Uniquely Moved
Alignment Specialist combining Movement Education and Massage Therapy to give people more freedom in Our bodies work hard every day. Not sales!
Massage is part of keeping you active, pain free, and able to enjoy long term good health. With massage you can improve your range of motion, reduce pain, recover from injury, enhance your training, and stay active in your life. My table massage blends Swedish, deep tissue, therapeutic, and Thai massage together to nourish your muscles and fascia. I have special interests in treating TMJ dysfuncti
Thanks bunches !
Had paperwork errands downtown yesterday. Blessed to celebrate the moment with local crafted nourishment. In so many ways, Local & from the heart is our way forward. ~beth
Circles of women🔮✨ Life making and life changing work to gather in circles together. We understand ourselves and our lives better through the reflection of eachother. It’s been part of my devotion to living a deeply connected purposeful life.
I see my life surrounded by amazing women, a life of intersecting circles. Being connected in such a way brings me so much peace and authority in my life.
A soft sweet goodbye to working out of the Ypsi Massage Co-op.
This shift certainly crept up on me. Parts of me are absolutely Not ready. And I have to adjust to the reality that a set schedule of shifts isn’t working with DPT school.
From massage we’ll say I’m on sabbatical and seeing clients selectively at my in home space.
While that’s true, it’s even more true that my practice will be evolving as I go through school. In the long run it’s going to become; expanded, transformed. While It’s going to feel very different to me. I suspect, to you all, it’s going to feel like More of the best parts. ~ Beth
My Best remedy for "I don't want to do anything" is to get outside for a walk.
I absolutely had to get out for a walk this morning. It gives me so much more ability to meet what the day holds. I also definitely Needed a few groceries. Living in town I had the opportunity to combine both these needs. 💜💫 Walking and food gertting✅✅
teaches how combining movement with another part of living life meets more of our needs at the same time. If that's getting a task done, celebrating, or connecting with friends.
When we bring movement into other parts of our lives it speaks to and rewards us body mind spirit, because we are wired and designed to move. ~Beth
This week's wrap up! I started using my new standing desk🙌🏻 *the biggest thanks again to Kylie for helping assemble it*
Grabbed dinner with a friend between things on my long Wednesday.
I was absolutely late to class trying to squeezing in part of a webinar.😎🤷🏻♀️
Haven't peeked at the second score but knocked out 2 tests for grad school.
And just to be extra this week I had to replace the van's battery. *Thanks to suburban dad man for the assist*
Sure I wish I had a bit more time to organize work schedule things, that the program left more time to see clients. Sure the yard needs attention and, and, and.
It is busy but it's good and I'm paying attention to what has worked well so far and what hasn't. The biggest thing that stands out is being willing to make changes to help you make what works for YOU work. Detaching ourselves from what we know so far and seeing what's there now, what's true for us is important in life and in caring for our bodies.
Have a great weekend everyone! ~Beth
Listening to all the Expanse books on audio. Libro.fm is a great audio platform that supports your local bookstore https://libro.fm/referral?rf_code=lfm467718
Same audiobooks. Different story. Libro.fm makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through local bookstores.
Its not just the holding baby with the arms and larger shoulder muscles. Its STABALIZING while feeding that puts high demands on small muscles in the neck shoulders and attached the rib cage.
PLEASE! And thank you💜✨ hear this advice
I’m a gift! 😎 This holiday, I wasn’t prepared for gift cards. My clients and friends surprised me with their requests. I wish my gift cards could have been more perfect more polished with printed message inside. The truth is the hand written info while it makes me a bit uncomfortable is really the perfect thing for a gift card from me. My bodywork is so customized and so crafted to the person with me. I want most from a gift card for the person receiving it to use it, to feel some connection. Connecting and being ourselves out in the open is a little uncomfortable for all of us. What makes you different really is a gift to those around you. ~Beth
Theses art print cards are lovely! Thanks to .sunshine.studio
There are real internal and external barriers to moving more. It’s all too easy to let physically engaging with the body be a lesser priority.
Some internal barriers that can come up:
“I have to do something productive, something of value”
“It’s too cold”
“I don’t have time”
“Zoning out will feel better”
Try evaluating if you really don’t won’t can’t walk today or if it’s just your mind and body’s normal safety seeking resistance. ~Beth 💜✨
Already have a morning in home massage appointment tomorrow! So let's make a day of it! DM to set up your massage. I totally dig businesses and gyms too! See you soon ~Beth
It's been a whirlwind. Seeing into the connections between the inner and outer journey has always been with me. It's why I love healing work, embodiment exploration, and training physical skills.
Life moves in spirals. We come round again to similar places with new knowledge. Know this then when you see a pattern do something different. ~Beth
I'm just beginning to spiral outward and there is much to share. DM for the invite to my email list. 🔗 for sessions.
My rising matriarchs, my young elders, my visionary action creators. We are pressed to take up a task immediately. Yet if we are wise we know we must have the strength and resilience for life long action. To make such commitments requires space for assessment discernment and creativity.
Gather together, in groups, in pairs, or oneself with the earth. Not to bypass this and many issues facing us, instead to become practical and to rearrange ones life as need to support the creation of the world we will see.
Do not fly off acting randomly. Seek the organizations leading. See what is already tended to. Turn and look what you need to tend to to be more ready for action, more in self control, and how you can step forth more boldly in your work and your life.
Small targeted donations and action now, life alignment for the Long haul.
Gather together. ~Beth
Locals Sunday Night. Far flung DMs open. Share this with who you would speak to over the fire.
Take your heavy heart to the land.
In the air and the sun there is enough room to hold all of you.
The earth is still solid underfoot when our whole lives are crumbling
Wild growing things remind us life doesn’t care about definitions is it a flower bed is it a ditch? The plants grow where their needs are met.
Today is an exceptionally difficult day for all the mothers and parents in this country. Whether you had to kiss your children goodbye and send them to school, or take them with you to the third grocery store to try and find formula.
Today is a hard day.
Today, I look at the pictures of my son that hang next to my desk and I hope that I see his smile at the end of the school day. I look at the post-it notes on my desk of formula brands that I am hoping to find for my patients, and I hope that I will be able to help.
Because at the end of the day, parents are who makes the world turn. Parents who feel the visceral grief of loss, even if we ourselves haven't been the one who lost a child. Parents helping each other to raise our next generation, hoping that they will have a better world than the one we're living in today.
What social fear keeps you from moving more, in more ways? Being labeled A rebel, a heretic, immature, rude, weirdo?
Variety or sameness of position matters. It matters if we only ever do things one way. It matters how we sit because always being in regular chair shape asks our bodies to become chair shaped.
Often the pieces that’s keeping you from breaking the mold is the fear or threat of judgment by others. Staying in the group is a VERY important thing to our inner systems.
Sometimes being seen doing more physical activity is a VERY real danger. Sometimes looking a little weird to will be 100% okay. To create more possibilities it’s our programing we need to stretch ~Beth
Connections and reflections you need to be the leader of your physical being✨💜
There’s space for you this week! I know you have variable schedules, are busy taking care of everyone else, or feel like it’s just to hard to plan far in advance. That’s why I love to put the word out when time opens up. See you soon! ~Beth
My top 2 winter shoes and why I changed between them in the back of my car. 🚙
1st photo is of my new boots. I LOVE these. They are warm🔥 wide flexible and they stay with my feet as I move. I love the not too high high top style that seals out the cold and keeps tucked in pant cuffs dry. It's undeniable how stylish this color combo is. The only thing is ....these are WARM! Warm enough I didn't want to wear them to sit inside for class. Which is why I needed to switch over to shovel.
My insulated are perfect for colder crips days when I'm doing more in and out or need to be indoors for longer. They are warmer than you would think from the insulated layer, ( order up a size!) I do have to keep these fives away from the slush be cause they aren't good in the wet. but I can wear them in the season before and after deep winter, and crisp dry winter days.
The two pairs of shoes team up to take me through the colder months of the year. That's Michigan for you we need different shoes for different weather. Embracing that can seriously upgrade your foot health instead of making too many compromises trying to have one shoe be good for too many things or too many months. The hidden bonus of setting ones self up this way is your shoes will last. I've had my fives for🤔5 years now, my last boots for 4!
You're worth having foot wear that moves with you keeps you warm and lets you do more. ~Beth
Sledding our way into 2022❄️ Whenever the snow hits in Michigan it's time to take advantage of the adventure of being outside.
It was an epicly perfect afternoon. This time it wasn't my kids breaking down or just not feeling that into it. I'm not going to put this down to anything special that I did. Sometimes we are the lucky ones, today that was 💯true.
I'm feeling insanely lucky for friends that want to get outside and do stuff! The very best way to get outside more is to build and cherish those friendships that like being outside.
Friends make the time special and make the fun last longer. My hard core kids did 3 hours on the slopes! Special about outs to Dad of 3 bringing his single handed, and the ultra confidence of a 5 year old girl.
Make time for being outside, it's worth it ~Beth
Fall kept us moving today. It was warmer so it was the perfect day to have the last chance to get the leaves up for weekly yard pick up.
Fresh air✅
Lots of movement✅
Lots of different ways to move✅
Big thanks to my kiddos & K for powering through this big chore today. Even though these yard chores aren't always what we want to do. We can appreciate the physical activity, exercise and variety of movement we get from doing them! ~Beth
In the small there, is the sweetness of life. The warmer temps today reminded me of this hike from last month. The intense flavor of the wild grapes had me pondering the way the narure has its own balance. Intense flavor / small package, perfectly giving the experience of GRAPE. ~Beth
Beautiful winter morning here! Shoveling or a walk I hope you get outside today. 🤞🏼 There is enough snow still to send the kids sledding after school.
I made sure to get the hot cocoa mix for after sledding😎 With my kiddos it's building the culture of being physically active that's a top priority to me.
Our lives have plenty of sedentary time, so much it's easy to forget our bodies. Making the commitment to care for your physical/ active/ in-body life brings you to notice the sunshine, to feel awe seeing the winter wonderland trees, and to shovel driveways without resentment ~Beth
More on clutivating our body wisdom 🙋🏻♀️ below for my email list invite✨
With so much noise in our lives, with so much urgency, to fix things, to have big audacious perfect solutions.....
We often fail to see the practical, we dismiss smaller steps. We won't stretch unless it's a full hour, we won't text a friend that lives to far to visit. We feel defeated by huge inequity, by slum Lords, by an old crumbling school system, by the threats to clean water. We quickly see all these issues as too big to do anything about. ..
We reflect this on our bodies too, easily getting so overwhelmed by pain and health conditions that we hardly make any progress. We want a start to finish journey laid out, we want one thing to fix/ease/resolve it ..
How can we leave ideals behind and shift and shift till we can take some action?..
You, we have to know that change comes like it does in nature, with persistence, in layers, supported by the environment and others. ..
We have to give up our all or nothing thinking. We have to add some willing Ness some trust to see what happens if we offer our bodies something more. Dont fix it all just see what happens when you offer something small, a walk, a gift, a conversation. ...
✨💜 share if it helps
The path from pain to an active life absolutely isn't straight. We don't heal in straight lines. Sometimes when one area of our body shifts we feel more intensely the unmet need of our bodies and ourselves.
Sometimes it's the pain that was waiting in the hip, sometimes it's the heartbreak of lost time.
Please know the switchbacks and zigzags are part of every path. ~Beth
Sovereign here with the reflections and connections you need to hear your body's wisdom.
Collaborating/Teaching movement targeted to my clients specific needs is THE BEST! My people are paying attention, curious and want more enjoyment of their lives by caring for their bodies. I bring the principals & my knowledge thus far and they bring their own knowing of what is helping and what is needed.
Listening for that knowing, and bringing the pieces together is THE BEST!
I promise you your body will speak to you, if we can give ourselves the space to listen. That's the rub, the part we aren't used to, the easier said than done. Big gratitude to my stellar clients for making my day and making space ~Beth
✨ the connections and reflections on the journey to Move Sovereign✨
We hung in there though the Summer! 😎 Today was back to school day. Truly I hung on by threads. Last year was a long life changing haul for me. I'm not burnt out, I've been burnt out. I probably was before we started this whole thing.
The trees in this picture, they are young. Most of Michigan had its trees clear cut and burned in wild fires. The forest has been shaped by this history. Over time the forest does grow back. I'm suppose I'll grow back too.
. with social media I'm looking to grow back with deeper roots, I can't show up here to sell, or promote, I don't have some magical solution that fixes a specific problem in a way I can monitize. Im going to have to admit, for me it's 100% Miss me with that.
So here are my connections and reflections on the journey to move sovereign ✨💜 (learning's knowings about our body's movement/ movement explorations/ calls to expand beyond ourselves / gathering lessons on how to be community)
I’m not going to tell you that doing your movement practice with small children is easy. “Oh, just put a mat out and stretch while they play” - sure, except I unroll the mat and lay down and they’re climbing on me, trying to pull the mat out from underneath me, or playing with the tune up balls I was going to use. Or someone pees on the floor or falls down. Or I remember that I had water on to boil. It’s crazy maddening chaos, and I think we could probably all use some support.
and I launched a Patreon account where we’ll teach a monthly class, plus shorter (15 minute) movement breaks, show home tours, and all other kinds of stuff! It will be a community of people who want to feel less achy and start moving better and also have no time or brain space to do it. We’re here to help. Search “eudemonia” on Patreon - I’ll add the link to my profile shortly!
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Be Free to Move. Move to Be More Free
Hiya! I'm a movement educator, massage therapist and movement leader for my family. We live in Ypsilanti Michigan with our two kiddos 5 and 7. I'm Loving enriching my life by bringing a wide variety of movement skills into my daily life. We love to play outside, camp and explore. I've been on a journey to learn how our bodies move well, what keeps them healthy and what we need to be strong, and active life long.
Getting the most out of my daily movement clicks right in with my study of biochemistry and our muscular structure. How the cells are squished, pulled, and twisted is part of how they function! It’s super exciting that movement is so important. I came to understand this in my search for relief from pelvic pain. Alignment and Nutritious Movement gave me the tools to reduce pain and promote healing by moving well. I combined moving well with hands on and other therapies for a recovery to a life full of potential.
Our bodies are amazing capable and responsive. I’m learning more about my own all the time. In Nutritious Movement I learned so much that made what I see as a massage therapist make total sense. 500+ hours went into my certification As a Restorative Exercise Specialist with Nutritious Movement. I’ve so enjoyed how both hands on and movement therapy work together. My job now is to help passionate people experience how alignment helps them move more and move more freely. We can increase our sovereignty over our health by making the connections between how our bodies move, and how they function well.
I believe small changes can have a big impact!
Let's get moving! ~Beth
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Contact the business
124 Pearl Street
Ypsilanti, MI
Opening Hours
Tuesday | 3:30pm - 8pm |
Wednesday | 10am - 4pm |
Thursday | 10am - 5pm |
Friday | 9:30am - 4pm |
Ypsilanti, 48197
From early preparation, to comfort support in hospice, to celebration of life planning; I hope to work with the dying and their families to make this life transition as easy as pos...
208 W Michigan Avenue
Ypsilanti, 48198
Gather+ Garble Open Wed-Sun Bulk Herbs & Tea, Herbal Wares, Zines, Plants, Consults, Classes, Mutual Aid, Gathering Space
306 N Adams Street
Ypsilanti, 48197
McVey Enterprises is about bring the very best health and wellness organic vitamins and supplements to those who want quaility organic health products.
1736 S Grove #301
Ypsilanti, 48198
Discover the Benefits of Raindrop Therapy. By appointment only. Call today: 734-646-5582
Ypsilanti, 48198
Our goal is to reach out to and connect people who have chronic pain, and to help us help each other.
218 North Adams Street
Ypsilanti, 48197
Stillness-Movement Clinical Qigong therapy focused on relieving stress, emotional balance, pain elim
P. O. Box 970537
Ypsilanti, 48197
Welcome to Soul Purpose Lifestyle Company! We are proud to bring you a company and line of products
2185 N Harris Road
Ypsilanti, 48198
Magna Wave helps horse, livestock, people, and small animals feel their best using PEMF Therapy. Co
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