Pay Minimum Tax

Pay Minimum Tax

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No high-pressure sales sharks. No annoying tax professional lingo. Just straight, authoritative and friendly advice.

Or call: (781) 488-7674 Contact Pay Minimum Tax and save on the amount of taxes you pay the IRS. We are a CPA firm who focuses on Tax Resolution and Tax Planning services. We also maintain business and prepare business tax as well as owner's tax according to the plan we provide. Schedule a complimentary consultation and Let us show you how we will cover our fees with

IRS encourages people to do an end-of-summer tax checkup to avoid tax surprises next year | Internal Revenue Service 08/29/2024

☀️ As summer winds down, it’s the perfect time for an end-of-summer tax checkup! The IRS is urging everyone to review their tax situation now to avoid any surprises coming next year. It’s a great opportunity to ensure you’re on track with your withholding and estimated payments.

Check out the IRS’s latest tips and make sure you’re all set for tax season! 🌟💼

If you feel you need professional help this year with your tax returns, why not choose us as your CPA. Let us take care of your tax worries. Contact us today at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected].

📅 Book a Call with Our Tax Expert: Get personalized advice and support by scheduling a call here:

IRS encourages people to do an end-of-summer tax checkup to avoid tax surprises next year | Internal Revenue Service IR-2024-225, Aug. 27, 2024 — The Internal Revenue Service today encouraged taxpayers to consider using the end of the summer to make tax withholding or payment updates to avoid a potential surprise next year at tax time.


🚀 Ready to Maximize Your Tax Refund? 🚀

Who doesn’t want to get the biggest refund? Here are some tips to help you maximize that tax refund and keep more money in your pocket:

1. Review Your Deductions: Make sure you’re taking advantage of all possible deductions. From charitable donations to home office expenses, every little bit counts!

2. Claim All Eligible Credits: Tax credits directly reduce the amount of tax you owe. Look into credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit, and education credits.

3. File Early: Filing your taxes early can give you a head start on getting your refund and allow more time to address any issues that might arise.

4. Use the help of a Professional: Tax professionals can help you find deductions and credits you might overlook. For more complex situations, a tax professional can ensure you're optimizing your return.

Why not choose us as your tax professional? Let us streamline all your tax preparations and handle your tax worries. Contact us today at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected].

📅 Book a Call with Our Tax Expert: Get personalized advice and support by scheduling a call here:

File early and make the most of your tax refund this season! 💰✨


📢 To***co License Renewal Alert: Let Us Simplify Your Tax Preparation! 📢

If you’re in the business of selling to***co, renewing your to***co license is crucial to staying compliant. Don’t let the renewal process add stress to your busy schedule—let our experts handle it for you!

🔹 Renewal Deadline: Ensure you meet your renewal deadline to avoid any interruptions in your operations.

🔹 Required Documentation: We can help you gather and organize all necessary documentation, including renewal fees and business information updates.

🔹 Regulatory Compliance: Our team will ensure that you meet all local and state regulations related to to***co sales, including age verification and signage.

📞 Need Assistance with Your Taxes? Let us streamline all your tax preparations and handle your to***co license renewal as well. Contact us today at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected].

📅 Book a Call with Our Tax Expert: Get personalized advice and support by scheduling a call here:

Partner with us for a hassle-free experience and stay compliant with ease!



📚✨ Tax Tip of the Day: Master Your Record-Keeping! ✨📚

Struggling to keep your tax documents organized? You're not alone! Good record-keeping can make tax season a breeze.

Here’s why it’s crucial:

1. Avoid Stress: Find what you need quickly.
2. Maximize Deductions: Don’t miss out on potential savings.
3. Stay Compliant: Reduce the risk of errors and penalties.

Top Tips for Effective Record-Keeping:

1. Go Digital: Use apps to scan and store documents securely.
2. Regular Updates: Set a monthly reminder to update your records.

Let us help you streamline your tax prep! Contact us today at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected]

Need help with your taxes? Then go ahead and book a call with our tax expert here:


The Impact of Inflation on Tax Deductions! 💸

Inflation isn’t just a buzzword—it can significantly affect your tax deductions! Here’s what you should know:

🔺 Rising Costs: As prices increase, your business expenses may also rise. Keep track of potential deductions!

🔺 Document Everything: Thorough record-keeping is key to maximizing your deductions amidst rising costs.

🔺Plan for the Future: Incorporate inflation into your tax strategy for smarter financial decisions!

Stay ahead of the game—let’s optimize your deductions together!
Go ahead to book a call with our tax expert here:

Facing issues with booking a call? Why not contact us directly via call at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected]


LLCs vs. Corporations: What’s Best for Your Business?

Thinking about your business structure? Understanding the tax benefits of LLCs and Corporations can save you money!

✨ LLCs:
Pass-Through Taxation: Profits are taxed once on your personal return.
Fewer Formalities: Less paperwork and simpler compliance!

🏢 Corporations:
Potential for Lower Tax Rates: Corporate tax rates can be lower depending on profits.
Attracting Investors: Easier to raise capital through stock sales.
Choosing the right structure can make a big difference in your tax bill! Ready to explore your options?

Still Confused? Then go ahead and book a call with our tax expert here:

Facing issues with booking a call? Why not contact us directly via call at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected]


Peace at last!
The day the fascist government in Bangladesh shot peaceful student protesters, my heart was shattered, and I’ve been on Facebook ever since, watching the chaos unfold. But from that tragedy, a revolution was born, and the dictator has finally fled!

Now, with the visionary Professor Dr. Yunus stepping forward to lead, I truly believe Bangladesh is on the cusp of transforming into a paradise.

ওম শান্তি!
ফেইসবুক টিপতে টিপতে ক্লান্ত হয়ে পড়েছিলাম।
শান্তিপূর্ণ মিছিলে গুলি করায় সবাই মিলে স্বৈরাচার কে পাঠিয়ে দিলাম বল্লাল সেনের পথে।

সাথে পেয়েগেলাম এমন একটি নেতৃত্ব যিনি বর্তমান দুনিয়ার সবচেয়ে বড়ো সমাজসেবক দের একজন। আমি নিশ্চিত সব সেবকরাই তার সাথে হাত মিলাবেন, এবার গড়বেনসুখী সমৃদ্ধ বাংলাদেশ।

শোকর আলহামদুলিল্লাহ।

Five-Minute Demo: How to File a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report 08/07/2024

We know that BOI report filing is a new requirement this year, and it can feel a bit overwhelming!
Don’t stress, it’s easier than you think! Check out this super helpful YouTube tutorial that walks you through the entire process step by step.

Let’s get those reports in on time and make this year’s filing a breeze!

Interested in talking about your filing problems, then book a call with our tax expert here:

Facing issues with booking a call? Why not contact us directly via call at (781) 477-4272 or email us at [email protected]

Happy filing!

Five-Minute Demo: How to File a Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report This video walks through how to report beneficial ownership information (BOI) using the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)’s E-Filing System. To c...


Integrity is non-negotiable—abusing public trust for personal gain leads to severe consequences

A former Army civilian ran a fake side hustle, stealing $108 million from a grant program for child development services for military families. Thanks to the investigation by our Houston Field Office and Army CID, she'll serve a 15-year jail sentence. Read more:


Have you ever thought that you're paying more in taxes than you actually should? Or have you moved into a higher income bracket and been surprised by your increased tax burden?

These are common cases and where a lot of people are at when they come to us.

But what they didn't know and what you may not know either, is that you can actually be PROactive about your taxes rather than REactive. All it takes is implementing some tax planning strategies now.

You could save hundreds (even thousands) with the right tax plan. Instead of owing and being surprised by things come filing time.


Here's to hoping you're making better use of AI in your world than these people. We can think of a few issues more worthy of our time and attention than creating fake humans. Namely, helping real humans is real need of support and attention.


Have any questions about how to classify your seasonal workers this summer?

Please don't hesitate to reach out and ask. It will save you and them a great amount of headache to give them the proper designation. Even if you don't have to withhold income tax on their paychecks, it's very likely you are still required to withhold Social Security and Medicare taxes.


Bangladesh is suddenly sunken in darkness.

We are not able to connect with anyone there.

Only internet available is Elon Musk's free internet.

Watch for update



Some good news: It looks like inflation *might* be subsiding. Since May 2020, the average cost of goods and services in the US has continually risen. But, June saw the consumer price index actually fall (about 0.1%). That's a good sign, but we'll keep watching to see if the trend continues.

If it does, the Federal Reserve could indeed drop Federal interest rates in September. Let's hope that's what happens.

Quickbooks Alternatives for Middlesex County Businesses Post QB Price Raise 07/18/2024

Quickbooks Alternatives for Middlesex County Businesses Post QB Price Raise

Quickbooks Alternatives for Middlesex County Businesses Post QB Price Raise Quickbooks Alternatives for Middlesex County Businesses Post QB Price Raise


Did you know...
- A typical business executive wastes an average of six weeks per year due to disorganization.
- The average taxpayer can overpay the IRS by hundreds of dollars simply by not being organized.
- The average American (outside of the workplace) wastes nearly 2.5 days every year searching for misplaced items.

Our point here: Organizing your financial world can actually get you into better frame of mind and help you be savvy with your tax moves because you have documentation you can actually find to back things up.

You can't deduct what you don't document, and you can't deduct if you can't find the document.


As if buying a car hasn't been tough enough the past few years... now we have to add "watch out for hackers" to our growing list of obstacles. The IRS even issued a warning about phishing scams related to this ransomware attack. Our caution, be mindful of any link sent to you. Mostly, you won't receive a text to fill out any official forms for something as big as buying a car. Same goes for anything tax-related.


Chapter 11 Bankruptcy is a possible option when you've exhausted every option for keeping your business afloat with debts anchoring you down. Here are some pros and cons for you to consider:

🛡️ Automatic stay shields you from creditor actions like wage garnishment and asset seizure (except for the IRS), giving you time to devise a debt repayment plan.
💼 Negotiation opportunity to reduce interest rates, extend repayment periods, and potentially receive debt forgiveness.
⚖️ Lawsuit protection allows you to focus on rebuilding your business.
💪 Additional benefits include rejecting unprofitable agreements, selling assets to repay creditors, streamlining your balance sheet, and strengthening relationships with vendors.

💰 Costly process involving attorney fees, court fees, and other expenses.
📉 Negative impact on your credit score, making it harder to access credit in the future.
⌛ Time-consuming and complex, requiring submission of financial statements, development of a reorganization plan, and navigating legal requirements.
❌ Not all debts are discharged, particularly tax obligations like recent income taxes, unremitted payroll taxes, and trust fund recovery penalties.

Overtime Pay Changes Seriously Affecting Your Woburn Business 07/14/2024

Overtime Pay Changes Seriously Affecting Your Woburn Business

Overtime Pay Changes Seriously Affecting Your Woburn Business Overtime Pay Changes Seriously Affecting Your Woburn Business

Tax Documentation: How Middlesex County Taxpayers Can Stay Organized 07/13/2024

Tax Documentation: How Middlesex County Taxpayers Can Stay Organized

Tax Documentation: How Middlesex County Taxpayers Can Stay Organized Tax Documentation: How Middlesex County Taxpayers Can Stay Organized


We want to express our gratitude for the opportunity to serve you. We love using our specific tax skill set on behalf of people like you – all year long – so you can find some financial and emotional peace...


The ban on noncompete agreements that was originally expected to take effect on Sept 4 has been temporarily paused (until Aug 30). Noncompetes have been essential to helping businesses protect their interests. If they are banned, it means:

1. Your employees could be head-hunted by other competing companies.
2. You could potentially have to increase salaries dramatically to hold onto good employees.
3. Your trade secrets could be put at risk because an employee will not legally be required to stay quiet on what they know about your business (with some exceptions).


A lot of people ask us for evergreen tips on putting and keeping their books in order year-round. Here are a few golden nuggets:

- Go Cloud-based. Nix the paper method.
- Create and STICK to a budget, especially with major expenses.
- Get organized... and STAY organized.
- Make a regularly scheduled, weekly time to go over your books.
- Find a good advisor... someone you have full confidence in and trust to give you honest, but helpful insights into your business finances.

I'm pretty sure we know someone who can help with that...


If you're raising a family and things cost too much where you live, maybe you should consider living somewhere else. Here's a breakdown of the median salary requirements for a small family in each state. Surprisingly, Hawaii, New York, and California aren't #1 on the list of the most expensive places to live...


The IRS isn't always the bad guy. They'll generally work with you, and will often offer a way out of tough penalties. They know that life happens, and filing your taxes on time or paying the full amount sometimes just doesn't happen.

The IRS offers solutions for these situations... things like flexible installment agreements, payment plans, and even the Fresh Start Program to help you get your outstanding tax debts taken care of.

But this goes over best when you stay in open communication with them.


A cash forecast isn't just for corporations and companies in trouble.

Cash forecasting is a critical financial management tool that every business, regardless of size or industry, should utilize. Here's why:

🔹 A cash forecast helps you predict future cash flow, so you can avoid unexpected shortfalls and plan ahead effectively.

🔹 Whether you're considering expansion or new investments, a cash forecast provides the insight you need to make smart financial decisions.

🔹 Regularly monitoring your cash flow ensures you maintain adequate liquidity to meet your obligations, keeping your business stable and secure.

🔹 Demonstrating control over your finances boosts confidence among investors and lenders, showing them you’re committed to sound financial management.

🔹 A cash forecast is crucial for planning business growth, helping you understand funding needs and align your initiatives with your financial capabilities.


Happy Fourth of July to all of you!

As part of early American celebrations of this holiday, the Declaration of Independence would be read aloud at public gatherings. If you'd like to reinstate this tradition for your celebration, here's a link for you...


🇺🇸🎉 Happy Independence Day from Pay Minimum Tax! 🎉🇺🇸

We’re taking today and tomorrow off to celebrate the freedom and opportunities that make our nation great. We hope you enjoy a day filled with joy, pride, and fireworks!

On behalf of the entire team at Pay Minimum Tax, we wish you a Happy 4th of July! 🎆🇺🇸✨

We'll be back on Monday, ready to assist you with all your tax needs. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Middlesex County's Tax Relief Experts | Pay Minimum Tax If you're having issues with the IRS, contact the tax relief team at Pay Minimum Tax today. Don't wait. You'll be treated with dignity and know all your options.


If you're earning 400K or more a year, the IRS just set its sights on you. They are refocusing their audit efforts to include a larger swath of high income earners.

The point here is, if you know you've got some skeletons in your tax closet, it's time to shore things up. It's not that you can prevent an audit, but knowing for sure what they'll uncover and making sure you're buttoning up the things you can control will be essential.

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Videos (show all)

Business Story to Reduce Tax
No matter how a taxpayer plans to use their tax refund, it helps to know when to expect it. Watch this video to learn mo...
There is a nationwide surge in check fraud schemes targeting the U.S. Mail. Watch this video to learn more.
Anyone who needs to pay their federal tax bill has several ways to send a payment to the IRS quickly and securely.
Taxpayers who can't file by April 18, 2023 deadline can request�an extension�before that deadline, but they should know ...
U.S. citizens and resident aliens living abroad should know their tax obligations. Watch this video for an overview.
Protect yourself from identity theft by securing your personal information, understanding the threat of identity theft, ...
The IRS encourages taxpayers to file when they are ready and choose�direct deposit�to receive any refund they may be owe...
Because most of the COVID pandemic-related tax benefits have come to an end, your tax refunds may be smaller this year a...
The IRS on January 27 kicked off an Awareness outreach campaign to help Americans to take advantage of the Earned Income...




55 6th Road Suite 07
Woburn, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 4pm
Tuesday 10am - 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Friday 10am - 4pm

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