Fiori Marketing

Fiori Marketing

Remote social media marketing firm based in Spokane, WA helping small businesses, entrepreneurs, & more in a way that's easy and stress free.


Facebook is "REELY" trying lately. When you post your Instagram reels, you get an option to make them findable on Facebook. Which can lead to more likes on the Instagram post, but it wasn't considered an Facebook post itself.

Now, Facebook is introducing direct reels. Sure, this might sound like a nuanced change. But if Facebook Reels could get you the same organic reach that Instagram reels do, maybe pages aren't dead after all ☠️

Test it for yourself. You have to do it on mobile and I had trouble with the captions (can't edit it, can't break up lines.) You can do it on your business page or even test it for your personal profile.

Photos from Fiori Marketing's post 15/10/2021

Am I really recommending a tool that Facebook created? Yeah..I am. Trust me, I'm shocked too 😂

You might have heard for Facebook's Creator Studio before. They've updated things a bit and it's now more integrated into the Facebook Business pages. If you're trying to find it, it's call "Planner" now.

It's a free social media scheduler and if Facebook and Instagram are your main pages, it's worth giving the Planner a try. Here's why:

1️⃣Carousel posts (like this) can be scheduled in the Facebook planner. Not many scheduling platforms allow for that so this is a big deal. You still can't schedule Reels but if that becomes a feature in the future, I'd bet this platform would get it first.

2️⃣A new feature that I love is that you can change the caption for Facebook or Instagram. If you're tagging another business in the caption, that's helpful so you can have a custom caption in each place. It also helps with adding hashtags to the IG version.

3️⃣This feature has been around for awhile but if you struggle to keep up with stories (honestly, same), then having the option to schedule them out is great.

4️⃣Another new one is that Facebook now includes a "moments" section to the right of the planner. This includes major holidays but also some of those more random ones to help you come up with content.

Have you tried the planner yet?


I'm still a bit hesitant to recommend TikTok to the local businesses that I work with but a recent update means that it's a really good place for eCommerce. 🛍

There have always been the trends but now you can integrate your TikToks with apps like Shopify to let people shop directly on the app.

If you're in the eCommerce world, now is the time to get on TikTok. They also just mentioned more advertising options which might mean that organic reach is going to be hard to come by in the next few months. So start now to be ahead of the curve.


When Facebook and Instagram went done last week, there were a lot of businesses struggling. Some were about to launch a new service that day or relied on Facebook advertising to drive sales.

The lesson from this crash is that you really shouldn't be putting all your marketing eggs in one basket. Do you have an email list? What about a presence on other social media platforms not owned by Facebook? Do you do any mailers or networking that keeps your business relevant offline?

If you're just relying on Facebook and Facebook's products, you're putting yourself in a bad position. Aside for this crash, Facebook is struggling and long-term might not be the best place for businesses. Make sure your marketing strategy has an eye towards the future so you can adapt when things change.


A speaker in college once told me that you could only wear black, brown, or navy in professional settings. As she said it, she looked directly at me...I was wearing a pink, sequin bolero. 😬

Well, I say wear pink in every setting! 💕 Showing up authentically in business is more important and more effective than pretending to be something you're not.


Marketer Gary Vaynerchuk came up with this idea of the $1.80 outreach method. Essentially, you leave your "two cents" on 90 posts a day (hence $1.80).

The idea with this is that posting comments from your business page to other people's posts will expand your audience and build your profile as an expert. I tried this for a week on my Instagram account and here are a few things I learned:

1️⃣ I got a new client on day one. That might be a fluke but I was certainly impressed to see that result.
2️⃣ My followers grew at a faster rate than it had been growing
3️⃣ My reels stopped performing as well. This could have been due to a variety of factors, but it's also possible that Instagram was a bit shocked by my increase in activity and slowed down how many people they were showing my content to.

It's a bit of a mixed bag here but overall, I think it's worth testing out. Maybe start smaller and do 50 cents or $1 at first.

I also found a software that made it a whole lot easier to do:


I think we all know Elle Woods is an icon! ⚖️ 💕

Instagram Story Ideas for Entrepreneurs | Fiori Marketing 24/08/2021

I’ll be honest for a second, I’m a social media manager and I know that I don’t use Instagram Stories enough. 🤦‍♀️ When I’m busy, I like that I can have posts scheduled out and ready to go but I don’t think of Instagram Stories like that as much.

I know there are others out there like me so I wanted to put together some ideas for Instagram Stories that entrepreneurs and business owners can easily refer back to. To an extent, this list is to help me too so that when I am busy, I know I can pop onto stories and bring value.

Instagram Story Ideas for Entrepreneurs | Fiori Marketing Instagram Story Ideas for entrepreneurs and small businesses who don't know how to share or how to use stories strategically for business.


I wrote a blog recently on how to pin a comment on Instagram. You might be thinking, "Rachael, that's weirdly specific."

You're right! The reason I wrote it is because I did my research. 👩‍💻 Searches for that question had gone up in the last month, so I knew it was something that was worth addressing in a blog, even if it was really specific. More people might find my

The above are some of my favorite resources if you're not sure what questions you can answer for people, what they're searching for, or what kind of content would be most helpful.


This is a simple tip, but it can save you a lot of time! ⏰ Sure you can repurpose your content from one platform onto another (like I'm currently doing with this Reel.) However, the best content follows a specific strategy for each platform.

If that's too much worj, just focus on the platform that's most likely to have your audience. It's better to do one page really well than to do a bunch poorly.

How to Pin a Comment on Instagram (And Why You’d Want To) | Fiori Marketing 17/08/2021

This blog might seem weirdly specific, but want to know a secret? I wrote this blog specifically for SEO. I went to and typed in Instagram. Turns out there's an increase in people Googling how to pin a comment on Instagram. Fingers crossed they find my answer 🤞

If you have a blog for your website, give Google Trends a try. is also a good source for blog inspiration.

How to Pin a Comment on Instagram (And Why You’d Want To) | Fiori Marketing How to Pin a Comment on Instagram since it's a somewhat hidden feature and a good one for small businesses to use in the right way.


You might have noticed I stopped posting on Facebook for a bit and just started up again this week. It was intentional.

I've noticed that I get most of my clients from Facebook groups or from Instagram so I slowed down my Facebook presence. I'm back to posting here though because I'm always wanting to test out how different platforms adjust to certain strategies and Facebook still has a big audience even if it's not the best for all businesses. 👩‍💻

📸: Jade & Lavender photography


Looking at a blank social media calendar with no inspiration? That's the worst! 🤦‍♀️ I hear it from my clients all the time. Especially the ones who are service providers or work in "boring" industries.

There's still so much you can post about! Take a screenshot at the end of this video or save it for future reference.

Any ideas I missed? 🤔 There are plenty more!

How to Get More Views on Instagram Reels | Fiori Marketing 10/08/2021

I've become a big fan of Instagram Reels recently because of their ability to reach new audiences easily. 📈 Here are some tips I've learned about how to increase views on Instagram Reels, so you can really make them work for your business. 👩‍💻

How to Get More Views on Instagram Reels | Fiori Marketing Get more views on Instagram Reels with these simple tips that anyone from beginner to expert can use for their small business.

Timeline photos 22/06/2021

Your Facebook & Instagram ads aren't going to be as effective 😮

I know this is a part of social media that probably makes a lot of people zone out, but it's important for businesses to understand. Apple made a decision to allow users to opt out of letting Facebook track their activity and a lot of people decided to opt out. That's a good thing for privacy. I think it's a step in the right direction to give people control over their own data.

However, it's not great for those who do Facebook or Instagram ads. I recommend these kind of ads to my clients all the time because it's some of the most effective advertising that small businesses can do for a low cost. Part of why it's effective is because of how much data Facebook has. With only 4% of iOS users opting to let Facebook track them, those ads are going to struggle to be as effective.

Like I said, I think this is overall a good thing for consumers, but keep this in mind when you start to see your ads underperforming previous months.

Clubhouse Social Media for Beginners | Fiori Marketing 04/06/2021

Finally had some time to get back into blogging again. 🙌 I wanted to share my tips for using Clubhouse and what Clubhouse even is!

Clubhouse Social Media for Beginners | Fiori Marketing Clubhouse social media doesn't have to be intimidating. It can grow your business and drive traffic to your other accounts.

Timeline photos 08/04/2021

Gathering the Fiori Marketing crew for a team meeting.

Walter asked for a raise, but he deserves it.

Timeline photos 06/04/2021

Only in Spokane can you have this as your backyard and still be just minutes away from civilization. I might miss the sun of California and I may be craving some travel but I don't want to live anywhere else for quite a long time.

Timeline photos 31/03/2021

Walter comes to work every day in a bow tie. That's just how dedicated he is. 😆

Photos from Fiori Marketing's post 29/03/2021

Did you know that emojis increase social media engagement by up to 25% 😱

An emoji in the subject line of an email can also increase the open rate 📧

Don’t be afraid to throw in those emojis. People are visual and love seeing them.


📣 HOT TAKE: Managing a business social media page is not the same as posting on your personal page 📣

Someone who posts frequently on their own page probably doesn't know all that goes into managing a business account. It's a different world. I'm all for teenagers learning and growing into a marketing career, but they can't replace trained professionals helping your account.

Timeline photos 17/03/2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Some of my favorite memories are performing at bars, retirement homes, and parades to celebrate today. I'll see if I can still do a little jig today 😉☘️

Timeline photos 16/03/2021

The industry that I'm in requires a lot of technology. Here are a few of my favorite software programs that I use pretty much daily to run my business.

Timeline photos 12/03/2021

Knowing your audience is the most important part of any marketing plan. You can learn things like how to make a Reel or which hashtags to use as you go along. But if you don't start your marketing campaigns with an understanding of your audience, you're going to head in the wrong direction. You'll probably waste some time on the way too.

Videos (show all)

Any other business owners feel like this? 🙋‍♀️ I promise it gets easier the more you do it.
Facebook is now saying they’ll pay me for posting Reels on Facebook. I’m not a fan of Facebook for business lately, but ...
One of my favorite strategies for content creation is to start with one, high-value piece of content and then REMIX it. ...
A speaker in college once told me that you could only wear black, brown, or navy in professional settings. As she said i...
Elle Woods Reel
Social Media Tip for Small Businesses
Ideas for Service Providers on Social Media
Want to improve your business's social media today? Here are five tips to help.
Instagram is slowly becoming an SEO platform, which means that hashtags have lower reach and your captions are more impo...
