Organic Pros

Organic Pros

Women 40+ Metabolic Health & Fat Loss Coaching
Ancestral Nutrition I Circadian Biology
Apply to work with us ⬇️

Helping busy professionals in their mid 30s-50s wanting heal their gut, get in shape, and reclaim their vitality. We use Functional Medicine Nutrition w/ targeted lab testing and Customized Training Program to help you reach your goals.

Photos from Organic Pros's post 14/08/2024

The Ugly Truth About Extreme Calorie Cutting 🚨😮

Thinking that slashing your calories to the bare minimum is the secret to rapid fat loss? Brace yourself for a harsh reality check. Extreme calorie cutting is NOT the miracle solution you’ve been led to believe. Here’s why this drastic approach backfires and sabotages your metabolism:

🔥 BMR Crashes: When you drastically cut calories, your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) takes a nosedive. This means your body burns fewer calories at rest, essentially putting your metabolism on life support. You’re not just slowing down; you’re hitting metabolic rock bottom.

💪 Exercise Turns Brutal: With your energy reserves depleted, workouts become torturous. You’re not only burning fewer calories but also struggling to push through each session. Your gym gains? Say goodbye to them.

🚶‍♀️ Daily Movement Plummets: Your body goes into survival mode, slowing you down to conserve energy. This means reduced daily movement and a constant feeling of sluggishness. Your steps count? Dropping like a stone.

🍽️ Digestion Drags: Your digestive system slows down to maximize nutrient absorption from the tiny bit of food you’re consuming. While it sounds efficient, it’s a metabolic trap that slows your entire system down.

But here’s the game-changer: Reverse Dieting. Instead of pushing your body into a calorie deficit abyss, reverse dieting gradually increases your calorie intake, helping to restore your metabolism and energy levels. It’s like giving your body a reboot—allowing your BMR to recover, making workouts more effective, boosting daily movement, and improving digestion.

Bottom line: Extreme calorie cutting isn’t just a poor strategy—it’s a METABOLIC DISASTER waiting to happen. Reverse dieting may be the key to reviving your metabolism and achieving sustainable fat loss. 💡

Photos from Organic Pros's post 13/08/2024

Ladies, it's time for some tough love: If you're over 40, stressed, tired, and fighting that stubborn belly fat, chronic cardio is NOT your friend! All those hours pounding away on the treadmill? They're doing more harm than good.

Here’s the truth: Chronic cardio equals chronic stress. Your body is already juggling life’s demands—work, family, and everything in between. Add in endless cardio sessions, and you're skyrocketing your cortisol levels. The result? More belly fat, disrupted sleep, and zero energy left for anything else.

But it gets worse. Chronic cardio depletes your energy and slows down your metabolism. Instead of igniting your fat-burning furnace, it leaves you drained and stuck in a vicious cycle of fatigue. And here’s the kicker: You’re not even burning fat—you’re just burning sugar! This keeps you craving carbs and makes fat loss nearly impossible.

Photos from Organic Pros's post 03/08/2024

Stuck in a Fat-Burning Rut?😮
Here’s the hard truth: Your perimenopausal hormones are screaming for attention, and clinging to outdated habits is only making things worse. 😵

Your metabolism isn’t broken; it’s reacting to constant stress and ineffective strategies. Diets, extreme workouts, and fasting at the wrong times confuse your metabolism, causing your body to hold onto fat as a defense.

Experiencing cravings and energy crashes? That’s your body’s way of fighting back.

It’s time to stop battling your body and start syncing with its natural rhythms. Adapt your habits to fit your body’s evolving needs during perimenopause and see real change.

Ditch the old rules and embrace the new reality to truly thrive!👌

Photos from Organic Pros's post 31/07/2024

For years, we’ve been sold on the idea that loading up on carbs is the way to go. But here’s the harsh reality: consistently eating high-carb foods floods your bloodstream with insulin and spikes your blood sugar. This constant strain causes your body to become inflamed and disrupts delicate hormonal processes that are supposed to keep your mood, energy, and cognition stable.

But it gets worse. The excessive glucose and insulin not only lead to chronic inflammation but also damage your mitochondria—those tiny powerhouses in your cells. When mitochondria become dysfunctional, you’re more vulnerable to oxidative stress and free radical damage, making you feel exhausted and aged.

Modern stressors like overtraining at the gym, being overworked, and poor sleep only compound the problem. If you’re stuck in this cycle, it’s time for a change.

Metabolic flexibility is the key to breaking free from this harmful pattern. It’s all about syncing with your natural circadian rhythm: get quality sleep, bask in natural sunlight, and cut out refined carbs and inflammatory seed oils.

Join our FREE 5-Day Metabolic Makeover Challenge and unlock the secrets to achieving metabolic flexibility with our unique approach!

Learn how these dietary choices spike insulin, create hormonal imbalances, and harm your mitochondria, resulting in low energy and oxidative stress.

In this challenge, you’ll get actionable strategies to align with your natural circadian rhythm, including prioritizing restful sleep, soaking up sunlight during the day, and cutting out blue light at night.

Comment “METABOLIC” to sign up

Photos from Organic Pros's post 28/07/2024

Comment “CIRCADIAN,” and we'll send you our quick guide on How to Reset Your Circadian Health and improve your energy levels in less than 2 weeks 🔥

Photos from Organic Pros's post 27/07/2024

Hate to break it to you, but STRESS IS SECRETLY MAKING YOU FAT—😮 Here's the Raw Truth👇

Chronic elevated cortisol levels can leads to:

Insulin Resistance: Your body’s cells become less responsive to insulin, spiking blood sugar and promoting belly fat storage.

Elevated Estrogen: Too much estrogen not only disrupts your cycle but also makes you pack on weight in the hips and thighs.

Low Progesterone: This imbalance causes mood swings, anxiety, and makes it nearly impossible to shed pounds.

Low/High Testosterone: Whether too high or too low, this imbalance leads to muscle loss, fatigue, and increased body fat.

Thyroid Issues: A sluggish thyroid slows your metabolism to a crawl, making weight loss a distant dream.

When your body is stuck in a perpetual state of survival mode ("fight or flight"), it triggers fat-storing hormones. This leaves you with those stubborn 10, 20, or even 40 extra pounds—even if you’re eating clean & hitting the gym daily.⁣⁣ Most career-driven, busy women don’t think they’re stressed. You’re always in ON MODE:
—until you’re burnt out! Here’s what happens when you’re perpetually in ON MODE:

Feel Overwhelmed or Anxious: Your mind is constantly racing, worrying about work, family, and everything in between.

Snappy & Irritable: Quick to anger, snapping at partners, kids, or coworkers over the smallest things.

Wired but Tired: Your brain can’t shut off, leaving you mentally hyper but physically drained.

Insomnia: You lie awake at night, unable to turn off your thoughts, staring at the ceiling.

Night Wake-ups: You wake up between 1-3 am, disrupting your sleep cycle & leaving you exhausted.

Walking Zombie: You wake up feeling like you haven’t slept at all, dragging yourself through the day.

Coffee Dependency: You can’t function without multiple cups of coffee, using caffeine to push through the fatigue.

STOP ignoring your stress—it’s wreaking havoc on your health & sabotaging your weight loss goals! Addressing stress is not optional; it's essential for your health & your ability to shed stubborn weight.

Remember, chronic stress keeps you in a state of high alert, making your body prioritize survival over fat loss. Break that cycle!


WOMEN OVER 40: Just 2 days left to join our:

OVER 40 METABOLIC MAKEOVER CHALLENGE. Click on the link to sign up and join the group here OVER 40: METABOLIC MAKEOVER CHALLENGE 🔥💪😁👇

OVER 40 METABOLIC MAKEOVER CHALLENGE As Functional Nutritionists and Fitness Coaches, we understand how frustrating and difficult it can feel to lose weight, build muscle, or stay healthy.

Photos from Organic Pros's post 16/07/2024


1️⃣ Ditch the Junk: Ultra-processed foods are loaded with refined carbs, inflammatory oils, and synthetic sugars. They're wrecking your body from the inside out.

2️⃣ Say NO to Seed Oils: Soybean Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Safflower Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Grapeseed Oil,Rice Bran Oil, Palm Oil, Peanut Oil are pure poison. They're driving inflammation and metabolic chaos.

3️⃣ Cook Your Own Damn Meals: Stop relying on restaurant food filled with hidden sugars, excessive salt, and nasty fats. Take control—if you can't cook, it's time to learn!

4️⃣ Kick Sugar to the Curb: Hidden sugars are everywhere. Watch our for these sneaky labels: agave nectar, barley malt, beet sugar, and brown rice syrup to cane sugar, caramel, coconut sugar, corn syrup, date sugar, dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, golden syrup, HFCS, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltodextrin, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, muscovado sugar, palm sugar, raw sugar, sorghum syrup, sucrose, and turbinado sugar. If it didn't come from nature, it doesn't belong in your body.😮

Take charge of your health today, not next week, not next month, not next year.🚀



1️⃣ Ditch the Junk: Ultra-processed foods are loaded with refined carbs, inflammatory oils, and synthetic sugars. They're wrecking your body from the inside out.

2️⃣ Say NO to Seed Oils: Soybean Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Safflower Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Grapeseed Oil,Rice Bran Oil, Palm Oil, Peanut Oil are pure poison. They're driving inflammation and metabolic chaos.

3️⃣ Cook Your Own Damn Meals: Stop relying on restaurant food filled with hidden sugars, excessive salt, and nasty fats. Take control—if you can't cook, it's time to learn!

4️⃣ Kick Sugar to the Curb: Hidden sugars are everywhere. Watch our for these sneaky labels: agave nectar, barley malt, beet sugar, and brown rice syrup to cane sugar, caramel, coconut sugar, corn syrup, date sugar, dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, golden syrup, HFCS, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltodextrin, maltose, maple syrup, molasses, muscovado sugar, palm sugar, raw sugar, sorghum syrup, sucrose, and turbinado sugar. If it didn't come from nature, it doesn't belong in your body.😮

Take charge of your health today, not next week, not next month, not next year.🚀


Click here to join the group. OVER 40: METABOLIC MAKEOVER CHALLENGE 🎉


Today most people are stuck burning sugar for energy, largely due to high consumption of carbohydrates, especially refined and processed foods loaded with sugar. This lifestyle choice has a hidden culprit: INSULIN‼️. When you consume refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and sugary snacks, and even starchy vegetables that don’t align with the seasons, they cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. In response, the pancreas releases insulin to transport glucose into cells for energy. However, frequent spikes in insulin can lead to insulin resistance over time, making it difficult for the body to regulate blood sugar effectively and promoting inflammatory fat storage, around your belly. 😩

This metabolic imbalance not only hinders fat loss efforts but also contributes to an energy roller coaster, where you experience highs and crashes throughout the day. And what’s worse👉🏼 diets high in refined sugars can trigger chronic inflammation, increasing the risk of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, & cardiovascular issues.

🌎Our bodies are inherently aligned with a deep wisdom rooted in circadian biology and ancestral DNA. This alignment influences how our biological processes, including metabolism and hormone regulation, function optimally.
Circadian biology, governed by our internal biological clock, intricately regulates insulin levels and overall metabolic health. Our body’s sensitivity to insulin follows a daily rhythm, peaking in the morning and early afternoon to efficiently manage glucose uptake. Disrupted sleep patterns, irregular meal timings, and over consumption of carbohydrates can disturb this rhythm, leading to decreased insulin sensitivity and potential insulin resistance over time. Light exposure, especially natural sunlight during the day and minimal artificial light at night, helps synchronize our circadian clock, supporting optimal insulin function and glucose metabolism.

By reducing refined & processed sugars and eating the right foods & timing that align with our body’s natural rhythms, regular sleep-wake cycle, this can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy insulin levels and metabolic balance. 🔥

Photos from Organic Pros's post 10/07/2024

How Estrogen Dominance Hinders Your Fat Loss:

Lets recap
* Understanding the Issue: Estrogen dominance disrupts the delicate balance between hormones, often due to lifestyle, diet, or hormonal shifts (usually a decline and fluctuations)

* Impact on Fat Storage: Excessive estrogen levels trigger stubborn fat storage around the belly, making weight loss an uphill battle.

* Why It Hits Hard in Your 40s and 50s: As hormonal shifts like declining progesterone and testosterone meet erratic estrogen levels, your body clings to fat like never before.

Estrogen dominance can wreak havoc on your body, impacting everything from your menstrual cycle to your mood and sleep patterns.

Here’s what to look out for:
* Heavy or prolonged periods
* Increased PMS symptoms
* Irregular cycles or disrupted ovulation
* Skin issues like acne
* Trouble sleeping


Regulate Blood Sugar
* Reduce insulin problems and inflammation with balanced blood sugar levels.

Optimize Gut Health
* Use digestive bitters and probiotic-rich foods to support digestion and nutrient absorption.

Support Liver Function
* Cut back on alcohol and processed foods, and consider liver-supporting supplements.

Reduce Toxic Exposure
* Switch to natural products and cleaners to minimize exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals.

Manage Stress
* Practice stress-reducing activities like meditation and yoga to balance cortisol levels.

WHAT WE DO: We specialize in helping professional women over 40 tackle stubborn weight and hormone imbalances with a personalized approach.

Comment "HORMONES" for a step-by-step checklist on combating estrogen dominance. Let's reclaim your health together! 💪


How to unlock your SIX METABOLIC PATHWAYS step by step👇🏻

Part 1: It all begins with your NERVOUS SYSTEM. When your nervous system is out of sync, you may experience low energy, anxiety, brain fog, and stubborn belly fat. These symptoms can lead to cravings and emotional eating, hindering weight loss.

What Can You Do?
1. Prioritize Quality Sleep: Restful sleep supports hormone balance and overall health.
2. Eat Regular Meals: Maintain stable energy levels with balanced nutrition throughout the day.
3. Embrace Walking: Boost your mood and reduce stress with regular walks, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.

Focus on these strategies to optimize your nervous system and kickstart your metabolism.

Stay tuned for Part 2 on enhancing your metabolic pathways!

Drop a comment below with the word READY if you’re ready to learn more about boosting your metabolism! 🌿💪

Photos from Organic Pros's post 09/07/2024

Is your GUT making you FAT? 😮Forget Diets and Workouts: Fix Your Gut, Fix Your Weight!🔥

Despite trying every diet and exercise routine, the scale won’t cooperate. You might be dealing with hidden culprits like H. Pylori, which could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts without you evening knowing!!

Here’s how poor gut health affects you👇

🔹 Disrupted Hunger Hormones: H. Pylori messes with ghrelin, the hunger hormone, making you feel hungrier and prone to weight gain.

🔹 Imbalanced Gut Microbiome: Essential for metabolism and energy, H. Pylori disrupts this balance, hindering weight loss.

🔹 Hormonal Impact: It affects ghrelin, leptin, and insulin, crucial for metabolism and weight regulation.

Take a look at the symptoms wheel in the carousel post. If you are experiencing fatigue, digestive issues, or any of those other symptoms…..a simple GI MAP test can uncover hidden gut issues holding you back.

This month only, we’re offering an exclusive summer introductory mini-coaching package for 5 women over 40! Includes a FREE GI MAP test ($413 value) to identify hormone imbalance, digestion issues, and weight gain factors.

Here's what's included:
* Free GI MAP Test
* Personalized wellness plan based on lab results
* Two 30-min Follow-Up Sessions

Comment "DETAILS" to get started. Offer ends 7/30!

Photos from Organic Pros's post 08/07/2024

If you're a postmenopausal woman struggling with weight, here's what you need to do:

Step 1: Optimize Protein Intake
Consume 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight daily. This boosts calorie burning, keeps you full longer, and preserves muscle mass.

Step 2: Balance Carbs and Fats
If blood glucose isn’t an issue, enjoy a mix of fats and carbs you love, focusing on nutrient-dense whole foods and fiber-rich veggies. If blood glucose is a concern, prioritize protein and healthy fats, keeping carbs under 100 grams per day.
Step 3: Time-Restricted Eating

Eat all meals within a 10-hour window. Have three protein-focused meals to support muscle synthesis and maintain energy. Avoid meals high in both carbs and fats for better metabolic balance.

We help busy professional women over 40 with stubborn weight, hormonal, and metabolic imbalances. Using functional lab testing, we uncover the root causes of your weight struggles and symptoms.

Our approach combines circadian biology, advanced metabolic protocols, and Ayurveda. We offer unique, practical solutions without restrictive diets or extreme workouts.

Looking for an affordable wellness plan to boost energy, lose stubborn weight, and transform your body? Comment "DETAILS" and we'll send you more info!

Photos from Organic Pros's post 07/07/2024

If you’re struggling with low energy throughout the day, irritability, and sleep issues after 40 👉 it could be linked to circadian rhythm dysfunction, which disrupts your body's internal clock and impacts mitochondrial function—the energy powerhouses of your cells. This disruption can lead to hormonal imbalances, metabolic issues like insulin resistance, and stubborn belly fat.
By prioritizing these 4 SIMPLE HACKS: consistent bedtime, minimizing evening light exposure, maximizing your morning light, and being mindful of what you eat before bed.... you not only enhance your energy levels but also restore balance to your circadian rhythm. This, in turn, supports mitochondrial health, improves sleep quality, stabilizes mood, regulates hormones, and reduces metabolic issues many women commonly experienced after 40.
Summer Deal Alert! 📣
This month only, we're offering an exclusive summer introductory mini-coaching package for 5 women over 40 at an incredible price! Package includes a FREE GI MAP test ($413 value) to identify factors contributing to hormone imbalance, poor digestion, and weight gain.
Here's what you get:
* Free GI MAP Test
* Review of lab results & personalized wellness plan
* Two 30-min Follow-Up Sessions
Comment "DETAILS" to get started. Its pretty straight forward. No catch!
Offer ends 7/30!

Photos from Organic Pros's post 06/07/2024

Lose belly fat & improve your metabolic health with this approach👇🏻
1- larger meals EARLIER in the day with 30 grams of protein in every meal,
2- healthy fats for satiety in every meal
3- 2-3 servings of veggies in every meal.
4-Your body is more insulin sensitive earlier, making it ideal for managing carbs earlier in the day
5-choose seasonal complex carbs vs refined (less than 100g/day) for fat loss
6-circadian based eating is key
7-no snacking
Limited offer for Women Over 40! 🌞 This month only, we're offering 5 women our summer introductory coaching package, including a FREE GI MAP comprehensive stool panel ($413 lab fee). Understand factors contributing to hormone imbalance, poor digestion, and weight gain with personalized coaching.
Here’s what you get:
✨ Free GI MAP Test
✨ Initial Session: Review your lab results & receive a personalized wellness plan
✨ Two 30-min Follow-Up Sessions
Don't miss this chance to improve your health! Comment DETAILS to take control of your well-being this summer! 🌟


Ready to uncover the biggest lie the weight loss industry has told you? It’s the ‘calories in vs. calories out’ myth. 🫣🚨

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that simple. 🤦‍♀️The ‘eat less, move more’ advice that’s everywhere doesn’t always work—especially as we age.😩

Weight loss gets more complex as we grow older. It’s not just about slashing calories and increasing gym time‼️

The real issues? 👉🏼Metabolic Chaos 💯 from poor gut health, hormonal imbalances, and inflammation. Yup‼️

Your gut health is key—it influences your mood, metabolism, and even your hormones.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, can mess with hunger signals and fat-burning. Plus, lack of quality sleep can throw your hormones off balance.🤦‍♀️

Our method is different. We rely on functional lab testing and clinical correlations with a holistic approach-👉🏼❌not guessing.

It’s time to abandon outdated strategies and adopt a sustainable approach to weight loss.💯

Join our FREE 5-day Metabolic Makeover Challenge! 🔥If you’re ready to shed those pounds, boost your health, and feel like yourself again, comment “METABOLIC” or click the link below to sign up.


You’ve tried the diet hopping, intense workouts, and now you feel overwhelmed.😔

Nothing seems to be working, and the stress is overwhelming—juggling kids, work, deadlines, events, and family commitments —it feels so hard to prioritize yourself these days…🤷‍♀️

You want to enjoy food guilt-free, stop feeling exhausted, irritable, and hungry all the time. 😩

Hormonal shifts are now creeping in—weight gain (in the worst places), fatigue, period changes, hot flashes, mood swings, acne, sleep issues, low libido, night sweats….ugh 😩

You're tired of one-size-fits-all programs and trying to figure it all out. Caffeine reliance, excessive cardio, calorie-cutting, skipping breakfast, multiple cups of coffee, half marathons, low carb—it's too much.

You need a SYSTEM, not another quick fix or bandaid. A system that addresses the ROOT of why your weight won't budge, improves metabolic health, and balances hormones effortlessly without struggle or deprivation.🔥

You want to:👇
* Love your naked look
* Feel confident and turn heads
* Have energy for your kids
* Boost productivity at work
* Achieve Your Dream Body
* Get health back on track and THRIVE

But first, you need to understand the WHY & then the HOW👇


In just 5 days, learn:👇

* The truth about why you cant release the weight & the hidden culprits behind it. It’s not what you think…
* Lies from the diet industry-yes we have been deceived…
* Why everything you've tried failed-on purpose…
* Secrets the industry doesn't want you to know…$$$

Come and join us for 5 days, and we promise you'll not only understand the WHY but also gain clarity and practical tips on what to do next.

Comment "METABOLIC" or click the link to join now!🔥

OVER 40 METABOLIC MAKEOVER CHALLENGE As Functional Nutritionists and Fitness Coaches, we understand how frustrating and difficult it can feel to lose weight, build muscle, or stay healthy.

Photos from Organic Pros's post 21/06/2024

Here’s what you can do:

Implement these lifestyle changes to combat insulin resistance and belly fat:

Cut Out Processed Foods: Eliminate Seed Oils and Refined Carbohydrates: These include corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, white bread, pastries, and sugary drinks. Choose fresh vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, and nuts. These foods help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation.

Do Not Skip Breakfast: Start Your Day with Protein and Healthy Fats: Aim for 25-30 grams of protein (e.g., eggs, Greek yogurt, lean meats) and healthy fats (e.g., avocado, nuts, seeds). A protein-rich breakfast helps you feel full longer and prevents blood sugar fluctuations that lead to cravings and overeating later in the day.

Do Not Snack: Allow Time Between Meals: Eating three balanced meals a day without snacking allows insulin levels to drop between meals. Continuous snacking keeps insulin levels high, which can hinder fat burning and promote fat storage.

Implement Intermittent Fasting: Eat Your Last Meal Between 5-6 PM: Plan to have dinner early in the evening.
Stop Eating 3-4 Hours Before Bed: Avoid late-night eating to allow your body to enter a fasting state before sleep.
Intermittent fasting helps regulate insulin levels and encourages the body to use stored fat for energy during fasting periods.

Get Deep Quality Sleep:Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid screens before bed. Aim for 7-9 Hours of Quality Sleep: Sufficient sleep is crucial for hormone regulation and overall health. Quality sleep helps balance hormones like cortisol, leptin, and ghrelin, which influence hunger and metabolism.

Get Morning Sun: Spend at least 15-30 minutes outside in the morning sun.
Natural light exposure helps set your internal clock, promoting better sleep patterns and overall health.A regular circadian rhythm supports healthy hormone levels and metabolic function.

Photos from Organic Pros's post 19/06/2024

If you're someone that has been fed up with stubborn belly fat, unstable blood sugar, low energy, mood swings, and poor sleep, then It's time to discover what your doctor isn’t telling you! Here are 5 METABOLIC HACKS that will transform your metabolic health and vitality:

1-Focus on quality real foods. Eat protein like lean meats, fish, eggs. Include healthy fats like avocados, olives, ghee, butter, tallow, and olive oil. Incorporate fiber-rich veggies like broccoli, spinach, and Brussels sprouts in every meal. Avoid snacking, ultra-processed foods, alcohol, refined carbs, and sugars.

2-Intermittent fasting encourages fat burning and cellular repair by allowing your body to rest from constant digestion. Begin with a 12-hour fasting window, such as from 7 PM to 7 AM, and gradually shorten your eating window as your body adjusts. Avoid skipping breakfast to optimize energy levels and metabolic function, especially since insulin resistance tends to increase in the evening. Providing a 3-4 hour gap between your last meal & bedtime allows your body to enter a state of rest and repair.

3-Eat Biggest Meals Early & finish eating early. Opt for a smaller meal at dinner to align with your body's natural rhythms. Consuming heavy, carbohydrate-rich dinners can lead to sugar storage and fat conversion overnight. Prioritize protein & healthy fats before carbohydrates in your meals. This approach helps stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.

4-Strategic 30-minute sessions of strength training can significantly enhance fat burning and muscle mass. This approach not only boosts metabolism but also optimizes workout efficiency, making it perfect for hectic schedules, while effectively preventing cortisol spikes and minimizing fatigue.

5-Getting the right signal from sunlight first thing in the morning is crucial for balancing hormones and synchronizing your body's internal clock. This promotes improved sleep quality, balanced hormones, and higher energy levels throughout the day.


Comment “METABOLIC” to send you the deets.

Photos from Organic Pros's post 13/06/2024

Feeling tired, moody, and relying on coffee to get through the day? It might not be chronic stress and adrenal fatigue causing your low morning cortisol. The real issue could be a disrupted circadian rhythm and mitochondrial dysfunction.

🔍 The Misconception: Low morning cortisol is often due to a disrupted circadian rhythm, not just chronic stress.

🧬 Hormones Affected:
* Cortisol: Stress and energy
* Leptin: Hunger and fullness
* Melatonin: Sleep cycles
* Serotonin: Mood
* Insulin: Blood sugar
* Thyroid Hormones: Metabolism

📱 Common Mistakes:
* Checking your phone first thing
* Using artificial lights
* Skipping breakfast
* Staying indoors all day

🌅 Better Morning Routine:
* Get 20-30 mins of morning sunlight
* Avoid screens immediately after waking
* Take regular sunlight breaks
* Eat balanced meals

Want to learn more? Comment “CIRCADIAN” and I’ll send you my guide on How to Optimize Your Circadian Health.

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