Third Eye Yoga Collective

Community yoga studio sharing peace and loving kindness through yoga practice. Burncoat, Worcester,


Tonight! 7pm w/ Heather!

A special class dedicated to the winter solstice with Heather focusing on reflection and surrender.

The winter solstice represents the shortest and darkest day of the year but also marks the beginning of the sun's return to our hemisphere, bringing its warmth. To honor this transition the first half of the class will focus on solar (warming and energizing) poses and we'll end with lunar (cooling and grounding) poses that will allow you to surrender into the space you have created.


The Friday Night Wind Down Tonight 6pm!

Descend into stillness through intuitive movement followed by Yoga Nidra. This class will include all levels intuitive movement linked with breath followed by yogic sleep. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique where you can enter the hidden depths of your consciousness and touch the ultimate reality. All Levels welcome. 90 Min. Mild Heat (80-82 degrees).
Regular class passes accepted!

Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 10/11/2023

May You Be Safe
May You Be Happy
May You Be Healthy
May You Have What You Need
May You Live With Ease

Sending Metta to ALL Beings 🙏 Praying for Peace 🙏

Also wishing that we all can feel the radical self love and self acceptance that little’s feel before we become aware of our perceived flaws 🙏 Compassion and kindness starts with ourselves.

Special edition Third Eye Merch for this special 👼


Restorative Yoga for Self-Compassion workshop
This Sunday from 6-8pm

The demands and stressors of life can seem to come from external causes and people, causing us to not acknowledge or perceive the stressors and negative self-talk that we create for ourselves. To soothe ourselves, we can further look to outer sources and substances. What if we could find relief and calm from within? Please join Meng in a 2 hour restorative yoga workshop that promotes healing our negative self-talk and releasing unrealistic expectations and judgments from others. We will slow down to promote self-compassion and loving-kindness. We'll make use of poses that help establish a feeling of safety and ease while working with releasing negative emotions and thoughts. A long guided savasana will leave you feeling lighter and quieter within and more open to giving and receiving kindness and support.

Cost- $25
Sign up on our website!


ďťżDiscussion on Death & Dying for Courage & Insight
w/Theresa Murphy and Usha Bilotta

Sunday Oct 29th 1:30pm-3:30pm
Cost $20 ticket or donation

Join long time Yoga teachers, Usha Bilotta (also a Palliative Care Chaplain) and Theresa Murphy (also a Hospice Volunteer), in discussing Death & Dying. In this two hour gathering, Theresa & Usha intend to safely and honestly uncloak Death. The discussion will include looking at all the ways talking about death has become taboo in our culture, how capitalistic powers purposely shield us from connecting with the deep truth of death, and how we as a culture can positively reclaim it as the honorable rite of passage that it is. Usha & Theresa are offering a re-frame for how we consider, discuss, and meet death – in the interest of courageously being fully present for our beloveds who are dying, in grieving our losses like mature humans, and how to prepare to graciously meet our own inevitable truth in Death. Some gentle movement, breathwork and meditation will be offered to prepare for an experiential savasana to honor the discussions and contemplations around the sacred passage of death.

One spot left for our in person discussion, unlimited space online 🙏


May ALL Beings Know Peace 🙏

Global Prayer for Peace Ceremony on October 13

Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 28/08/2023

Shout out to super talented Worcester artist Ferdinand Nazario for making the front of our building a whole hell of a lot cooler!

Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 22/08/2023

This has been a week of incredibly high highs and low Lows. First family trip with the baby to Maine. Our first dinner out with the baby, which was going spectacularly until our sweet but mildly unhinged dog, Pepper, bit our waiter. Some of the most magical sunset walks. An unfortunate incident trying to cut a refrigerated chocolate bar where I cut my finger so badly with a BUTTER knife it bled for 30 minutes and still hurts 8 days later. River’s first real laughs at his sister, Pepper, playing with her ball❤️❤️❤️. An incredible double rainbow 🌈 on the way home. Getting home feeling unwell the next day, and testing positive for Covid for the 4th time in 13 months (!!) along with my sweet three month old baby love. Missing a family Crane’s beach overnight that I was really looking forward to.
Today was my first yoga practice in two weeks - couldn’t get my zoom working this morning to take Mar’kee’s class as planned and finally got around to self practice two hours later after lots of crying and nursing from my sweet bubbs. My intention today was to cherish every moment. Nothing is promised and all that we cherish can be taken away in an instant, impermanence is the nature of all things. I’ve been reminded of a Taoist story that I’d like to share with you:

There is a story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“Perhaps,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed.
“Perhaps,” replied the old man.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy for what they called his “misfortune.”
“Perhaps,” answered the farmer.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.
“Perhaps,” said the farmer.

I am grateful for this moment ❤️🙏


Free Class Alert!

Grab a friend and join the wonderful Mar’kee Thomas .thomas.yogi for a special free class tomorrow at 4pm!

Have you been wanting to share the magic and joy of yoga with a friend? Well, here is your chance! This will be a gentle, beginner friendly, introductory class for those interested in seeing what it's all about. This practice will include breathwork, some fundamental postures as well as a mini meditation.


A special Juneteenth practice Monday June 19th 4:15pm with the wonderful .thomas.yogi ❤️🙌 ⚡️❤️


See you on Zoom!


The library is growing and we are excited to start lending yoga books to our community! Check out the bookshelf in the back room - we will have a little log book on the shelf when you check out a book kindly note the date and the book you are borrowing. If you have yoga/spiritual books that you would like to lend feel free to bring them in and we will grow our collection and continue sharing the knowledge ☺️ Special thanks to Kathy Bennett for making this happen.


It’s the season of love, the perfect time to treat yourself to some restorative self care 💗 Loving-kindness meditation is a philosophy and practice that is thought to have to originated in ancient India and have since been practiced in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain belief systems. You can find guided loving-kindness meditations online (see sources below), but the principles are also condensed and listed below!
- Find a comfortable seated/lying position
- Bring awareness to the breath, feel the belly rise and fall
- Bring to mind someone you truly believe has your best interests at heart
- Imagine this person sending you unconditional love. Spend a few minutes in this thought.
- Let go of this person and shift your focus to your emotional state
- Set your intention on someone in your life that could use some extra love and imagine they were in your presence
- Call upon this experience for this person to be true happy, fulfilled, and joyful
- Continue to breathe and experience the warm emotions that may arise 🫶🏼

Sources: #:~:text=Loving%2Dkindness%20meditation%20is%20thought,in%20Hindu%20and%20Jain%20texts.

Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 02/02/2023

Third Eye Yoga Teacher Introduction: Theresa Murphy! “In teaching, my deepest intentions are to expand minds, open hearts, and be a catalyst for discovering the wisdom and wonder of an embodied life – to support others in recognizing and trusting the felt sense of how they are in practice.” - Theresa

Regular class schedule:
- YinYasa Level 2, Wednesdays 9:15-10:30am
- YinYasa Level 2/3, Saturdays 9-10:15am
- Somatic Movement & Yoga Therapy Saturdays 10:30-11:30am

Favorite/Least Favorite Posture: “I honestly don't have a fave or least fave.  The ones that are easy I appreciate for the ease.  The ones that are hard I appreciate for the challenge.  The ones i think are most valuable for maintenance of the physical body, for me, are: down dog, side angle, pigeon, reclined hero, forearm stand, and the signature side-lying-spiral i teach so often!  : )”
Life Motto: “Anything but kindness is a mistake.”, “As much as necessary, as little as possible.”, “Rest more.”
Favorite food: “If forced to pick just one, I'll have to pick a category, or a country rather!  Thai Food”
Favorite place to visit: Thailand
Favorite place I want to visit: “I’d like to see the icebergs before they are gone.”
Hobby I'm cultivating: “I play the ukulele”
Book recommendation: “soak ‘em up”
Yoga tip/advice: “Go with the feel of it.  Force nothing. It's personal, trust your experience and go slow.  No rush.”


There are still a few spots left in the Deep Sleep class tomorrow night (Friday, Jan 27 7:30-9:00pm), led by Sara-Grace. Descend into stillness through intuitive movement followed by Yoga Nidra. This class will include all levels gentle, grounded, self guided movement followed by yogic sleep. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation technique where you can enter the hidden depths of your consciousness and touch the ultimate reality. All Levels welcome.


Thich What Hang was a Vietnamese Zen master, poet, and teacher. He first came to the world’s attention in his native Vietnam, as he forsook monastic isolation to care for the victims of that war and to work for reconciliation among all warring parties. He called this “engaged Buddhism”. Martin Luther King Jr. Nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize, and he led the Buddhist delegation to the Paris Peace Talks in 1969. He wrote his classic book, “The Miracle of Mindfulness”, as a manual for young nuns and monks who were facing death every day in his country. He settled in exile in France and there he founded Plum Village, a Buddhist community, or Sangha, that has spawned communities of practice and service around the world. Other books among his many beloved include “Being Peace” and “The Long Road Turns to Joy: A Guide to Walking Meditation”. - On Being (Podcast)

It has been a year since Thich Nhat Hanh’s passing. We honor and remember his wisdom and teachings yesterday on January 22 and all days.


Worldwide bump debut! The very first picture I have taken since being pregnant, six months in :P

6 week Prenatal Series with Jordan starts this Saturday 2:30 to 3:30 PM!

Series will run January 21st through Feb 25th!

Regular class passes accepted :)

Prenatal yoga is offered for expecting and postpartum moms looking for a safe and calming practice to support the tremendous changes taking place in the body. Mindful movement linked with breath, relaxation and a community to support you during this exciting time. Very mild heat 78-80 degrees.

Sliding scale rates and scholarships available, please reach out to us via email to discuss discounted course fees.

Hope to see you there!

Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 12/01/2023

Third Eye Yoga Teacher Introduction: Carolyn May! Carolyn was trained in Boston, and has been gratefully teaching yoga since 2018. Before teaching at Third Eye, she taught hot power yoga, but has really enjoyed teaching and practicing at a slower, more meditative pace recently. Carolyn invites you to come to class exactly as you are and leave all expectation for flexibility, strength, stamina, energy, etc. at the door!

Regular class schedule:
- Restorative/Yin, Tuesdays 7:15-8:15pm (NEW CLASS TIME)

Favorite Posture: Waterfall
Least Favorite Posture: Floor Bow
Mantra: Energy flows where my intention goes
Favorite food: Chana Masala (or Burritos)
Favorite place to visit: California
Favorite place I want to visit: Greece
Hobby I'm cultivating: Writing music
Book recommendation: Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski
Yoga tip/advice: There is no such thing at being good or bad at yoga!


According to Traditional Chinese medicine, winter is associated with the Kidneys and the Water element. .murphy.108 has been teaching to this is her classes the past weekend it has been resonating!

“This month as you settle into your (yin) yoga practice, close your eyes and allow the darkness to guide you to the places in your body you may have neglected or vacated. Cultivate and nourish your yin qualities about who you are with loving compassion, acceptance and forgiveness.” -

Bruce Lee once said, “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” -


Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 03/01/2023

New Year, New Classes! Morning yoga is back on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10am! We’re also adding a prenatal yoga class on Saturday afternoons at 2:30pm. These new classes will start next week. Also, pay close attention to the schedule as a few class times have slightly shifted going into 2023!


We hope everyone has a happy, safe, and mindful New Year celebration. We honor 2022 and welcome 2023 🤍 There are still a few spots available for Heather’s class this Sunday, January 1st! And multiple classes before then as well 🕊️

Photos from Third Eye Yoga Collective's post 22/12/2022

Third Eye Yoga Teacher Introduction: Jordan Murphy! Jordan () is a Worcester native, and has been practicing yoga since 2013. She is the founder of Worcester BIPOC Yoga Collective (), a yoga community focused on offering yoga as a safe space for those identifying as BIPOC. Her teachings specialize in vinyasa inspired yoga, including prenatal, slow flow, restorative, and trauma-conscious yoga methods. Aside from teaching yoga, Jordan is a mom, and works as a software development implementation consultant. 

Regular class schedule:
- Gentle Hatha, Fridays at 4:30pm
- BIPOC Yoga, 2nd Saturdays at 1PM (rotating teachers).
- Prenatal Yoga, TBD

Favorite Posture : child’s pose with a bolster and crescent lunge
Least Favorite Posture: Dancer 
Mantra or Life Motto: 
"Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Even though you want to run. Even when it's heavy and difficult. Even though you're not quite sure of the way through. Healing happens by feeling." ~Dr. Rebecca Ray
“Be kinder than necessary"
Favorite meal /food: fajitas!
Favorite place you’ve ever visited: My family’s home country Vietnam :)
Place you’d most like to visit: I’d love to see the Aurora Borealis 
Hobby or skill you are cultivating: My favorite hobbies are Moongazing and stargazing 
Recommendation for a book or film: No Mud, No Lotus by Thich Nhat Hanh
Yoga tip /Advice to new yoga students: It’s not about what the pose looks like, but what it feels like.


In the Tevijja Sutta (Sutra of the Threefold Knowledges) the Buddha introduces the “four immeasurables”

1. Immeasurable love
2. Immeasurable compassion
3. Immeasurable joy
4. Immeasurable equanimity

May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness.
May they be free of suffering and the cause of suffering.
May they never be disassociated from the supreme happiness which is without suffering.
May they remain in the boundless equanimity, free from both attachment to close ones and rejection of others.

Sources: #:~:text=May%20all%20beings%20be%20free,become%20a%20science%20of%20compassion


In the Tevijja Sutta (Sutra of the Threefold Knowledges) the Buddha introduces the “four immeasurables”

1. Immeasurable love
2. Immeasurable compassion
3. Immeasurable joy
4. Immeasurable equanimity

May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness.
May they be free of suffering and the cause of suffering.
May they never be disassociated from the supreme happiness which is without suffering.
May they remain in the boundless equanimity, free from both attachment to close ones and rejection of others.

Sources: #:~:text=May%20all%20beings%20be%20free,become%20a%20science%20of%20compassion


Small Business Saturday is here are we have a holiday sale for you!

Holiday Sale on our 10 Class Packs and Gift Cards - This Weekend Only!
Friday 11/25 - Sunday 11/27

10 Class Packs:
Regular Price $135 - Now $108!

$100 Gift Certificate - Now $80!

$50 Gift Certificate - Now $40!

Use Discount Code- HOLIDAYSALE20
Gift certificates can also be purchased for any of our class passes or any custom amount and we will honor the 20% off this weekend.
Please email/call us if you need a custom gift card amount. Buy online and you can pick up the card in person, we can also mail gift cards to you or to the recipient, or direct deposit the amount straight into the yogi's account.

Purchase Here:


Hands Down!   

A Workshop on Handstand & Arm-Balances with Theresa Murphy!

Sat Nov 12th 2:30-4:30pm

Cost $25
In Person and Online!

Curious about weight bearing in your hands without wrist pain?  
Interested in handstand?  
Want to demystify arm-balancing shapes?  
Then this is the workshop for you!  

We'll take a close look at the anatomy and functionality (physiology) of the hands, wrists, forearms, and shoulders.  
We'll breakdown the component parts of handstand and other basic arm-balancing poses. And finally, we'll play with a variety of techniques to find support in these challenging shapes -- bringing a sense of strength, empowerment and agency. 

Sign Up:


Intro To Yoga - Beginner Series Starts Today!

Beginner Series is Back!

Sara-Grace is offering a 3 part workshop series focused on yoga fundamentals and alignment of basic postures.

This will be a slow moving class with lots of instruction on the postures and personalized attention and hands on assists. Perfect for new students and those looking for more insight and instruction on the postures.

Sundays 12:30pm - 1:30 pm

Oct 16th, 23rd, and Nov 6th

Cost -$45

In Person Only

Sign Up



Don’t worry we won’t be making this shape but we will be enjoying the gorgeous weather and fresh air!

All levels Hatha/Vinyasa Mix - These classes are beginner friendly!

Tuesdays 5:30 pm
Thursdays 5:45 pm
Saturdays 11:00 am

Classes are in our neighbors yard 485 Burncoat St.

Hope to see you there!


Join for Metta: A Community Vigil this Friday, May 27, from 7:00-7:40 PM ET.

Register for this free event:

From Insight Meditation Society “The violence in the US this month — the killing of African-American elders at a grocery store, Asian elders worshipping in their church, and 19 small children and two of their teachers in their elementary school classrooms — has elicited so much pain and grief. For many it has also elicited a new or renewed determination to try to make this a better world. For others, well, for now it’s just exhaustion.

We at IMS invite all of you to join us this Friday night to hold space for our collective, whatever we feel, and offer metta to all who are suffering.”

Videos (show all)

Be the ❤️
Kapalabhati Pranayama 🙏🏼



487 Burncoat Street
Worcester, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday 09:00 - 20:00