前线(Frontline) Videos

Videos by 前线(Frontline). 北京市委前线杂志社,创刊于1958年。 Frontline Magazine of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, founded in 1958.

90后医学硕士自学绘画,国风作品“小鸟拟人”萌到众人。A medical master grew up in the 90s taught himself #painting, and the #China style work "bird personification" became popular.

Other 前线(Frontline) videos

90后医学硕士自学绘画,国风作品“小鸟拟人”萌到众人。A medical master grew up in the 90s taught himself #painting, and the #China style work "bird personification" became popular.

Beautiful as a picture! In early winter, the reed flowers rippled and the water birds danced.

男子搬运泡沫箱装车,摇摇欲坠但就是不倒。这完美诠释了“熟能生巧”。A man carried the foam box and loaded it into the car, which was tottering but never collapsed. He must have lost countless times to become a "magic skill"! This perfectly interprets "Practice makes perfect".

The cloud sea of the Great Wall becomes a beautiful ink painting, just like a fairyland!

跆拳道课上,中国萌娃展示超顺滑一字马。In Taekwondo class, the Chinese cute kids show the super smooth splits.

学无止境!高校环卫工人在教室角落旁听晚课。 Knowledge is infinite! College sanitation workers in the corner of the classroom, auditing evening classes.

医生飞针采血如同蚊子投胎,技术好神奇,像是被蚊子叮了一下。The doctor's flying needle blood collection was praised for the reincarnation of mosquitoes. The patient said that his technique was amazing. He felt that he was bitten by a mosquito and then finished the needling.

一位爸爸用视频记录下女儿,从四个月到三岁半打乒乓球的瞬间。A father used video to record the moment when his daughter played table tennis from four months to three and a half years old.

奶奶投篮,爷爷拍照,浪漫永不过时。Grandma shoots and Grandpa takes photos. Romance never goes out of style.

货车侧翻橘子掉一地,众人伸援手帮忙捡回!暖心~ The truck rolled over and the oranges fell to the ground. Everyone helped to retrieve them! Warm heart~

姥姥为外孙女"私家定制",将旧衣服改造成漂亮裙子。网友:独一无二的设计师款。 Grandma "customized" for her granddaughter, transforming old clothes into beautiful skirts. Netizen: Unique designer style.

11月8日天宇上演一次精彩的月全食。 On November 8, Tianyu staged a wonderful total lunar eclipse

只要我足够努力,就一定能钻进这个窝! As long as I work hard enough, I will be able to get into this nest! #Lovely #Panda

Food is also a city's culture. If Beijing, the capital of China, is mentioned, the roast duck must be one of its food representatives.

Autumn in China!

Two Chinese giant pandas arive in Qatar.


别眨眼,最后5秒绝美!云海上的日出是粉红色仙境。Don't blink, the last 5 seconds are beautiful! The sunrise over the sea of clouds is a pink fairyland.

千里江山美如画 #神州大地 The picturesque rivers and mountains #Land of China.