Heart Made Collaborative, LLC

A marketplace for locally sourced handmade Gifts, Accessories, Decor and more!

Located at 10 E Main Street, Westminster Maryland! **directly behind the library.**


Hey guys.
We are heading into the home stretch of our final days. From now until our last day we will now only Thursday-Saturday. As we near the end, I need more time with closed hours, than open ones to organize and pack things up. Open days will be business as usual, just with less inventory. It gets sadder and sadder as the days move on and I just really need to focus on organizing.

Vendors- if you would like to schedule a day to pick things up when we aren't open, please reach out through the page here, in order to set that up.

A large majority of our fixtures and furniture will also be for sale. I don't have the means to keep everything, so the sooner things are out, the better. You may reserve them now and if I can clear them off, you can take them same day, otherwise we will have a pick up day in our final week for majority of pick ups.

So please stop by and say hello, see if there is anything that you may want to grab (lots of vendors have decided to mark things down so it's a great time to grab things for Christmas! (Ugh the though of not being here for Christmas is such a bummer 😔)

My heart is so heavy, but the things still need to get done. I hope to see some of.you before our last day 🖤

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 08/16/2024

Attempt 2 at this post. FB hates me lol
(Sorry if it's posted twice by now)

Today is my last birthday at the shop.
We have some deals going on and we would love to help the vendors move some inventory.

Marys a-door-able Creations wreaths are all 30% off

Designs by Gail 30% off

Crafty, Classy and a little Whimsical BoGo FREE

Elyssa Rose earrings BoGo FREE

Nancy's New Leaf 20% off

Kell and keen 25% off

Clayaroobee 50% off

Deals run till the last week, or until items are picked up.

Hours today are till about 5 (unless no one comes to see us and then it may be earlier...it is my birthday after all 🤣)

Tomorrow, Saturday hours are 11-6.
****I won't be in but my hubby will be here for all your shopping enjoyment.****

Have a wonderful weekend! 🖤


When I tell you it's been a rough year, boy, do I mean it.
Even just the last month has been insane.
First, I had my tooth issue that cause all the awful swelling in my face...
Then we make the decision to close the shop.
Then my neighbor who many of you know I look after has starting having some major health issues. I had to help her rehome her dog, which we did, to an amazing home and I am so grateful to them for taking her in.
I've had Ms Dolly at the hospital twice now. First time was for major leg pain last week which they said nothing was wrong and sent her home.
Yesterday she called me and said she heard a crack and now couldn't walk.
I left work early, had to call an ambulance to get her to the hospital...after they did an xray, and said nothing was wrong...I asked them to look more, because something is OBVIOUSLY wrong. They ordered a cat scan and low and behold....she has a broken pelvis. 😔 so now, we are working to get her into a rehab for a few weeks but, I don't see her going back home. As much as this lady drives me crazy, I'm super attached to her.
So, add in all this insane weather and I am seriously on the struggle bus. 🙃
So, if you've messaged me or reached out and I haven't gotten back to you, it's not you, it's absolutely me. I'm waiting to hear from the hospital, so that I can figure out where she goes from here, and also trying to make time to get into the shop as well so we don't have to be closed with so few days left in operation, knowing full well, with all this rain, no one is coming in today.
Send all the positive energy my way, if you have any to spare. I know a lot of people are going through a lot right now. 😮‍💨

And also remember you don't know what others are going through, so treat everyone with kindness, because they might be struggling, even with a smile on their face. 🖤


Come see us while we have a few weeks left! Still time to support our shop and all the wonderful vendors here. ❤️


Hey guys,
I've written and rewritten this post a dozen or more times, and have yet to make it through. But I desperately need to so here goes...
With the saddest heart I have to tell you that at the end of August we will be closing.
There are a variety reasons being the closure, firstly the economy just hasn't been kind to small businesses. Based on the number of other places I've seen closing....it hasn't been just us struggling.
Another aspect is, we are 100% dependent on active vendors. This also plays into the first mention, as it's hard to buy materials, which just keep getting more expensive, when you aren't making any money. But on the flip side of that, it's IMPOSSIBLE to run a store like ours with minimal to no inventory. Just can't happen.
We've dealt with the battle through the holidays of road work that seemed never ending, the constant parking battle and just so many other smaller things and to be honest, it's just broken my spirit to fight anymore. Sales have been WAY WAY down, and unfortunately the stress of it all has really started to take its tole on me, personally, both mentally and physically, so, here we are. Making one of the hardest decisions of my life.

I love this little store. More than that, I've love meeting so many amazing people. From the vendors (many who have become some of my closest friends) to all our incredible customers. I love each and every one of you. And I appreciate you so so much for supporting this little dream of mine.

I will be in the shop until our last say, if you want to pop in and shop what is left, it will be available to purchase until the vendors come to pick it up. I will also be selling fixtures, furniture and other odds and ends that we have accumulated over time.
This has been some of the hardest but fun times of my life. I've loved ALMOST every second of it.
Hopefully one day we can give it another go and bring our little shop back to the community. But for now, it's a see ya later.

Vendors please reach out to set up time to pick up items. Anything not picked up will be dealt with at the discretion of the shop. Any questions, please message the shop page. We would like to have as much out as possible, by the second to last week of the month but we can be available on non open days if you communicate with us on setting that up.

I'm so sorry it's had to come to this. No one is sadder than I am, I can promise you. There just isn't any way around it at this point. 💔

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 08/02/2024

Stop in and see us this weekend!
Open Friday until 5 and 11-6 on Saturday!


Hey guys!
I will be opening closer to 1230 today, it's band practice day again and I'm scrambling to get all the things in.
Moving forward, I expect this to be a permanent thing until the band schedule changes. Sorry for the late notice, I've been trying to find a work around to no avail.

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 07/26/2024

☀️Summer sale! ☀️
All ElyssaRose Earrings are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE for the next two weeks! ✨
No limit! Stock up on these lightweight faux leather earrings and help clear our summer inventory.

Open today until 6 and Saturday 11-6!


Yes, I will be opening today. Times got mixed up for dropping my son off at band practice, I thought it was 11, turns out it's 12. So as soon as I get him dropped off, I'll be in.
Sorry if it's inconveniences anyone, it wasn't ideal for me either.

-Signed a Mom who is at her limit. 😬


Anyone else feel like this summer has just been crazy???
Stop by this week to see us!


💛Good morning!
Hope you all had a safe & fun holiday 🇺🇸
•Today’s hours are 2-6

Come out & visit and walk away with something exciting and new!
Nancy’s New Leaf is also having a big one-day sale—Everything is 15% Off


✨Hours this week:
M- Closed
T- 4pm-6:30ish
W- 2pm-4:30ish

We’re bringing back Tuesday hours! (Just for the week 😅) so stop on out after work, I’ll be at the shop until around 6:30.

Wednesday I only have a short window to open from 2-4:30.

Thursday & Friday are up in the air—who wants evening hours? Who prefers daytime hours? Let me know!

Thanks and see y’all this week! 🙏🌸🌿


Stop by today for our Plant & Gem Pop Up and enjoy rare Sunday open hours!


Special Sunday hours this weekend! Pop Up plants sale but the whole shop will be open!


We have a variety of homes available for your favorite little plants!

Open today 11-4
Sunday 12-3


🌈Weekend Hours:
Saturday 1-4
Sunday 12-3

👋Hey all! Nancy here. I’ll be opening the shop today after the farmer’s market closes and staying until around 4. Tomorrow, I’m having a pop-up plant & crystal sale from 12-3 (Nancy’s New Leaf - details below), but the whole shop will be open to peruse.

Hope to see y’all come out!


Where are my fellow introverts? Ok thanks for coming it's been fun.... byeeeeee 😆

Hours this weekend:
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-4
Sunday 12-3

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/27/2024

Hi again!
Wanted to give you all an update on little ole' me.
Yesterday after waking up to more swelling, I called my dentist as instructed to update him. At the time he was with a patient and had to call me back. When he did, I explained my concerns and in the most calm way possible he instructed me to go to the ER. He basically said that the oral antibiotics weren't enough, and he felt.that an IV antibiotic was the only option, to jumpstart the healing process.
So, as instructed I went to the ER. I had a cat scan with contrast (ew not a fan) and then a round of IV antibiotics. They prescribed me another oral antibiotic, to take on addition to the one I was previously taking, as well as some pain meds.

Today, there is finally some reduction in the swelling! I'm so relieved. The only down side is the medicine is wrecking my stomach and making me feel very unwell.
My goal was to be back in the shop today. Im not sure if that's possible at this moment. I'm going to call the pharmacy and see it I can take sometimes to help ease my tummy troubles, without messing with the meds, and hopefully make it in a little later today.

This was the absolute worst timing for a medical emergency as we are supposed to leave for our family vacation this weekend.
I'm not the best at taking care of myself (I continued to push through working with Bronchitis a few months ago) but I really need to better focus on myself. Clearly, had I been doing that, I wouldn't be in this position. It's hard when you own a business and constantly worry about letting people down all the time. Nancy is amazing and helps me when she can, but she's also a mom, and has a job and her own business so there just isn't always someone to cover. She's already helping me with coverage for our vacation.
So all that being said, I'm going to try to make it in today, but it isn't going to be on time. I will make a post if I can get in and let everyone know we are open.
Sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone, I assure you this whole ordeal has been VERY INCONVENIENT for me and my family.

Sorry this was so long. I always feel like I need to explain myself for everything. 🤦‍♀️

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/27/2024

Apparently, my first attempt to post this earlier this morning didn't work, or...it's not showing up for me. So if it posts twice- sorry about that 🤦‍♀️

Hi again!
Wanted to give you all an update in little ole' me.
Yesterday after waking up to more swelling, I called my dentist as instructed to update him. At the time he was with a patient and had to call me back. When he did, I explained my concerns and in the most calm way possible he instructed me to go to the ER. He basically said that the oral antibiotics weren't enough, and he felt.that an IV antibiotic was the only option, to jumpstart the healing process.
So, as instructed I went to the ER. I had a cat scan with contrast (ew not a fan) and then a round of IV antibiotics. They prescribed me another oral antibiotic, to take on addition to the one I was previously taking, as well as some pain meds.

Today, there is finally some reduction in the swelling! I'm so relieved. The only down side is the medicine is wrecking my stomach and making me feel very unwell.
My goal was to be back in the shop today. Im not sure if that's possible at this moment. I'm going to call the pharmacy and see it I can take sometimes to help ease my tummy troubles, without messing with the meds, and hopefully make it in a little later today.

This was the absolute worst timing for a medical emergency as we are supposed to leave for our family vacation this weekend.
I'm not the best at taking care of myself (I continued to push through working with Bronchitis a few months ago) but I really need to better focus on myself. Clearly, had I been doing that, I wouldn't be in this position. It's hard when you own a business and constantly worry about letting people down all the time. Nancy is amazing and helps me when she can, but she's also a mom, and has a job and her own business so there just isn't always someone to cover. She's already helping me with coverage for our vacation.
So all that being said, I'm going to try to make it in today, but it isn't going to be on time. I will make a post if I can get in and let everyone know we are open.
Sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone, I assure you this whole ordeal has been VERY INCONVENIENT for me and my family.

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/27/2024

Have you checked out these soaps and scrubs? So many scents to choose from! Perfect for yourself or for a gift!
Hours this week:
Thursday 11-4
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5


Good Morning Everyone!

Due to a medical issue (Dental to be specific) I won't be able to open the shop today.

Basically, Sunday I woke up with a swollen face and some mild tooth pain. Had to conquer a huge fear of mine and make a dentist appt for Monday. Went in, had a pretty amazing expierence (all things considered) *HUGE shout out to All Smiles Care* and was put on antibiotics for an infection. They said it would take 24-48hrs to start reducing the swelling, and basically, I've had 3 doses and the swelling has gotten worse. I woke up this morning and thenswelling is up to just below my eye, and the whole left side of my face is basically useless.

I'm going to call when they open to see if it needs more time, or perhaps a different medicine, but at the moment I wouldn't even be comfortable driving because the swelling blocks a portion of my vision.

Fingers crossed that this can be resolved quickly, it's pretty miserable.

HOPEFULLY it's just a matter of needing a little more time with cool compression and the meds I'm already on and tomorrow we can resume business as usual. 🖤

Anyone else ever have an expierence like this before? How long were you like this?(I'll add a pic in the comments of my glorious face for reference)

Sorry for any inconvenience. I can promise you I'd much rather be there than like this!


...is it? Asking for a friend. 🪴

Hours this week:
Wednesday 11-4
Thursday 11-4
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/24/2024

Check out these handcrafted jewelry pieces! Beautiful and one of a kind!

Hours this week:
Wednesday 11-4
Thursday 11-4
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5


Hoping for a peaceful week ahead for all!

Hours this week:
Wednesday 11-4
Thursday 11-4
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/22/2024

Can vouch that these soaps and candles smell SO GOOD!
Shop small this Saturday! Come see us!

Open today 11-5


Smile, it's Saturday!

Stop by and see us today! Open 11-5

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/21/2024

Lots of summer earrings in stock! Only $5 each!

Hours this weekend:
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/21/2024

Who is coming to see us this weekend??

Hours this weekend:
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/20/2024

Find a cute critter friend or custom order your favorite creature!

Hours this week:
Thursday 11-4
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5

Photos from Heart Made Collaborative, LLC's post 06/19/2024

Have you been "down the ocean, hon" yet this summer?
Perfect for bringing beach vibes to your home or for decorating a beach house!

Hours this week:
Wednesday 11-4
Thursday 11-4
Friday 11-5
Saturday 11-5

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Videos (show all)

Today only! From 12-2 Messy Mama Creations is making all Halloween shirts BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE!! Run, don't walk! While...
Happy Friday! I'll be here all day with the possible errand run in preparation for the Westminster Wine Stroll tomorrow!...
Guess what I've got...😁🎄😁Ooh yeah! Messy Mama Creations 🖤
September 24th and 25th the shop will be close as we will be participating in Westminster's Fall Fest!We will have an as...



10 E Main Street
Westminster, MD

Opening Hours

Wednesday 11am - 3pm
Thursday 11am - 4pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm

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