Bambus Group, Pristina Videos

Videos by Bambus Group in Pristina. Innovate, Integrate, Elevate: Bambus Your Strategic Outsourcing Partner. #LetsGrowTogether

Bambus, a company collaborating on all aspects of professional service delivery and customer satisfaction.🟢

Practice, hard work, and knowledge are the main ingredients for providing successful services! And what about you, are you ready to collaborate with us, to have fantastic opportunities and a friendly team? If so, come join us!

Check the website for all the information.

#bambusgroup #team #teamwork #happymode #joinus

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Other Bambus Group videos

Bambus, a company collaborating on all aspects of professional service delivery and customer satisfaction.🟢 Practice, hard work, and knowledge are the main ingredients for providing successful services! And what about you, are you ready to collaborate with us, to have fantastic opportunities and a friendly team? If so, come join us! Check the website for all the information. 👇 #bambusgroup #team #teamwork #happymode #joinus

Papillon LMS Joins the Zoom App Marketplace We’re excited to announce Papillon’s addition to the Zoom App Marketplace. Papillon’s integration with Zoom makes a significant impact on video conferencing within the learning management system. This newest feature allows us to extend and expand our support providers and enable lifelong learning for everyone. Connecting Zoom to the Papillon LMS is another way of creating great experiences and learning continuously. Developing and evolving innovative solutions is the core of what we do and who we are. For more information about Papillon’s integration with Zoom , and how to implement our solutions in seconds visit ----------------------------------------- Papillon LMS i bashkohet Zoom App Marketplace Jemi të lumtur t’ju njoftomë se Papillon u bë pjesë e Zoom App Marketplace. Integrimi i Zoom-it në Papillon përbën një rëndësi të madhe brenda sistemit të menaxhimit të mësimit përmes videokonferencave.  Kjo veçori e re na lejon të zgjerojmë mbështetjen dhe të mundësojmë procesin mësimor për të gjithë. Lidhja e Zoom-it me Papillon LMS është një tjetër mënyrë për të krijuar përvoja të jashtëzakonshme dhe për të mësuar vazhdimisht. Zhvillimi i zgjidhjeve inovative është thelbi i asaj se kush jemi ne dhe çfarë bëjmë. Për më shumë informacion rreth integrimit të Papillon me Zoom, dhe mënyrës se si të zbatojmë zgjidhjet tona brenda pak sekondave, vizitoni: #papillon #zoom #videoconference #zoommarketplace #elearning #elearningsolutions

Positive Thinking Day
Be Positive Be True Be Kind Be BAMBUS đź’š