Trial Lawyers group

Whether you have been injured or require assistance with matters of family law, Jennifer Labbe, PA, is ready and waiting to help.

During times like these, situations can carry heavy emotional burdens and leave you feeling like there is nowhere to turn. Finding legal assistance that is a good fit for you can be even more beneficial than you may initially realize. Not only will you save time and money, but the emotional support and peace of mind you gain when in the right hands is priceless. Don’t take the risk of falling vict

How Marital Assets Are Divided In A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL 09/16/2022

How Marital Assets Are Divided In A High-Asset Divorce – Watch here:

How Marital Assets Are Divided In A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 Under Florida Statute…


Can I Handle My Paternity Case On My Own, Or Do I Need An Experienced Florida Paternity Attorney?

We always recommend that you seek the assistance of an experienced attorney. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in a paternity case. Many times, you will ultimately have to hire an attorney to file an Amended Petition to try and fix whatever you may have done incorrectly anyway. We always recommend that you seek an attorney’s help because if you file the documents incorrectly or fail to include legally required information, the court could ultimately dismiss your case for reasons you might not fully understand.

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How Is Paternity Established In Florida?

Only a court can establish your paternity. If a father wants to see his child on a consistent basis, he must establish his paternity. In our experience, fathers often originally agree with their child’s mother regarding visitation and can come to some sort of arrangement. When the arrangement no longer works or the mother changes her mind, a father has no legal right to see the child unless he has legally established his paternity. Until you establish your paternity with the court, the mother gets to decide if you can spend any time with your child. If you want any say in your child’s life, it is very important that you establish your paternity legally. After you establish your paternity, you will have child support obligations and can come up with a reasonable visitation schedule.

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What Can We Do If We Can’t Come to An Agreement on Separating Certain Assets?

If you cannot agree regarding the division of assets, getting a mediator involved is a logical next step. A mediator is a neutral third party who can help you come up with creative, “out of the box” solutions that a judge is unable to offer.

You can present the issue to the court, but the final decision is out of your hands once you put that issue in front of a judge. In most instances, you will reserve that option for your larger assets.

Wasting time and money fighting over small items of personal property that have little value is not a good use of your resources. For example, we once had a case where the spouses were arguing over who got to keep a pool cleaner worth less than a few hundred dollars. Such minor issues serve as a distraction from the more important ones. You should try and address issues involving smaller assets during mediation. But once the case is in front of the judge, the decision belongs solely to the judge.

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What Effects Does It Have On The Process If The Divorce Is Contested And What Does That Mean?

A contested divorce occurs when both parties can’t agree on the terms of their divorce. In an uncontested divorce, the parties are able to put their own settlement agreement in place regarding how they will divide their assets and debts and come up with their own parenting plan if they have minor children. All divorce cases require the filing of a Petition and an Answer.

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What Information Will Both Sides Have to Disclose During the Divorce Process in Florida?

In the Florida divorce process, or for any other family law matter, you must disclose your basic financial information from the past few years including assets, liabilities, financial statements, paystubs, and tax returns. As part of this process, you will also fill out a financial affidavit. You will have 45 calendar days to comply with the mandatory disclosure requirements after a divorce has been filed. Florida law requires this process for every couple facing divorce in Florida.

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How Retirement Accounts Are Divided During A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL 08/01/2022

How Retirement Accounts Are Divided During A High-Asset Divorce – Watch Here:

How Retirement Accounts Are Divided During A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 Under Florida law, retirement…

How Your Asset Division Settlement May Affect Tax Obligations In Florida | Jennifer Labbe -Divorce - FL 07/22/2022

How Your Asset Division Settlement May Affect Tax Obligations In Florida – Watch Here:

How Your Asset Division Settlement May Affect Tax Obligations In Florida | Jennifer Labbe -Divorce - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 While most assets in a…


What Type of Injuries Do the Riders Generally Sustain from These Accidents?

Even with the proper usage of helmets, injuries in bike accidents tend to be more severe than injuries in car-to-car accidents. A lot of drivers follow too closely when you’re cycling. We often represent bicycle accident victims who have suffered broken bones,

catastrophic injuries, TBIs, spinal cord paralysis—those are some of the injuries we see more in car versus bike accidents than car versus car accidents.

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I Was Injured In A Car Accident In Florida And Believe I Have A Case Against The At-Fault Party. What Are The Steps I Need To Take To Give My Case The Best Possible Outcome?

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I Was Injured In A Car Accident In Florida And Believe I Have A Case Against The At-Fault Party. What Are The Steps I Need To Take To Give My Case The Best Possible Outcome? Learn Here:


What Final Family Court Orders Are Able To Be Modified?
What Are The Most Common Reasons That People Seek Out A Modification?

Under Florida law, property orders cannot be modified at all. Once you enter into a property settlement agreement, it’s done. Child support and time-sharing, however, can be modified. Some alimony is non-modifiable, so it depends on the kind of alimony (there are several different kinds in Florida). To modify a custody or support order, you need to show a substantial and unanticipated change in circumstances.

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What Are Some Of The Biggest Mistakes That You See People Make When It Comes To These High-Asset Divorces In Florida?

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Possible Ways Assets Get Hidden From The Other Spouse | Jennifer Labbe - Divorce - FL 06/20/2022

Possible Ways Assets Get Hidden From The Other Spouse – Watch here:

Possible Ways Assets Get Hidden From The Other Spouse | Jennifer Labbe - Divorce - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 In cases where people…

How Marital Assets Are Divided In A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL 06/10/2022

How Marital Assets Are Divided In A High-Asset Divorce – Watch here:

How Marital Assets Are Divided In A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 Under Florida Statute…

How Retirement Accounts Are Divided During A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL 06/03/2022

How Retirement Accounts Are Divided During A High-Asset Divorce – Learn here:

How Retirement Accounts Are Divided During A High-Asset Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 Under Florida law, retirement…

How Your Asset Division Settlement May Affect Tax Obligations In Florida | Jennifer Labbe -Divorce - FL 06/02/2022

How Your Asset Division Settlement May Affect Tax Obligations In Florida – Watch here:

How Your Asset Division Settlement May Affect Tax Obligations In Florida | Jennifer Labbe -Divorce - FL Trial Lawyers Group 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 820-0010 While most assets in a…


Who Will Be Responsible For Child Support When Parents Are Divorcing In Florida?

Under Florida law, child support is determined by the net incomes of the parents. Who pays medical insurance and who would pay any daycare or aftercare can be factored into child support. It also is determined by the number of overnights with each parent, plus other factors such as who is the head of household subsequent to post-divorce filing. There are many factors that go into calculating child support. In a lot of cases in Florida, the parties’ incomes are equal, so the party who is paying for health insurance and any aftercare would get reimbursement based on the percentage of the income. Learn here:


Will My Asset Division Settlement Affect Any Tax Obligations In Florida?

While most assets in a Florida divorce can be transferred between the spouses without tax consequences, you still have to be very mindful of tax obligations. Florida law creates issues with capital gains and different tax treatment. Should you have to sell property or make distributions from an LLC or a closely held corporation, the taxes in those distributions could be seen as capital gains and the dates of filing are going to affect your basis. Learn here:


How Would You Describe A High-Asset Or High-Net-Worth Divorce?

High-asset divorces usually involve more complicated property distributions and ownership of assets that are not typical (in other words, not just homes and cars) such as deferred comp, stock options, real estate partnerships, investment trusts, valuation and distribution of businesses, cyber currency, horses, art collections, etc. There are often revocable and irrevocable trusts involved. Learn here:


Divorce – Navigating a divorce can be one of the most challenging ordeals an individual can endure. This is only exacerbated by the complicated and frustrating legal processes one must go through before the implications of the decisions made during that process can take effect. When entering divorce proceedings, many aspects of your life will be examined. If you do not have the advantage of expert Divorce Lawyers on your side, you run the risk of being manipulated and losing assets that you may not have necessarily needed to. Especially if the opposing party has retained the services of a Family Law Firm, this applies doubly so. Learn here:


Why Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle my Personal Injury Case?

An experienced accident injury lawyer can protect you from taking common missteps in dealing with insurance companies, employers, and property owners. Through prior experience with personal injury cases, and by knowing the legal system, a qualified personal injury lawyer is better equipped to avoid simple mistakes that are often the downfall of personal injury cases taken on by the injured. In most personal injury cases, an insurance company will become involved; they are in the business of holding onto as much of their money as possible. While it may seem like they are trying to help and acting in your best interest, they are likely probing for possible ways to devalue your case. Settling with an insurance company, without the aid of legal counsel, will often end in you receiving less than you are entitled to. Learn here:


Estate Planning: What Do I Need?

Below is a list of the key estate planning documents filed in Florida:

• Will—Gives directives for distributing your property after you pass away, as well as who should oversee your estate.

• Durable Power of Attorney—Assigns a trusted person to act as your agent in the event you become incapacitated or die. This person will make decisions regarding you and your estate, as well as legally sign documents on your behalf.

• Living Will—Serves as directive to your attending physician(s) for your wishes regarding end-of-life medical care.

• Designation of Health Care Surrogate—Indicates a reliable person who will ensure your health care wishes are respected.
Working with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney to draft and file these documents will ensure they are valid, leaving nothing to chance once you’re gone.

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Why A Thorough Investigation Is Necessary Even If You Trust Your Spouse | Jennifer Labbe - Divorce - Florida 11/01/2021

Why A Thorough Investigation Is Necessary Even If You Trust Your Spouse – Watch here:

Why A Thorough Investigation Is Necessary Even If You Trust Your Spouse | Jennifer Labbe - Divorce - Florida Jennifer Labbe PA. 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 815-8889 In a divorce, you…

How To Find Out What Your Spouse Truly Makes In A Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - Florida 10/26/2021

How To Find Out What Your Spouse Truly Makes In A Divorce – Watch here:

How To Find Out What Your Spouse Truly Makes In A Divorce | Jennifer Labbe - Florida Jennifer Labbe PA. 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 815-8889 There are several…

Why High-Asset Cases Tend To Be More Expensive And Time-Intensive | Jennifer Labbe - Divorce - Florida 10/18/2021

Why High-Asset Cases Tend To Be More Expensive And Time-Intensive – Watch here:

Why High-Asset Cases Tend To Be More Expensive And Time-Intensive | Jennifer Labbe - Divorce - Florida Jennifer Labbe PA. 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 815-8889 These cases do…

High-Asset And High-Net-Worth Explained By Attorney Jennifer Labbe | Divorce - Florida 10/08/2021

High-Asset And High-Net-Worth Explained By Attorney Jennifer Labbe – Watch here:

High-Asset And High-Net-Worth Explained By Attorney Jennifer Labbe | Divorce - Florida Jennifer Labbe PA. 12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190 Wellington, FL 33414 United States (561) 815-8889 High-asset divorces…


Why Choose Jennifer Labbe, PA?

When looking for legal assistance in some of the most personal and sensitive areas in your life, you should expect personal care, attention to detail, and tenacity to reach success in whatever situation you may be in. You will be treated with respect and compassion, and each step of your journey will be thoroughly explained to you to be an active part of the process. The ultimate goal of any case we embark on is to assist the client in reaching the personal goals they have in the matter. You will remain in complete control of the decision-making throughout your case, and regardless of what occurs along the way, you will have support, both legally and emotionally. Regardless of your situation, call our office in Wellington, FL, to schedule your initial consultation and begin the process of resolving the legal matters causing issues in your life and happiness. Learn here:


Alimony and Custody – Determining alimony agreements or custody arrangements can sometimes be even more complicated than the divorce itself. To ensure that the process is as painless and straightforward as possible, hiring an Alimony or Child Custody attorney is wise. Modifying either original order is also a complicated process and comes with its own set of regulations. With the advice of Jennifer Labbe on your side, you can rest assured knowing that you will be prepared with all documentation, evidence, and any other necessary testimony or information the court may require. For child custody and support, the main focus of the Florida courts rests on the wellbeing and best interest of the child. This means that to determine custody or visitation time, you must present valid reasons that it is beneficial to the child. This can be through examinations of the relationship, valuations of personal finances, witness testimony, or professional advice from experts appointed by the court. Hiring an attorney is the first step in succeeding in these claims, and if difficulties arise, a Child Support Attorney will be able to guide you through the rough spots. Learn here:


How Would You Describe What Estate Planning Actually Is?

Estate planning is not just for old people; estate planning is for everyone. We aren’t like the traditional estate planning lawyers, so we’re not just going to sell documents. Estate planning involves protection of your children, even protection for your pets, as well as all kinds of asset management and asset protection. Dealing with naming legal guardians is just one of the many things not traditionally thought of as estate planning. Learn here:

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12161 Ken Adams Way Suite 190
Wellington, FL

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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