Jodi Bullock

I'm here to show you the truth about food, health and your body so that you finally will KNOW how to

Follow me and I'll teach you the truth about food, health, your body and how to EAT so that you live a vibrant, healthy, FUN life that you're meant to live.


You’ll stay bloated and low energy until you quit buying into “fruit is sugar” and “I can only eat 1/2 cup of blueberries to be healthy”


Traditional Clean Eating for weight loss mindset: focus on protein, low carb, protein shakes

My method of clean eating: Cleans your cells, removes waste, toxins and garbage from your cells and tissues (which is the weight you have to lose)

Cleaning your cells always works. The first works until it your body can't work while 'dealing' with that approach any longer.


The first thing you eat in the day either keeps you in weight loss mode, or stops it.

Almost every client I've ever worked with is immediately stopping their body from naturally creating weight loss with the very first thing they are eating in the day.

When you eat to allow your body to be healthy, you are losing weight constantly. It's a non-stop immediate reaction process.

You eat to keep fueling your body all day everyday and because these foods are healing your gut and helping you cleanse and purify your cells, you ARE 'losing weight' all day long.

This is the fast track to health and the lean, healthy fit body you want where your body dumps off extra weight for you.

It's not a trying process. You are doing it or your body is tolerating what you're eating and still trying to be healthy.

My Find Your Flow with Food Formula is the method I have been using to eat and nourish my body that has allowed me to:

*go from no period to normal healthy periods without any symptoms

*heal my infertility and get pregnant naturally at 39, have a baby at 40 when every doctor told me it wouldn't happen without IVF

*heal my digestion where i used to eat salads and be so bloated I looked like I was four months pregnant (sad joke when you were trying to get pregnant) so that now I'm NEVER bloated ever.

*Have endless energy to workout, play with my busy boys, be a mom, work, clean my house, you know do all the things we do as moms and busy women

*stay naturally thin and the same size I was before having a baby

Food always works. If your food isn't working it's the wrong approach.

Comment below for my AGELESS HEALTH & WEIGHT LOSS workshop where I show you the 5 things your food has to be doing in order to guarantee weight loss.

This is how our bodies work, but you've never been told how to structure your food for ageless health.


You need to lighten up.

You want to lose weight that's come on after having kids?

Your body and weight reflects what is happening inside. Weight loss comes through elimination.

Getting rid of what the body is holding that isn't serving it.

Your lighter, healthier body comes from lighter, healthier foods.

Most diets, even called 'healthy' are not doing this. They work until they don't.

if you want to feel light and lean, your food needs to be lighter.

If you aren't losing the weight you want after having kids, or any age, your diet isn't allowing your body to lighten up, and release what is stagnant inside.

When your diet is a match to health, your body does the work for you to release the old, the excess and what isn't serving you. It is impossible to gain weight after kids, or because you are another year old without your diet being the cause.

Have as many kids as you want. Lose weight at any age that you want.

Food creates health.
Health creates automatic weight loss.

My program teaches you exactly how to:

*Wear the clothes you have your closet that haven't made an appearance in awhile but are the ones you really want to be wearing

*Eat in abundance: no calorie counting, no macro counting, no numbers other than smiling so big because of the size you're now wearing

*Feel amazing every single day because your diet creates: NO HEALTH ISSUES, and you have tons of energy, a flat stomach from perfect digestion and a clear head and mind

*Be the healthy fit mom you want to be and own your health forever. No diets, this is knowing how food works, how your body works and how to always have the body you want.

If this is you: Get Your Body Back is the program you are looking for. Message me for details ✨🌱🤍


Eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up is not a healthy diet.


Weight loss happens when your digestion is on point.

You have to eliminate to lose weight.

The key to this happening is your body gets better and better at breaking down the foods you eat using less energy to do so. This is how you move foods through you better and faster.

This is how you speed up your 'metabolism.'

Most people shunt digestive energy with the first foods they eat in a day.

When you stop stopping the natural flow of digestion, the weight melts off of you every single time.


"It seems like healthy foods are making my bloating worse."

Two things are always happening when my clients say this to me:

1. The foods you are eating and telling me are healthy are not and need to be immediately eliminated from your diet so that your gut can heal and you can lose the weight you want.

2. The food is so powerful that it is helping your gut heal but now you avoid it at all costs because 'it makes you bloated,' but is showing you the real root issue that is going on in your gut and that your body needs to heal itself, eliminate bloating and never have issues with this again.

What you eat is determining your bloating. You aren't supposed to be bloated, ever.

My program shows you how to eat to digest with ease, clear any gut issue and have the flat stomach you want.

Message me to get rid of your bloating this week.


The 31 year old Fat Loss coach you're following doesn't get it.

That's why you're in her comments (or agreeing with the women in her comments in your head) explaining to her that you ARE doing the things she talks about, you are getting your protein in and hitting your steps, maybe even better than you used to, but your weight isn't changing.

>>You don't need a hormone specialist either


Just to clear this up because all my pictures are full of plants: I'm not promoting a vegan diet. I'm also not not promoting it for weight loss OR health.

There are foods that work for health and there are foods that don't.

There are foods that some people prefer, and some don't.

There are certain aspects to people that make them a better fit for foods or food groups than others.

You can achieve healing with a vegan or non vegan diet, but you have to do it right.

You have to have the ingredients in check, and the way you eat has to be a match to what your body needs.

I've had vegan clients with IBS, SIBO, gut issues and thyroid conditions and weight to lose, all cleared up with changes we made.

I've had non vegan clients with IBS, gut issues, thyroid conditions, joint pain, and weight to lose, all cleared up with the changes we made.

It's the changes you make that allow your body to function better, and thrive not a label on your food that you need.

Food always works when you do in a way that's in integrity with health.


I can tell in 5 seconds from looking at my clients food logs why they aren't losing weight.

It's also why digestion is off, a thyroid problem exists or there's fatigue.

My clients are *very* health minded and care a LOT about their bodies, but they don't see how these elements in their diet are stopping their bodies from releasing weight.

For your body, every ingredient matters.

You could follow any 'diet' plan but without knowing how your body responds to the foods you eat and how you eat them, you would unknowingly sabotage your weight loss and health results.

You need tweaks to what you assume is a healthy diet.

These changes are EVERYTHING to what your body can or cannot do.

Your body responds instantly to everything you eat. I know exactly how to tell you tweak your intake so that everything changes.

Like my client who wants to lose weight after having her baby, but her fatigue and brain fog were making everything harder.

These symptoms?

Tell me exactly what organs are suffering and what the body is doing. I helped her shift her diet and within a week she had tons of fluid coming off and got her period back.

Within 6 weeks?

Totally Symptom Free.

Free. Your symptoms are the exact reason you aren't losing weight, and your diet is keeping them exactly as they are because they created it.

Once you shift things, your health comes back and the weight comes off. Food isn't a guessing game, it's an exact science.

This is what happens in my coaching, message me for details.


If you have low energy issues and want to lose weight:

Your diet is massively lacking the right foods and ratios of foods and your weight loss will come once you shift what you're eating.

Cutting back calories or intake isn't the answer. It's pouring in the right foods to heal your energy issue that is the reason you aren't losing weight in the first place.


Yesterday, Dalton was looking for a tiny Batman figurine as we were running out the door to Grandma's house.

Dash yelled out: "it's in the vent" 😌

The vent?

Dash likes to hide things in places.

This ended up successful with me sticking my long arms down the vent and yes recovering Batman, but first:

* A bounce back ball on a string
* The hulk
* A beaded necklace
* My small travel bible!?! (this is pretty big and an important part of the point so hang with me here)
* A flashlight

This is the perfect analogy to how to create weight loss. Really.

You've been taught that weight loss comes through dieting modalities, even healthier ones like eating clean, working out, being mindful.

But theres WAY more to your body, and because weight loss comes through your body, you have to include these aspects of health in order to get what you want.

A really good feeling body without inflammation, hormone imbalances, a thyroid issue, bloating, not enough energy. A REALLY good feeling body with NO symptoms.


The weight comes off to be where you want to be.

This kind of vibrant health?

Come through FLOW.

What you eat must be intentional, on purpose for feeding your organs the nutrients they must have in order to function and thrive.

It must be properly broken down so it can be used.

What isn't used, must be eliminated.

For weight loss: you also must pull out the old chemicals, toxins, waste matter, fluid that is the weight you want to lose.

What goes in, must be on purpose, create health inside and pull out the old and dangerous stuff that's keeping you from feeling amazing and losing weight.

Right now, you don't have flow, you have a Batman, a bible, and a hulk in the way. Those are really big things and still your body is working, imagine when they aren't there.

When you get those out, you'll see results.

When you know how to EAT to get them out, you'll feel amazing, have perfect digestion and start losing weight immediately.

There are things in the way.

Batman isn't going to be moved by a calorie deficit, more protein, or more workouts.

He's going to be removed with intentional eating that creates a purposeful cleansing effect while you honor and give to your body and create health.

My Food to Flow Formula is the answer to what you're looking for.

My program isn't only weight loss, it's creating the healthiest body you've ever had, and knowing how to keep it that way.

Dash has learned no toys in the vent.

If you're ready to learn what TO eat, HOW to eat and what NOT to do to create your food with food, message me to jump into my program. You'll feel amazing, and create the body that feels like you.


Most people are eating an unhealthy diet but don’t know it. And then they get to 35ish and wonder why the weight suddenly starts packing on.

This is because until then your body was TOLERATING your diet. After then?

Health = weight. Always.

If you are trying to lose weight but it's not happening, it's only because your body CANNOT do it with the ingredients and foods you are giving it.

Your body wants to lose the weight just as much as you do, but it can't and won't until you change what you put in.

Inputs (foods) = Outputs (the body and health you see and have)


Your food pushes the buttons inside your body telling it what to do. If you don’t feel amazing and aren’t losing weight? Wrong food, wrong buttons.


The real issue is you don’t have faith in food.

It’s all you need.


Upping your protein to help lose that belly pooch, especially with a thyroid condition is stopping your weight loss.

My program shows you exactly how to eat to make a thyroid condition impossible while weight falls off of you.


Symptoms of perimenopause or menopause don’t exist when you eat a healthy diet


“I am insulin resistant. That is why I can’t lose weight” Nope. You can’t lose weight because the food you eat isn’t healthy. Guaranteed. Eat the right foods and you’ll always lose weight. I promise 😉

My program shows you how to do. this with food.


YOUR GOAL: fitting in your jeans

YOUR BODY'S GOAL: keeping you alive from toxins

WINNER: YOUR BODY join my How to lose weight at *ANY* age workshop and learn exactly what you need to do.

Comment for the link


Fasting used to work for you.

but now it makes you feel awful.

Working out hard, running or HIIT workouts used to work for you.

but now they make you feel inflamed.

Changing up your food and calorie intake used to work for you.

but now, it feels like literally NOTHING.IS.HAPPENING.

Why does it work for some women though?

Because their bodies can handle it. Their organs can handle it.

Specifically the adrenals that control your energy usage and whether balanced hormones are created OR stress hormones are pushed out.

When your body has what it needs to naturally create balanced hormones, on repeat, meaning it always has access to the foods and nutrients >>>

then it won't push out stress hormones.

It won't.

Your body only deals with cortisol and stress hormone imbalances and symptoms related to them when it's under nourished.

When you *give* to your body intentionally, and eat with this understanding that you first GIVE to your body so that you GET the outcome you want: the weight and body size you prefer, then it works.

This is why I can go run 8 miles and it doesn't "spike my cortisol." This is why I can use fasting when I want to as an intentional health process and it makes my body feel even better vs. zero energy burnout feeling.

This is why I ran a half marathon on the first day of my period and I was totally fine.

When you feed your body all day, every day for LIFE, with the nutrients it has to have, you safe guard yourself from hormone imbalances and all the yuck symptoms that are associated with aging and menopause.

All of that is optional.

All of that depends on you and how you fuel and take care of your body.

Give first, then receive.

I'm breaking this all down in my free workshop this Friday: How to lose weight at ANY age.

Comment below if you want to join us! Your mind will be blown at how many limitations have put unnecessarily put on you and what your body is capable of doing when you eat intentionally for health.


Your reflection in the mirror only triggers you when you don’t know how you created it to be that way and don’t know how to mold it into exactly what you want.


You're eating the same foods you have always eaten.

You're working out at the gym with weights, cardio or your typical ways.

Drinking the same amount of water.

And you're feeling, "what the heck happened to my body?"

You aren't not trying. You have always tried. You've always been the one who cared about her health and fitness.

But now, you are so frustrated because you can't feel your healthy eating and living habits make a difference. Nothing seems to move anything toward being lighter and leaner.

The default answer everyone gives you: Hormones.

This is true, your hormones are off, but that's the symptom.

Your hormones are off because of how you have been eating, moving, and nourishing your body for years.

The answer isn't to go get your hormones tested.


Because the way you create naturally balanced hormones (that your body does for you without a supplement or pill or patch) is through your diet.

Most women at this stage of life, around 40 or sometime in the decade start feeling off, noticing weight gain, lower energy and being tired and it stems from your adrenals.

Your symptoms will vanish when you know how to eat to nourish your adrenals, and help them work as part of the entire system that your body is.

You can completely resolve this with your diet and the approach you use.

I'm 15 days away from turning 45 and I feel like I'm 25. I'm healthier. I'm happy. I run and workout like always. I have balanced hormones because I know how to eat for health. (thank you infertility for teaching me this).

This Friday I'm hosting a free workshop called: Ageless

Your weight, your energy, your health is yours to decide.

Comment below if you want to join.


You don't need to hit your macros to lose weight.

Well, only this one:


You're trying to lose weight and wondering why it's not happening. When you focus on macros, most of the time you're told to put a heavy focus on protein, and to work with the carbohydrates you consume.

Often, the plan is "low carb"

Low carb doesn't get you weight loss when you've been trying for months and nothing is budging and you're feeling inflamed.

Clean Carbs do.

Hitting a certain macro number is irrelevant to weight loss.

Weight loss only becomes hard or slow or stops when your organs aren't getting nutrients they need.

Macro focused weight loss approaches are missing the mark because you're focused on limiting carbs when you really need to be focusing on carbs first, above and beyond every single other food group.

You're scared to eat more carbs.

You're scared to eat less protein.

You're scared to change your approach.

But nothing changes if nothing changes.

Your organs need the right nutrients to be able to have the energy they need for day to day functions, and the energy to cleanse.

Cleansing is required for weight loss.

Your former carb counting approach worked, until it stopped being enough nutrient density for your body.

You can't limit carbs when you want to lose weight and you currently don't feel full of energy, vitality and amazing in your skin.

Clean carbs = life giving

Clean carbs = fast track to weight loss

Because you counted macros in the past your mind is telling you that your chart should look a certain way to create weight loss, but if you ran your macros with your food set up to restore full health, tons of energy, perfect digestion and effortless weight loss?

The carbs would be so high it'd make you second guess yourself, which is what is happening now.

The weight you want to lose will come off and come off without measuring, tracking, counting or worrying about carbs or macros when everything you eat allows your body to better digest and cleanse.

Message me if you're ready for a number free, macro free, diet free approach that will help you lose whatever amount of weight hasn't been shifting for you while you feel truly amazing inside every single day.


Everything you do to try *harder* to lose the weight you gained (which you don't even understand how that happened in the first place) is making you feel more inflamed, puffier and like nothing is working.

You're seriously committed to your health and it's driving you crazy that your efforts are making things worse because you are a person who takes pride in your body and really want to see that reflected in the mirror.

The weight want to lose: is not fat.

Your efforts are based in fat loss, but they are making your body work harder than it already is, which is why you see and feel inflamed right now.

Calories in and out, being in a deficit or working out more are making things worse.

Typical fat loss strategy tells you to cut carbs, up your protein, maybe work with fasting and these strategies are leaving your organs void of the nutrients they need do their jobs which is when you will feel and look like yourself again.

The extra weight you have is toxin load, stagnant digestion, waste matter, old hormones, even fluid your body is using to protect you from all of this that is dangerous to your organs.

Pushing fat loss activities misses the problem which is you aren't digesting and eliminating well enough.

Your body doesn't need a calorie deficit or HIIT training or longer workouts. It needs to cleanse itself in a safe way.

When you learn to eat in integrity with health, your body will rapidly dump off all this garbage that it has been wanting to get out of you for so long.

Health is not dieting. Dieting doesn't create health. Health comes from consistently eating in integrity with food and giving your body an overflow of what it has to have to do it's jobs for you.

My Get Your Body Back program will show you how to help your body take the garbage out fast.

You will know exactly how to eat to resolve hormone imbalances.

You will have better digestion than you've had in years.

You will feel light inside.

And the stagnation, fluid and inflammation will come off of you while you learn to eat in a way that sustains your health for the rest of your life.

This is where it becomes impossible to carry excess weight because you know exactly how your body works and you will feel so happy that your healthy identity matches what you see in the mirror.

Message me to join the group or 1:1 option.


When I couldn't get pregnant, I started to realize I was going to have to beyond what the drs were able to tell me to find answers.

As I researched and dug into what could be behind the reason I never ovulated I found some studies linking MTHFR mutations with fertility issues.

I mentioned it to my reproductive endocrinologists (REs) but they said not to worry about.

Which meant I found someone to test it and it showed I did have one the mutations.

I felt....validated.

But I still didn't know what to do. Because what I know now is that when you give your power to 'genetics' you are immediately at a dead end.

It's genetic. So what now?

It turns out healing the root of infertility which is everything from reducing toxin load, supporting energy levels, truly nourishing the body and getting your mind on board, that genetic test was: IRRELEVANT.

I didn't need it.

You don't need a bunch of tests.

You need to know how what you're doing is creating the inability of your body to get pregnant.

Genes reflect the internal environment of your body, your cells, and two things have major impact on this:

1. Toxin load
2. Emotions

Genes are expressed not predetermined.

Your fertility isn't a based on genetics, how easy it was for your mom, sisters or any relative. It's based on you, what you're giving your body on a consistent basis and what your body is able to do or not do with that information.

Your fertility is completely in your hands, one lesson I had to learn to get pregnant after nearly everyone telling me I wouldn't be able to without IVF was that tests don't determine the outcome, you do.


Gaining weight without changing your diet or gaining weight "out of nowhere" is proof that calorie deficits are not what create weight loss. And it's not hormones that are causing the problem. Hormone imbalances are the symptom.


You want a natural approach for having balanced hormones so that you feel amazing as you move through your 40s and beyond but a part of you is still questioning whether that’s even possible.

Your friends are talking about hormones and treatment options, maybe you even have tried it. You researched everything you can but haven’t found something that lands and feels like that’s it.

You won’t find what you’re looking for until you’re willing to believe it could be as simple as changing your food so that your body balances your hormones itself.

It’s not too good to be true, it’s that our culture has conditioned you and any woman who will “pay” attention that oh no, you’re over 40, now you’re going to have hormone problems.

Oh sh*t now you’re over 40, watch out, you’re going to have hot flashes and weight loss? OMG that will be soooo hard.

You haven’t found the natural approach you want because you “paid” your attention to the wrong messages.

You don’t need any of that.

You don’t have to have one hot flash as you age.

You don’t have to have symptoms of perimenopause. NONE.

When you know how to nourish your body for health, your hormones will have no problems. You will know how to eat in a way that fuels your body so it gets what it needs at every stage of life.

You can lose weight if you have weight to lose.

You can sleep through the night without waking up sweating to death.

You can just feel amazing all the time. That’s how it’s meant to be.


It tells your body what to do, and the reason you have any symptoms is because your body is telling you it’s not getting what it needs and likely hasn’t been for quite a while.

If you’re ready for the most natural approach to feeling good, losing weight, not even thinking about your hormones because you just feel….normal and really good, Get Your Body Back is for you.

You’ll know how to eat to give your body what it needs to balance itself. You don’t need to step one foot into an office or get a shot or patch.

You’ll be full of energy.

You’ll feel better than you did years ago, just like my client who thought she was limited by her age but after going through my program had weight falling off of her, and said she was so excited to go into her 50s because she felt better than ever.

Your body is following what you give it.

In Get Your Body Back I’ll show you exactly how to fuel your body to have perfect hormones, feel young, vibrant and alive and forget what age you are because you’ll know for sure that it doesn’t impact your body or what you can do or have.

Message me for details.


thyroid meds don't heal your thyroid, they fill your liver until it overflows to show your blood work is 'balanced'


The only way is *through*

Why does it seem that women go through all these weird hormonal issues, usually after having kids, not always a pre-requisite though.

Why is everyone on thyroid meds?

Why don't women have tons of energy?

Because you weren't taught how to eat to stabilize your body with food so that health conditions become impossible.

When we were going through IVF, the scariest thing about it to me what that I didn't know how to help my body.

I gained weight rapidly without changing my food or workouts and didn't know why, until I did.

I didn't know how to help my body created balanced hormones so I used drugs to shut down my entire endocrine system and then jack it back up with meds.

Your diet is more than a weight loss calculation and calorie numbers.

It's giving you LIFE.

The degree to which your body works well, has overflowing energy, amazing digestion and balanced hormones is coming from how well your organs are being nourished, and cleansed.

You aren't going to lose the weight with weight loss methods.

This is a life lesson.

You need to know how to eat for your life. To live a long time. To be free of all symptoms.

To not need medications.

To have more than enough energy every day.

Your extra weight is a health issue.

To look like yourself, and feel like yourself again, your body is telling you you have to know this.

How to fuel it, how to feed it, how you uniquely need to make changes right now, to have it all.

You will get to your perfect weight, when you go through learning how food = health.


Client result: From no period for 3 months to getting it within 3 days of starting my protocol. It's not menopause, it's how you're feeding your body.

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🍓Food industry truth teller
🍃Plant based cook & consultant
☀️Midwest girl with a California ❤️
Let’s get real food EVERYWHERE 😋

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