Hope’s Cottage

Products made from scratch that you know are safe for you and your family.


“Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
Mark 2:3-5

“tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”
Mark 2: 11-12

Remember, Jesus healed the paralyzed man because four of his friends brought him there in complete faith that He would heal him. Without a shadow of a doubt they KNEW their friend would be healed by Jesus.

Find you some friends like that, and keep them close.

Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 09/13/2023

Some days, some weeks… feel a lot like I’m tried of looking at this. But, no matter how much I tell myself I don’t care, I want to give up, or that all hope is lost, a new cycle creeps up, and the tests take up real-estate on my countertop.

Some days just feel extra heavy in a way you can’t really describe and honestly, you don’t really want to. Sometimes you just want to sit with someone who also understands, it’s such a unique feeling I haven’t quite experienced before.

An absolutely unique feeling to know that God has plans bigger than I do and fully trusting Him. Yet also, being incredibly human. With being incredibly human comes incredible disappointment.

How confusing it is to feel immense joy for our friends who are bringing new life to earth, yet immense sadness for ourselves and this journey we don’t want to be on.

There’s no stages of grief with this that we can accurately prepare for. Some days I’m angry, and frustrated, and confused. Some days I am joyful and hopeful, and some days I don’t care, because it’s much easier not to. But the hardest one is feeling like our family may be done. I know some people can’t understand why I’m not content with three beautiful children. But the thing is, sometimes you just know there is another soul out there who wants to be here on Earth with you.

One thing I’m certain of is that secondary infertility is not talked about enough and I’m tired of feeling like some of us are struggling silently.

“I feel you in the sea, washing over me
Something in the movin' tides
Every fallin' leaf seems to say to me
"Evеrything in time"


Apple core jelly is one of our best underrated products. When making apple butter all of the stems, seeds, and cores are removed and instead of discarding it’s repurposed into apple jelly and sold at a discounted cost. It’s perfect on a southern style biscuit or English style scone and the perfect mix of Fall flavors 🍁🍂


Alexa, add fire cider to my list of things that will definitely make a Fall come back to Hope’s Cottage 🍁🍂


Dreaming about pumpkin spice muffins 🍁 I may start carrying a limited supply of them at vendor pop-up events. So stay tuned for that 😍🍁


The research is in! Ginger is something you should be adding to your supplement routine. Here’s why 👇🏼

👉🏼 Studies show that ginger may help fight both bacterial infections and fungal infections such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli)

👉🏼 Studies show that ginger may help fight against Candida (yeast) overgrowth

👉🏼 Studies show that ginger may decrease your risk of gastrointestinal cancers such as pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancers

👉🏼 Studies show it may reduce menstrual pain

👉🏼 Can help cure chronic indigestion

👉🏼 Studies show a significant decrease in blood sugar in type 2 diabetic patients

👉🏼 Studies show that it may decrease the pain and disability caused from osteoarthritis

👉🏼 AIDS in weight loss

👉🏼 Helps with morning sickness and nausea

👉🏼 Contains gingerol which is the main bioactive component in ginger which is responsible for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Not to mention ginger is such a festive herb for the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. Perfect to ward away all the gross winter flu bugs.


"For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20-21

My entire bed of watermelons hasn’t grown this season but I walked outside yesterday and found this cute little baby. I snapped this picture today. It seems so silly to say that a teeny little watermelon can show us that all we need is a little faith. Let’s pray this little one grows 🤞🏼🍉


For whoever needs a reminder today. Our help and hope is in Him. He remains faithful forever. 🍁


Super excited to be selling our best selling pepper jelly on Saturday at ! I will have a limited supply of all of my inventory as this is our first pop up market and I want to go easy on myself. We will also have apple butter which I haven’t had in stock in months and berry jam. 🍎🍏🍓🫐🌶️🫑


Hopes Cottage will be at Thrifton46 this Saturday from 10-2pm! Come see us for our first pop up shop experience and have a fun day shopping small businesses! 🌸


Say no to food dyes.

“Food dyes are man-made, complex chemicals initially made from coal tar but now from petroleum. Petroleum is a crude oil product commonly used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt (the sticky black stuff that a driveway is paved with), and plastic. Sounds pretty tasty.”

There are nine FDA approved artificial food dyes currently being added to our food and they are as follows:

* Blue 1 (Brilliant Blue)
* Blue 2 (Indigo Carmine)
* Citrus Red 2
* Green 3 (Fast Green FCF)
* Orange B (No longer used in the U.S., but was never officially banned)
* Red 3 (Erythrosine)
* Red 40 (Allura Red)
* Yellow 5 (Tartrazine)
* Yellow 6 (Sunset Yellow)

Artificial food dyes are commonly used in many processed foods, but there are several reasons why we should avoid them. Here are a few evidence-based reasons why one would choose to avoid artificial food dyes:

1. Artificial food dyes have been linked to several health concerns, including cancer, immune disruption, and hypersensitivity effects. Red 3 has been shown to cause cancer in animals, and there is evidence that several other dyes are also carcinogenic.
2. Most foods containing artificial food dyes are highly processed, have little, if any, micro nutrients, and are high in seed oils and added refined sugars. This means that consuming foods with artificial food dyes can contribute to a diet that is lacking nutrients.
3. There is evidence that artificial food dyes can cause hyperactivity or other behavioral or neurological problems in some children. This is a concern for parents and caregivers who have children previously diagnosed as ADHD or autism or may suspect that their child is neurodivergent.
4. Three dyes (Red 40, yellow 5 and 6) have been found to be contaminated with things such as such as 4-aminobiphenyl, 4-aminoazobenzene, and benzidine. This means that consuming foods with these dyes can expose individuals to potentially harmful substances.
5. Regulatory authorities require better and independent toxicity testing of artificial food dyes, and exercise greater caution regarding continued approval of these dyes. This means that there is still much to learn about the safety of artificial food dyes, and it is important to be cautious when consuming foods that contain them.
6. Red 2 caused bladder and other tumors in mice and bladder tumors in rats.
7. Red 40 may cause reticuloendothelial (immune system cells spread throughout the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system) tumors in mice.
8. Yellow 6 may cause adrenal and testicular tumors in rats.
9. Red Dye 40 is thought to be linked to allergies, which can cause a range of symptoms, including hives, itching, and swelling.
10. Red Dye 40 has been linked to inflammatory bowel diseases, which can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other digestive symptoms.

In summary, artificial food dyes are linked to several health concerns, lack nutrients, can cause hyperactivity in some children, may be contaminated, and have not been thoroughly safety tested. It is important to read food labels and choose foods that are free from artificial food dyes whenever possible. So let’s stop vilifying the mom who says no to colored foods and stop pretending it’s trendy to “hate the crunchy mom”.








Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 05/25/2023

Super excited that we partnered with Humble Home Organics in the month of May to include my favorite key chain in her monthly subscription box! Good things to come for Hope’s Cottage. 🌸


In honor of the end of the school year and with so many people contemplating homeschooling for next year I thought I’d give a few reasons why we homeschool and dispel a few myths while I’m at it!

1. Academic achievement: Research shows that homeschooled children tend to have higher college GPAs than children from conventional schools. Most reviews of homeschooling research reveal generally positive learning outcomes for children.

2. Social and emotional development: Research facts on homeschooling show that the home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological development. Research measures include peer interaction, self-concept, leadership skills, family cohesion, participation in community service, and self-esteem.

3. Customized learning: One of the most common reasons given for homeschooling is the ability to customize or individualize the curriculum and learning environment for each child. Homeschooling allows parents to tailor their child's education to their specific needs and interests.

4. Flexibility: Homeschooling provides flexibility in terms of scheduling and pace of learning. Parents can create their own schedule to suit the needs of their child and family. This can be especially beneficial for children with special needs or those who require more time to master certain subjects.

5. Parental involvement: Homeschooling allows for more parental involvement in their child's education. Parents can be directly involved in their child's learning process and can provide individualized attention and support. This can help strengthen the parent-child bond and positively impact the mental health of homeschooled children.

6. Positive socialization: Contrary to popular belief, research shows that children are best socialized by parents, not other children. Homeschooled children have the opportunity to interact with people of all ages and backgrounds, which can lead to positive socialization experiences.

7. No difference in social skills: A study comparing the socialization skills of homeschooled children versus publicly educated children found no differences in their social skills. This suggests that homeschooled children are not at a disadvantage when it comes to social skills development.

8. Homeschooled girls have better social skills: A study found that homeschooled girls have better social skills than publicly educated girls. This suggests that homeschooling may be particularly beneficial for girls when it comes to social skills development.

9. Higher standardized test scores: Numerous studies demonstrate that homeschooled students obtain exceptionally high scores on standardized academic achievement tests.

10. Positive mental health: Homeschooling can have a positive influence on the mental health of homeschooled children. Kids can vocalize their individual needs directly to their teacher/parent without feeling embarrassed or inconveniencing an entire classroom of students. Homeschooling means more time with parents and community.










This month we are teaming up with Humble Home Organics for their May subscription boxes! Their large boxes will contain a keychain from Hopes Cottage!

If you haven’t already checked out Humble Home, I can’t recommend them enough! My sweet friend Randi Lynn has ran the company for several years now and everything is made in her home. Her work ethic and customer service is top notch. If you’re looking for safe body care products and want to try them out I can’t recommend her subscription boxes enough! 🌿

Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 04/22/2023

✨Custom shirt I made for a client. Adding the print to my shop! Available in sizes xs-3xl in almost any color. Both v-neck and crew neck styles available. Also available in any color on a white canvas tote. ✨

Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 04/11/2023

We are living it up in Texas with our family right now but I’m also ready to get back to work creating. I spent the last few weeks prior to vacation cleaning out and selling out my inventory for the last Winter months. I’m so excited to bring some Spring and Summer items to you guys 🍄🪺🌿

I’m thinking lemon curd… rhubarb… watermelon… blueberry… citrus…. so many yummy things to come! 🍋🍉🫐🍊


Why raw milk for our family? Because it’s the superior choice of milk and thankfully we have access to it.

Raw milk is essentially just unpasteurized milk. It’s important to note that unpasteurized does not mean dirty, unclean, or diseased. Raw milk is still processed in a clean and safe environment. Raw milk is still filtered, the cows are well taken care of and tested. Every single batch of milk is tested as well. Did you know that raw milk that is intended for pasteurization is generally unsafe and unsanitary but milk that is intended for consumption is different?

The benefits of raw milk greatly outweigh the benefits of store bought organic milk. Store bought milk is now listed as a top allergen and it’s difficult to digest. Whereas raw milk is easy to digest and many folks who identify as lactose intolerant can actually consume raw milk. Raw milk also has a superior nutrient profile. Whereas store bought milk is pasteurized and all the nutrients are nearly destroyed.

“Numerous scientific studies have shown that raw milk is correlated with decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, otitis, fever, and respiratory infections. Raw milk also aids in recovery from antibiotic use, and provides many gut-healthy probiotics and enzymes. “



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21094734 Assessing the effects of severe heat treatment of milk on calcium bioavailability: in vitro and in vivo studies.

Effect of processing on contents and relationships of mineral elements of milk. Food Chemistry. 1994; 51(1): 75-78. Zurera-Cosano G, Moreno-Rojas R, Amaro-Lopez M. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0308814694900507

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of pasteurization on milk vitamins, and evidence for raw milk consumption and other health-related outcomes. Journal of Food Protection. 2011;74(11):1814-32. Macdonald LE, Brett J, Kelton D, Majowicz SE, Snedeker K, Sargeant JM. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22054181

Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 03/31/2023

Remember, although we are exploring other projects with glassware etc right now we also always have our staples available which includes our sweet pepper jelly, which typically sells out in just a couple days! ❤️

No longer offered in 4oz jars, only 8oz jars for $10 a jar.


Most people turn their nose up when they hear that we feed our family, especially our children organ meats.

But here’s why!

🥩Organ meats have such a highly concentrated form of most bioavailable vitamins and nutrients
🥩Organ meats are a rich source of heme iron which is more bioavailable than non heme iron from vegetables (though produce is just as important to our health in addition to organ meat)
🥩Organ meats contain a lot of high quality protein which is important for muscle growth, especially in children.
🥩Organ meats contain a rich source of choline which is crucial for brain development especially in the young years
🥩Organ meats contain a rich source of B vitamins
🥩A 3.5 ounce portion of beef liver contains 27 grams of protein and 1,386% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin B12 and 730% of your RDI of Copper
🥩 Organ meats contain a lot of vitamin A which is crucial for vision and the immune system

There are many ways you can get organ meats into your diet other than frying up some liver and onions like the good ole days including freezing it, adding it to grassfed beef recipes, and liver pate.


Adding these adorable key chains to the shop 💙💚


Some adorable little key chains for our homeschool group 💙💚

Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 03/23/2023

Two new cups being added to our homeschool line! Super excited with how adorable they turned out.

“Homeschool Mama”
“Homeschooling is my jam”

Stay tuned for a giveaway 🌴


Fun things ahead 👀


My tiny homemakers class learned all about COMPOST this last week. It was such a STINKY mess, but so fun and educational.

Here’s some facts about compost:
🌱 Composring reduces the need for chemical fertilizers in your yard or garden
🌱Composting can be easy and doesn’t have to feel overwhelming
🌱Compost needs both greens and browns for proper carbon and nitrogen combination

The kids also made their own worm 🪱 composters!

🪱Red worms can eat half their body weight in food each day
🪱 One pound of worms will consume about one half pound of food daily
🪱 Vermiculture doesn’t take much space at all, making it ideal for indoor composting especially for people in small places
🪱 Vermiculture is a fantastic way to reuse your kitchen scraps

What kind of composting do you do?


I think this is likely to be a pretty unpopular opinion but it was on my heart this morning and I’m going to share it.

Show up even when you don’t want to.

The last year or two I have learned the importance of showing up. Prior to that, I wouldn’t constantly tell myself that it was okay if I missed a play date or event, if I skipped the birthday party or get together. But the reality is that after years of being a mom and having that mentality I realized I was quite alone in my motherhood journey. I had “honored” myself, or though that I was, by skipping out on so many things to “rest” that I had realized I barely had a community.

Now, I get comments like “wow you’re busy, you do so much!” but the reality is that I do so much so that when I really absolutely can’t do anything, my village is still there. I show up when I’m tired, because I can be tired around my village. I show up when my emotions aren’t “in check” because vulnerability with your tribe is important. I show up so that others show up for me and my babies. I show up because having a village is hard work and hard work is okay. I show up so that I know my village will be there if my world is ever absolutely crumbling around me. We all need to show up even when we are unmotivated to show up, because usually that’s the best time to show up 😉

I show up even when I don’t feel good or like I need prayer, because my village can pray for me and it may change my entire mood. I show up because being there for people is something all of us need a little more of. It’s not commendable to show up or be busy and present, it should be something we all adapt a little more of so our “villages” can run more smoothly. I think as the years go on and social media becomes so inundated into our lives we are scared to show up vulnerable. We are scared to show up a mess, upset, in pain, worried, or sad. We are scared of the judgment we may get if we do so, but the reality is that if you find the right village there will be something so beautiful that comes from showing up as a mess. That is connection, that is support, that is love, that is vulnerability, that is realizing what an amazing tribe you have formed.

Sure, there are moments when I absolutely can’t show up. It just doesn’t work for my schedule or maybe something tragic has happened but because I’ve shown up every other time before that, I know my village has my back.

Show up late. Show up early if you can. Show up a mess. Show up with unwashed hair. Show up with low motivation. Show up hurting. Show up angry even. Show up with little money, no money, or just have won the lotto money. Show up unorganized. Show up messy. Show up with tears in your eyes. Show up vulnerable, for that’s how villages are made.


Blood orange cleaning vinegar coming to you in 4-6 weeks 🍊


🍊These are wild oranges 🍊

We foraged almost 60 oranges between our homeschool families yesterday! While these oranges are super sour we plan to use the zest for baked goods and the rest of it to make a ton of (Wild) Citrus Joy cleaning vinegar. 🍊

We will have a limited stock of Citrus Joy and Fresh Cut Pine cleaning vinegars in stock next week as I’m waiting for the glass spray bottles to be delivered 🍊





to wander or go in search of provisions


Good morning! I’d really like to sell off the inventory I have to make room for a lot more stuff. I just don’t have the space to keep a large inventory going but definitely want to create more! If you’re interested in any of the following let me know!

Pepper jelly ($10)
Spicy green peppy jelly ($5)
Double berry jam ($5)
Immune booster ($5)


What I want to make room for….

More varieties of pepper jelly! Since pepper jelly seems to be my highest selling item, I’d love to experiment with it and bring some new varieties for you guys.

Crispy chili flake oil
More sweet pickled jalapeños (we are eating these things like candy 😂)
More cleaning vinegar…. I have 2 scents currently going (Fresh Cut Pine and Citrus Joy) but I’d love to bring some more scents to you guys
Citrus marmalades and curds

Artist: Jen and Jennifer Illustration


You’re allowed to be “too much” in fact you’re allowed to be exactly who you want to be. Anyone who thinks you’re “too much” isn’t much of a friend, and can definitely find less.

I very much enjoy cozy nights at home with a warm cup of my favorite herbal tea, my husband, and a good show. But guess what I also like? A LOT of everything else. I love people. So hard. I love doing things. I love going on nature walks. I love going to community events, sports games, church gatherings. I love me a good potluck or a little dinner party. I’m the friend that will absolutely make T-shirt’s for the group and thinks decorations are a MUST. I want to make my own bread from scratch and instead of 10 seedlings for my garden, I’ll probably plant 50.
I want to be the available friend. I’m available for the park, I’m available for dinner, I’m available to answer your phone call at 3am to listen. What I will tell is that this doesn’t mean I don’t have boundaries. Not having boundaries and being the “too much” friend are not synonymous. I never do anything I don’t want to do. This doesn’t have to do with my financial capabilities, my age, how many kids I have, or anything in that regard. This is my personality. Please don’t compare me to you, neither of us are better than each other. We are all the same yet we are sometimes all called to different purposes in life. I can be the “too much” friend and you can be the “too little” friend and neither of those things says anything about what kind of friend we are to each other. ❤️

Photos from Hope’s Cottage's post 02/09/2023

Overnight rise for some oat bread! Turned out deliciously moist and perfect with probiotic cream cheese. 🥖


I’m super excited to get our tower garden growing this year! This is a previous year of abundance! 🌱

This year we are growing a lot of greens and herbs in our tower garden, as well as some tomatoes and medicinal florals. 🌺🌸🌼


✨The best way to wake up ✨ My sourdough starter was bursting at the seams this morning with amazing naturally fermented cultures 🥹

Urban Homesteading 02/04/2023

In case you didn’t know… my friend Birdie and I came out with an urban homesteading course last year! We hadn’t pushed it too much since both of us were not in phases of homesteading between both of us moving around but now that both of us are settled we are sharing the link again! Birdie lives on a 10 acre farm in South Carolina and I live on 1/6th of an acre in the city. Together we have come together to share our knowledge and tips on homesteading anywhere ❤️✨

Urban Homesteading This course will help you start your journey towards a slower and more connected lifestyle. Learning to source food and materials locally, knowing what skills to develop, and finding the resources to become an expert on self-sufficient living.


It’s almost gardening season 😍 super excited to get our garden started at our new house! We’ve been pretty successful in the past at our old house so it’ll be interesting to see what challenges the new house bring with different soil composition etc. I’m ready for these crisp breakfast radishes again with homemade ranch 🤤🤤

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