Brain & Spine Upper Cervical Chiropractic

We are a cutting edge Upper Cervical Chiropractic office specializing in correcting misalignments in

Our specialities include: Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic, Cold Laser Therapy, Cranial Facial Release technique, Flexion Distraction Technique, Joint Clearing, Functional Neurology, Functional Medicine, Vision Therapy, Stroke Rehab, Post Concussion Rehab, Vestibular Therapy

How Do Migraine and Headache Medications Work? 06/17/2024

Naturally, you’ll reach for a bottle of your go-to NSAIDs or prescription pain medication. You take one pill and wait for the magic to happen. A few hours later, you’re back on your feet and have less painful symptoms. The cycle repeats every time you experience a severe bout of headache, migraine, and neck pain.

How Do Migraine and Headache Medications Work? Discover how migraine and headache medications work and how they cope with the disabling pain. Stop that neck pain and headache now!

Why Neck Pain Is Frequently Related to Migraines 06/16/2024

If neck pain is one of the most common symptoms of migraines, both before and during an attack, it is clear that the two are linked. So why is this an often-overlooked symptom? What is the connection between the neck and the head? We’re about to take a comprehensive look at the structures of the neck and why misalignments in the neck may lead to migraines.

Why Neck Pain Is Frequently Related to Migraines Take a look at how neck pain is one of the most common symptoms of migraines. See how you can find natural relief with this condition.


20% of adults experience chronic pain. Untangle yourself from the constant worry by getting checked at Upper Cervical Care. Your safety is our priority.


🤔💭Did you know that Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) out preformed opioids in healing low back pain🤔💭

According Erchonia Corporation, the average patient had a 53% reduction in their chronic low back pain after one month of treatments!

After 2 months post treatment patients had a 58% decrease in pain, which a was cumulative effect which continued to decrease patients pain.

Call and talk with one of our friendly staff today about what low level laser therapy (LLLT) can do for your pain levels!

📲 970-999-5862

Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan Helps In Finding Freedom from Migraines and Anxiety 06/13/2024

Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of trying countless of remedies and treatment options only to experience fleeting relief? If so, then you may be able to relate with Chantal, a migraineur who battled relentless migraines and anxiety and sought answers only to find more and more questions. Witness how a unique and specialized approach, Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan, unveiled the true cause of her troubles - even though she had no neck pain. Discover how Chantal's life transformed as she found complete symptom release through this innovative treatment. If you're tired of temporary fixes, Chantal's story might hold the key to lasting relief. Dive into our Instagram and YouTube videos to explore the power of Upper Cervical Care for complex neurologic and gut conditions.

Experience for yourself the benefits of receiving Upper Cervical Care.

Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan Helps In Finding Freedom from Migraines and Anxiety Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of trying countless of remedies and treatment options only to experience fleeting relief? If so, then you may be able t...

Uncover 8 Facts Regarding Migraines in Men 06/10/2024

Migraines top the list of personal and business concerns. People diagnosed with this condition struggle with debilitating agony. Every migraine chiropractor in West Jordan knows for a fact that a person dealing with migraines may complain of a stiff neck, balance problems, and headaches. Continue reading to learn more.

Uncover 8 Facts Regarding Migraines in Men Every migraine chiropractor in West Jordan knows for a fact that a person dealing with migraines may complain of a stiff neck, balance problems, and headaches.

5 Facts About Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness 06/09/2024

In our discussion below, we’ll help you explore one of the best vertigo remedies today. But, before we get to it, we need to deep dive into the crucial steps you must take if you wish to maximize the benefits of this natural source of vertigo relief.

5 Facts About Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness Are you looking for an effective remedy for Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness? Read about it here and start experiencing relief.


A healthy body makes a healthy buddy. Lessen your screen time and bask outside the four corners of your home. Seek and enjoy outdoor activities that nourish the mind and calm the soul.

Overcoming Dizziness & Discomfort with Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan 06/06/2024

Have you ever been told a health issue was ""incurable""? Meet Amy, who battled debilitating dizziness and despair after multiple doctors couldn't help. In this incredible testimonial, Amy shares her transformative experience with Upper Cervical Care at West Jordan Chiropractic. Enduring years of relentless discomfort, she finally discovered the road to relief and reclaimed the joy of life she once knew. Discover the often-overlooked technique that made all the difference in Amy’s life. With customized adjustments and dedicated care, Amy's story is proof that healing is possible. Don't miss her inspiring journey to better health!

Overcoming Dizziness & Discomfort with Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan Have you ever been told a health issue was "incurable"? Meet Amy, who battled debilitating dizziness and despair after multiple doctors couldn't help. In thi...


This multiple-medal-winning athlete was sidelined by debilitating back pain. Traditional treatments weren't working, and she was worried about missing Nationals. That's when her mom reached out to us. During the consultation and examination, we found that her upper cervical vertebrae were misaligned, even though she had no neck pain!

With targeted adjustments, her back pain improved dramatically, and she was back on track. But the surprises didn't stop there.

Since then, over a dozen young athletes from her school and sports teams have come in with similar stories of unexplained back pain, numbness, and other issues. They had no neck pain, but every single one got better with Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan UT.

This video shares their stories and explores the often-overlooked connection between neck alignment and back pain. Do you or someone you love suffer from back pain too? Find out if Upper Cervical Chiropractic might be a good option to consider!

Call now to book your consultation with us!

Phone: 801-784-8217


Click on the video thumbnail to find out more about Upper Cervical Care.


Neck ache bothering you? Ensure your safety. Try Upper Cervical Care and free yourself from the burden of an aching day.

Chiropractor in West Jordan Shares Tips on Crafting a Migraine Journal 05/25/2024

Say goodbye to migraine misery with the help of a detailed journal. Learn the key things you must include when creating one plus discover a leading source of migraine relief in West Jourdan in our latest blog post.

Chiropractor in West Jordan Shares Tips on Crafting a Migraine Journal Discover effective migraine relief with a chiropractor in West Jordan. Say goodbye to pain and hello to a better life. Schedule your appointment now!


Migraines and other types of headaches, such as tension headache and sinus headache, are painful. Migraine symptoms include a pounding headache, nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity and are treated with anti-nausea drugs, but there is a safe and natural way.

To contact our office directly call 801-784-8217
or visit
for more information about our practice.
To learn more click on the video thumbnail

MIGRAINES AND HEADACHES ALLEVIATED NATURALLY IN WEST JORDAN, UT. Migraines and other types of headaches, such as tension headache and sinus headache, are painful. Migraine symptoms include a pounding headache, nausea, vomi...


To lower the risk of developing serious health problems and to promote health and wellness, it is important to practice healthy habits. A few things you can do include taking the time to cook nourishing meals, trying not to compare yourself to others, surrounding yourself with positive people, spending time in nature, saying positive affirmations, and trying Upper Cervical Care. Don’t be afraid to try something new when it comes to taking care of yourself and form habits out of healthy practices!


Ali came into our clinic with debilitating symptoms that were so disruptive that she needed a walker to get around and wasn’t able to drive anymore. We found that she not only had an upper cervical misalignment, but that she also had instability where her Alar ligaments were damaged enough to make her upper cervical joints hyper mobile.

Although it took several weeks for her to start having stabilized improvement, she now goes many months with little to no pain.

If you suffer from chronic dizziness, brain fog, nerve pain, or other debilitating symptoms, Ali's story offers hope. Learn how West Jordan UT Chiropractic Care can be a critical step in your recovery journey.

Call now to book an appointment:

Phone: 801-784-8217


Click on the video thumbnail to find out more about Upper Cervical Care.

Vestibular Neuritis, Labyrinthitis, and a Promising Solution 05/19/2024

Feeling lost in the dizzying whirl of or ? Let’s help you understand the difference between the two and discover the holistic path to relief with Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care.

Vestibular Neuritis, Labyrinthitis, and a Promising Solution Feeling lost in the dizzying whirl of or ? Let’s help you understand the difference between the two and discover the holistic path to relief with Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care.

West Jordan Chiropractor Lists Vertigo-Reducing Sleeping Tips 05/18/2024

Getting ample quality sleep is important for our overall health, and vertigo is no exception. Sleep helps the body repair itself, which can help reduce the severity of a vertigo attack. Read more to learn.

West Jordan Chiropractor Lists Vertigo-Reducing Sleeping Tips Learn more about how to have better quality sleep and rest. Also, our West Jordan Chiropractor has more information to share about getting relief!


Kaiya originally came to our office seeking help for her whiplash related injuries. She has been through 3 car accidents in the past and has suffered whiplash from at least 2 of them. She has a lot of tension in her neck, her limbs were starting to feel numb, and she felt her brain was not functioning at its full capacity. After receiving care from Dr. Salisbury, she feels better, have more energy to do activities and can think more clearly.
To her surprise, her issues with her lymph nodes and hips have also disappeared. When asked about how all of these affected her personal life, she says, ""You know I feel like I've gained a lot more confidence. The confidence that I used to have a long time ago. Because when your body is in healing mode, you're trying to protecting it, and you lose a lot of self-confidence.

To contact our office directly call 801-784-8217
or visit
for more information about our practice.
To learn more click on the video thumbnail.

WHIPLASH RELATED INJURIES DISAPPEAR WITH UPPER CERVICAL CHIROPRACTIC IN WEST JORDAN, UT. Kaiya originally came to our office seeking help for her whiplash related injuries. She has been through 3 car accidents in the past and has suffered whiplas...


Our brain is in charge of what we think and feel and tells the body how to react. When we’re in a situation we deem stressful, our body is bound to respond in accordance with how we perceive it, regardless of whether or not it is real or imagined. Staying in control of your feelings and keeping a positive attitude will definitely help you respond to stress better and thereby decrease its negative effects on your body!

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Vertigo in West Jordan UT? 05/13/2024

Is your vertigo due to a lack of sleep? Stop guessing and do something! Check out our latest article on how we can help you manage your symptoms and find lasting relief. If you're already receiving care from us, keep up the good work! We're here to support you every step of the way.

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Vertigo in West Jordan UT? Following through with your trusted vertigo chiropractor in West Jordan can lead to lasting relief from your symptoms and improved quality of life.


Baby Ila’s mom, Kailey, brought her in to see us after dealing with months of her acting inconsolable all day, fussy at night, constipated for days at a time etc. One interesting problem she noticed was that Isla would always have her head turned to one side to the point that it even caused a flat spot on that side of her skull.

Knowing something was wrong, Kailey took Ila to the pediatrician who was dismissive and told her she would just hopefully grow out of it.

Unsatisfied with that answer, Kailey followed her motherly intuition and brought into our clinic. Check out her story!

Be our next success story! Call now to book your consultation with our West Jordan UT Chiropractor!

Phone: 801-784-8217


Click on the video thumbnail to find out more about Upper Cervical Care.

Headaches After Giving Birth: Tips for New Moms 05/11/2024

Do you happen to know a newbie mom who suffers from painful headaches? Are you stuck in a similar situation? Let’s help you manage your symptoms better!

Headaches After Giving Birth: Tips for New Moms Mother’s Day has already passed, but that doesn’t mean that we forgot about our dear patients who struggle with headaches after giving birth. Do you happen to know a newbie mom who suffers from painful headaches? Are you stuck in a similar situation? Let’s help you manage your symptoms better!


The food that you consume plays a big role in your health and has a significant impact on your recovery from illnesses. In fact, consistently eating the right kind of food in the right amount makes it the most powerful medicine that you’ve got. Fuel and nourish your body by eating the “medicine” at the end of your fork!

Chiropractor in West Jordan Shares Migraine Survival Kit Must-Haves 05/06/2024

Not sure what your emergency kit should include? Don’t worry! We thought of creating an in-depth guide on what you should prepare for migraine attacks in your first aid kit.

Chiropractor in West Jordan Shares Migraine Survival Kit Must-Haves Do you want to know what to bring so you can be prepared to handle a migraine episode? Continue reading to get what you need to know from your Chiropractor in West Jordan.

Everything You Need To Know About Status Migrainosus 05/05/2024

Migraines is a complicated condition that can be hard to understand. This is especially hard when your migraine just seems to go on and on for days, regardless of how many painkillers you’ve tried. If that’s the case, then you could be suffering from “status migrainosus.” If you are unfamiliar with this type of migraine, read on and equip yourself with information that will let you address and manage your pain better!

Everything You Need To Know About Status Migrainosus If your migraine has been going on for days try our source of natural relief for migraine in West Jordan that helps many local migraineurs!

Finding Clarity with Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan 05/03/2024

Before discovering Upper Cervical Care, Aubrey struggled for years because of blurry vision and debilitating ocular migraines. Simple activities like driving became a challenge due to eyesight problems and constant pain. Sadly, even conventional approaches fell short in providing her relief. Thankfully, she decided to tap into Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan. Aubrey experienced a remarkable transformation after seeking help from Dr. Salisbury. Not only did her vision improve, but the constant pain in her head vanished. Even a stubborn ankle injury found healing through laser therapy.

Aubrey's story exemplifies the power of natural, non-invasive approaches to wellness. Join us in celebrating her journey towards a brighter, medication-free life.

Call now to book an appointment:

Phone: 801-784-8217


Click on the video thumbnail to find out more about Upper Cervical Care.

Finding Clarity with Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan Before discovering Upper Cervical Care, Aubrey struggled for years because of blurry vision and debilitating ocular migraines. Simple activities like driving...


Headaches are a pain or discomfort in the head or face area, a common problem among adults. Its types may vary with their intensity, frequency, location, and cause. It’s important to get to know the types of headaches in order to better identify if it’s pointing to a serious medical condition or just a fleeting pain.


Do you know anyone with
👉🏼Parkinson’s disease👈🏼? Here’s the current research on using light devices that pe*****te through the skull into the brain to heal the tissue and reverse damage..

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Videos (show all)

How a Young Athlete's Back Pain Mystery Was Solved with Upper Cervical Care in West Jordan UT
🥇🥇🥇Multiple 1st Place medals but this year, debilitating back pain was threatening her ability to participate on the tea...
⭐️Ali had improvement early on, but it took a couple months until everything we had been doing started to have a lasting...
West Jordan UT Chiropractic Helped This Patient Walk and Drive Again
🥀Brain lesions? 🌹What lesions? While her symptoms had been getting worse over the years, it abruptly came to a stop from...
West Jordan UT Chiropractor Helps Baby Overcome Colic, Fussiness & More
His wife sent him in because the snoring was making him have to sleep in the doghouse. We found a permanent solution wit...
⭐️Babies and kids should be seen by the chiropractor once a year to find and correct misalignments to help them be healt...
Patient Overcomes Health Struggles Thanks to West Jordan UT Chiropractic Care
😩Pain and 🛌sleep problems so severe that she considered suicide. Kathy traveled from Nevada really hoping to find a solu...
Q: What would’ve happened to her health had we not identified the upper cervical misalignment and then corrected it? Luc...
West Jordan UT Chiropractic Care



9289 S. Redwood Road
West Jordan, UT

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 12pm
2pm - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm
2pm - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 12pm
2pm - 6pm
Friday 9am - 1pm

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