Woodstock School of Ballet, Woodstock, GA Videos

Videos by Woodstock School of Ballet in Woodstock. Serving the community since 1985, Woodstock School of Ballet offers excellent dance instruction for

Happy Valentine’s Day + new costumes = much love from WSB! ❤️❤️❤️

Other Woodstock School of Ballet videos

Happy Valentine’s Day + new costumes = much love from WSB! ❤️❤️❤️

Join us for our 25th year of Nutcrackering!

Excited to begin the new season and hope to see you soon! Classes forming now in Ballet, Pre-Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Irish, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Shotokan Karate, and Yoga. Visit our website for detailed information.

First week of summer intensive with 2021-22 Cherokee Ballet Theatre was fantastic! Thank you dancers and staff, for a great week of hard work and big fun! Special thanks to our guest instructors, Mark Krieger and Caroline Owings!

Great “surprise “ party for our Grads! We love you, Jenna and Sarah! ❤️❤️❤️

Another great night of rehearsals! One more and we’ll be ready for Saturday! 💖💖

Looking forward to WSB’s 36th Spring Recital on May 1st, Falany Performing Arts Center!

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