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Our mission is to help great people and great ideas succeed by unlocking the power of marketing.

We believe that every business can reach new heights by implementing effective marketing strategies, and we're passionate about helping you get there.


Marketing Myth #22
If It Works for Them, It Will Work for Us

Just because a strategy or campaign works for one company doesn't mean it will be successful for another.

Even if your competitor is running some kind of marketing campaign doesn’t mean it is successful.

They could be flushing money down the drain for all you know.

Marketing strategies should be customized to fit the unique context, audience, and goals of your own business.


Marketing Myth #21
Cheaper Marketing Talent Saves Money

Who would you want to hire of these 2?

Option 1: Someone $10 an hour that takes 5 hours to do the task right


Option 2: Someone who is $50 and can get the job done in 30 minutes?

They cost the same but one is more efficient.

You’d choose the one who is more efficient.

But what matters even more is who is producing the better results.

If option 1 produced better results due to putting more time in, that’d be worth it but typically it is the more experienced marketers who know what lever to pull to create more value, faster.

Typically when you pay someone a higher rate, you are paying for their experience and knowledge.

But what comes with the cheaper talent? More errors? Longer wait times? Lower quality?

It may seem good to hire someone cheaper but the end result almost always requires you to redo the project which costs you significantly more in the long run.


Marketing Myth #20
Marketing is Easy!

All you need to do is start posting on social media or YouTube.. Right?

Well, it isn’t that easy.

If it was, everyone would be making $800 a day working 5 minutes a week.

The truth is that people that are ACTUALLY doing well have a team behind them.

It takes time to build each channel and a lot of money.

Even if you aren’t spending money on ads, you still need a team who can do design, copywriting, development, video shooting and editing, social media platform specialist, marketing strategist, admin, and more!

Each of these has their own art and strategy behind them.

That all takes time and money to orchestrate.

The good news is that it is possible to have a thriving brand online.

You just need the right people behind it!

Reach out to us if you want to learn more of how we can help!


Marketing Myth #19
High Customer Acquisition Cost is Bad

💸 Higher upfront costs? Don't panic just yet! 💸

A high customer acquisition cost isn't always a bad sign.

It could mean you're investing wisely in long-term relationships.

The real measure of success?

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

If the lifetime value of your customers outpaces the acquisition costs, you're on the right track!

Invest in quality, and reap the benefits over time. 🚀🌟


Marketing Myth #18
Marketing Results are Immediate

Patience is a virtue, especially in marketing! 🕰️✨

Are you expecting instant results from your marketing efforts?

Think long-term.

Success in marketing doesn't always happen overnight (however it definitely can).

It's built on consistency, data, engagement, and a whole lot of research and testing to see what works.

Watch your efforts bear fruit over time. Good things come to those who wait and work smart. 🌱🚀


Marketing Myth #17
Marketing is All About Selling

Think marketing is just pushing products? Think again! 🤔

True, marketing helps move products off the shelves, but it's really about creating meaningful connections.

It's not just "Buy my stuff!"

It's about storytelling, building relationships, and delivering value that resonates with your audience.

Let's shift the focus from selling to engaging.

Because when we prioritize understanding and serving our audience, sales naturally follow. 💡✨


Marketing Myth #16
Negative Feedback Should be Ignored or Removed

The customer ISN’T always right and a lot of the time they are flat out WRONG!

But that doesn’t mean you should ignore or remove their bad feedback.

If you have bad feedback, respond without creating a war or pointing fingers by doing so truthfully and gently.

But what about those mad-at-the-world customers who you can’t do right by?

Share your side of the story and let your smart customers decide.


Marketing Myth #15
Viral Content is the Ultimate Goal

Getting viral gets you on the map fast!

But what happens after it dies down to the next viral trend?

You get a big bump and then go flat.

So how are you capturing those engagements and continually getting in front of them?

This is the key to the longevity of your viral content.


Marketing Myth #14
Ads Are All That’s Needed

Ads are the fastest way to bring in new sales.

It is also how you can scale the fastest.

But it isn’t the only method you need to use.

Consider your other channels like Social media, SEO, or a referral program to generate more interest.

These typically take more time but can be lucrative.


Marketing Myth #12
Social Media Isn’t Necessary for B2B

Social media is useful for every brand!

People connect with people and faces.

By showing your face and speaking in a way that resonates with your audience, you will find clients.

It’s an easy way to connect and educate them to build trust.

If you aren’t on social media, how are you reaching them and educating them?


Marketing Myth #11
Email Marketing is Outdated

Email marketing is more useful than you know.

We use it for appointment confirmations, bills, work, and interacting with brands.

No matter if we are using social media or not, we are still checking our email for one reason or another.

And that’s why it is perfect on how to stay in your prospect's mind.

Even if they aren’t ready to buy, you’ll be giving a gentle nudge that you can still solve their problem.

So when they are ready to consider finding a solution, you are there waiting for them.

Combining email marketing with SMS marketing and automation, you now have a lead generation machine.


Marketing Myth #10
Contact Forms Are Unnecessary

On the contrary!

We recommend every page has a contact form.


Because you want to make it as simple as possible for your prospect to reach out.

It also helps you know what pages are converting better and what they have viewed.


Marketing Myth #9
Only Large Businesses Need a Website


Every small business NEEDS one.


Because your competitors have one and that alone makes them more reputable.

When you recommend a business to your friend or colleague, you typically send a link to the website over anything else.

Every person has a browser, but not necessarily social media.

A professionally built website with the right offer and presentation will instantly put you as an authority in the minds of your prospects.


Marketing Myth #8
Websites Can Only be Managed by Tech Experts

Today there are a lot of easy to use for drag and drop builders needed for a simple website.

This means no coding.

There are several easy-to-use platforms.

For beginners, we recommend Wix or Squarespace.

More advanced websites, we recommend using WordPress and a page builder like Elementor.

We highly recommend you use an expert in marketing to help guide you to get the most out of your website.

While you may not need to be tech nerds like us, consider the image you want to give and the cost of your time putting into building a website versus what will be the return.

Stay tuned as we will be creating guides to help you walk through how to create your website.


Marketing Myth #7
SEO is a One-Time Effort

SEO takes consistent effort to grow and be on top of Google.

While SEO takes time to grow and rank higher, chances are your competitors are improving their websites too.

Imagine you set up your SEO-friendly website and then ignore it, while your competitors keep improving their site and start outranking you, how can it be a one-time setup?

The great thing is having the right approach and staying on top of the SEO trends will help those leads keep on coming in.

And with AI and new companies trying to take a piece of the search engine world, things will be changing fast!


Marketing Myth #6
Websites Don’t Need to be Mobile-Friendly

100% false!

54% of global website traffic is from mobile. No mobile? Risk losing half your audience

61% won’t return if they have a bad mobile experience.

Google favors content when it is mobile-friendly.

How easy is your website to navigate?


Marketing Myth #5
Flashy Websites Are Better

Beautiful or flashy doesn’t mean that your website will convert better.

What truly matters is that your prospect can easily navigate a path on your website to help them decide to buy.

If there is too much going on and the design conflicts with taking action, you will lose your audience in the madness.

Keep things simple and clean and watch your numbers go up!


𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘆𝘁𝗵 #𝟰
𝗔 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲’s 𝗦𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗠𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗣𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗲𝘄𝘀

Page views are relative to the campaigns you are running and the outcome you desire.

You most likely care about generating revenue significantly more than page views.

If you spent $100,000 to drive traffic to your site but didn’t get any sales out of it I bet you’d be super bummed.

So bummed you wouldn’t do that campaign again.

Often you will hear marketers say they will get you clicks and impressions, but as direct response marketers, that doesn’t move the needle.

The numbers you should care about are profit, cost per acquisition, and lifetime value of your customer.

Do you know those numbers or how to find them?


𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘆𝘁𝗵 #𝟯
Features and Content Always Improve a Website

You want to keep your website as simple while giving the best user experience.

Features on your website can be helpful but you must ask yourself at what cost and what kind of ROI will this truly bring?

Content is the same.

It needs to have a purpose and a strategy behind it.

Are you creating blogs for SEO purposes? Or guides for clients? What about lead magnets to build your email list?

People are coming to your website because they are looking to solve their problems.

Be wise with your time and investments.


𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝘆𝘁𝗵 #𝟮
𝘞𝘦𝘣𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘕𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺

Your web design should be changed when you need to make changes to help conversions or you are rebranding because you aren’t seeing the results you want to see.

Redesigning for the sake of redesigning can be an expensive but unnecessary project.

So, how can you tell if you need a redesign?

Take a look at your website and consider these 3 questions

1) Does your website portray trust?
2) Is it easy to navigate?
3) Is it modern?

If you need help with an in-depth look at your website to see how it is performing reach out to us!


Marketing Myth #1
If You build It, They will Come

The best solutions to problems often aren’t found because it isn’t introduced to the right people.

Even if it is, it often isn’t presented in a way that builds trust.

What is your step-by-step lead generation strategy and how are you benchmarking it to find progress?


Ever hear of a website being held hostage?

Not from getting hacked but held hostage from within by an employee or an agency.

It’s either being held ransom or even worse being deleted.

I’ve talked with several business owners with this nightmare.

1 owner had a marketing agency they were using hold their domain hostage and not allow for edits unless they paid an exorbitant amount of money.

This kept that owner stuck with them for 6 years. His whole business relied on his website and needed to find a way out.

Another owner put 160 hours of his own time into it and paid his employee to help out only to have the employee revoke access, turn everything off, and never being able to get access again.

This happens more than you think.

It can happen for social media accounts, software, emails, and much more.

It adds significant stress on anyone because it’s your lively hood.

It’s how you bring in business and ultimately get paid to live your life.

So why do people do this?

Most of the time it is lack of communication that leads to entitlement.

We created a simple guide to prevent this from ever happening to you.



💳 Managing software and plugins?

Using your own business credit card for software subscriptions and plugin purchases establishes clear ownership and simplifies future transitions if you switch marketing companies.

This not only helps security but also prevents potential complications with third-party disputes.

Take charge of your digital tools with smart payment strategies!


🔐 Who has your passwords?

When collaborating on a web project, make sure you know who has the passwords and where they are being stored.

Use password management tools like BitWarden or LastPass to securely share access without exposing sensitive information. 🛡️🔑

These tools help you manage who can access what, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes or breaches.

Stay in control of your project's security by implementing strict access protocols.

Protect your digital assets with robust password management!


🛡️ Don’t Get Taken Hostage With Your Website

From the start, verify you own your website and all its content after the project wraps up. 🌐

✨ Ensuring you have full ownership rights protects your business and allows for complete control over your digital presence.

Always get ownership terms in writing to prevent any future disputes or misunderstandings.

Whether it's the domain, the design, or the developed site, clear documentation affirms that you hold the reins.

Secure your rights and safeguard your online assets!

👉 *Watch for more insights on maintaining control of your web projects!*


🔍 Ever felt lost in project details? Define your scope of work clearly!

Knowing exactly what your web design project entails from start to finish prevents miscommunications and keeps your project on target. 🎯

📝 From the number of pages to specific functionalities, a well-defined scope ensures everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.

Avoid the dreaded scope creep by setting clear boundaries and expectations from the outset.

This not only keeps your project within budget but also on schedule.

Define your scope precisely for smoother project ex*****on!


💸 Let’s talk money: Setting clear payment terms with your web design team!

Discussing finances upfront ensures there are no surprises down the road.

Whether it's fixed, hourly, or milestone-based, knowing your payment structure is key to a smooth project flow. 🗂️💰

Define when payments are due, and what happens if delays occur.

Clear terms not only keep the financials straightforward but also help maintain a good relationship with your web design team.

Secure your project’s budget by nailing down these details early on!

👉 More tips on managing your web project effectively are on the way!


📄 Documenting your web project could save you more than just time!

Ever faced a misunderstanding in a project that could have been easily avoided?

Get EVERYTHING in writing.

From scope and deadlines to payment terms, clear documentation is your best defense against confusion and disputes. 🛡️✍️

Make sure your agreements are highly detailed.

This way, you can always refer back to the terms if questions arise, keeping your project on track and under control.

👉 Stay tuned for more proactive tips to safeguard your web initiatives!

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