Family owned mid-sized Transportation Company out of Willowbrook, IL


River Xpress, Inc is now hiring Class A CDL Truck Drivers for OTR positions! We are looking for solo and team company drivers with 2 or more years of experience and a good MVR/PSP score. Positions are available immediately. Gross Earnings are between $88,400 to $130,000 per year per driver for those who drive all year long. If your performance is top-notch, it can be more.

Solo Driver Pay:

Pay range is from 60 to 70 cents per mile plus bonuses. This depends on years of experience and MVR score.
Miles range can go anywhere from 2800 to 3400 per week with the potential of being even higher depending on the season/market and your performance.
The average gross income ranges from $1700 to $2200 per week depending on your work ethics and ability to multitask and organize your time well in order to make the most out of your work week.
You may be considered for promotion to Lease to Purchase Program if interested, and if your performance proved to us that you’re a good candidate for it.
Team Driver Pay:

Up to 80 cents per mile plus bonuses. This depends on years of experience and MVR scores of both drivers.
Miles range can go anywhere from 5500 to 6500 per week with the potential of being even higher depending on the season/market and both driver’s performance.
The average gross income is $3800 and $5000 per week in total. That's $1900 to $2500 per week per team driver depending on your work ethics and ability to multitask and organize your time well in order to make the most out of your work week.
You may be considered for promotion to Lease to Purchase Program if interested, and if your performance proved to us that you’re a good candidate for it.
Referral Bonus:

Are you already employed by River Xpress Inc? Help bring a friend. $2000 referral bonus per driver and $3000 for owner ops provided they stay in a company 3+ months.
Interested? Want to be approved quickly?

Please text (708) 328-6086 with a picture of your CDL (Front & Back), Medical Card, SSN, and provide us with your email and phone number, and get approved TODAY!
Important info about our ability to have you accepted and our work ethics:

We are looking for the best of the best drivers this industry can offer. We get lots of applicants on a daily basis, and our recruiting team is working tirelessly to select the best candidates possible. If you are looking for a good paying, decent job in a company that will put time and effort into building a strong relationship with you, and will try and make a family like and enjoyable work atmosphere, we are here for you. But, in return we are asking for safe and hard-working drivers, people that are here to get the job done and make the most out of their week. People who would do their best to not be late or miss their stops, who are motivated and eager to make money. This job is very demanding and as long as you’re a professional, we have a place for you in River Xpress Inc. We take this business seriously and we want serious drivers who will do the job to the best of their ability each and every day while on the road. The money you make is directly related to your performance and it's entirely up to you how well of a paycheck you could be taking home at the end of each week.

What makes our company different?

Family owned medium sized company - More personalized relationship compared to big carriers
We have been in business for 20+ years - Experienced
We keep our equipment in top shape! We have an outstanding relationship with mechanic shops around Chicagoland area and we don’t gatekeep! That relationship will extend to you as well.
We care about our drivers and will do our best to make this job as enjoyable as it can be.
We keep good communication, and will be there to help when you need us
We have 24/7 ELD Monitoring system that helps you be more relaxed when you’re on the road

No forced dispatch.
Years long relationships with brokers.
No Touch Freight.
Weekly Direct Deposit.
Fuel Cards provided.
EZ-passes provided.
Tablets Provided.
Professional Dispatch Teams.
You are assigned a dedicated dispatcher who will get to know you.
Job Description:

Must have Class A CDL.
Must have 2+ years of CDL Experience.
Must have good MVR score and reasonably good PSP report.
Dry Vans.
All No Touch Freight.
Doesn’t matter where you live.
We offer Unlimited miles within ELD Compliance.
Compensation & Benefits:

Weekly pay with direct deposit (no waiting on checks).
Up to 70 cents per mile for Solo/Single drivers, depending on experience, MVR and PSP.
Up to 80 cents per mile for Team drivers, depending on experience, MVR and PSP.
Bonuses depend on safety compliance, good roadside inspections, communication with Dispatch Department and an overall performance
The average gross income is $1700 to $2200 per week per driver (for solo drivers).
The average gross income for the team is $3800 and $5000 per week total (split per driver).
Driver Requirements-Driver must have/be:

Between the age of 21 and 75.
Healthy and willing to work. Truck driving is a demanding job.
A minimum of 2 years of driving experience. Will consider 1+ years if your MVR and PSP are spotless.
A valid CDL Class A without pending suspensions.
Able to work with modern ELD systems.
Knowledgeable about HOS, Drug & Alcohol, Personal Conveyance, PTI, Maintenance and Safety rules
Able to pass a drug test. No exceptions.
A valid medical card issued.
A stable work history and good references.
Provide no less than 3 years of work history, regardless of whether it was driving a CMV or not.
Previous employers and references will be checked and must be verifiable.

Driver Requirements-Driver must NOT have these violations on his MVR or Background Check:

Manslaughter or negligent homicide convictions
Felony involving a motor vehicle, no speeding contest or racing in the last 36 months
Hit and run or fleeing the scene of accident violation in the last 36 months
More than 5 moving violations and/or no more than 1 “at fault” accident in the last 36 months.
DWIs, DUI, and BAC in the last 36 months.
Reckless or careless driving convictions or violations in the last 36 months.
No valid CDL or driving a CMV without CDL in the last 36 months
Fleeing/Eluding arrest in the last 36 months
Multiple Licenses in the last 36 months
False report, statement or fraud in the last 36 months
Operating a vehicle without the owner’s authority in the last 36 months
Driving whilst using a mobile device in the last 36 months
We want only the best, hence all the requirements, but we will also offer the best we have.

If you are interested, please text (708) 328-6086 with a picture of your CDL (Front & Back), Medical Card, SSN, and provide us with your email and phone number, and get approved TODAY!

Equal Employment Opportunity

River Xpress, Inc is proud to be an equal opportunity employer - and celebrate our employees' differences, including race, color, religion, s*x, s*xual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, and Veteran status. At River Xpress, Inc, we know that diversity makes us stronger. We are committed to a collaborative, inclusive environment that encourages authenticity and fosters a sense of belonging. We strive for everyone to feel valued, connected, and empowered to reach their potential and contribute their best.


¡River Xpress ahora está contratando conductores de camiones CDL Clase A para puestos OTR! Estamos buscando solo y equipos con por lo menos 2 años de experiencia y una buena puntuación de MVR/PSP. Las posiciones están disponibles para comenzar inmediatamente. Las ganancias brutas son entre $ 88,400 y $ 130,000 por año por conductor para aquellos
que conducen todo el año. Si su rendimiento es superior, puede ser aún más.

Ingresos de conductor solo:
El rango de pago es de 60 a 70 centavos por milla más bonos. Esto depende de los años de experiencia y puntuación MVR.
El rango de millas puede ser desde 2800 a 3400 semanales con el potencial de ser aún más dependiendo de la temporada/mercado y su rendimiento.
El ingreso bruto promedio es entre $1700 y $2200 por semana, según su ética laboral y capacidad para realizar múltiples tareas y organizar bien su tiempo para aprovechar al máximo su trabajo
Puede ser considerado para la promoción al Programa de Arrendamiento con Opción de Compra si está interesado y si su rendimiento nos demostró que es un buen candidato para ello.

Ingresos de conductores en equipo
Hasta 80 centavos por milla más bonos. Esto depende de años de experiencia y puntajes MVR de ambos conductores.
El rango de millas puede ser desde 5500 a 6500 por semana con el potencial de ser aún más dependiendo de la temporada/mercado y del rendimiento de ambos conductores.
El ingreso bruto promedio es de $3800 a $5000 por semana en total. Eso es de $1900 a $2500 por semana por conductor de equipo, según su ética de trabajo y su capacidad para realizar múltiples tareas y organizar su tiempo bien para aprovechar al máximo su semana laboral.
Puede ser considerado para la promoción al Programa de Arrendamiento con Opción de Compra si está interesado y si su rendimiento nos demostró que es un buen candidato para ello.

Bono de referencia:
¿Ya es empleado con River Xpress Inc? Ayude a traer a un amigo(a). Bono de referencia de $2000 por conductor y $3000 para dueños de camión si permanecen en la empresa más de 3 meses.

Información importante sobre nuestros requisitos y expectativas
Estamos buscando lo mejor que la industria pueda ofrecer. Recibimos muchos solicitantes diariamente y nuestro equipo de reclutamiento trabaja arduamente para seleccionar a los mejores candidatos posibles. Si está buscando un trabajo con buena paga en una empresa que dedique tiempo y esfuerzo a construir una relación sólida con usted y lo haga sentir como parte de una familia con un ambiente de trabajo agradable, entonces podemos ser el lugar perfecto para usted.
A cambio, pedimos conductores seguros y trabajadores. Buscamos conductores que vengan a trabajar y sean eficientes. Necesitamos personas que hagan todo lo posible para llegar a citas a tiempo y no faltar a las citas. Buscamos conductores motivados y con ganas de hacer dinero. Este trabajo es muy exigente, pero si es un profesional, tenemos un lugar para usted en River Xpress Inc.
Tomamos nuestro trabajo muy en serio y queremos conductores que siempre den lo mejor de sí mismos. El dinero que gana está directamente relacionado con su desempeño, por lo cual lo que lleva a casa depende completamente de su propio trabajo.

¿Qué hace diferente a nuestra empresa?

Empresa familiar mediana: relación más personalizada en comparación con las grandes compañías
Hemos estado en el negocio por más de 20 años - Con experiencia
¡Mantenemos nuestro equipo en la mejor forma! Tenemos una excelente relación con los talleres mecánicos alrededor del área de Chicagoland y esa relación se extenderá a usted también.
Nos preocupamos por nuestros conductores y haremos todo lo posible para que este trabajo sea lo más agradable posible.
Mantenemos buena comunicación y estaremos allí para ayudarlo cuando nos necesite.
Contamos con un sistema de monitoreo ELD las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, que lo ayuda a estar más relajado cuando esté conduciendo.

Sin despacho forzado
Tenemos años de relaciones con corredores.
No touch carga.
Depósito Directo Semanal.
Tarjetas de combustible proporcionadas.
Pases EZ proporcionados.
Tabletas proporcionadas.
Equipos de despacho profesionales.
Se le asigna un despachador dedicado que lo conocerá.

Descripción del trabajo:
Debe tener licencia Clase A.
Debe tener más de 2 años de experiencia con licencia Clase A
Debe tener una buena puntuación de MVR y un informe de PSP razonablemente bueno.
Dry Van
Todo el flete sin contacto.
No importa dónde viva
Ofrecemos millas ilimitadas dentro del cumplimiento de ELD.

Compensación y Beneficios:
Pago semanal con depósito directo (sin esperar cheques).
Hasta 70 centavos por milla para conductores Solo/Single, dependiendo de la experiencia, MVR y PSP.
Hasta 80 centavos por milla para los conductores del equipo, según la experiencia, MVR y PSP.
Bonos que dependen del cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad, las buenas inspecciones en carretera y la comunicación con Despacho y un desempeño general
El ingreso bruto promedio es de $1700 a $2200 por semana por conductor (para conductores solos).
El ingreso bruto promedio para el equipo es de $3800 y $5000 por semana en total (dividido por piloto).

Requisitos del conductor: el conductor debe tener/ser:
Entre los 21 y los 75 años.
Saludable y con ganas de trabajar. La conducción de camiones es un trabajo exigente.
Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en conducción. Consideraremos 1+ años si su MVR y PSP están limpios
Licencia Clase A válida sin suspensiones pendientes.
Capaz de trabajar con sistemas ELD modernos.
Con conocimientos sobre HOS, dr**as y amp; Alcohol, transporte personal, PTI, mantenimiento y reglamentos de seguridad
Capaz de pasar una prueba de dr**as. Sin excepciones.
Una tarjeta médica válida emitida.
Una trayectoria laboral estable y buenas referencias.
Proporcione no menos de 3 años de historial laboral, independientemente de si conducía un CMV o no.
Se verificarán los empleadores anteriores y las referencias y deben ser verificables.

Requisitos del conductor: el conductor NO debe tener estas infracciones en su MVR o verificación de antecedentes:

Condenas por homicidio involuntario u homicidio negligente
Delito grave relacionado con un vehículo motorizado, sin concurso de exceso de velocidad o carreras en los últimos 36 meses
Golpear y huir o huir de la escena de la infracción del accidente en los últimos 36 meses
Más de 5 infracciones de tránsito y/o no más de 1 accidente “culpable” en los últimos 36 meses.
DWI, DUI y BAC en los últimos 36 meses.
Convicciones o infracciones por conducción imprudente o negligente en los últimos 36 meses.
Sin CDL válida o conduciendo un CMV sin CDL en los últimos 36 meses
Huyendo/Eludiendo arresto en los últimos 36 meses
Varias licencias en los últimos 36 meses
Reporte falso, declaración o fraude en los últimos 36 meses
Operar un vehículo sin autorización del propietario en los últimos 36 meses
Conducir con un dispositivo móvil en los últimos 36 meses

Queremos solo lo mejor, de ahí todos los requisitos, pero también ofreceremos lo mejor que tenemos.
Si está interesado, envíe un mensaje de texto al (708) 328-6086 con una foto de su licencia de conducir comercial (anverso y reverso), tarjeta médica, SSN, y proporciónenos su correo electrónico y número de teléfono, ¡y obtenga la aprobación HOY!

Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo
River Xpress, Inc se enorgullece de ser un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades, y celebra a nuestros empleados y diferencias, incluyendo raza, color, religión, s*xo, orientación s*xual, identidad de género, origen nacional, edad,
discapacidad y condición de veterano. En River Xpress, Inc, sabemos que la diversidad nos hace más fuertes. Estamos comprometidos con un entorno colaborativo e inclusivo que fomenta la autenticidad y fomenta un sentido de pertenencia. Nos esforzamos para que todos se sientan valorados, conectados y empoderados para alcanzar su potencial y aportar lo mejor de sí.


No matter how hidden the destination is… If we have to get there: River Xpress INC, will get you there!! 💪🏼👍🏼💪🏼👍🏼

. .


This is the effort that our colleagues make to be able to bring food to your table..... Thank you for all that you do and more!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼



RESPECT!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

. . .


Are you a class A CDL driver with 1+ year of experience, a good driving record and interested in working for an esteemed trucking company?
Come and join us!
We offer highly competitive pay, year around freight and a great Loyalty Bonus after 3 months.
We appreciate common sense, notable work ethics and the ability to work independently.
All requirements:
1. 1+ years of OTR experience
2. Clean MVR (no more than 3 moving violations in the past 3 years, any accidents must have an accident report and no DUIs)
3. Exceptional communication skills
4. Common sense and notable work ethics
5. Ability to work under minimum supervision
Apply now by calling us at (630) 908-3510


Are you a class A CDL driver with 1+ year of experience, a good driving record and interested in working for an esteemed trucking company?
Come and join us!
We offer highly competitive pay, year around freight and a great Loyalty Bonus after 3 months.
We appreciate common sense, notable work ethics and the ability to work independently.
All requirements:
1. 1+ years of OTR experience
2. Clean MVR (no more than 3 moving violations in the past 3 years, any accidents must have an accident report and no DUIs)
3. Exceptional communication skills
4. Common sense and notable work ethics
5. Ability to work under minimum supervision
Apply now by calling us at (630) 908-3510 or email at [email protected]


River Xpress, INC., a well established trucking company since 2013, is now accepting applications for the positions of Owner Operators (both Day Cab and Sleeper Cab) with numerous “Drop and Hook” opportunities.
Whether local or regional loads are preferred- we provide both, including the option to always Bobtail back and with no wait times.
In addition- all equipment is preset/connected and ready to go.
Destinations: Chicago, Ohio & Indiana.
Lanes: IL-OH and IL-IL
Additional benefits:
All locations are 24/7
Above all: $$$Great monetary compensation$$$!!!
1. 1+ years of OTR experience
2. Clean MVR (no more than 3 moving violations in the past 3 years, any accidents must have an accident report and no DUIs)
3. Exceptional communication skills
4. Common sense and notable work ethics
5. Ability to work under minimum supervision
Apply now by calling us at (630) 908-3510 or email at: [email protected]


River Xpress, INC., an established trucking company since 2013, is now accepting applications for the positions of Owner Operators (both Day Cab and Sleeper Cab) with numerous “Drop and Hook” opportunities.
Whether local or regional loads are preferred- we provide both, including the option to always Bobtail back and with no wait times.
In addition- all equipment is preset/connected and ready to go.
Destinations: Chicago, Ohio & Indiana.
Lanes: IL-OH and IL-IL

Additional benefits:
All locations are 24/7
Above all: $$$Great monetary compensation$$$!!!

1. 1+ years of OTR experience
2. Clean MVR (no more than 3 moving violations in the past 3 years, any accidents must have an accident report and no DUIs)
3. Exceptional communication skills
4. Common sense and notable work ethics
5. Ability to work under minimum supervision
Apply now by calling us at (630) 908-3510 or email at: [email protected]


Are you a class A CDL driver with 1+ year of experience, a good driving record and interested in working for an esteemed trucking company?
Come and join us!

We offer highly competitive pay, year around freight and a great Loyalty Bonus after 3 months.

We appreciate common sense, notable work ethics and the ability to work independently.

All requirements:
1. 1+ years of OTR experience
2. Clean MVR (no more than 3 moving violations in the past 3 years, any accidents must have an accident report and no DUIs)
3. Exceptional communication skills
4. Common sense and notable work ethics
5. Ability to work under minimum supervision

Apply now by calling us at (630) 908-3510


Is looking for CDL company drivers ,owner operators -
-solid record , 1 year experience minimum -
Company drivers - pay 70 c / mile ,light mail loads - no waiting time at the shipper , newer trucks - 2017 and up ,
contract routes - non stop - all year round secured job – routes to Mid West - every other weekend at home - no problem
Please call at : 630-908-3510


Great offer for all the teams on the market!
75 c/mile - minimum 5500 miles guaranteed!
Hook and drop - light loads- easy to drive!
Limited spots available - do not hesitate to call at:


Looking for company team drivers and team operators with a good driving record for the (UPS - USPS) contract routes.
Steady job guaranteed on a longer period of time
Please call at : 630-908-3510


Looking for company team drivers and team operators with a good driving record for the (UPS - USPS) contract routes.
Steady job guaranteed on a longer period of time
Please call at : 630-908-3510


For more info please call at : 630-908-3510 or write to [email protected]


RIVER XPRESS INC – is signing up TEAM drivers for the future dedicated routes -West coast – Mid West - 5500 miles per week guaranteed -newer trucks available 70 c per team guaranteed – 3850 $ weekly per team guaranteed - light UPS loads – around 20.000 lb – power only – no waiting time at the shipper – great opportunity – for more info call at 630-908-3510


RIVER XPRESS INC - está inscribiendo a los conductores de TEAM para las futuras rutas dedicadas
- Costa oeste - Medio oeste
- 5500 millas por semana garantizadas
- camiones nuevos disponibles
$ .70 c por equipo garantizado
- $ 3850 por tiempo garantizado por semana
- cargas ligeras de UPS
- alrededor de 20,000 lb
- solo energía - sin tiempo de espera en el cargador
- gran oportunidad
- para más información llame al : 312-871-1680
Karina Reyes


Wishing everybody Happy and Prosperous New Year 2020 !

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RIVER XPRESS, INC. looking for Team Drivers





7000 S. Adams Street Suite 130
Willowbrook, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 5pm
Tuesday 7am - 5pm
Wednesday 7am - 5pm
Thursday 7am - 5pm
Friday 7am - 5pm

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