Bneuron Milk - Colostrum Sleeps Well

Bneuron Milk - With 2 glasses a day, it helps you sleep well, feel relaxed, and have a clear mind

Photos from Bneuron Milk - Colostrum Sleeps Well's post 07/12/2023

Bneuron Milk would like to thank our customers for choosing Bneuron as their companion ❤
Customer feedback is a testament to our products. These are customers who have and continue to use our products. Customers said the product has a sweet taste and is easy to drink. Your joints hurt less. And customers import large quantities to sell and give gifts to relatives and family ❤ ❤


Bneuron's FDA certificate ensures safety for customers
FDA is abbreviated by the phrase Food and Drug Administration - United States Food and Drug Administration. This is a US food and drug administration facility, under the US Department of Health and Human Services.
FDA standards are strict regulations issued by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to monitor the safety of products under its management list circulating in the US market.


🌈 5 Tips to Improve Sleep Quality and Wake Up Refreshed:
1️⃣ Follow a Scientific Sleep Schedule:
- Set a fixed bedtime and wake-up time to establish a routine.
- Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule helps regulate your body's natural circadian rhythm.
2️⃣ Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment:
- Choose a cool, dark, and quiet room to optimize conditions for deep sleep.
- Use blackout curtains or a sleep mask to eliminate disruptive light.
3️⃣ Turn Off Electronic Devices Before Bed:
- Avoid using phones or devices emitting blue light before bedtime to prevent melatonin reduction.
- To prevent sleep disruption, disable notifications and reduce screen brightness.
4️⃣ Limit Caffeine Intake:
- Reduce caffeine consumption, especially in the afternoon, to avoid sleep interference.
- Remember that caffeine tolerance varies; adjust consumption according to individual sensitivity.
5️⃣ Engage in Regular Exercise:
- Incorporate at least 30 minutes of light exercise daily to improve sleep quality and overall health.
- Take advantage of natural light during outdoor workouts, or engage in indoor activities to maintain a healthy routine.
- Avoid exercising close to bedtime, as it may elevate body temperature and make it difficult to transition from activity to sleep.
❗ Remember, small lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements in your sleep. Implement these strategies and monitor your progress for a better quality of sleep.
👉 Follow my page to learn more useful tips about sleep


🤔What should you do for a better sleep?
💁‍♀️To improve your sleep, there are some changes to your lifestyle and sleep habits that can help you create better conditions for sleep. Here are some tips for better sleep:
🌡️ Lower the room temperature
⏰ Get on a regular sleep schedule
😴 Avoid daytime naps
🎧 Listen to relax music
🏃 Exercise during the day
📖 Read a book (not a screen)
😤 Practice deep breathing
👀 Avoid looking at your clock
🥗 Reduce high-carb foods
💪💪Small changes in lifestyle and sleeping habits can make a big difference in supporting your sleep. If you have persistent or dangerous sleep problems, talk to your doctor to find the right solution.


looking for more detailed information about why this happens and how to treat it.
Stay tuned because in this video we'll cover exactly what insomnia is, what causes it, what its symptoms are, and of course how to treat it. So what is insomnia? Insomnia is basically difficulty or complete inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for long. People with insomnia are unhappy with their sleep patterns and often experience fatigue, low energy, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, depression, and lower performance at work or school. There are actually two types of insomnia: primary and secondary. Primary insomnia is when a person has difficulty sleeping that is not caused by a deeper health problem. Secondary insomnia, on the other hand, is when a person has sleep problems due to an underlying health condition such as asthma, diabetes, depression, body aches, etc. Use of drugs, alcohol or psychotropic substances can also lead to insomnia. Insomnia can also vary depending on how long it lasts and how often it occurs. Based on that, it can be short-term and last only a few days, for example, or long-term leading to chronic cases of insomnia. The causes are actually many - some are physical while others are psychological. For example, an intense stressful event such as a change of location or the death of a loved one can cause symptoms of insomnia. Likewise, environmental discomfort, such as sleeping on a strange bed in a hot or noisy room can also affect our ability to sleep. In addition, some medications such as those that change mood or help control cholesterol can also cause insomnia symptoms. In cases of chronic insomnia, the main causes are chronic anxiety, depression, stress and body pain. Besides not being able to fall asleep on time and easily, other symptoms you may experience are sleepiness throughout the day, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating at work or at school. So what can you do to reduce insomnia symptoms? Of course, the first step is to treat the underlying cause and eliminate all causes of your sleep problems. You must try to sleep at the same time every day to avoid any naps during the day and only use your bedroom for rest at night. You also want to make sure you don't drink any coffee, chocolate, or tea containing caffeine right before bed. You may also want to think about work or other stressful matters but this is not the right time to do that. If you want to keep your mind happy and relaxed, read a book. Finally, make yourself comfortable and eliminate any possible distractions such as TV, laptop or noise and temperature. Make sure your bedding and pillows are comfortable and make you feel comfortable so you can get a better night's sleep. And as they say, sweet dreams!


🔥🔥🔥 Signs of insomnia should not be ignored
✨ Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder with many different forms such as difficulty falling asleep, not being able to sleep deeply, often waking up early despite not getting enough sleep, and not being able to return to normal sleep.
💥 Insomnia can stem from many different causes. When insomnia lasts, the patient's health and life will be seriously affected. Common symptoms of insomnia may include:
1️⃣ Difficulty falling asleep - Common signs of insomnia
Not feeling sleepy, having difficulty falling asleep, lying in bed but not being able to sleep even though it's time to sleep... are easily recognizable signs of insomnia. This condition can occur due to bad habits of the body before sleeping such as eating too much, using electronic devices before sleeping,... or due to diseases.
2️⃣ Short sleep time
Depending on age, each person has different sleep times. On average, each adult needs 6 - 8 hours/day to sleep. For children and teenagers, it is 10-12 hours a day. However, when suffering from insomnia, patients can only sleep 3-4 hours/night, and many people even stay up all night, unable to sleep at all.
3️⃣ Poor sleep quality
Not only is there less sleep time, but in people with insomnia, sleep quality can also be poor. Expression is:
– Not sleeping deeply
– Sleep is inconsistent, often interrupted and intermittent
– The patient wakes up a lot during the night, each awakening usually lasts longer than 30 minutes and has difficulty falling back asleep
– Frequently have nightmares, panic attacks or strange actions while sleeping
4️⃣ Waking up early is a sign of insomnia that requires caution
Due to feeling uncomfortable, tossing and turning all night, waking up and not being able to fall back asleep, people with insomnia often tend to wake up very early. There are people who wake up at 3 - 4 am. This is especially noticeable in middle-aged and elderly people.
5️⃣ Fatigue after waking up
The consequence of not ensuring sleep time and quality is that the patient feels tired and lethargic after waking up. They even feel like they haven't slept and are always sleepy the next day, leading to loss of concentration and reduced efficiency at work.
Fatigue after waking up can also be accompanied by other problems such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.
6️⃣ Mood changes, frequent irritability
Not having a full night's sleep can greatly affect the mood, causing the patient to change their personality, often become irritable with colleagues and relatives, and negatively affect social relationships.
Depending on the severity of the disease and the body's ability to adapt, these manifestations may be different for each patient.


❓❓❓ Insomnia is divided into what types? 💤💤💤
There are several different types of insomnia and each will be characterized by its duration, how it affects sleep and the underlying cause.
1️⃣ Acute insomnia ❗
Acute insomnia is a short-term insomnia syndrome that can last from a few days to a few weeks. This is the most common type of insomnia. Acute insomnia is also known as adjustment insomnia, as it often occurs when you experience a stressful event, such as the loss of a loved one, or starting a new job. In addition to stress, acute insomnia can also be caused by some of the following causes:
✅ Environmental factors that disrupt sleep such as light, noise,...
✅ Sleeping in an unfamiliar bed or surroundings, such as a hotel or new home.
✅ Physical discomfort, such as pain or inability to assume a comfortable position.
✅ Some medications
✅ Due to medical condition
2️⃣ Transient insomnia ❗
Transient insomnia lasting less than a week is caused by other disorders such as changes in the sleep environment, stress or depression. The initial symptom of transient insomnia is difficulty falling asleep. This type of insomnia can be acute or chronic. Any cause of acute or chronic insomnia can make it difficult for the patient to fall asleep. Psychological or mental problems are the most common causes, including stress, anxiety or even depression.
According to a 2009 study, people with chronic-onset insomnia often have another sleep disorder, such as restless legs syndrome or periodic limb movement disorder. Caffeine and other stimulants can also cause insomnia.
3️⃣ Chronic insomnia ❗
Insomnia is considered chronic if difficulty sleeping occurs at least three days per week and for at least one month. Chronic insomnia can be primary or secondary. Primary chronic insomnia is also known as idiopathic insomnia, with no clear cause or underlying medical condition. Secondary insomnia is more common and is also known as comorbid insomnia. Chronic insomnia is chronic insomnia that occurs in conjunction with another condition.
Common causes of chronic insomnia include:
✅ Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson's disease, obstructive sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea.
✅ Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
✅ Medications include chemotherapy drugs, beta blockers and antidepressants.
✅ Caffeine and other stimulants, such as alcohol, ni****ne and other drugs.
✅ Lifestyle factors, including frequent travel and jet lag, work shifts, and napping.
4️⃣ Maintained insomnia ❗
Persistent insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or waking up too early and having difficulty getting back to sleep. The maintenance type of insomnia makes you anxious and unable to fall back asleep, leading to insufficient sleep. This prevents deeper sleep and creates a vicious cycle that repeats. Sustained insomnia can be caused by mental health conditions, such as depression. Other medical conditions include:
✅ Gastroesophageal reflux disease
✅ Sleep apnea
✅ Respiratory conditions such as asthma
✅ Restless legs syndrome
✅ Periodic limb movement disorders
5️⃣ Behavioral insomnia of childhood ❗
Behavioral insomnia in childhood (BIC) affects up to 25% of children. It is divided into three subtypes:
✅ BIC on sleep onset: This type results from negative associations with sleep, such as learning to fall asleep by being rocked or nursed. They may also include being in the presence of a parent or watching TV while sleeping.
✅ Setting limits for behavioral insomnia in childhood: This type of insomnia disorder involves children refusing to go to sleep and repeatedly trying not to go to sleep. Examples of behavior include children wanting to get a drink of water, go to the bathroom, or have their parents read them a story.
✅ Combined type of childhood behavioral insomnia: This type is a combination of two types of childhood behavioral insomnia. This happens when a baby has a negative association with sleep and refuses to go to sleep, because the parent or caregiver does not set limits.
Behavioral insomnia in childhood can often be resolved with some behavioral changes, such as creating a healthy sleep routine, learning self-soothing or relaxation techniques.


❓❓❓Insomnia - many health consequences
🌟 Sleep plays an important role in every person's life. On average, a normal person sleeps 7-8 hours/day, in which sleep must be enough in time, deep enough and feel comfortable and healthy. after waking up.
⚡️Good sleep plays an important role for people in both health and spirit. A good night's sleep will help the brain rest. Besides, it purifies accumulated metabolites in the nervous system, helping the brain recover.
In addition, deep and good sleep will help you have more beautiful skin, increase immunity, and improve your emotional index. Experts say people who sleep less than 7 hours a night are nearly 3 times more likely to catch a cold than those who get enough sleep.
❗However, many people experience sleep disorders, the most common being insomnia. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can include not sleeping well, difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early and not being able to go back to sleep, and still feeling tired when you wake up. Insomnia can cause fatigue and discomfort, seriously affecting work performance and quality of life.
✅ Insomnia includes: Acute insomnia and chronic insomnia. Chronic insomnia is insomnia that lasts for at least 1 month. Acute insomnia is insomnia that lasts less than 1 month.
❌ Insomnia is a common condition today that not only affects the elderly but also occurs in young people due to many different reasons. Changes to daily habits can help improve sleep in some people.
😱 Insomnia accounts for up to 50% of sleep disorders, can disrupt the patient's life and activities, and even cause many health consequences. Therefore, this disease needs to be identified early for timely treatment.


🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️How to prevent insomnia:
🛌 Building a habit of going to bed and waking up on time will help you have quality sleep.
🏃 Regular physical activity helps you sleep better.
🎧 Relax before going to sleep like taking a warm bath, reading a book, listening to music,...
🚫 Do not eat or drink before going to bed to avoid disrupting your sleep.
☕ Avoid using stimulants, items containing caffeine and do not smoke.
💊 Check the medication you are using to see if it contains ingredients that cause insomnia.
🥱Insomnia has the potential to seriously impact our health and quality of life. Sleep plays a very important role, so it is necessary to build and practice sleep to get good and deep sleep.


🔎🔎There are many treatments for insomnia, ranging from lifestyle changes, relaxation techniques to medication. Here are some popular methods to treat insomnia:
1️⃣ Change your lifestyle:
👉Maintain a fixed sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including holidays.
👉Create good sleeping environment conditions: Ensure the bedroom is quiet, cool and comfortable.
👉Limit the use of drinks containing caffeine or narcotics and stimulants.
👉Exercise regularly: But avoid exercising too late in the evening.
2️⃣ Relaxation techniques:
👉Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, relaxing the body.
👉Relax before bed: Read a book, listen to soft music, take a hot bath.
3️⃣ Cognitive therapy - sleep behavior:
👉Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-I) can help change poor sleep habits and anxious thoughts about sleep.
4️⃣ Use of medicine:
👉Sedatives can be prescribed by doctor's prescription.
💁‍♀️In addition, it is very important to discuss with your doctor to find out the specific cause of insomnia and have an appropriate treatment plan. Your doctor can recommend the right treatment based on your specific health condition and the cause of your insomnia


Insomnia, if occurring regularly, may indicate a serious health condition. Chronic insomnia can leave the body tired, lethargic, and lacking the energy needed for daytime activities.
Common Signs of Insomnia:
- Difficulty falling asleep.
- Trouble maintaining sleep.
- Early awakening.
- Feeling groggy or fatigued upon waking.
- Waking up frequently during the night and struggling to fall back asleep.
Various Causes of Insomnia:
1. Stress and Tension:
- High levels of stress and tension can contribute to difficulty falling asleep and maintaining a restful sleep.
2. Disruption in Sleep-Wake Cycles:
- Changes in work schedules or time zone differences can disrupt sleep-wake cycles, leading to insomnia.
3. Substance Use:
- Consumption of addictive or stimulant substances such as coffee, tea, to***co, and alcohol can interfere with sleep.
4. Overeating Before Bedtime:
- Consuming heavy meals before bedtime, leading to feelings of fullness, indigestion, and discomfort, can contribute to insomnia.
5. Environmental Factors:
- Surrounding sleep environment factors, including excessive light, noise, temperature, and humidity, can impact sleep quality.
Bneuron can be used as a supplemental or snack option after main meals, providing essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the body.
It's important to address the underlying causes of insomnia and adopt healthy sleep habits. If insomnia persists, seeking advice from healthcare professionals is recommended.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder with various manifestations, such as difficulty falling asleep, inability to stay asleep, frequent early awakenings, and the inability to return to normal sleep. Insomnia can stem from various causes, and when it persists, it significantly affects the health and quality of life of the individual.
Common Symptoms of Insomnia:
+ Difficulty Falling Asleep at Night
+ Waking Up Easily During the Night or Early Morning
+ Feeling Fatigued, Lethargic, or Unrefreshed After Sleep
+ Worrying About Sleep-Related Issues
+ Frequent Daytime Tiredness or Sleepiness
+ Irritability, Anxiety, and Mood Swings
+ Difficulty Concentrating and Memory Issues
Types of Insomnia:
1. Nighttime Insomnia:
- Individuals with nighttime insomnia typically experience difficulty falling into a deep, uninterrupted sleep. Their nightly sleep duration may be limited to around 3-4 hours rather than the recommended 6-8 hours.
2. Chronic Insomnia/Persistent Insomnia:
- If not treated promptly, insomnia can persist and develop into chronic or persistent insomnia, causing significant difficulties and disruptions in daily life. Chronic insomnia is more challenging to treat and requires consistent adherence to treatment protocols prescribed by specialized physicians.
3. Sleep Disorders:
- Sleep disorders encompass various conditions, including insomnia, daytime sleepiness, feeling excessively sleepy despite adequate sleep, disruptions in sleep-wake cycles, periodic limb movement disorder, restless legs syndrome, snoring and sleep apnea, vivid dreams, and teeth grinding.
The symptoms of insomnia can significantly impact an individual's physical and mental well-being. Seeking professional medical advice and adopting healthy sleep habits are crucial steps towards managing and treating insomnia.


- On average, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. However, factors such as work, family, and lifestyle often lead to insufficient sleep. While a few days of sleep deprivation may not be a cause for concern, prolonged lack of sleep can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health.
🛑 Weakened Immune System: Sleep deprivation can lead to a compromised immune system. During sleep, the immune system is reinforced to combat disease-causing agents like bacteria and viruses. Individuals with insufficient sleep are more susceptible to colds and may take longer to recover.
🛑 Increased Risk of Diabetes: Sleep deprivation can elevate the risk of diabetes. It reduces insulin production, diminishing the body's ability to absorb glucose, thereby increasing blood sugar levels. Particularly, individuals sleeping less than 6 hours per day have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
🛑 Heightened Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Apart from increasing the risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes—known cardiovascular risk factors—sleep deprivation also raises inflammation levels, enhancing the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.
🛑 Stress and Mental Health Disorders:Sleep deprivation can induce stress and various mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, especially in those with sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea. It diminishes social interaction abilities and reduces sensitivity to others' emotions.
🛑 Impaired Memory: Sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation. Sleep deprivation disrupts this process, leading to short-term memory loss and increased susceptibility to memory disorders like Alzheimer's.
💥 It is essential to recognize the serious consequences of insufficient sleep and prioritize healthy sleep habits for overall well-being.


Sleep is a vital physiological activity that allows the body to rest and recover, maintaining a state of alertness. The quality of sleep directly impacts our quality of life. Good, deep sleep contributes to improved mood, clearer thinking, and better decision-making. While anyone can experience insomnia, certain groups are at a higher risk, including:
1. Elderly Individuals:Older people often struggle with deep sleep and maintaining a consistent sleep pattern.
2. Those Experiencing Stress and Anxiety: Anxiety, stress, and pressure in work or personal life can increase the risk of insomnia.
3. Individuals with Mental Health Disorders:Some mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders can contribute to insomnia.
4. People with Health Issues: Health problems such as back pain, neck and shoulder pain, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and the use of certain medications can elevate the risk of insomnia.
5. Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits:Habits like alcohol consumption, smoking, excessive caffeine intake, and the use of smartphones or computers before bedtime can lead to insomnia.
For those currently experiencing insomnia or at risk, consider supplementing with Bneuron Milk - a health care product designed to restore the natural sleep cycle.
Bneuron can be used as a snack or supplement after main meals, providing essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the body.

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