Mental Health 101 Videos

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Never Forget How Strong You Are


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Never Forget How Strong You Are #weekend_motivation

#Weekend motivation #Bebold

Affirm with us

My point here was that people's character are usually influenced by the stage where they are at in life .. for example.. some are influenced by the consequences of their action (good or bad, punishment or reward), some are influenced by what the society thinks about them, while some are all about the greater consciousness, the kind of world, future or legacy that we want leave for our children (leaving this world a better place than we found it). It is time to pause and reflect on which category you fall in and why ..

Childhood Emotional Neglect

Spend time with people who are good for your mental health

I hope the point came out clear.. 😊 .. enjoy

NB: The last aspect is overgeneralisation and not selective abstract as mentioned.. that is.. where one draws conclusion on subsequent events based on a single event