Advanced Computer Services of Central Florida

Computer Services, Support, Repair and Networking


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Have I Been Pwned: Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach 10/23/2018

I suggest that all my clients and friends go to and put in your email address and run a check on it. I did, and my company email and some other data were in three recent breaches. On one of the breach’s, the company didn’t bother to encrypt the passwords so they were in plain text when the breach happened.

About two week later I got an email with the bad guys using an old and very unique password of mine. Thankfully I use a trustworthy password manager (LastPass) and had already changed many of the passwords so no harm, no foul.

The part that really ticks me off is the fact that one of the compromised organizations left all the logon information with no encryption, a lot of the information stolen was in plain text.


Have I Been Pwned: Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach Have I Been Pwned allows you to search across multiple data breaches to see if your email address has been compromised.


12 tips for safer Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping

Great advice to help you get your Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping done safely.


12 tips for safer Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping

By Tim Greene

During Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2016, consumers should watch out for scams that come through spam, insecure public networks and apps that might seem legitimate but could be taking over your phones and computers, experts say.

Read more at 12 cyber shopping tips because criminals will be using all the attacks they can this holiday season in order to score cash and gather valuable personal data that they can monetize later.


3 replacement Galaxy Note 7 phones caught fire in the past week

This isn’t good at all. At this point it would impossible to give me a new Samsung phone, much less sell me one.


3 replacement Galaxy Note 7 phones caught fire in the past week

By Ms. Smith

Replacement Galaxy Note 7 phones may not be any safer than the Note 7 devices which caught fire and caused a recall, based on three replacement Note 7 devices catching fire in the past week.

Read more at A teenager was burned when her replacement Note 7 melted in her hand; a Southwest Airlines plane was evacuated due to a replacement device spewing smoke; a Kentucky couple's bedroom filled with smoke after a replacement Note 7 caught fire.


FCC to vote on strict privacy rules for ISPs in late October

Good! I hope it passes! The ISP’s charge us through the nose for their service and have the gall to track us and use are data as they please without the common decency of asking our permission.


FCC to vote on strict privacy rules for ISPs in late October

By Grant Gross

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will push forward with controversial privacy regulations that would require broadband providers to get customer permission before using and sharing geolocation, browsing histories, and other personal information.

Read more at The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will push forward with controversial privacy regulations that would require broadband providers to get customer permission before using and sharing geolocation, browsing histories, and other personal information.


Hacking monitors for spying, stealing data, manipulating what you see on the screen

Incredible and totally diabolical, the thought of this kind of hack never crossed my mind.

Hacking monitors for spying, stealing data, manipulating what you see on the screen
By Ms. Smith

The list of ways we can be spied upon seems nearly endless, but you can add one more to that list: active screen snooping via your vulnerable monitor. And that’s just one flavor of attack that can be pulled off by exploiting monitors.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Researchers at DEF CON revealed that computer monitors can be hacked and used to actively snoop on you, to covertly steal data and even to manipulate what you see on the screen.


Another bitcoin heist: Bitcoin worth $72 million stolen from Bitfinex

WOW! That is one hell of a heist! It sounds like an inside job to me.

Another huge bitcoin heist: Bitcoin worth $72 million stolen from Bitfinex
By Ms. Smith

The Hong Kong-based bitcoin exchange Bitfinex suspended trading on Tuesday after discovering a security breach. A hacker or hackers pulled off a massive heist of nearly 120,000 bitcoins. At the time of the theft, 119,756 bitcoins would have been worth about $72 million. After the breach announcement, the price of bitcoin crashed; current exchange rates place the value at around $65 million.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you The Hong Kong-based bitcoin exchange Bitfinex suspended trading after discovering a security breach.


Cisco report says ransomware attacks are costing millions - Silicon Valley Business Journal

This is quickly turning into a digital epidemic.

Cisco report says growing ransomware attacks are costing people and businesses millions
By Gina Hall

Cybercriminals are raking in $34 million annually by targeting individuals and businesses with ransomware.

An uptick in ransomware attacks is costing the average target $300, according to a new security report out from Cisco Systems Inc. More than 9,500 people pay ransoms to hackers each month.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you An uptick in ransomware attacks is costing the average target $300, according to the report. More than 9,500 people pay ransoms to hackers each month.


Welcome to Advanced Computer Services

Interested in more relevant cyber-security news on Microsoft, Apple, and Android? Go to Interpol has arrested a top Nigerian email scammer who stole more than US$60 million by tricking businesses into handing over funds by posing as trusted suppliers.


Interpol arrests Nigerian email scammer who swindled $60 million

A little good news for a change.

Interpol arrests Nigerian email scammer who swindled $60 million
By Michael Kan

Interpol has arrested a top Nigerian email scammer who stole more than US$60 million by tricking businesses into handing over funds by posing as trusted suppliers.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Interpol has arrested a top Nigerian email scammer who stole more than $60 million by tricking businesses into handing over funds.


Rival gang leaks decryption keys for Chimera ransomware

You have to love it when cyber-criminals don’t play well with each other.

Rival gang leaks decryption keys for Chimera ransomware
By Lucian Constantin

Aside from the efforts of security researchers and antivirus companies, malware victims can sometimes also benefit from the fighting between rival cybercriminal groups.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you The creators of the Petya and Mischa ransomware programs leaked around 3,500 RSA private keys allegedly corresponding to systems infected with another ransomware program called Chimera.


More than half the world is still offline

I guess it’s easy to take for granted everything we do with devices connected to the internet. I never had a clue that that this much of world’s population isn’t connected to the internet in some way.

More than half the world is still offline
By Stephen Lawson

While it may seem like half the world is chasing Pokemon right now, the other half is not even on the Internet.

About 3.9 billion people, or 53 percent of the population, will still be offline at the end of this year, the International Telecommunication Union estimates. Even in Europe, the most connected region, 20.9 percent of all people aren’t online. In Africa, the least connected continent, 74.9 percent are offline.

Read more at While it may seem like half the world is chasing Pokemon right now, a majority of the world’s population doesn’t even use the internet. About 3.9 billion people, or 53 percent of the population, will still be offline at the end of this year, the International Telecommunication Union estimates.


Researchers release free decryption tools for PowerWare and Bart ransomware

Outstanding work and thank you.

Researchers release free decryption tools for PowerWare and Bart ransomware
By Lucian Constantin

Security researchers have released tools this week that could help users recover files encrypted by two relatively new ransomware threats: Bart and PowerWare.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Security researchers have released tools this week that could help users recover files encrypted by two relatively new ransomware threats: Bart and PowerWare.


Edward Snowden has developed an iPhone case meant to kill surveillance

What a grand idea! Keep up the good work.

Edward Snowden has developed an iPhone case meant to kill surveillance
By Michael Kan

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has come up with a concept iPhone case that could prevent the government from finding your location.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has come up with a concept iPhone case that can help prevent the government from finding your location.


Brake pedal data can fingerprint drivers with 87% accuracy in 15 minutes

Interesting and a little frightening!

Brake pedal data can fingerprint drivers with 87% accuracy in 15 minutes
By Ms. Smith

Have you opted for lower car insurance premiums via installing an insurance-supplied dongle? If so, then did you realize that dongle could narc you out when brake pedal usage is used as a biometric identifier?

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Have you considered brake pedal data provided by sensors in your car to be a biometric identifier? Maybe you should since researchers found that brake pedal data can fingerprint drivers with 87% accuracy in just 15 minutes.


Feds shut down tech support scammers, freeze assets

It’s about time you shut these scumbags down! I’ve had these weasels try to con a few of my clients, but they were to savvy to fall for their crap.

Feds shut down tech support scammers, freeze assets
By Gregg Keizer

Federal authorities have shut down several alleged tech support scammers working out of Florida, Iowa, Nevada and Canada, freezing their assets and seizing control of their businesses.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Federal authorities have shut down several alleged tech support scammers working out of Florida, Iowa, Nevada and Canada, freezing their assets and seizing control of their businesses.


Algorithm to predict at birth if a person will be a criminal?

Interesting concept, but I wonder if I would really want to know.

Algorithm to predict at birth if a person will be a criminal?
Ms. Smith

Technology is not a bad thing; it’s not inherently scary. Sometimes new technology gets misused or tainted with mission creep. Most of the time, tech actually makes our lives easier and better. Here are two tales about “new” tech that could potentially predict the future. One seems scarier than the other.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Two tales about 'new' tech that could potentially predict the future. One is an algorithm that predicts criminals, and the other helps smart cities measure factors that impact livability.


This Android Trojan blocks the victim from alerting banks

FYI to all Android users.

This Android Trojan blocks the victim from alerting banks
By Michael Kan

A new Trojan that can steal your payment data will also try to stymie you from alerting your bank.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you A new Trojan that can steal your payment data will also try to stymie you from alerting your bank.


Welcome to Advanced Computer Services

Interested in more relevant cyber-security news on Microsoft, Apple, and Android? Go to After months of uncertainty, businesses will once again have a simple, legal way to export the personal information of European Union citizens to the U.S. for processing from Aug. 1.


Auto thieves adopting cybercrime-like tactics

I think this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


Auto thieves adopting cybercrime-like tactics

By Patrick Nelson

In addition to recently publicized hacks of electronic auto ignitions with laptops, car thieves have several other high-tech techniques they’ve put to use—or will soon unleash upon their victims,
according to stolen vehicle recovery firm CalAmp LoJack Corp.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Vehicle ransoms are among startling new tech-oriented car-theft trends, according to an automotive security specialist.


Victims of terrorist attacks in Israel sue Facebook for $1 billion

Interesting, even possible.


Victims of terrorist attacks in Israel sue Facebook for $1 billion

By Grant Gross

The families of victims of five recent attacks in Israel are suing Facebook for more than US$1 billion, saying the social media site helps terrorists plan their violence.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you The families of victims five recent attacks in Israel are suing Facebook for more than US$1 billion, saying the social media site helps terrorists plan their violence.


Smartwatches not secure, give away PIN numbers

Gee, what a surprise!


Smartwatches not secure, give away PIN numbers

By Patrick Nelson

Sensors, such as accelerometers, found in wearable devices can be used to reverse engineer a human hand’s movements and trajectories while at an ATM, thus giving away the PIN code, researchers say.
Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you How you move your hand at an ATM when entering the PIN gives away the supposedly secure number to your sensor-packed wearable device, scientists say.


Sideloaders beware: a Pokemon Go knock-off contains malware

It’s been all over most of the local news stations, but I’ll post it just in case anyone missed it.


Sideloaders beware: A Pokemon Go knock-off contains malware

By Michael Kan

The new smash-hit game "Pokemon Go" could become bait for hackers wanting to take over your phone.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you The hit game Pokemon Go could end up becoming bait for hackers wanting to take over your phone.


11 signs your kid is hacking -- and what to do about it

Mine was trying to, is yours?


11 signs your kid is hacking -- and what to do about it

By Roger A. Grimes

I've shared a lot of security knowledge in my tenure as InfoWorld's Security Advisor. But what I've never shared before is that much of my initial computer security defense knowledge, which I turned into my first book, came from trying to stop my teenage stepson from being a malicious hacker.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Here’s how to find out if your child is involved in malicious online activity -- before the authorities do


Wormable flaws in Symantec products expose millions of computers to hacking

I wouldn’t use any Symantec products if they were free.


Wormable flaws in Symantec products expose millions of computers to hacking

By Lucian Constantin

A Google security researcher has found high severity vulnerabilities in enterprise and consumer products from antivirus vendor Symantec that could be easily be exploited by hackers to take control of computers.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you A Google security researcher has found high severity vulnerabilities in enterprise and consumer products from antivirus vendor Symantec that could be easily be exploited by hackers to take control of computers.


Dangerous keyboard app has more than 50 million downloads



Dangerous keyboard app has more than 50 million downloads

By Maria Korolov

The Flash Keyboard app has been downloaded more than 50 million times -- but is capable of some extremely dangerous behaviors.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you The Flash Keyboard app has been downloaded more than 50 million times -- but is capable of some extremely dangerous behaviors.


Researchers steal data from a PC by controllng the noise from the fans

Diabolically ingenious!

Researchers steal data from a PC by controlling the noise from the fans
By Michael Kan

Even the noise from your PC’s fans could be used to steal the data inside. Researchers in Israel have found a way to do just that by hijacking the fans and manipulating the sounds they create.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Even the noise from your PC’s fans could be used to steal the data inside. Researchers in Israel have found a way to do just by hijacking the fans inside and manipulating the sounds they create.


Welcome to Advanced Computer Services

Interested in more relevant cyber-security news on Microsoft, Apple, and Android? Go to Don’t be surprised if you see spam coming from the top websites in the world. Lax security standards are allowing anyone to "spoof" emails from some of the most-visited domains, according to new research.


Top website domains are vulnerable to email spoofing

This explains a lot of why most of us are yet again getting flooded with spam emails.


Top website domains are vulnerable to email spoofing

By Michael Kan

Don’t be surprised if you see spam coming from the top websites in the world. Lax security standards are allowing anyone to "spoof" emails from some of the most-visited domains, according to new research.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Don’t be surprised if you see spam coming from the top websites in the world. Lax security standards are allowing anyone to “spoof” emails from some of the most-visited domains, according to new research.


Don’t run JS email attachments: they can carry potent ransomware

FYI my friends.


Don’t run JS email attachments: they can carry potent ransomware

By Lucian Constantin

Attackers are infecting computers with a new ransomware program called RAA that's written entirely in JavaScript and locks users' files by using strong encryption.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank youl Attackers are infecting computers with a new ransomware program called RAA that's written entirely in JavaScript and locks users' files using strong encryption.


Company wants full access to your social media accounts to spy for landlords, employers

This is insane!


Company wants full access to your social media accounts to spy for landlords, employers

By Ms. Smith

If a UK startup has its way, then you will hand over full access to your social media accounts – “including entire conversation threads and private messages” – so it can be scraped and analyzed to help potential landlords and employers decide if you are a risk worth taking.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Would you hand over complete access to your private social media messages so a landlord or employer can decide if you are worthy of housing or a job? A UK startup believes you will and that you have nothing to worry about if you live ‘a normal life.’


Hackers could have changed Facebook Messenger chat logs

Very interesting and extremely disturbing.


Hackers could have changed Facebook Messenger chat logs

By Peter Sayer

Here's a Facebook hack straight from the pages of the novel 1984: A way to rewrite the record of the past.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Here's a Facebook hack straight from the pages of the novel 1984: A way to rewrite the record of the past.


Hackers breach social media accounts of Mark Zuckerberg and other celebrities

Mark, do you need someone to show you how to change your passwords?


Hackers breach social media accounts of Mark Zuckerberg and other celebrities

By Lucian Constantin

Over the weekend hackers managed to access Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest accounts, as well as the social media accounts of other celebrities.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you Over the weekend hackers have managed to gain access to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest accounts, as well as the social media accounts of other celebrities.


TeamViewer denies hack, blames hijacked accounts on password reuse

I will never understand why companies lie about things like this, in my opinion, this only damages their reputation more. Come clean by telling the truth, do what you can to make it right with your clients, and do what you can to prevent it from happening again. After all, it’s the right thing to do.


TeamViewer denies hack, blames hijacked accounts on password reuse

By Ms. Smith

A plethora of people with the remote desktop tool TeamViewer have been in an uproar after their machines were remotely hijacked; in some cases, over the past month or so, users had their bank or PayPal accounts sucked dry. TeamViewer denied it has been hacked and launched two new security measures.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you TeamViewer denies hack, blames hijacked accounts on password reuse, stolen megabreach credentials, and launches two new security features.


93% of phishing emails are now ransomware

This is getting to be a more serious issue than most people realize. I recently had a client get infected with ransomware, fortunately we had good backups to replace the encrypted with. Please don’t be suckered into opening an infected email.


93% of phishing emails are now ransomware

By Maria Korolov

As of the end of March, 93 percent of all phishing emails contained encryption ransomware, according to a report released today by PhishMe.

Please click on the link below to read more. Thank you As of the end of March, 93 percent of all phishing emails contained encryption ransomware, according to a report released today


Welcome to Advanced Computer Services

Interested in more relevant cyber-security news on Microsoft, Apple, and Android? Go to If something goes wrong with a patch, it's usually a problem that emerges after people download and install the patch. But in this case, fixes issued for May's Patch Tuesday batch just plain won't install at all for some people.

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