The ReFit-Seattle

The ReFit-Seattle

Chronic Pain & Injury Management + Exercise Science + Nutrition Science + Sports Psychology + Functi

Corporate Wellness - Personal Fitness - Therapeutic Exercise - Sports Therapy - Outdoor Activities - Video Coaching - Digital Check Ups


It’s truly amazing how an injury in your forearm can cause so much pain in your back and your legs!

So turns out not only did I tear the labrum in both of my shoulders when I fell almost 6 years ago but I tore a pack and my rib cage away from my diaphragm because my biceps tore away from my shoulder and got stuck in my forearm! Causing my hand to lose feeling in my chest to cave-in as I struggle to breathe as an adaptation. Moral of the story is just because you have back pain it doesn’t mean you injured your back this is the premise of Chinese medicine andPain actually points straight to the injury!

So when I speak of meditation please understand that it’s not just about sitting still or thinking of nothingness and just being it’s about listening to your body and hearing what the actual problems are and translating that language into an understanding so that you now have a choice in front of you.


Are you training hard? Do you just need a little extra support for that niggling injury that won’t seem to heal all the way? Do you feel over trained or drained and don’t know what to do to break the cycle?
I want to help!
Team Tune ups on the field and Solo sessions available.
Comment below for a free face time consultation.
Follow me to find out where the Friday Surprise is each month so you can swing by and get a free sample of my service!
Chair sessions and Table Method available depending on location and recommended service for best outcome.
Kinesiology is a fundamental study of movement. So if you move with pain ... you might need a tune up or just a shift of focus in your training regime or daily activities to Alleviate and adapt into a more pain free pattern.


What are you spending your money in these days?

Also important to mention is the cost of health care for the illness those prepared foods will cause.


Schedule a house call at least 3 days in advance to get the best pricing for single sessions and the most efficient time slot for your busy calendar.
Packages offer the absolute best and biggest discount.
I’m committed to supporting your wellness goals if you are committed!
Healing from physical and emotional pain takes time in this busy world.
I think it should be easier and more affordable to get some professional support without giving away recovery resources.


Scan me to find the FREE FRIDAY LOCATION!
May 10, 2024
3:00pm - 5:00pm
You can also book a 10 or 20 minute session after 5:00pm FOR HALF PRICE!
Because chronic pain can reduce your endurance and longevity but it doesn’t have to own you like that.
Learn about basic self care techniques that you can use at home on a daily basis Delp you manage.


A short neurological tune up and a mental break to rejuvenate and increase your endurance for mental stress!
Short affordable sessions
Group discounts
Memberships with discounts
Corporate events
House calls


Belltown Chair Therapy is a mobile pain management service.
Small foot print
Short affordable sessions.
Share with a group of friends for best pricing!
Wear comfortable clothing
Perfect for Corporate events and parties.
House calls
Office calls
Follow us and get first alerts to free Friday locations so you can come sample the relief and rejuvenate. The new happy hour activity!


Are you an STR HOST in Belltown Seattle?
Are you looking for increased revenue? Referral fees are a great way to earn that daily bonus!
Add this spa service to your STR and get a referral BONUS weekly.
Increase your hospitality services without increasing your work load!


Friends and Family Spring Special!

Book online from your STR in Belltown.
$2.00/ minute - 15 minute minimum - add as many 5 minute increments as you like!
Book ahead for the weekend!
Direct Message me for scheduling options.


Spring Break Specials Available this month.

Take a break and rejuvenate with a quite tune up.

Relax ... we do all the work!


Understanding your basics may help you regulate your satisfaction and enhance your feelings of success not just productivity.

Have you ever heard of Maslow's pyramid?

This influential theory in psychology, developed by Abraham Maslow, proposes a framework for understanding human motivation.

Maslow's hierarchy suggests that our needs are arranged in a pyramid-like structure, with the most basic needs at the bottom and more complex needs at the top. As we fulfill our basic needs, we strive to meet the higher-level needs.

The levels of Maslow's hierarchy are:

1- Physiological needs: These are our basic survival needs, like food, water, shelter, and sleep.

2- Safety needs: Once our physical needs are met, we seek safety and security, including protection from harm, stability, and predictability.

3- Love and belonging needs: We have a natural desire for love, affection, and belonging. This includes feeling connected to family, friends, and a community.

4- Esteem needs: As we develop, we desire feelings of self-esteem, confidence, and achievement. Recognition and respect from others are also important at this level.

5- Self-actualization needs: At the pinnacle of the pyramid lies the need for self-actualization, which is the desire to reach our full potential and live a meaningful life.

Maslow later added a sixth level, self-transcendence needs. This level reflects the desire to connect with something larger than ourselves, to contribute to a cause or leave a positive impact on the world.

“Self-actualized people live more in the real world of nature than in the man-made mass of concepts, abstractions, expectations, beliefs and stereotypes that most people confuse with the world.” ~Abraham Maslow

This theory isn't a rigid step-by-step process. We can move up and down the pyramid throughout our lives, and some needs may overlap or be equally important at times.

It’s basic and also essential to understanding how to feel satisfied and happy not just productive.


Hoffman et al., 2019 - J of Neurotrauma - examined the influence of sleep and sleep disturbances on symptom recovery post .
31 college students diagnosed with a concussion were asked to complete a daily sleep symptom checklist. After excluding non-compliant subjects, there were 17 subjects left (5 were varsity student-athletes and 12 were university students)
Subjects wore ActiGraph sleep monitors on their wrists continuously (from 72 hours after injury until asymptomatic). ActiGraph measurements included sleep onset latency (time taken to fall asleep), waking time after sleep onset, total sleep time, sleep efficiency (measurement of sleep quality), and number of awakenings.
The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Epworth Sleepiness Scales were completed at follow-up (after symptom resolution
At the mid-point of recovery, individuals who were awake longer throughout the night (24+9% of the time spent awake) and/or those who were less efficient at sleeping (73.7+9.7% (you should have an efficiency above 85%)) took longer to recover than those who were sleeping better!
Poorer post-concussion sleep quality was correlated with longer recovery. Sleep is important!!

Recovery is possible!



Functional Therapy
House calls available

Starting at $2.00 per minute
30 minute
60 minutes
90 minutes

Book online with our new schedule


How do You integrate all the aspects of your life to be well?

Wellness is not just a physical state, it’s a balance between spiritual, mental, physical, financial, environmental, social and many other aspects of your life.

was designed to support your natural patterns of survival while you’re experiencing progress that takes you farther away from wild and confuses wants and needs based on societal hierarchy.

Join me this year as I build a different social model of what Community Wellness looks like!

Social networking with small private classes to help you maintain your speed and progress in society while managing your happiness and personal success.

The Big Picture Series.


Join me for a webinar to explore the psychological impacts of regular mindful strength training and how this can support a psychodynamic therapeutic approach.

Modifications to exercises will be offered to account for different movement capacities.

Key aspects of what we will learn through both a theoretical and experiential approach:

How the state of our unconscious psyche takes shape in our muscles and fascia.

What parts of our body generally need attention in our tech-based world to support an increased sense of psychological resilience and embodied dignity?

Simple strength training activities can help us come out of dissociative states, help us navigate the physiology of psychological complexes and help us increase our egoic strength.

How mindful core strength and stabilization activities help us return to a sense of our inner authority in our lives.

One aspect of my movement practice I never give up is mindful strength training for many reasons. I know how different I feel psychologically when I move in a way that brings more feeling back into areas of my body that need greater balance, given how I live my life. I know my joints and spine need stabilization and mobilization, and my fascial system needs to constantly be supported through strength work to stay in optimal tensional balance.

The health of our psyche is also dependent on optimal tensional balance. I see bio-tensegrity on both a myofascial level and in the anatomy of the psyche.

Biotensegrity = biological structures such as muscles, bones, fascia, ligaments and tendons, or rigid and elastic cell membranes, are made strong by the unison of tensioned and compressed parts. Optimal bio-tensegrity in our fascial systems, our key organ of communication between our inner and outer worlds, inherently impacts how we process information from inside of us and how we filter outside stimuli and other people.

How our fascial system takes shape is a clear expression of our inner psychic states, whether exacerbated by chronic or traumatic stress or influenced by the temperament we are born with. I believe that we can shift our minds from a bottom-up approach.

I witnessed the profound psychological shifts that happening when clients felt more agency and empowerment by experiencing healthy stress on their bodies. They increased their capacity to mindfully face challenging emotions and events in their lives by repeatedly having an embodied experience of their strength, to whatever degree was available to them on any day.

- The Fonseca Method

Group and private sessions available

Contact me for more details.

Photos from ReFit My Food's post 23/10/2023

One of my most favorite Fall treats.

An excellent way to get Vitamine C and fruit fiber into your diet during winter months!



Learn more about nutrient density and how to select better foods to save money.

It’s easy to save money in food but you’re. It saving if the food makes you sick or doesn’t add to your wellness and help you maintain efficient recovery from life’s daily injuries that can add up if you don’t maintain the different aspects of your health.


Don't be a parent who unwittingly lays the foundation and molds your child into becoming susceptible to the cruel art of manipulation in adulthood.

What do I mean?

It begins when you convey, in both words and actions, that the boundaries your child sets for themselves are inconsequential, unworthy of even the slightest reverence.

The sting of your words and the pain of physical punishment can strip away their autonomy, leaving them defenseless and yearning for validation. So does instructing your not to express their needs, minimizing their emotions, dismissing their opinions, invalidating their experiences, and instilling a sense of guilt for wanting things.

All of this can shape their susceptibility to accepting meager offerings in their adult relationships.

Each blow, each dismissal of your child's desires, each demand for silence in the face of their needs further carves a hollow in their hearts, a void where self-worth should reside.

Your insistence on gratitude, twisted into a guilt-laden burden, conveys that their desires are burdensome, and their aspirations selfish. This leaves a child grappling with the sense that their needs are an imposition on others, and they should simply learn to accept whatever morsels of affection or acknowledgment come their way.

This kind of childrearing ingrains in children the idea that they should never request anything and convinces them they lack the entitlement to hold high expectations from others. It essentially instills a poverty mindset, perpetuating a belief that they should settle for less and not aspire for more in their interactions and relationships.

If you repeatedly teach your child to stifle their voice, to diminish their emotions, and to invalidate their experiences, the lesson imprints deeply upon their psyche. The wounds inflicted by become invisible yet enduring scars, shaping a child's vulnerability to the deceptive allure of breadcrumbs.


Come check out the Fall schedule for outdoor activities!


NPRs topic today was the science of Awe!

Apparently most are just starving from the lack of awe in thier daily Life.

Self thought is a prefrontal cortex black hole of crop circles your psychology and thus in your chemistry !!! Hahaha

Experiencing awe quiets that gnarly circle and boosts the immune system, quiets inflammation, cools your internal heat and activates your vague nerve in a healthy way instead of triggering it to react.

THIS is the core of my health care management system that works with no pharmacology.

You can manage this way too.


Yes to EMDR for overall good health!

In sports medicine frequency and duration are common terms for rehabilitating and even training on any level from beginner to Olympian.

Even more important than frequency is specificity!

If you don’t have the right script in your EMDR Session ... it doesn’t matter how hard you work. Progress and success will be minimal.



The science of exercise and the fine chemical balance of the body is amazing.

Oxygen is a major factor for brain function ... if you consider the side effects of heart attack or stroke and oxygen you can start to see how important oxygen flow is to ALL vital function, not just the brain.

With torn intercostal, those are the connective tissues between ribs that help you breath, oxygen consumption was greatly impacted and so greatly negatively effecting all other system function especially stamina and overall recovery.

My peak heart rate during “sleep” was between 120-152 bpm which is like a full on workout. With historical
High demand for oxygen and calories the sudden reduction in oxygen made me so sick for years.

It’s why I kept feeling like absolute garbage for years after getting beat up...broken neck collapsed lung torn thoracic cavity/diaphragm.

Full on neurological chaos because of pain on top of oxygen deprivation basically.

Yesterday’s physical therapy was so brutal but effective in releasing neurological refered pain ... I woke up without being able to move my body I was so sore from finally releasing skin crawling contractions.

This week The Fonseca Method helped me increase my Peek Oxygen Flow %30!!!!

Which means everything is instantly easier. Sleep, eating, digestion, pain recovery, weight loss ... the list goes on and on when the body is able to recover from the burden of dis-ease.

Doctors never really Understanding what’s happening because they basically refuse to listen to me when I try to explain what I’m experiencing, claiming I don’t really understand my body or medicine because I’m not a “doctor”.

Well, I don’t need to be a doctor to manifest healing!

The Fonseca Method is a combination of physical sciences and psychological experiential methods that address the connection between physical and emotion wellbeing.

You don’t have to believe all the concepts for them to work, but it does speed your progress when you understand how it works.

Come see for your self!

Do you have a chronic pain or personal issue that has been nagging you for months or years.

Schedule a free 30 minute zoom session and learn how to level up your self care this year!

Enduring Chronic pain is not a lifestyle.


80% of adolescents worldwide are not active enough. The average 12- to 19-year-old American teenager sits for more than 8 h a day.

“Children who exercise early in life have better muscle strength levels later in life than inactive children or those who only participate in traditional sports.”


Spring into action with some Corporate Wellness, Life Coaching, Post Pandemic Sports Psychology Strategy sessions to get you back into the swing of life.

Post covid shock is no joke my people!

PTSD, anxiety, depression, alcoholism are all up after pandemic life.

Corporations are suffering financially, communities are suffering mentally and socially.

Direct message us for a free 30 minute consultation today!


Constant time spent in environments with unnatural noise causes spikes in cortisol and can spiral into constant low grade fight or flight syndromes.

Making city life very aggressive and confusing.

Reset your natural Chemical and neuroligical pathways as often as you push up against your stress boundaries of safety and you could live a longer healthier life without Big Pharma!

Don’t know we’re to go?

Just start with a simple walk around the block without your phone and look with your own eyes ... listen with your own ears.

Want to go farther than the city?

Check out
and join in a beginners snow show trip this season, or maybe a cross country ski lesson.

Alpine Activities


How is your mental health doing folk?!


How is your mental health right now?

Opportunity to learn about the world and self always comes with questionable timing.

So grateful I have a house to actually stay in and stay safe as possible from many things right now.

So grateful I have water and soap to wash my hands as often as I need/want to.

So grateful.

So many don’t have these basics and now more than ever it’s really
Important to notice how much you have, how safe you are and how you will still be a little anxious, but you are safe.

Sleep frees the hippocampus for new memory contents - Neuroscience News 27/04/2019

The science of sleep may be all we really need to cure what mostly ails us.

Your brain is so smart that it will triage internal information as well as physical processes.

Don't miss the opportunity to sleep 8-10 hours if you want to improve your physical and mental abilities.

Monitor your sleep and see how long it actually takes you to get 8 hours of healthy quality sleep.

Right after the brain injury it took me 30 days to get 8 hrs of sleep it's why life changed so drastically and I was exhausted all the time.

12 years later I'm finally only taking 10-12 hours to get 8 hrs of good quality sleep!

Keep at it it takes a big commitment to heal and stay healthy.

Sleep frees the hippocampus for new memory contents - Neuroscience News A rapid memory system transition from the hippocampus to the posterior parietal cortex is stabilized as we sleep. Sleep and repeated rehearsal of memory jointly contribute to long-term memory consolidation.

Relationship Between Post Concussion Syndrome and Neck Injuries 10/03/2019

Seriously good article
And simple to understand so you can cope+progress=heal

Relationship Between Post Concussion Syndrome and Neck Injuries If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you’ve likely seen the ongoing commentary on the devastating effects of concussions, post concussion syndrome and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting in a temporary loss ...

The Food That Helps Battle Depression 23/02/2019


If you have not read the book Mind Gut connection, I highly recommend it.

Excellent read and it’s also on audio books if you want a bed time story that’s fit for a King or Queen.

The Food That Helps Battle Depression

Videos (show all)

How do You integrate all the aspects of your life to be well? Wellness is not just a physical state, it’s a balance betw...
Join me for a webinar to explore the psychological impacts of regular mindful strength training and how this can support...
Don't be a parent who unwittingly lays the foundation and molds your child into becoming susceptible to the cruel art of...
NPRs topic today was the science of  Awe!Apparently most are just starving from the lack of awe in thier daily Life. Sel...
PEEK OXYGEN FLOWThe science of exercise and the fine chemical balance of the body is amazing.Oxygen is a major factor fo...
80% of adolescents worldwide are not active enough. The average 12- to 19-year-old American teenager sits for more than ...
#sundayschoolConstant time spent in environments with unnatural noise causes spikes in cortisol and can spiral into cons...


2716 Elliott Avenue
Seattle, WA