Leading creative agency in Kosova and Albania. Cannes Gold Lion winner. Creators of NEWBORN Monument.
🎉 Celebrating a birthday often means dining out with friends, but if your budget is tight, a minimalist salad might seem like the only option. But hey, don’t sweat it! Why break your principles? That’s where Kredo.al comes in.
To address this, we developed a captivating ad campaign for Kredo.al. 🚀
Kredo.al ECFA sh.p.k. is a licensed non-bank financial institution authorized by the Bank of Albania since 2017. They provide fast, convenient, and secure financing solutions tailored to your needs. We’ve teamed up with Kredo to create memorable ads that stand out with their unique twist and humorous tone. 😄
The ad, available in Albanian, English, and Macedonian, quickly captured attention. We also designed eye-catching billboards that have made waves across Albania, along with various promotional materials.
Stay tuned as we shift gears to bring you exciting, summer ☀️ fall 🍁 and winter ❄️ ads!
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Who needs a corner office when you can conquer conference calls in your PJs? 😄
Maxxhire is a company specializing in remote jobs, approached us to craft their identity from scratch. We designed everything—from their logo to all the trimmings, including their social media presence. 🌐
Our OOH campaign ‘Makiato në Prishtinë…’ exceeded expectations ☕, and had us jump fast to the next stage 🚀, which made it to Times Square, yes the one in New York. 🇺🇸
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Your one is on the way—keep the faith and download dua.com 🩷
Love often inspires us to channel our inner poet and that holds true for everyone 🦋
In a similar vein, we applied a poetic touch when collaborating with Dua's online platform to design its main logo. It combines timeless elements like the heart symbol and is designed with the precision of the golden ratio, embodying this essence.
Delicate butterfly motifs evoke the fluttering feeling in our stomachs when in love. The interlocking hearts symbolize unity, reflecting Dua's mission to unite soulmates 💞
The DNA chain symbolizes the deep connections you share with your people, and when viewed from a different angle, the logo forms an infinity symbol, highlighting the endless opportunities of enduring love.
We also designed those widespread and attention-grabbing billboards. And yes, trust us, with so many users in dua.com your special someone is there waiting for you 🥰
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📢 Monitoring Partnership 📢
We are happy to be chosen as this year's monitoring partner, and that the features of LOOQME will be utilized to measure the impact the festival will have around the world. Content Tracking, Media Favorability Index, Social Listening, Sentiment Analysis, Reach, and many more features will be leveraged to provide a comprehensive view of the festival's influence. 🎬🥕
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Sa krenari me e pa Shqipërinë tonë në këtë Euro 2024 🇦🇱
Ne jemi shumë të lumtur që gjatë kësaj periudhe kemi qenë në rrugëtim me Kuq e Zinjtë. Një udhëtim që na ka dhuru momente plot dashni dhe krenari.
Dy duar që formojnë shqiponjën, një fushë futbolli dhe një kupë fitoreje i kemi kombinuar dhe shkrirë në logon kryesore të këtij Kampionati 👐
"Pasion, zemër, fitore" ka qenë mesazhi që kemi përcjellë në rrjetet sociale gjithë kohës, duke ndarë momente epike gjatë ndeshjeve, të cilat i kemi përcjellë me fanallat që i kemi modelu plot me dashni ❤️🖤
"Drejt fitores", "Krenarë" e dhjetra fjali të tjera motivuese e frymëzuese po qëndrojnë në zhveshtoret e shqiponjave tona, të cilët sonte po aterojnë edhe njëherë për fitore!
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🇦🇱 E qysh me e pritë kampionatin pa një fanellë të EURO 2024? 🇦🇱
Hajde, bleje nja në Ndezu veç për 30 euro, e nëse i merr dy, 50 euro. ❤️🖤
Maica perfekte për Kombëtaren e EURO 2024 nuk ekzis... 👐
Na kontakto në:
📞 +38346778778
📩 [email protected]
📍 https://bit.ly/location-ndezu
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Me shumë PRIvilegj e dashni e kemi kriju reklamën për bankën vendore “PRIbank” 🤩
SHUMË EMOCIONALE për personat e ndjeshëm!
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Prapa punëve tona të bukura që i shihni çdo ditë, qëndrojnë krejt tipat e personaliteteve. 🥰
Secili prej tyre e ka rëndësinë në harmoninë e ekipit tonë.
Boll të hapareshtë janë, por...ma puntorë s'gjen.
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AMICARA is a transformative application dedicated to preventing divorce, offering services such as marriage counseling, family therapy, and support for post-divorce challenges. 👫
Our collaboration with AMICARA involved a comprehensive range of services to establish and enhance their brand establishment.
We conceptualized and crafted their distinctive logo and developed a comprehensive brandbook to ensure consistency across all platforms.
Additionally, we provided bespoke design services including creating impactful cards, dynamic animations, and engaging presentations, aligning each element with AMICARA’s mission.
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Granarolo milk, sourced directly from the heart of Italy, effortlessly delivered to consumers in Albania through the reputable distribution channels of D&D Distribution. 🥛
From crafting compelling PR campaigns to creating engaging product advertisements, and memorable designs.
In particular, our work has reached new heights through strategic placements in popular Albanian television shows such as "Zonë e Lirë" and "E diela shqiptare." These platforms serve as a dynamic showcase for Granarolo, allowing us to captivate audiences and foster a strong connection between the brand and consumers. 🙂
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A keni pyetur ndonjëherë veten për sekretin pas suksesit të kompanisë sonë? 💗
Nuk është thjesht rastësi që familja jonë ka një numër më të madh të grave sesa burrave. Secila është e jashtëzakonshme dhe e sjellë një frymë të veçantë. ✨
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💛 Riding high on the wings of the 7 skies💙
NEWBORN's transformation is not just a makeover; it's a reflection of our hopes, our struggles, and our unwavering spirit. It's a reminder that together, we can achieve the impossible. 🌇
Painted with love and colored with dreams.
💛 💙
Përderisa monumenti NEWBORN po e fillon transformimin vjetor, na nuk patëm zemër me i mbulu këto porosi dashnie pa vëmendjen e duhur. 💌
Në këtë ditë kur bota po e kremton dashninë, na ju shpalosim shpirtin romantik të qytetarëve të Kosovës. 💘
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🍇 Kantina Duka is located in the sunny hills of Ishëm, which are caressed by the warm sea winds, making this geographical area ideal for producing the highest quality wines in Albania. 🌞🍷
We managed their social networks, highlighting all their wines, and based our entire post philosophy on conveying the elegance of Kantina Duka’s wines, emphasizing that every sip is a journey through time and tradition.
Additionally, through various posts, we spotlighted viticulture as a distinct art. 🎨
We designed a series of comprehensive monthly strategies with the sole purpose of enhancing this winery’s performance in the competitive market. 📊
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Happy New Year to all our clients that went down the rabbit hole of creativity with us in 2023! 🐇
Let's explore the wonderland of innovative ideas, where campaigns leap out like the White Rabbit and strategies are everyone’s cup of tea. Join us for a year
of adventures that'll make Alice jealous! 🔮
Here's to chasing success and discovering new heights in advertising excellence. Cheers from the bunnies at Karrota- where every campaign is an adventure worth
taking! 🚀
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Wishing you merry moments this Christmas. 🥰
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This year Santa came early… with great enthusiasm we collaborated with Prishtina Mall to spread the holiday magic. ❄✨
Santa with his elves is present at Prishtina Mall everyday until the end of this year 31 December, if you haven’t met him yet, go and pay him a visit, you won’t be disappointed 😊
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Sivjet po bëhet viti i 13-të me radhë që “Karrota” bën thirrje për mbledhjen e dhuratave për nxënësit dhe mësimdhënësit e shkollës “Kadri Bistrica”, në të cilën vijojnë mësimet fëmijët që jetojnë në fshatrat e izoluara të veriut, Bistricë, Koshtovë dhe Cerajë. 🎁
Të gjitha zemrat e mëdha që mund të kontribuojnë, mund t’i bashkohen kësaj nisme. ❤️
Mbledhja e dhuratave dhe fondeve bëhet deri më 26 dhjetor 2023.
Dhuratat mund t'i sillni te zyra jonë në Prishtinë, rruga “Tirana” ose na kontaktoni në:
📲 [email protected]
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Experience a visual journey through the center of the Tirana International Fair, expertly curated by Karrota. 🥕
We've created an enthralling tapestry of creativity and innovation as a devoted partner.
Come celebrate the wonder we've infused into each shot to perfectly capture the spirit of this remarkable occasion. 😊
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Ju presim në Klik Ekspo, në Pallatin e Kongreseve në Tiranë, nga 6 deri 9 dhjetor. Themeluesi dhe drejtori ynë kreativ, Fisnik Ismaili, bashkë me ekipin tonë të mrekullueshëm do të jenë të aty për të diskutuar për shërbimet tona kreative që i duhen biznesit tuaj.
🔗Prenotoni një takim në vegëzën më poshtë.
Mezi presim të ju takojmë! ✨
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We are currently in a close collaboration with International Fair in Tirana organised by
Klik Ekspo , in shaping the visual identity for this year's 29th edition. Klik Ekspo stands as the premier regional fair, bringing together entrepreneurs and individuals for networking opportunities, business growth, and the establishment of lasting connections. 💼
The theme for this year is ‘Building dreams, one handshake at a time!’ and Tourism, Agriculture, and Building will be three of the main industries that will dominate the fair. 🤝
We decided to incorporate AI into this year's fair edition, not as a technological shift; but as a declaration of our intent to lead the charge into an era where AI transforms our lives, our economies, and our collective imagination. The fair becomes the stage where we embark on this remarkable journey, harnessing the potential of AI to forge an unprecedented future of innovation and limitless possibilities. 🤖
This year's edition is scheduled to take place from 6 to 9 December at the Palace of Congresses in Tirana, Albania.
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Nper gjuhë shqype bota mbarë
ka me ju njohtë se ç'fis ju kini,
ka me ju njohtë për shqyptarë;
trimi n'za, sikurse jini.
Prandaj, pra, n'e doni fisin,
mali, bregu edhe Malcija
prej njaj goje sod t'brohrisim:
Me gjuhë t'veten rrnoftë Shqypnia!
-Gjergj Fishta
Urime Ditën e Flamurit! 🇦🇱
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WEEE MAAADE ITTT, Euro 2024 Berlin hereeee we comeee...🦅
Karrota pours heart and soul into proudly crafting a logo that will follow the Albanian Football National Team into Euro 2024. 🇦🇱
A poignant blend of the majestic eagle and the cup forms a modern symbol that resonates with the fervent call for victory.
Worn with a swelling sense of pride by the players was our moment of victory. ❤️
And yeah, of course, how can we miss such a match? We all went and, of course, had fun, while witnessing a historic match of uniting in anthem and cheers that made us lose our voices for two days. 🙂
The flood of emotions builds towards an unforgettable victory moment at Euro 2024, etching memories that will last a lifetime.
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📣 Partnership Announcement 📣
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Looqme for the right of use and resell of their Media Monitoring Services in Kosovo 🇽🇰 and Albania 🇦🇱
KARROTA will be your exclusive gateway to LOOQME.IO’s monitoring excellence, and this partnership will change the PR and Media Monitoring game for our clients.
Better insights and real-time data at your fingertips! 👩💻📊
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A doni me ditë se me çka përballemi për çdo ditë! Dhe përsëri arrijmë të japim më të mirën. 🎃
( •_•)
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In the depths of this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let us remember that we are an unbreakable chain of love and support. 🎗️
To all the brave warriors in this battle, you are stronger than you know, and you're discovering your inner strength with each step. You will TRIUMPH...a world of beauty awaits you. 💗
We encourage you to go and get yourself checked.
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And then, 💫 like an urgent whisper, 💫 the fairy exclaimed: 'We must act RIGHT NOW! … 🧚♀️
We started the campaign with a ‘Call to action’ to ‘Keep it in your pocket’. We’ve crafted a captivating comic book centered around the project for waste management and recycling economy for GIZ Kosovo. 🇩🇪
In this narrative, we've woven the tale through the perspective of a young boy, effectively blending informative content with artistic expression, that passes on the message why we are asking children to keep it in their pockets. 🧒
This book .had a positive reception from the public, and in partnership with GIZ, it found its way into numerous schools, with SOS Villages being the first where in a form of an event, the book was read in an engaging and interactive way by a professional actor. 📖
And the story continues… in the upcoming months, we eagerly anticipate the comic book's presentation in more schools across our country in order to spread the message of environmental conservation far and wide.
Additionally, we've included stickers at the end of the book, allowing kids to stick them in their phones, notebooks, etc, as a reminder to take on small action like ‘if you don’t have a waste bin 🗑️ nearby keep small waste in your pocket, and throw it 🚮 when you find one’ what this whole book is about, and hopefully change habits that will make a difference one day. ☺️
If you are a green enthusiast follow and like the page:
👉 https://www.instagram.com/mendogjelberveprogjelber/
👉 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087142028766
( •_•)
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A summer worth remembering it! 🪩
Duplex is one of the most popular night clubs in Kosova. Working with a club was a breeze, as we have a festive spirit and are enthusiastic about partying. 🥂
We have organized Duplex’s events for various parties, taking care of every detail, from their design to the reception of the guests. 💌
We gave each event a certain theme and worked based on it, like “Black Helmet”, "SI7VER PARTY!", “SummerFest”, and more.
We take care for their visual branding, designing banners, posters and also we manage their social media. 🫶
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With great honor and dedication, we collaborated GIZ Kosovo on a project that is close to our hearts — an increasingly urgent theme `Waste management and the circular economy`. ♻️
Together, we conceived the campaign "Think green, act green" and designed its logo. 💚
We then proceeded with additional activities such as KAPEC (KAP/PICK + EC/WALK), inspired by 'Plogging', where citizens joined us in cleaning up during walks in Gërmia Park. 🌳
The next activity, 'Ctrl, Alt, Del' took us to the primary schools in Prishtina 'Shkolla e Gjelbër' and 'Nazim Gafurri', where we engaged children in recycling through competitions. 🧒
We’ve designed and programmed the website, and we are presently involved in creating social media content.
Our enthusiasm remains undiminished as we continue to collaborate with GIZ, working towards a greener and more sustainable world. ☺️
If you are a green enthusiast follow and like the page:
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Changing landscapes making lasting impressions. 💿
Our latest work for Coca-Cola Bottling Albania. A Pop-Art style design that was painted as a giant mural covering the whole building. Have you seen it yet?
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Doing great stuff since 2005, remaining the only agency in Kosova & Albania awarded internationally.
Bëjmë gjëra të bukura që nga 2005 dhe vazhdojmë të jemi agjencia e vetme në Kosovë dhe Shqipëri e shpërblyer me çmime ndërkombëtare.
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Contact the business
Rr. Tirana, Kompleksi Ramiz Sadiku
Opening Hours
Monday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Tuesday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Wednesday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Thursday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Friday | 08:30 - 17:30 |
Rexhep Mala 34
Pristina, 10000
Turning ideas into pixels, and pixels into success. 👾Pix by Pix👾
Pristina, 10000
project.graphics is a leading graphic design studio based in Prishtina, with over 20 years of experi
Pristina, 10000
POINT LIVE është agjension i marketingut online streaming që ju mundëson bizneseve reklamimin e punës së tyre.
Pristina, 10000
Reklamoni produktet/shërbimet tuaja në rrugën më të frekuentuar të qytetit, Bulevardi Bill Clinton!🔥
Iliria, 8
Pristina, 10000
We Have Expert Marketing Agents Available to Help You with Your Needs. We Only Succeed when you do. Market Your Business with Us.
Pristina, 10000
We are a full-service printing house based in Prishtina (Kosova) and Geneva (Switzerland).