Southside Discount Pharmacy

Primarily focused on preventive services, generic medications, and lots of customized care.

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 08/14/2024

🎯 When it comes to health, one size does NOT fit all.

🎯Be empowered to take care of your unique needs today!
🎯 Cuando se trata de salud, una talla única NO sirve para todos.

🎯 ¡Sea empoderado para ocuparse de sus necesidades únicas hoy!


Wishing all students, teachers, support staff, and school administrators an amazing school year! 🙏🏾

¡Deseamos a todos los estudiantes, maestros, personal de apoyo y administradores escolares un año escolar increíble!🙏🏾


Our phones and internet are not working because we are unfortunately experiencing the Spectrum Outage. Thank you for your patience.
Nuestros teléfonos y Internet no funcionan porque lamentablemente, estamos experimentando una interrupción del servicio Spectrum. Gracias por su paciencia.

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 07/26/2024

Winners are not only seen at the . Start winning in your weightloss journey with us!
Los ganadores no sólo se ven en los Juegos Olímpicos.
¡Comience a ganar en su viaje de pérdida de peso con nosotras!
📞 336-830-8774


Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 07/23/2024

YES to all of these!!!!💪🏾

This comes after 9 weeks in the program, regular support, and a LEAST effective dose of medication....friends, this is !!!!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
¡¡¡SÍ a todos esto!!!💪🏾

Esto ocurre después de 9 semanas en el programa, soporte regular, y la dosis MENO efectiva de medicamento...amigos, ¡¡¡esto es !!!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 07/16/2024

Alguien que no habíamos visto en mucho tiempo pasó por aquí hoy con una bolsa de durazno de cosecha propia.

No estoy seguro por qué se acordó de nosotros hoy, pero disfrutamos la visita. También estaba emocionado de contarnos sobre su durazno accidental.

Se había propuesto cultivar arándanos e higos. En algún momento del camino, notó la planta de durazno. Lo cuidó con cuidado hasta que se convirtió en un árbol en toda regla.🤯

¿¡¿Algunos de ustedes están cultivando durazno hermosos como este en esta comunidad??!! 😍
Estamos tan sorprendidos y honrados de que nuestro amigo no solo nos recuerde, sino que haya elegido compartirlos con nosotros... ¡después de todos estos años!


"La gente olvidará lo que dijiste, la gente olvidará lo que hiciste, pero la gente nunca olvidará cómo los hiciste sentir".
~ Maya Angelou

La cita de Maya Angelou es lo que nos impulsa a brindar creativos que marcan la diferencia en la atención de nuestros pacientes, ¡y estamos muy agradecidos por la oportunidad de servir a esta comunidad! 🙏🏾

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 07/16/2024

Someone we haven't seen in a long time stopped by today with a bag of home-grown peaches.

Not sure why he remembered us today, but we enjoyed the visit. He was also excited to tell us about his accidental peach tree.

He'd set out to grow blueberries and figs. Somewhere along the way, he noticed the peach plant. He carefully tended to it until it became a full-blown tree.🤯

So some of you are growing beautiful peaches like this in this community??!! 😍
We're so amazed and humbled that not only did our friend remember us, he chose to share them with us...after all these years!


"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. "
~ Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou's quote is what fuels us in bringing creative that make a difference in our patients' care, and we're so grateful for the opportunity to serve this community! 🙏🏾


What could we be up to?!

🎯 If it has anything to do with cannabinoids (CBD) & medications or CBD alone, your safety is always our #1 priority!

Ps: don't miss out on our month-long anniversary celebration offers!!!
¿Qué podríamos estar haciendo?

🎯 Si tiene algo que ver con cannabinoides (CBD) y medicamentos o solo con CBD, ¡tu seguridad es siempre nuestra prioridad número uno!

¡¡¡No te pierdas nuestras ofertas de celebración de aniversario durante todo el mes!!!


Queridos amigos y familiares, aquí les contamos cómo celebrar con nosotros durante todo el mes:

💕 Obtenga un 10% de descuento en todos los artículos o servicios de farmacia (excepto recetas)

💕Reciba un obsequio complementario con cualquier de nuestras medicamentos compuestos. Los medicamentos compuestos disponibles son para bajar de peso, salud sexual masculino y femenina, antienvejecimiento/cuidado de la piel, y control del dolor.

💕Participe para ganar el gran premio de una tarjeta de regalo de la farmacia de $100 con cada compra.

¡GRACIAS por una DÉCADA de apoyo inquebrantable y por confiar en nosotras para cuidar de usted!❤️


Dear , here's how to celebrate with us all month long:

💕 Take 10% off on all items or pharmacy services (except prescriptions - due to legal reasons)

💕 Receive a complementary gift with any of our medications. Available compounded medications are for weightloss, male & female's sexual health, anti-aging/skin care, and pain management.

💕Enter to win the grand prize of $100 store gift card with each purchase

Thank YOU for a DECADE of unwavering support and trusting us to care for you! ❤️


Sometimes, you may find a warm handwritten note on your pill pack.

Just because...🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🥰🥰🥰
A veces, puede que encuentres una nota agradable en la bolsa de tus medicamentos.

Solo porque...🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🥰🥰🥰


¡¡¿¿Puedes creer que estamos a mitad del 2024??!!

🎯 La única forma en que queremos que usted pase lo que queda del año es en la imagen....



Can you believe that we're halfway through 2024??!!

🎯 The only way we want you to blaze through the remainder of the year is in the picture....


# #


La farmacia estará cerrada debido al feriado del 4 de Julio.

Abriremos al día siguiente, Viernes 5 de Julio, en horario limitado, de 12 pm a 5 pm.
**La entrega de medicamentos no se verá afectada **

Gracias por ayudarnos de manera proactiva a garantizar que sus necesidades y servicios relacionados con la farmacia se satisfagan durante este período festivo.


The pharmacy will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July Holiday.

We will be open the following day, Friday, July 5th, for limited hours from 12 noon to 5 pm.

**Delivery will NOT be affected **

Thank you for proactively working with us to ensure that your pharmacy-related needs and services are met during this holiday period.


🥁 LOS RESULTADOS YA ESTÁN DISPONIBLES AMIGOS....¡¡¡Estamos realmente conmovido por sus votos y su apoyo!!!

Si bien no obtuvimos el primer lugar, nos sentimos honrados de ser nombrados "Farmacia Favorita," y de estar entre algunas de las farmacias más destacadas de nuestra área.

GRACIAS por elegirnos, creer en nosotras, y permitirnos servirle. Sigamos avanzando juntos en este viaje de bienestar, ¡LOS QUEREMOS A TODOS!❤️🫶🏾

*¡Queremos felicitar también a estas farmacia locales por cuidar a la comunidad!🎊


🥁 THE RESULTS ARE IN FRIENDS.....we are truly touched by your votes and unwavering support!!!!

While we didn't secure the top spot, we are humbled to be named a "Favorite Pharmacy," and to stand amongst some the area's outstanding pharmacies.

THANK YOU for choosing us, believing in us, and allowing us to serve you. Let's continue to rock this wellness journey together, WE LOVE YOU ALL!😍

PS: Congratulations to these other local pharmacies for pouring into the community 🎊

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 06/24/2024

Don't be discouraged. We're here to support you! 🤝🏾

No se desanime. Estamos aquí para ayudarte!🤝🏾

☎️ 336.830.8774

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 06/19/2024

Have a wonderful day!😇
¡Esperamos que tengas un día maravilloso!

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 06/17/2024

We will be closed this Wednesday for Juneteenth. We ask that you work with us to ensure that your prescriptions - especially the compounded medications and blister packs - are requested and prepared timely. Thank you in advance!💕
Estaremos este Miércoles en conmemoración del Juneteenth. Le pedimos que colabore con nosotras para garantizar que sus recetas, especialmente los medicamentos compuestos y los blisteres, se soliciten y preparen a tiempo.


Let's talk about it - the science, stigma, safety, and standards surrounding the topic of weight loss with OR without medications so you can make informed decisions about YOUR health care. See you then!

**This is strictly for educational and informational purposes only. We recommend that each individual consults their primary care provider or pharmacist for personalized medical advice**

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 06/10/2024

Your journey has finally met its match! 💪🏾

What are you still waiting for??? Call us to get started TODAY! 336.830.8774
Talk to you soon!✨️
¡Tu viaje de Pérdida de peso finalmente ha encontrado su pareja!💪🏾

¿Qué estás esperando todavía? ¡Llámenos para comenzar HOY! 336.830.8774
¡Hablamos pronto!✨️

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 06/03/2024

To you lovely patients/caregivers, this is your fresh reminder for a blessed week in this new month!
¡Para nuestros encantadores pacientes/cuidadores, este es su nuevo recordatorio para una semana bendecida en este nuevo mes!


On this Dr.Freeman's patient chronicles, Mr & Mrs. C's story is another testament to why patients must know how to advocate for themselves in today's community practice spaces.

A primary care provider (P*P) referred Mr & Mrs. C to me (Dr. Freeman) to gain some clarity on their "unknown" pending issue(s).


As the student and I sat down with Mr. & Mrs C on the scheduled day, Mrs. C pulled out a glucometer case and explained that "things haven't been the same" since they picked up their continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) kits a month ago at their usual pharmacy (a chain pharmacy). She also said that Mr. C is not a fan of the glucometer.

What they reported:
- none of them owned a glucometer

- a friend lent them the glucose monitoring kit they showed us

- both use insulin and oral medications to manage their diabetes

- both were told that they could only use the chain retail pharmacies

- they couldn't get help at the pharmacy (busy/long holds/ long wait time)

- Mrs C's blood glucose is usually in the 500s (that's high) while Mr. C experiences frequent lows that make him feel bad

-There's no availability on P*P's schedule. The next scheduled appt. is 2 months away.


What we uncovered :
1/ CGM parts they received were NON-compatible (Libre 1 vs Libre 2 vs Libre???)

2/ They promised to replace the test strips from their friend's kit.

3/ They have no idea which brand of glucose monitoring kit is covered under their insurance plan.

4/ The borrowed kit has a major expired 5 years ago! (see photo)

Our Strategic Solutions:
1/ Return to the pharmacy with the picked-up items to compare written rx with dispensed kits. We're humans, mistakes happen but they can be fixed. If all things fail, find out the next payable date for the correct compatible CGM kit.

2/ Request for a prescription for their glucometer kit. This is a necessity, not a luxury. "Borrowed" test strips may never be replaced due to brand preference that may not match the friend's or high out-of-pocket cost.

3/ Proactively remind P*P to prescribe the glucose monitoring kits in general terms. Eg "Glucometer, test strips, lancets alcohol swabs, etc." to accommodate insurance plan preferences, and avoid delays + workflow interruptions.

Since getting a reliable glucose monitoring kit was #1 priority, we facilitated this and within 24 hours, each patient had theirs with a $0 copay.

Now they're off to resolve the CGM kit issue with a plan in place!

Photos from Southside Discount Pharmacy's post 05/24/2024

It's been a pleasure to share the donated treasures from April's all week at the pharmacy.

Tomorrow will be the last day (10 am to 2 pm) to pick up any of the remaining items that you may need.🤗
Ha sido un placer compartir toda la semana los tesoros donados de la de Abril.

Mañana de 10 am a 2 pm será el último día para recoger el resto de cosas que podías necesitar 🤗


Remaining items are still available for pickup until this Saturday 5/25/24...stop on by!🤗

Las cosas restantes todavía están disponibles para recoger hasta este Sábado 5/25/24...¡ven!🤗


Thank you for the opportunity RURAL-CP, it was a pleasure 🙏🏾.
Our hope is that more pharmacies are able to provide such services in their community.

Recently, RURAL-CP pharmacists enjoyed an exclusive webinar on HbA1c testing in community pharmacies from Dr. Ahunna Freeman, who has been successfully offering this service at Southside Discount Pharmacy. Huge thanks to Dr. Freeman for a very informative presentation!


Thank you Mr.B!

It brings us tremendous joy to simply life for our patients and caregivers!!!🫶🏾

Let us know if we can help you too...there's no additional cost for our patients to receive the blister packages.

Happy new week friends & !


🤯Did you know that there are up to 8 types of Vitamin B?!?!
📌Each type has its own unique use. Can you guess which one helps with blood cholesterol?
🤯¡¿¡¿Sabías que existen hasta 8 tipos de Vitamina B?!?!
📌Cada tipo tiene su propio uso único. ¿Puedes adivinar cuál ayuda con el colesterol en sangre?

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3085 Waughtown Street
Winston-Salem, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 2pm

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