Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy, West Mifflin, PA Videos

Videos by Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy in West Mifflin. Equipping students through Biblical Discipleship and Authentic Education.

Other Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy videos

Precious truths from the mouth of His little ones! ❤️

Living Sacrifice
Discipleship is our ultimate calling as followers of Jesus. To imitate His sacrifice as living sacrifice for Him. He laid down His life for us, so we surrender ours to Him as an offering for His glory. This costs everything. But it is always worth it. . [Video: An evening around the campfire from the Junior/Senior trip to Washington D.C. and Gettysburg]

Class of 2024 Hot Ones Spicy Wings Challenge 🔥
“On a scale of 1-10, how hot is it?” “I can not feel my tongue.” Seniors ❤️ . [Student made video]

Some photo booth fun at the Gala!

Some battle bot action from the SWPA BotsIQ championships!

Sing a Song to the Lord!
Watching our young ones lift their voices in praise really is a glimpse of heaven here on earth. As parents, educators, and mentors, our shared mission is clear: to nurture children who not only speak and sing words of praise but also live lives of worship. In their innocence, they embody strength and gentleness, intelligence and wisdom, confidence and humility—a reflection of the very character of Jesus. And though graduation may seem distant for these little ones, we know it will arrive all too soon (sorry for the reminder, moms!). Listening to these children serves as a reminder to us of the profound impact we have as a community—parents, churches, families, and educators—working together to shape hearts and minds. Thanks to everyone that supported our students at their Spring Worship Concert! Your encouragement means the world and we thank God for each of you and your incredible support as a part of Team Cornerstone!

To be effective in the calling God has for a young person's life, they need to develop problem solving skills. Essentially, thats what "Maker Lab" is all about. A student develops an idea of something they want to create, then a great teacher like Mr. Orbin gives them the materials, tools, and instruction necessary to complete their project. Along the way, students become more capable in areas that stretch beyond the shop or the classroom. Someday, they'll be more prepared to have challenging conversations about something from the Bible because they learned how to use a table saw. This kind of education is authentic, not standardized...

For parents, thinking about educational options for their children can be stressful. That's very normal! Our enrollment process begins with some fun and helpful conversations so parents can feel hopeful and excited about finding the option that is best for their family!

“I will make room for You…” Next Community Dinner and Family Night of Worship is Friday, January 26th! Food at 5:30 with worship/prayer to follow from 6:30-7:30. 🎶🙏🏻

There are a LOT of important things to learn to have better conversations. Here’s just ONE small tip: be a good listener. Not only is it taking a genuine interest in another person (which shows that we care, which we must) but it’s also how we learn.And there is always something to learn, which often comes before we have something to teach! So stay humble and teachable. Truth in love. Grace and peace. 🙏🏻

“Praise the Lord, I saw the Light!”
“I was a fool to wander and stray For straight is the gate and narrow's the way, Now I have traded the wrong for the right, Praise the Lord, I saw the light! I saw the light, I saw the light No more darkness, no more night Now I'm so happy, no sorrow in sight Praise the Lord, I saw the light!” ☀️🙌🏻

Thank you, veterans. 🇺🇸 POST a photo of a veteran you are grateful for in the comments and let's share the love!

Friday Chapel, Student Led Worship ❤️
Oh, how He loves us…

What’s a major difference between public school and Christian school professional development conferences for your children’s teachers? This. Spoiler alert: Cornerstone Prep is far from perfect. Your family has a rough edge here or there, too, and that’s ok! Here’s the thing…you don’t have to perfect when you center your life around and trust the One who is. And, in one sense, that’s what worship is: broken people humbly placing their hearts before a worthy King. There are many opinions about education today. Ask anyone for theirs and they’ll share what needs to be done to change schools. No matter the idea, or the professional development or training that teachers can attend. No matter the academics, programs, or test scores. No matter awards or accolades, there is one very important question at the heart of it all… Do the teachers worship the Lord, the Creater of all things, the Redeemer, Savior, author of all Truth, the King of Kings? Do they pursue His agenda? Do they bow to Him and Him alone? Are Christian families and Christian schools perfect? Not by a long shot. But when they draw near to the One who is, in worship, before anything else...that’s always enough. 🙏🏻❤️🙌🏻 [video: Some of our very own Cornerstone Team led an amazing group of Christian teachers from across the region during the UnifiED Christian Education conference at Grove City College.]

Kicking Off the Weekend
Kicking off the weekend like... 🍂🍁 Go outside and enjoy it!