right now...


We are fearfully and wonderfully made...


In the correct frequency, music is very healing and restorative but at the wrong frequency it causes harm and is intended to intentionally disrupt the natural working of our biology as designed by Yahuah Himself....In the frequency of the adversaries we are being made sick physically and psychologically as such music often influences thoughts and behaviors...


It's a real delusion sadly because people have been indoctrinated since birth via TV and cartoons and school curriculums intentionally meant to mislead from the truth... But we know the as it's been established in the Scriptures and written by inspiration of our Abba and Creator Yahuah Himself...


Shavuot is about remembering the giving of Torah and the Ruach HaKodesh of Yahuah Himself!


If we abide by and live by the Word of Yahuah Himself, we will not have even half the troubles we encounter. We have to know what He says so we can do what He says....


And concerning death, the teaching is this:

When the decisive decree goes forth from the Most High, that one should die, as the spirit leaves the body to return to Him again who gave it, first of all it adores the esteem of the Most High.

If it is one of those who has mocked and not guarded the Way of the Most High, who has despised His Law and hated those who revere Yahuah; such spirits do not enter into dwellings, but shall immediately wander in torture, forever in grief and sorrow in seven ways.

The first way,because they have mocked the Law of the Most High.

The second way, because they cannot make a good repentance so that they now may live.

The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the Covenants of the Most High.

The fourth way, they shall consider the torture laid up for themselves in the last days.

The fifth way, they shall see how the dwellings of others are guarded by messengers in deep rest.

The sixth way, they shall see how some of them pass over into torture.

The seventh way, which is greater than all the ways that have been spoken, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the esteem of the Most High in whose presence they sinned while they were alive, and in whose presence they are to be judged in the last days.

"This is the order of those who have guarded the Ways of the Most High, when they are separated from their mortal body:

During the time that they lived in it, they laboured to serve the Most High and withstood danger every hour so they might guard the Law of the Lawgiver perfectly.

Therefore this is the teaching concerning them:

Firstly, they shall see with great joy He who receives him, for they shall have rest in seven orders.

The first order, because they strove with great effort to overcome the wicked thought that formed with them, so that it might not lead them astray from chai unto death.

The second order, because they see the confusion in which the beings of the unrighteous wander and the punishment that awaits them.

The third order, they see the witness that He who formed them bears concerning them, and throughout their life they guarded the Law with which they were entrusted.

The fourth order, they know the rest that they now enjoy, being gathered into their rooms and guarded by messengers in deep rest, and the esteem waiting for them in the last days.

The fifth order, they rejoice that they have now escaped what is corruptible and shall inherit what is to come; and they shall see the difficulty and toil from which they have been delivered, and the spacious freedom that they are to receive and enjoy in immortality.

The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their face is to shine like the sun, and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on.

The seventh order, which is greater than all that have been spoken, for they shall rejoice with boldness, and shall be confident without confusion, and shall be glad without fear, for they shall press forward to see the face of He whom they served in life and from whom they are to receive their reward when esteemed.

This is the order of the beings of the righteous, which from now on is announced: And previously spoken are the ways of torture that those who would not pay heed shall suffer from now on."

Then I answered and said, " Shall there be a time given to the beings after they have been separated from the bodies, to see what you have described to me? "

And he said to me, " They shall have freedom for seven days, so that during these seven days they may see that which you have been told, and afterwards gathered into their dwellings. "
2 Esdras 7:78-101


"Therefore wait for Me," declares Yahuah, "until the day I rise up for plunder. For My judgment is to gather nations, to assemble reigns, to pour out on them My rage, all My burning wrath. For by the fire of My jealousy all the earth shall be consumed.

"For then I shall turn unto the peoples a clean lip, so that they all call on the Name of Yahuah, to serve Him with one shoulder. "From beyond the rivers of Kush my worshippers, the daughter of My dispersed ones, shall bring My offering.

"In that day you shall not be put to shame for any of your deeds in which you have transgressed against Me, for then I shall remove from your midst your proud exulting ones, and you shall no more be haughty in My set-apart mountain.

"But I shall leave in your midst an OPPRESSED AND POOR PEOPLE, AND THEY SHALL TRUST IN THE NAME OF YAHUAH. "The remnant of Yisra'el shall do no unrighteousness and speak no falsehood, nor is a tongue of deceit found in their mouth. For they shall feed their flocks and lie down, with none to frighten them."

Shout for joy, O daughter of Tsiyon! Shout, O Yisrael! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O daughter of Yarushalayim! Yahuah has turned aside your judgments. HE HAS FACED YOUR ENEMY. The Sovereign of Yisrael, Yahuah, is in your midst. No longer need you fear evil. In that day it shall be said to Yerushalayim, "Do not fear, Tsiyon, do not let your hands be weak."

YAHUAH YOUR ALMIGHTY ONE IS IN YOUR MIDST, IS MIGHTY TO SAVE. He rejoices over you with joy, He is silent in His love, He rejoices over you with singing.'


And I shall give them for a praise and for a name in all the earth where they were put to shame. "At that time I shall bring you in, even at the time I gather you, for I shall give you for a name, and for a praise, among all the peoples of the earth, WHEN I TURN BACK YOUR CAPTIVITY BEFORE YOUR EYES," SAID YAHUAH TZEVAOT.
Tsephanyah/Zephaniah 3:8-20


Were people here aware that right now our brothers and sisters are being actively and evilly martyred right now? Were you aware of the danger and terror that some of our own mishpacha is facing?! Because we wouldn't have time to engage in drama and strife on social media and being lost in our own little world and instead would be praying for mishpacha and each other knowing that we are living in the worst and most dangerous time since creation.... Please think about that and seek Yahuah's desire in the present world and lift up others instead of tearing down... You are acting as an agent of hasatan when you do that...

Photos from Rain Ministry's post 05/27/2024

Ěsau, who is NOT the white race by the way, will culminate the end of this present world and Ya'acov is going to be the beginning of the new world to come... Yahuah is bringing the matter to an end once and for all, in flames and ashes...

He is ending a very wicked race of people who are bent on evil and wickedness and the progeny of the devil himself, his bloodline...

Yahuah is only going to allow so much more to come upon the whole world, and most especially His Children, having been persecuted, oppressed and targeted by the wicked ones, Yahuah will draw the line with them at this point...

Yahusha is coming back soon but not until after the antimessiah has been made official...

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Waynesboro, VA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 10am - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm
Sunday 10am - 9pm

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