Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy

Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy

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Equipping students through Biblical Discipleship and Authentic Education. Equipping students through Biblical discipleship and authentic education.

June 17th Open House 06/08/2024

Exploring educational options for your children is always a great investment. Cornerstone Prep isn’t for everyone but we might be perfect for your family!

June 17th Open House Cornerstone Prep is a non-denominational Christian school dedicated to help Christian parents fulfill their Biblical mandate to educate their children in the Lord for grades PK-12 in West Mifflin, PA

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 06/07/2024

Serving those who serve us. ❤️

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”
1 Peter 4: 10-11

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 06/07/2024

Cornerstone's Missions Club honors first responders! Thank you!
[Photo/video: Before the students' fundraising dinner to support first responders, our friends from local EMS taught and demonstrated just some of the incredible work they do.]


We are so proud of Anna Bartram for being awarded the National Christian School Athletic Association Servant Leadership Award!

Anna has been an exemplary leader both on and off the court, serving as a captain for our varsity basketball and varsity volleyball teams. Her work ethic and dedication to her teammates was only surpassed by her sweet walk with the Lord, where she is everyone’s “big sister” that brings everyone together and loves like Jesus!

As a co-leader of a girls' Bible study group, she brought together high school and middle school girls that consistently shared their faith together over scripture. Her willingness to serve others and lead (like on the Spiritual Emphasis Team) has always been evident in the many ways she gives of her time and talents.

For the past two years, Anna has also been a lead coach for our 5th and 6th grade volleyball teams, leading them to an impressive combined record of 15-1.

Anna's heart for service and her ability to uplift those around her exemplify what it means to be a servant leader in Christ. She truly embodies the values we are excited to see pouring from our students at Cornerstone Prep. We are so incredibly grateful for her contributions and excited to see the continued impact she will make as she moves forward!

Anna just graduated with honors and is pursuing studies in Elementary Education at Liberty University next Fall.

Congratulations, Anna, on this well-deserved honor! We thank God for you!


Congratulations to Cornerstone's own Noah Lucas for being awarded not one but TWO awards from Steel Center for Career and Technical Education!

Noah was selected for the Top of the Shop award, that is given by the instructors to one student in the program that has demonstrated "outstanding work performance, attendance, and conduct."

Noah was also awarded the Extra Effort award, given to a student that displayed a consistent desire to go above and beyond to help the instructors, clean classrooms, offer other assistance, and demonstrate character in all things.

We are very proud of Noah for being such a great example of a young man that represents Christ in excellence! Way to go Noah!

[Note: Cornerstone Prep students may select vocational and technical training options where they attend Cornerstone for a half day and then tech/trade school for half at Steel Center.]


"The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord cause His face to shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His face to you,
And give you peace."
Congratulations and many blessings to the Cornerstone Prep Class of 2024! 💙💛❤️🎓


Today — Memorial Day — is to remember those that never came home. May we all live like Americans worthy of their sacrifice. 🇺🇸🙏🏻

“Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13


Sweet memories with sweet teachers and sweet friends! 🎓🍯🎉💙💛❤️


Some of the many looks of graduation season!


When you’re getting ready for graduation but the animals need played with one last time…
🎓🌸 🦓 🐄🦒

Praise the Lord that these children are learning about so much more than just animals. They are learning about relationship with the One who created them!

That’s why these little ones moving up from Kindergarten is so much more than an academic milestone, it’s about celebrating a step on their journey in what we pray is a lifelong walk with Jesus!

And THAT is something worth encouraging in them and cheering on! 🙌🏻

Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy | A National Award-Winning Christian School for Grades PK-12 | West Mifflin, PA 05/22/2024

Join Us for Cornerstone Prep’s Open House! 🌟

Is tuition on your mind? 💸 Let’s talk about it—and much more—at our Open House on Saturday, June 1st, from 10:00 AM to noon.

At Cornerstone Prep, we understand that Christian families who deeply value discipleship education may face financial challenges. That's why we offer need-based financial aid, ensuring that no family is turned away due to financial constraints. Ever.

Discover what makes Cornerstone Prep special:
✨ Our admissions and enrollment philosophy
💸 Financial aid
📖 Biblical discipleship model
📚 Academic excellence
🎨 Exciting extracurricular courses
🏅 Robust athletic programs..and so much more!

Cornerstone Prep is a community for families who love Jesus, seek strong Godly community, value high academic standards, and uphold Biblical values at home.

Does this sound like you?

Join us on June 1st to see how Cornerstone Prep can be the perfect partner in preparing your child for life and work in the real world as a follower of Jesus.

We can't wait to meet you and your family!

Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy | A National Award-Winning Christian School for Grades PK-12 | West Mifflin, PA Cornerstone Prep is a non-denominational Christian school dedicated to help Christian parents fulfill their Biblical mandate to educate their children in the Lord for grades PK-12 in West Mifflin, PA


The school year might be winding down but we are still all smiles about what God continues to do in the lives of these children every day! ☀️😀


Discipleship is our ultimate calling as followers of Jesus. To imitate His sacrifice as living sacrifice for Him. He laid down His life for us, so we surrender ours to Him as an offering for His glory. This costs everything. But it is always worth it.
[Video: An evening around the campfire from the Junior/Senior trip to Washington D.C. and Gettysburg]


“On a scale of 1-10, how hot is it?”
“I can not feel my tongue.”
Seniors ❤️
[Student made video]


“You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness, but grow 🌱 in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”
2 Peter 3: 17-18

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 05/13/2024

Cowbros, seniors, and sunsets.

“From the rising of the sun to its setting The name of the LORD is to be praised.”

From their first day at Cornerstone to their last, we are grateful for men like these.


Happy Mother’s Day! 🌸 Today, as we honor the incredible strength and love of mothers everywhere, we're overjoyed to share some INCREDIBLE news!

Our Cornerstone students stepped up to show their compassion and commitment to supporting mothers and their precious babies in their time of need. Through their leadership and service, they helped the Cornerstone Prep community to raise over $1,200 for Voices for the Unborn!

Last week, our community poured their hearts into the annual “Baby Bottle Drive,” rallying together to make a difference in the lives of mothers considering abortion. This generosity will directly impact the amazing and ongoing work of our dear friends at Voices for the Unborn.

Voices for the Unborn stands as a beacon of hope and support for mothers in need, offering them resources, counseling, and unwavering encouragement as they navigate the challenges of motherhood. Their Godly dedication to life and love is important and it's truly inspiring.

On this Mother's Day, we celebrate the incredible gift of mothers and their children. May we also continue to stand up and support mothers and their babies, and the very precious gift of life itself.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful and courageous mothers out there! Keep shining God's Light into everything you do!

Thank you, Lord!


Some photo booth fun at the Gala!

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 05/07/2024

Seniors ❤️ Cornerstone Prep Gala 2024


For the year, students are organized into Bible small groups led by a senior. During Spiritual Emphasis Week, the groups faced off in a “Small groups war” costume contest. We think this crew took things pretty seriously. Can you guess what they are?

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 05/01/2024

Hey Everyone! I’m Brandon McCall, the principal at Cornerstone, and while I post on our social media, I have never done so from the first person… until now. Because I want to share with you a story about middle school boys.

Middle school is a challenging age. The boys are pumping hormones at all-time highs, and the girls are learning to navigate the increasing intricacies of communication and relationships with people in their worlds.

One grave mistake our society can be guilty of is having low expectations for a middle school (or every) student. That often shows up by either bailing them out of trouble, doing things for them, or failing to set a high standard for behavior or academic ability. While often coming from a good place, these low expectations communicate a subtle underlying lack of belief which can be the unintended message behind a heartfelt effort.

This can be especially tough on young boys.

Boys need to be challenged and pushed. They need to be accountable. They need to be masculine and strong. And, here’s the big one: they need adults in their lives to believe in them enough to give them genuine encouragement and guidance.

They need us to look them in the eyes and say, “We believe in you. We want you boys to be men that follow Jesus! It’ll be a hard journey but we know you can do great things. We need you! We are here to support you and encourage you on the path. When we correct you, it’s to get you back on track to being the man God wants you to be.” Or something like that…

At Cornerstone Prep, I’m so grateful for a community of families that share this vision for their children. While we all journey on this path imperfectly, we are all aiming at the same destination. And that's always enough.

Last week, our middle school boys did a Passover Seder together. They brought the items, they set the table, they dressed up for the event. It was “theirs.”

If you're unfamiliar with a Passover Seder, it is the meal that commemorates the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt. That season of going from slavery to freedom, from death to life, is something that the followers of Jesus can do in remembrance of “Christ our Passover” that has been sacrificed. It was ultimately Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross that purchased our freedom. It’s Him we remember. And while we may not have been in Egypt, we all have a testimony that unites us with this history!

These boys sat around a table for two hours. They read, asked questions (a big purpose of the event), and they listened. They read scripture and they ate. They were tuned in and actively participating in something more than just a “neat thing.” We talked about God and how good He is.

Each of us have to participate in our walk with God. It’s not just something we “know” but it is something that requires active engagement. That also means we must invite the younger ones among us to “walk with us” on this journey and participate themselves. Together.

That's one of the big lessons gleaned from a Passover Seder. We are doing this walk with Jesus together. And the younger ones are equally as important, equally as involved, as the rest of us. Everyone teaches, everyone learns, everyone grows.

I love these boys. Every day they join me in my office for Bible time and it is one of my life's greatest joys. Sure, every now and then they add gray to my beard, but they are at the table. They are here. They are engaged. They are on the path.

If you’re reading this, you were a middle schooler once, too. We need to give this generation the grace that we needed and the high standard they long for, even if they don’t fully realize it.

Boys can sit intently at a table and talk about of the things of God for hours. Someday, these boys will be men. Let’s all keep walking on the path with them, training them, encouraging them, praying with them, supporting them, and believing in them through all the ups and downs of the road ahead.

Most Joyfully in Christ,

Brandon McCall
Cornerstone Prep

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 04/30/2024

Students dress-like-a-teacher day (and maybe one principal dress-like-a-student day)! 😄

Photos from SWPA BotsIQ's post 04/29/2024

King of the Ring! Congratulations to the coaches and students for another great season of combat robotics!


Cornerstone’s robotics program continues to shine on the “big” stage, showcasing the integration of Biblical faith, engineering, innovation, and problem solving teamwork. That’s Authentic Education!

Grateful for our coaches incredible leadership, guidance, and dedication to the Lord that they live out in service to these students. That’s Biblical Discipleship!

At the SWPA BotsIQ Robotics Championship Finals at PennWest California.

Photos from Cornerstone Christian Preparatory Academy's post 04/26/2024

Bots and bros go together like…. Peas and carrots. Knowledge and wisdom. Batman and Robin. PB&J. Salt and pepper. Woody and Buzz. David and Jonathan.

Add another favorite duo in the comments!


This week, Cornerstone Prep was one of a few schools to receive scholarship funding through a generous contribution made by U. S. Steel.

Donors large and small are what allow an education at Cornerstone Prep to remain accessible for families that couldn't afford it otherwise. God uses their life changing support to impact the lives of the 90% of our students on financial aid AND every other child as well.

Thank you to United States Steel Corporation Big River Steel for their support! And thank you to our donors that give sacrificially because we all believe investing in the hearts and minds of children is worth every penny!


Passover is a season of remembrance of the Passover Lamb of God (Jesus) that purchased our freedom with His own life!

One thing eaten at Passover, along with unleavened bread, is bitter herbs (traditionally horseradish). Why? What does this help us "remember?"

When we think about freedom from the bo***ge to sin that was our former lives, we should remember the hard bitterness of sin. Thought it is alluring, sin is always a trap that ultimately only brings tears to our eyes.

But we serve a God that provided a way out! God made a way for our bitterness to be made sweet and new. That way is faith in Jesus Christ and repentance! That simple, humble faith can transform the human heart and has been transforming the world for thousands of years!

Thanks to our sweet friend Mr. Chab for sharing some teaching (and some bitter herbs) with our students. Such a powerful reminder of the sweetness of Jesus, that He purchased our freedom from the penalty of sin with His own blood!

May we all be grateful and praise the Lord!


Watching our young ones lift their voices in praise really is a glimpse of heaven here on earth. As parents, educators, and mentors, our shared mission is clear: to nurture children who not only speak and sing words of praise but also live lives of worship.

In their innocence, they embody strength and gentleness, intelligence and wisdom, confidence and humility—a reflection of the very character of Jesus. And though graduation may seem distant for these little ones, we know it will arrive all too soon (sorry for the reminder, moms!).

Listening to these children serves as a reminder to us of the profound impact we have as a community—parents, churches, families, and educators—working together to shape hearts and minds.

Thanks to everyone that supported our students at their Spring Worship Concert! Your encouragement means the world and we thank God for each of you and your incredible support as a part of Team Cornerstone!


Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with jubilation;
Come before Him with rejoicing.
Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
And His courtyards with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His mercy is everlasting
And His faithfulness is to all generations.
Psalm 100


🐸🔍At Cornerstone Prep, we believe education is more than just memorizing facts—it's about igniting a God-given love for discovery and exploration!

In our early-childhood, Biblically-based Montessori program, little ones are encouraged to delve deep into the wonders of God's creation. Their curiosity is encouraged to help them uncover the mysteries of the world around them, from the tiniest tadpoles to the vast expanse of the universe!

As a little girl peers through a magnifying glass at a tadpole, she isn’t just seeing a creature—she's witnessing an actual miracle! And as she learns about the intricate details of creation, she's also growing in her understanding of the Creator Himself (while is THE ultimate end of a true education).

In a Cornerstone classroom, it's not just about filling brains with knowledge; it's about nurturing hearts and minds, planting seeds of faith, and fostering a lifelong love of learning.

We are so grateful for our families that have chosen to let us travel with them on this incredible journey of exploration and discovery! Together, let’s continue to inspire the next generation to seek truth, embrace wonder, and shine brightly for the glory of God!

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Our Story

At Cornerstone, we equip students through Biblical discipleship and authentic education.

Videos (show all)

Precious truths from the mouth of His little ones! ❤️
Living Sacrifice
Class of 2024 Hot Ones Spicy Wings Challenge 🔥
Some photo booth fun at the Gala!
Some battle bot action from the SWPA BotsIQ championships!
Sing a Song to the Lord!
To be effective in the calling God has for a young person's life, they need to develop problem solving skills.Essentiall...
For parents, thinking about educational options for their children can be stressful. That's very normal! Our enrollment ...
“I will make room for You…” Next Community Dinner and Family Night of Worship is Friday, January 26th! Food at 5:30 with...
There are a LOT of important things to learn to have better conversations. Here’s just ONE small tip: be a good listener...
“Praise the Lord, I saw the Light!”




1900 Clairton Road
West Mifflin, PA

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