Dr. Berrylin Mangin

Dr. Berrylin Mangin

💕 The Cared For Coach 💕 Purchase The Cared For Journal on Amazon. See what the next year may hold.


💕 Welcome back to the Hallway 💕In this episode, we are going to spend some time exploring Mental and Physical Care in the Hallway. We also will spend a bit of time on Inner Child work, the practice of Slow and Small and why we (really I) like practices better than habits. No 7 Habits of Highly Successful People here, thank you very much. If you have found yourself in the Hallway, or even if you have gotten accustomed to it, this is for you. It is ways in which you can develop and/or strengthen practices that will support you well Mentally and Physically. Your precious body and your precious brain are so supportive of you. So, we start with supporting them as well.


S1 E2 - GETTING TO KNOW ALLENE - I am very excited to release this episode to all of you. I am excited because you all get the pleasure of meeting my friend Allene. She is a deep souled woman who makes me laugh and lives with a beautiful amount of intention. 💕 Welcome back to The Hallway.


Welcome to The Hallway…
We have officially launched!!! 🚀🚀🚀

Today’s episode (link in bio) is a little bit about me. It’s a little bit about my history and a little bit more about how we got to where we are. The next episode will release on the 10th of August. And in that episode, you will get to meet my cohost Allene. 💕

We are so glad you’re here as we continue to learn more about making a home in The Hallway. 💕


🎉 1,000 of you. 🎉

To be quite honest, I thought I would hit this milestone a long time ago. I spent two years focusing a lot on growing this platform, and it did not grow at the speed that I thought it would. And, it has come to be part of the slow and small that I am so in rhythm with. Can’t seem to shake it.

I hope you all are excited about the podcast that is coming in August. If you want to add your email, click on the link above and do so. The first mini episode is being released and just a couple of days. 😳💕😳💕😳


This is Berrylin in situ.

One of the ladies captured this as we left dinner one night. I had planned a different place and we ended up venturing out later than I had intended. So, instead of the seafood place somewhere down the road, we ended up in a small Scottish pub on the edge of a loch near the west coast of Scotland. They weren’t really serving food anymore, but in line with Scottish hospitality, they welcomed us in and fired up the pizza oven. We sat and feasted on scrumptious hot pizza, good drinks and all of the village people watching. It was quite a night. An easy one where we, yet again, entered into the flow and let it take us where we needed to be.

After dinner, I attempted to capture the view. Few lenses have ever been able to capture the reality of the beauty of Scotland. When they do, it’s a moment for sure.

The people of Scotland. The place of Scotland. They are treasures. They are unique. They are home.

And, I hope you will come sometime and let me Care For you here. In this place. With these precious people. It’s worth the trip. 🚎💕


🎉 They arrive tomorrow. 🎉

I am full of joy and also aware of the sacred responsibility that leading them is.

These retreats are the expression of many things I love and love to do. One of those things is preparing the gift bags. Do I tend to overdo it? Yes. Do I always get more than I intend to? Yes. I love love love to give gifts. 🎁

This time I spent time making a few of the gifts. This is one of them. I’ll post more later after they open them.

Each retreat will have a few of the same gifts. So it’s like a club where you all have the same items that identify you. And, also different gifts. Why? Well, I love a bargain and I search for the best deals 💕

I am spending today getting ready and pick them up tomorrow.

Cared For Caravan 2024 💕💕💕


I’ve been writing a journal of sorts for the ladies who will be here May 5th.
I wanted to share part of that with you…

“Moving to Scotland has changed me.  I know those changes started long ago.  In North Carolina. In North Dakota.  In Tennessee.  Everywhere I made a home changed the home that was being made in me.  Scotland is the place where those changes settled.  She is the outside place that matches the home inside.  It’s such an odd thing…to feel like a place is home when it is so far from the people that feel like home.  I have not yet been able to reconcile that.  I don’t know if it is reconcilable.  I hope it will become figure-out-able. 
As you stretch your eyes over Scotland, she unfolds hues of green and blue.  Neverending green hills to mountains and blue skies and seas.  And, then, just when you think Winter won’t loosen her grip, she will burst forth in yellows…the deep mustard of gorse and the bright canary of rapeseed. As the yellows start to fade, and you think she’s finished for a bit, she will slowly reveal the dots of white, pink and purple as the Highlands allow the heather to steal the show.  Who knew colors could makes me feel so much.”

Did I mention how much I love this place? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💕


The Hallway Podcast
with Dr. Berrylin Mangin
Coming August 2024

Hello lovelies 💕

Last week I announced that I am launching a podcast. 🎉🎉 The idea started in the Fall of 2021 when I was introduced to the concept of Liminal Space. Liminal space is the space between what was and what will be. In visual art, it is often represented by hallways. As I was pondering it all, the saying, “When one door closes, another opens, but it’s hell in the hallway,” kept coming up.
And, then I thought…Hell in the hallway.  That doesn’t sound good. But, what if it didn’t have to be?
What if the grief, fear, joy, learning, waiting, struggling, crying, screaming, laughing and resting were things we helped each other do in the Hallway? What if we learned how to BE in the Hallway together?  
So, that’s what I am going to do.  🎉

I am going to bring you thoughts, stories and real hearts from me and people I know (and maybe some I don’t) who have spent some serious time in the Hallway.  And, we are going to bear witness to each other’s stories and learn from them.  We are also going to talk about the beauty and brokenness of engaging in community while in the Hallway.  

Do any of us have all of the answers? NO.  Do we so long to connect our hearts with safe others who know the corridors of their own Hallways?  YES.

Making a home in the Hallway,


Me and Dr. Patrice Berry having a lovely chat. Link in comments 💕💕💕

Photos from Dr. Berrylin Mangin's post 08/07/2023

💕 The Cared For Journal 💕
Photos of my journal and what I focused on this month. Refer to the 2 previous videos for a bit more information.

(Note: your journal will look different. Mine was printed locally and spiral bound.)


💕 The Cared For Journal 💕
Video 2 of 2
How I wrote out my foci for the month🎉

(Pictures in the next post)


💕 The Cared For Journal 💕
Video 1 of 2 - How it works 🎉


💕 The Cared For Journal 💕

It’s been a process over the last 2 years to get this beautiful thing where I wanted her to be. And here she is. 🎉

Is she perfect? No. Is she lovely? Yes. Will she help you to journal in a way that teaches you to Care well For yourself? Also Yes. And, she will give you a way of be-ing alongside Slow and Small.

I use this journal and I feel grounded and connected when I do. And, to be honest, it’s really fun to enjoy something I put together. 💕

(Link below picture!)


🎉 Why I’m so passionate about being Cared For. 🎉

It’s a vital skill. And one most of us don’t know how to do well or at all. Do you know how to Care For yourself well? 💕

Photos from Dr. Berrylin Mangin's post 14/04/2023

Caring for yourself well is a practice. This is an honoring and grounded way to approach that practice. 💕


This is the lens through which I want you to approach this month and this journal 💕

Design emails people love to get. 21/03/2023

If you are on my email list, you already know that I sent out The Cared For Journal last week. I have invited all of you to spend the next month with me focusing on caring well for yourself through the lens of Slow & Small.

Below is the link to the Journal. I would love to have you journey alongside us.

I will also post the 2 videos that I did about the journal. And, I will post the ones I do from here until April 15th.

Come be Cared For through Slow & Small. 💕

Design emails people love to get. Beginners and experts use Flodesk to grow their business. Design emails and forms that look great on any device. Try it free.

Photos from Dr. Berrylin Mangin's post 04/02/2023

It has taken me 9 months to decide on what to do next. And, here I am. With an announcement that most of you saw coming…

💕I have curated another Cared For Retreat 💕

I love this place. I love to share it with others. So, here I am with an invitation for each of you. An invitation into deeper connection with yourselves, nature and the peace that moves with the air here. An invitation to laughter and tears. An invitation to speaking and staying silent. An invitation to movement while the North Sea speaks to you. An invitation to sleep and rest. An invitation to be Cared For. And, then, to take all of that home with you and to allow it to change the ways in which you care for yourself.

💕Are you ready to say yes to that invitation? 💕 Then, follow this link ⤵️

Photos from Dr. Berrylin Mangin's post 07/02/2022

A couple of weeks ago, we drove through the Cairngorms to check out an excursion for the CARED FOR RETREAT in Scotland April 10th to the 15th.

The drive was GLORIOUS. The Cairngorms hold stories and we listened as we drove.

My lips are sealed about the excursion that will happen. Most of the details of CARED FOR RETREATS are closely guarded secrets. 🤫 Each and every detail of the retreat is carefully planned to provide an experience of being cared for mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. It also adds in fun and adventure. The coast of Scotland is a unique and powerful place. The North Sea can ground and deepen you in ways no other place can.

Though this retreat is fully booked, there will be more to come. If you would like to be the first to know about the next one, add your email to the link in my bio.

I can’t wait to share Scotland with you and to give you an experience of being cared for…so that you can more fully practice caring well for yourself.

💕 Berrylin


Hey there friends! I have learned something over the last year...
I can only engage so much on social media. So, I am focusing, for now, on Instagram. If you want to follow along, I would love it. And, if you are solely on Facebook, I am sorry that we won't get to engage currently (especially sorry to you Mom!).

Here's hoping you all appreciate my boundaries and respecting my own limits. 💕

Photos from Dr. Berrylin Mangin's post 22/09/2021


Were you afraid that you had missed out?! Well, I have good news for you!

We have had to postpone the retreat to April 2022. And, that means that I have been able to open up 3 spots for the Wellness & Connection Retreat.

All the details are in the post 👆🏻

I have put heart, creativity, hospitality, peace, wellness, connection and fun into this retreat. It’s going to be amazing. Come join us. 💕


Do you feel like your life needs a stronger foundation? You long for peace and contentment. You long to know yourself more fully…to use your voice well…to rest and play. But, it seems often out of your reach?

Well, not anymore…
The BE WELL COACHING GROUP 2021 is staring on September 3rd! 🎉

That best way to live that grounded life is to have a strong foundation that can grow and change with you. That is what this group will give you. It will be 3 months of learning and creating (or repairing) a firm foundation for your beautiful life. It will focus on all the parts of overall wellness…mental, physical, relational, emotional, spiritual, vocational. You will learn some important basics and develop a personalized plan throughout the group. Plus, you will be encouraged and cared for along the way by kindred women. 💕

Link for all the information (dates, cost, details and a way to schedule a chat with me) is below. Come and join us! I seriously am so excited about it!! 🎉🎉🎉


Tomorrow, Sunday, at noon central time, I will go live on Instagram to announce the winners! The AirPods…Tata harper skincare…Oak Nashville candles…beautiful gifts coming to 3 beautiful people. 💕

You still have 6 hours to take the quiz and to be entered into this fantastic giveaway!

See you all tomorrow!!! 🎉🎉


Two days left to take the quiz to help you dive intentionally into the Seasons of your Soul and to be entered into a fantastic giveaway! 💕

What’s in the giveaway you ask?!
AirPods, Tata Harper Skincare or some lovely candles from OAK Nashville!!! All in all, a beautiful list of things 💕

Original post is in green if you would like all the details and how to get as many entries as possible. The link is in my bio 👆🏻


This is what my Scottish neighbor said to me the other day. Apparently it is like the Scottish version of, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” And, I love it so much. I laughed so hard I was doubled over. It is the perfect saying. 💯

I need to be reminded sometimes to not sweat the small stuff. To not be worried about stuffing mushrooms!! I work to be able to focus on the things that are important…the things that matter. The things I have the capacity for in the day and the season that I’m in. To be intentional and present in my life.

If you were working towards those things as well. Toward being present and intentional about your life, and not stuffing any mushrooms…go take my quiz and enter the giveaway. That’s what it is there to help you do. 💕 The link is in my bio. 👆🏻

Photos from Dr. Berrylin Mangin's post 16/07/2021

Today is the day y’all!! 🎉

I have a fantastic QUIZ for you and even more fantastic GIVEAWAY!! 💕🎉💕

💕 QUIZ 💕
“What is your Current Soul Season?”So here's the truth…throughout your life, your soul moves in and out of seasons. Now is a lovely time to reflect on what season your soul is in currently or may be stepping into next. The quiz asks you both deep and fun questions to help you to identify your current soul season(s). Click on the link in my bio and the quiz (and giveaway information) plus link will be sent to you.

There are 3 prizes:
1. A pair of Apple AirPods. I actually don't own a pair of these but my niece-in-law tells me this is the best thing to add into a giveaway.
2. Tata Harper's Daily Essentials Kit, plus a travel size Clarifying Cleanser. My very favorite face products ever!
3. A set of 3 Mini Candles from Oak Nashville. Scents: Due South, Land & Sea, Native Roots. The best candles from the most awesome of precious stores.
Here is how QUALIFYING for the GIVEAWAY works:
1. You have to like this post about the QUIZ & GIVEAWAY and tag at least one friend on the post to encourage them to take the quiz too.
2. You have to enter your email into the form and then take the quiz (link below).
1. Tag extra friends on that post to encourage them to take the quiz too. (1 extra entry for each)
2. Once you have taken the quiz, post on Instagram or Facebook that you have taken the quiz and encourage others to do the same. Make sure you include the link! (1 entry)
3. Send me an email with how many of those you did which will equal how many extra entries you have. It's the honor system here folks. And, yes, I know it is a lot of steps. And, we are talking about THREE AMAZING PRIZES here folks. They are all three worth it, as is this precious quiz. 💕
That is all! The winner will be chosen on July 31st and announced on August 1st.


Thoughts for you to ponder this weekend…DEEP WELLNESS is about looking at all areas and giving them attention…mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, vocational and often environmental.

When it comes to SPACE, each of those areas is limited. You are human. You only have so much mental space, emotional space, relational space and environmental space. Take some time to notice how you are engaging with the space you have in each of those areas. What needs to stay? What needs to go? What needs more space? What needs less space? How wise are you being with the space that you have?

And really simple terms, if you are needing to engage with the space in your life and don’t know where to start, do one thing to declutter a space that you use often. Opening up physical safe often opens up other types of space. So start with something small and see what happens from there. 💕


This could have gone lots of ways. 😳

My first meeting with my new Pilates teacher. As I am continuing to move into appreciating and respecting my form in all her different shapes and sizes, I found myself anxious at the thought of starting a relationship with someone who is going to engage in that space with me.

And then I met Shelagh. 🎉

Standing in front of her in my leggings and tank top, feeling quite a bit vulnerable, this is what she said to me. And she lived it throughout the session. She didn’t just say it and then act a different way. She challenged me with support. She pushed me just enough to remind me how strong I am. She also kept reminding me how strong I am. And at the end of the session, she asked if she could give me a hug. And it felt like just the absolute right moment to hug. It was such a life-giving experience. And I am really grateful.

So, find people like Shelagh when you are looking for someone to help you along your movement journey. I’m actually looking forward to every Thursday that I get to spend with her. 💕

Videos (show all)

The Hallway Season 1 Episode 4 - Mental and Physical Care in the Hallway
💕 The Cared For Journal 💕Video 2 of 2How I wrote out my foci for the month🎉(Pictures in the next post)
💕 The Cared For Journal 💕Video 1 of 2 - How it works 🎉
🎉 Why I’m so passionate about being Cared For. 🎉It’s a vital skill. And one most of us don’t know how to do well or at a...
The Cared For Journal
Slow & Small
Danny Boy