Consulting for Development Shpk/Llc

Professional Consultancy Services in support of Private Sector, Institutional Organisations and Gove


A valuable gathering reviewing EC ROM (Results Oriented Monitoring) topics and challenges! , , Volos, Greece


Looking for a private sector expert developer?

Artan Xërxa is a rated consultant from clients in digital platform konsulenca, proud member of BCC and at part of its programme of Certified Management Consultant (CMC) since 2015.

Our CMC member, Management and Financial Consultant, Mr. Artan XËRXA being a dual national (Kosovar and Luxembourgish) while speaking fluently French, has been selected and part of a European Commission ROM (Result Oriented Monitoring) mission in West Africa, with visits in Ivory Coast and Senegal for 2 weeks with other missions initially in Brussels, Paris, and Lyon’’.

‘’AFD (French Development Agency) has set-up a regional concessional facility of EUR 30m, in West Africa which aims to engage regional and local banks in financing more efficient use of energy and ensure the promotion of renewable energy in the private sector. The EC has contributed with Technical Assistance and Incentive Grants to foster company participation into this programme.

KIESA 02/02/2018

Mundesi per Prodhuesit e Veres ne Kosove - Shpallje nga KIESA per Expozim dhe Pjesemarrje ne Panairin 'ProWein' ne Dusseldorf nga data 18-20 Mars 2018. C4D ju ndihmon me pergatitjet dhe ofron asistence direkte ne panair duke perfshire edhe perfaqesimin profesional te produkteve tuaja ne gjuhen Gjermane, Frenge, dhe Angleze.
Per informata shtese, mos hezitoni te na kontaktoni!
Tel.: 044-804-969,5,256


Fully Funded Innovation Program, Oslo Norway - Mladiinfo 23/01/2018

Për inovatorët e rinjë...16-25 vjeç..!

Fully Funded Innovation Program, Oslo Norway - Mladiinfo The aim is for you and your team to create a real startup that helps solve the sustainable development goals and are economically viable. Brilliant individuals are put in international teams of three people, and will go through 5 modules and 10 objectives in 5 months. 4,5 months is online and the tw...

Photos from Consulting for Development Shpk/Llc's post 20/11/2017

Momente nga ‘Trajnimi për Ndërmarrës te Ri’ ne Mitrovicë nga data 30.10.-10.11.2017 implementuar bashkë me SIGMA BMC pjese e Skemës se Granteve te financuar nga GIZ – MPMS.

Moments from 'Entrepreneurship Training Session' in Mitrovica, from 30.10.-10.11.2017, implemented jointly with SIGMA BMC as part of GIZ - MLSW Grant Scheme fostering entrepreneurship among young.


C4D - ofron sherbimet e saj ne perpilimin e Koncept Notes/Aplikacionit per Skemen e Granteve nga KE-ja per Ndermarrje Prodhuese ne keta sektore: perpunim metali, perpunim druri, tekstil dhe lekure, TIK dhe Turizem. Shuma e granteve per paisje kryesisht nga € 20,000 deri ne € 250,000 sipas projektit investiv!
Te interesuarit dhe kompanite prodhuese/sherbyese serioze jane te mirepritur ne: 044-804-969 apo [email protected]
Afati fundit per aplikim eshte data 07.08.2017!

Ne linkun me poshte eshte shpallja nga KE-ja dhe dokumentacioni kerkuar!

Online Services - Online Services - Programmes de coopération extérieure - Commission européenne European Commission - EuropeAid

Photos from Consulting for Development Shpk/Llc's post 13/03/2017

Help Kosovo / Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe në bashkëpunim me Consulting for Development (C4D), ka vazhduar mbajtjen e trajnimeve njëditore në: ‘Menaxhim të Shërbimit’ - kësaj radhe me Grupin e III-të që përfundoi me sukses trajnimin në fjalë me datë 11.03.2017 në Gjilan.

Photos from Consulting for Development Shpk/Llc's post 16/02/2017

Help Kosovo / Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe në bashkëpunim me Consulting for Development (C4D), ka vazhduar mbajtjen e trajnimeve njëditore në: ‘Menaxhim të Shërbimit’ - kësaj radhe me Grupin e dytë që përfundoi me sukses trajnimin në fjalë me datë 15.02.2017 në Prishtinë.

Timeline photos 13/02/2017
Photos from Consulting for Development Shpk/Llc's post 13/02/2017

Help Kosovo / Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe në bashkëpunim me Consulting for Development (C4D), ka filluar organizimin e trajnimeve njëditore në: ‘Menaxhim të Shërbimit’ në keto Komuna: Gjakovë, Prishtinë dhe Gjilan. Grupi i pare përfundoi me sukses trajnimin në fjalë me datë 11.02.2017 në Gjakovë.


Kerkojme nje konsulent/trajner ne Kontabiltet dhe Taksa. Pervoje se paku 3 vite ne kete lemi dhe ne trajnime profesionale. Te interesuarit te dergojne CV-te ne: [email protected]
Ju mirepresim!

Women Entrepreneurship Training - GIZ - October 3-14th 2016 19/10/2016

C4D jointly with SIGMA BMC prepared and delivered a two-week training to potential women entrepreneurs 'business planing for start-up's' as part of a Grant Scheme!


Ftesë për Bizneset Prodhuese në Kosovë - Skema e Granteve të USAID Empower
Kontaktoni me ne, për përpilim në mënyre profesionale të aplikacionit tuaj - koncept notës.
Ju mirëpresim,
Consulting for Development (C4D) SHPK
M: +377-44-804-969
E: [email protected]

USAID / EMPOWER Private Sector » Grants

Photos from USAID Kosovo's post 20/01/2016
Timeline photos 21/10/2015

Kontaktoni me ne - per perpilim (pa kosto) te aplikacionit tuaj dhe perfitim nga Skema Voucher e Keshillimeve.
Ju mirëpresim,
C4D Shpk
[email protected]

Ftesë për biznese për të përfituar këshilldhënie
Ministria e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë, mbështetur nga projekti KOSME, ka filluar zbatimin e Skemës Voucher të Këshilldhënies.

Kjo skemë mbështetë zhvillimin e ndërmarrjes tuaj duke ofruar shërbime të subvencionuara të këshilldhënies në këto fusha:

• Menaxhimi /Planifikim strategjik
• Financa
• Marketing dhe promovim
• Burime Njerëzore
• Marrëdhënie me Publikun
• Inxhinjeri Elektronike dhe IT
• Standarde cilësie
• Ligjore

dhe fusha tjera të rëndësishme për ndërmarrjen tuaj.

Ju mund të aplikoni që tani! Ftesa mbetet e hapur deri në plotësimin e numrit të planifikuar të bizneseve që do të përkrahen.

Për informata më të hollësishme rreth skemës dhe mënyrës së aplikimit, vizitoni uebfaqen

Kërko mbështetje! Bëhu pjesë e Skemës Voucher!

Photos from Consulting for Development Shpk/Llc's post 20/03/2015

C4D participated at KOSME Project sponsored meeting with Diaspora Entrepreneurs..


Request for Expression of Interest (EoI) to be included in Individual Consultant Roster
Consulting for Development Shpk (C4D) is a recently established Consultancy firm, founded based on individual experience of more than 16 years at local and international level, aiming at providing highly qualitative consultancy services to various Donors and Private and Public Companies in Kosovo and beyond.
For the purposes of the forthcoming eventual projects and opportunities in Private and Public sectors including Donor sponsored projects, C4D Shpk is inviting qualified individuals to register their CVs for the following main sectors/sub-sectors:
- Trade and Private Sector Development
(Trade facilitation/customs, standards and certification, trade in services, market analysis/strategy development, industry and tourism, intellectual property, marketing and promotion, SME advisory services for management, production, partnership and export promotion, women entrepreneurship, agro-processing and farming, and sector policy development/analysis)
- Public Financial Management
Tax policy/revenue, Budgeting, Planning and accounting systems, Macro-economic analysis
- Statistics
National Statistic Systems, Sector data collection, National Accounts and Publications
- ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
Software development, Product design, Web-design, Network management, Training and Certifications
If you are an independent consultant/individual and have three (3) years of experience, and interested in providing consultancy services to various projects, please submit your CV via email to: [email protected]
The subject line of your submission MUST read “EOI: Inclusion in the Individual Consultant Roster – C4D” All registered qualified candidates will be contacted in due course as required. Applications from women and ethnic minorities are highly desirable.


Pleased to share our first partnership with Strategy & Development Consulting Shpk at a joint effort for mid-term Evaluation of 'Kosovo SME Promotion Programme' funded by ADC/SDC and MTI implemented by ECIKS and KMU Forschung Austria. Look fwd to other collaboration opp's with local and international consultancies/organisations..!

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Muharrem Fejza 340 (Rruga B)

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