Yogi Diaries Videos

Videos by Yogi Diaries.

What is it about holiday time?

We crave time out, rest, freedom from the clock.
But when we get it, we don’t know what to do with ourselves?

Can anyone resonate?

Tonight I was finding it hard to switch off, so I turned to the old faithful, deep breathing and it came to me. My body doesn’t recognise this routine (or lack of) so it’s making up stories/making noise to emulate the busyness it knows so well… a comfort spot if you like.

When I sat with this realisation and accepted it for what it is, it immediately lifted.

I felt compelled to write about it because for some reason people may think - oh, she’s a yoga teacher she must be so zen all the time.

The truth is, I’m not and we are not supposed to be either. In yoga I have found the means & methods to bring myself back to center and therein lies the magic.

Only a few years ago I would have stayed in this ‘state’ for days, self-sabotaging during the holidays in an attempt to self-sooth by creating busyness and pace in order to feel ‘safe’ as my body and mind were more comfortable there. calmness, quiet, slow was not familiar. Always ending in exhaustion, ironic right?

However, now that I create pockets of peace in my day frequently, my body quickly recognises the signal and the breath indicates the nervous system to relax.

So you see, with yoga it’s more than the movement and meditation, we are rewiring our nervous system one conscious breath at a time.

Slow down
Settle into the holiday season
Seek silence & serenity in small doses
Sleep soundly

Namaste 🙏

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What is it about holiday time? We crave time out, rest, freedom from the clock. But when we get it, we don’t know what to do with ourselves? Can anyone resonate? Tonight I was finding it hard to switch off, so I turned to the old faithful, deep breathing and it came to me. My body doesn’t recognise this routine (or lack of) so it’s making up stories/making noise to emulate the busyness it knows so well… a comfort spot if you like. When I sat with this realisation and accepted it for what it is, it immediately lifted. I felt compelled to write about it because for some reason people may think - oh, she’s a yoga teacher she must be so zen all the time. The truth is, I’m not and we are not supposed to be either. In yoga I have found the means & methods to bring myself back to center and therein lies the magic. Only a few years ago I would have stayed in this ‘state’ for days, self-sabotaging during the holidays in an attempt to self-sooth by creating busyness and pace in order to feel ‘safe’ as my body and mind were more comfortable there. calmness, quiet, slow was not familiar. Always ending in exhaustion, ironic right? However, now that I create pockets of peace in my day frequently, my body quickly recognises the signal and the breath indicates the nervous system to relax. So you see, with yoga it’s more than the movement and meditation, we are rewiring our nervous system one conscious breath at a time. Slow down Settle into the holiday season Seek silence & serenity in small doses Sleep soundly Namaste 🙏