Jury Eye, Wichita, KS Videos

Videos by Jury Eye in Wichita. Providing personalized eye care to patients including eye exams, glaucoma and macular degeneration d

It is the first day of summer, and the longest day of the year. It may be cloudy, but it is still important to protect those eyes on this summer solstice. So go out and enjoy, but don't forget your sunglasses!

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It is the first day of summer, and the longest day of the year. It may be cloudy, but it is still important to protect those eyes on this summer solstice. So go out and enjoy, but don't forget your sunglasses!

It is estimated that over 3 million Americans have glaucoma, and only half know they have it. There may be no symptoms warning you that you have it. Until it reaches end stages, glaucoma mainly affects the peripheral vision. The best way to protect your vision is with annual eye exams. Intraocular pressure (IOP) is measured for a number of reasons, and we include it with each comprehensive eye exam as one way to evaluate your risk for glaucoma. You may recall the yellow 👁 drop followed by the blue light that comes uncomfortably close to your eye - that is measuring IOP! Keep watching to see your view, followed by mine (the 👩🏼‍⚕️).