Globe Digital Marketing

Globe Digital Marketing

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Doing practice
Doing practice
Mindful Media Group
Mindful Media Group

We Assist Small Businesses In Finding Their Most Ideal Customers Online...


Many times success is only 2mm away, even if it feels like you've been going for kilometers, simply never ever quit, the victory is at a level that very few ever discover, so NEVER EVER QUIT!!!


“You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer service culture can’t be copied.”


“The way you position yourself at the beginning of a relationship has profound impact on where you end up.”


Hard work will pay off in dividends as you start to see results in achieving the goals you have set for your life. Hard work is the key to success, so don't feel that being hardworking is a waste of time. Keep your eyes on the prize and keep striving!


☑️Have open and honest communications. Good relationships rely on good communication, whether it's face-to-face, on the telephone or email...
☑️Develop people skills. This means your ability to relate to others...
☑️Respect and appreciate others...
☑️Accept support and be supportive...
☑️Be positive...


Building a legacy means creating something enduring that can be passed on. This might be a physical business or work toward affecting change through a cause. A business legacy is not simply the “thing,” such as a startup or a product, but also its ability to endure through generations.


I like to compare life to the ocean.

There are times when the water is calm and flat, and others when the water is rough and powerful.

When the waves try to get the best of you, grab a surfboard and learn to surf!


Stop trying to impress everyone so fast... how about impressing yourself real slow.
The lack of patience to accept small wins and, in fact, small losses to get to where they want to go .. lack of patience is the most obvious observation I have in what clouds many and adds anxiety to situations that don’t need it.


Which are you great at, and which are you working on?


You don’t need to know EVERYTHING to be an expert… you just have to stay one chapter ahead.

Because when you’re one chapter ahead of your people, you can help them learn what you already know, and that is what will position you as an expert!

Try to learn something new every day...


Just to clear up any confusion, META is Facebook's new *corporate* name. The names of the APPS that the company builds – Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp – remain the same.

But, Meta will be retiring the Oculus brand starting early 2022. Oculus Quest will be Meta Quest and the Oculus App will be Meta Quest App.

"Meta is helping to build the metaverse, a place where we’ll play and connect in 3D. Welcome to the next chapter of social connection. Learn more about Meta’s vision for the future of social connection and get ready for the metaverse at"

"Meta builds technologies that help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses. When Facebook launched in 2004, it changed the way people connect. Apps like Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp further empowered billions around the world. Now, Meta is moving beyond 2D screens toward immersive experiences like augmented and virtual reality to help build the next evolution in social technology."


Sometimes you know that you are going over a waterfall and there is no way to avoid it. Life will throw you such challenges, some of which will seem devastating at the time. In bad times, your goal might be to keep what you have, to minimize your rate of loss, or simply to deal with a loss that is irrevocable. Your mission is to always make the best possible choices, knowing that you will be rewarded if you do.


POSITIVITY is your fuel, man. Become a master of your craft so that you are more confident. When you become the most dependable person that you and others know of, your confidence is going to become unbelievable.

More Knowledge = more confidence = more positivity.


Life is how you see it… matters… some don’t like the process of climbing the stairs because they want success for others… those of us who are fortunate to like the climbing must communicate it to our friends and family and help the mind-shift


The biggest truth in entrepreneurship is that losing is a part of the game, and the quicker you realize this, the sooner you won’t be paralyzed by the thought of making a mistake in business.

By default, you need to be able to respect your losses.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, fear is not an option.


This is true with all things in life…

The frame you enter any situation in will effect if you’re successful or not! If you go in with the frame of belief and openness and willingness, you have a shot of being successful… but if you go in with skepticism you're going to struggle and chances are, you won't have success...

That’s why it’s so important to have faith in yourself and in what you’re doing… because if you don’t think you’re going to win, you won’t win!!!


Most people make the terrible mistake of going right for the bottom line.

“We’re all about making the customer or the client the most valuable person to us, and we are passionate about them.”

Well, you’ve got to get people through the process sequentially, bring them along, particularly your team and your vendors.

They’ve got to be able to see life the way you see life, and that requires you to first see life the way they see life.

The only way you’ll do that, if you practice the strategy of preeminence, is literally to do the following thing: decide this moment that from now on, you will commit to try and always examine, understand, empathize, respect, appreciate, and carefully evaluate how everybody else you interact with sees life.

You don’t have to necessarily agree with them, but unless you appreciate it, unless you respect it, unless you understand it, unless you empathize with it, you can’t really serve them. You can’t fall in love with it.


The more complex something is, the harder it will be to actually do… which is why complexity leads to failure!!!

So start thinking about that in all the different areas of your life, like in your personal life, your relationship, in your business, in your marketing, whatever your thing is… Once you simplify things, I promise you things will be better for you!🤓


"Your ability to earn money is determined by your ability to offer value to a person or business.⁣.."


People don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want...

People don’t buy logically, they buy based on emotion… Then they use logic to justify the purchase decision they’ve already made!!!

Logic won’t sell to your customers… emotions will. Always remember that going forward… I promise it will help!!!


Let's look at leverage.

There are nine factors of leverage marketing. I like things that are very easy. You work on these, and you immediately improve and transform your results.

They apply to any business. They apply to any career. They apply to writing copy, I think, very highly, and they certainly apply to getting copywriting jobs.

Marketing is the first big lever. Change your marketing, change your results.

Change your headline, change your proposition, change your price, change your bonus, change your risk reversal, change your benefits… Any one of those changes singularly can increase the yield 20, 30, 50%.

Multiple ones can just go off the chart. But none of it will happen if you don’t do it.


You want to be a copywriting genius? You want to be a marketing genius?

Just test a lot of suppositions that are foundationally based on marketing, moneymaking, business building, relationship building science, and it doesn’t matter if you lose on a few little things. When you find the winner, it’s going to be powerful.


One day or day one… YOU choose!!!

It’s time to stop dreaming about what you want to do and just start doing it! You have the option to get up and either waste the day, or work to make your dreams a reality…

So… is it going to be one day, or day one?!?

How Can Test Marketing Be Helpful In Launching New Products 18/03/2021

"Who are you selling too, where are they to be found, and what problem are you solving for them?"

How Can Test Marketing Be Helpful In Launching New Products Are you wondering how can test marketing be helpful in launching new products? Do you even need to do this? In this video, learn all about how test marketing...

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Empresa De Publicidad Y Marketing mas cotizado en Maldonado?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.

Clicks to Customers

Globe Digital Marketing specializes in Customer Acquisitions for small businesses globally.

Our main objective is to help you grow your market share, and increase your income by building and targeting a very specific audience online (YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER) to HOOK them, GUIDE them, and CONVERT them from eyeballs into paying customers!!!

Digital marketing is very complex, it requires a very specific set of skills and a series of platforms that needs to be integrated in the correct sequence to cost effectively create above average ROI’s. It has the potential to boost your monthly turnover with up to more than 300% if you are able to build & target your ideal avatar, and then strategically guide them on a sales journey to become paying customers.


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