Forsyth County Animal Shelter - NC, Winston-Salem, NC Videos

Videos by Forsyth County Animal Shelter - NC in Winston-Salem. We are an Animal Shelter, serving Forsyth County, NC.


In March 2019 Lawanza was at the hospital with her daughter as her granddaughter was being born - it was such a happy day! Then she came home to discover that her beloved dog Big Boy was missing and her day went from happy to sad. She looked everywhere, posting on local groups and asking neighbors for help. She never gave up hope and for four long years she checked listings of dogs who resembled Big Boy only to be disappointed each time. Her dog was microchipped and she hoped that someone would have him checked and call her. Lawanza never quit trying to find Big Boy.

August 26, 2023 a dog was found as a stray in Kernersville. When he arrived at the shelter we scanned for a microchip as always and found one. Called the chip company and they provided owner information including an address in Alabama. We honestly figured the owner had moved and just hoped we could reach them. We called and left a message. Within 10 minutes we received a call back from an elated Lawanza who could NOT BELIEVE that her best friend had been located after all these years and in another state no less. She said she still lived in Alabama but would make the drive up to get him on Tuesday.

Today she arrived and their reunion was nothing short of miraculous. MICROCHIPS WORK folks and bring best friends back together even after 4 years!

Other Forsyth County Animal Shelter - NC videos

In March 2019 Lawanza was at the hospital with her daughter as her granddaughter was being born - it was such a happy day! Then she came home to discover that her beloved dog Big Boy was missing and her day went from happy to sad. She looked everywhere, posting on local groups and asking neighbors for help. She never gave up hope and for four long years she checked listings of dogs who resembled Big Boy only to be disappointed each time. Her dog was microchipped and she hoped that someone would have him checked and call her. Lawanza never quit trying to find Big Boy. August 26, 2023 a dog was found as a stray in Kernersville. When he arrived at the shelter we scanned for a microchip as always and found one. Called the chip company and they provided owner information including an address in Alabama. We honestly figured the owner had moved and just hoped we could reach them. We called and left a message. Within 10 minutes we received a call back from an elated Lawanza who could NOT BELIEVE that her best friend had been located after all these years and in another state no less. She said she still lived in Alabama but would make the drive up to get him on Tuesday. Today she arrived and their reunion was nothing short of miraculous. MICROCHIPS WORK folks and bring best friends back together even after 4 years!

When you give the puppies a rubber chicken! 🤣🤣🤣 This is two of the four “Golden Girls” - Roosevelt (Rose) and Blanche. The litter is made up of one male and three females. They’re around 4 months of age and were found as strays so we have no background. If you’re interested, please complete an application on our website then come in during normal business hours to meet them. We’re not able to respond to questions here.

So this morning we moved Basil and Buttons (bunnies) into one display and Whiskers the cat into the other. Here’s what happened next…

FCSO Fleet Overview
Our Fleet is comprised of approximately 310 vehicles total made up of 13 different categories. Our vehicles are just one of the invaluable tools that allow us to serve our community. #themoreyouknow #gofcsonc #fcso34news

Invitation to Black, White, & Blue: Building Better Communities through Conversation
Commander Scott Gerlicher, Special Operations & Intelligence Division Commander for the Minneapolis Police Department during the George Floyd incident, is joining us for a roundtable discussion with our community leaders to address racism, law enforcement, and transparency. 🔵 Minneapolis Police Dept Commander Scott Garlicher (ret) 🔵 Sheriff Bobby F. Kimbrough, Jr. 🔵 WXII Talitha Vickers 🔵 NAACP Winston-Salem Branch President Al Wadood Jabbar 🔵 Community Activist Frankie Gist 🔵 Ministers'Conference Winston Salem Vicinity Representative 🔵 Winston-Salem Police Department Representative Tuesday, May 25th at 11:30am via Facebook Live - Submit your questions for the roundtable to [email protected] or dm @goFCSOnc

Sheriff Kimbrough Addresses Increase in Gun Violence
"What I am asking is that we really start addressing the root instead of just plucking at the fruit. The tree that is bearing all of this negativity will continue to do that unless we address the root of this problem. At some point, all of us bear some responsibility for bettering this place. All of us. ALL OF US." Sheriff Bobby F. Kimbrough, Jr. candidly shares his thoughts on the recent increase of gun violence in Winston-Salem. Data provided by the YMCA REACH Center (Resources for Economic Development, Academics, and Community Health).

Season 3, Episode 16: Off the Cuffs with Kimbrough
“The Forsyth County Drug Task Force (FCDTF) will do extraordinary things, and our community will see a tremendous impact.” Captain Michael Cardwell, Agent-in-Charge of the FCDTF, spoke with Sheriff Kimbrough about the mission of FCDTF, the relationships built between law enforcement agencies in the county, and the $65,000,000.00 seized in narcotics investigations including drugs, guns, and vehicles since the inception of the FCDTF in January 2021.

Season 3, Episode 15: Off the Cuffs with Kimbrough
“What comes out of the mouths of our children - it’s the truth,” stated Sheriff Kimbrough. He shared conversation with nine (9) year-old Olivia Tennille, a Summit Elementary School student who won the honor of being “Sheriff for the Day” at the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office. Olivia’s powerful words and love for people will unquestionably take her far in life. Her interests include reading history books and learning more about Black Lives Matter. Olivia said, “We all need to get along with each other so we can have a big party.”

FCSO Staff Photo Outtakes
We recently took staff photos and we thought you would enjoy seeing some of our favorite outtakes. Thank you for allowing us to serve and be a part of the wonderful community of Forsyth County!

Women's History Month
We stand strong, even in the face of blatant sexism from the public. There are 193 women in the FCSO Family - Deputies, Detention Officers, Telecommunicators, and Civilians. Each woman brings her own strength and skill set in service to our community. . #gofcsonc #womenshistorymonth #empowerment #herstory #strongwomen

Community Camera Sharing Program
Join us in creating a safer community - register your security camera system for free! Visit the website to learn more about our Community Camera Sharing Program!

Virtual Community Forum Invitation
Join us for our VIRTUAL Community Forum on Monday, February 22nd, from 6-7pm via Facebook Live (@gofcsonc). We need YOU to submit your questions to us by email at [email protected] DM us on social media (@gofcsonc). Can't wait to "see" you there!

Virtual Community Forum Invite
Join us for our VIRTUAL Community Forum on Monday, February 22nd, from 6-7pm via Facebook Live (@gofcsonc). Due to the virtual nature of this event, we are asking YOU to submit your questions to by email to [email protected] or DM on social media (@gofcsonc). Can't wait to "see" you there!

Season 3, Episode 10: Off the Cuffs with Kimbrough
“We need more immunity in our population to slow COVID-19 down, and then each of us will have a 95% chance of protection when taking the vaccine,” states Dr. Christopher Ohl, MD of Infectious Disease, Professor of Medicine at Wake Forest University of Medicine. He educates us on how the vaccine is safe, why the safety data is reliable, and how the vaccine was so quickly available. Dr. Ohl believes that “we are half way there” and he can at least see the finish line.

BOLO from Forsyth County Sheriff's Office 12-24-2020
BOLO for Forsyth County, NC

Merry Christmas!