

After my terminal cancer diagnosis I'm living my best life and dedicated to sharing the nutritional and metabolic therapies that saved my life.


My friend Dr. V, the , is hosting the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit later this month to support and empower those on a cancer healing journeys.

This online event brings includes many friends and leaders who have inspired me in my journey including:

🌟 Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, LAc, DiplOM
🌟 Jane McLelland
🌟 William Li, MD
🌟 Cynthia Thurlow, NP
🌟 Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN, FACOG
🌟 Mindy Pelz, DC
🌟 Terry Wahls, MD
🌟 And many more inspiring voices!

Don’t miss out on the life-changing Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit! You’ll discover real solutions on this journey of transformation.

Register for at


Maggie Jones | CANCER/EVOLUTION Doc 05/04/2023

A lot of this video is old news for some of you but hopefully some is new and helpful. I'm so excited to be a panelists at KetoCon in Austin later this month! I hope to see you there!

Maggie Jones | CANCER/EVOLUTION Doc In this video, Robin talks with Maggie Jones about her 5-part docuseries CANCE/REVOLUTION, as well as KetoCon 2023! Maggie has over 20 years of media experie...


We're so excited for the exclusive online screening of CANCER/EVOLUTION Episdode 1. To steam next week and to join to Q&A with us, Travis Christofferson, Dr. Nasha Winters, Jess Kelley, Miriam Kalamian and more, visit

All proceed will go towards funding the next episodes. Learn more at

Timeline photos 04/01/2023

Join an exclusive 1-hour Q&A on emerging metabolic therapies for cancer with Dr. Nasha, Miriam Kalamian, Travis Christofferson, and many more -


If you've been watching any of the cancer thriver interviews (see the link in my bio) you'll hear that a common therapy among thrivers - including me - is "off label drugs."

Like many of you, I've been taking the Care Oncology Clinic protocol of metformin, mebendazole, doxycycline, atorvastatin (in addition to many other off-label drugs and supplements) since before I was cancer-free.

Unfortunately, they appear to be imploding under the new leadership and I'm on the hunt for a new, reliable, and easily accessible prescriber. I will post here as soon as I have one.

🙋‍♀️What are Off-Label Drugs?
“Off label use” of a drug means using it for a reason other than its approved use. For example, Benadryl is approved by the FDA for treating allergies. It also happens to make some people super sleepy and can therefore be used off-label as a sleep aid. Similarly, Metformin is approved by the FDA for treating high blood sugar as a result of diabetes but also happens to have a well-known side effect of reducing cancer risk and improving survival rates. There are many drugs with this anti-cancer "side effect." Fenbendazole is one, if you're a Joe Tippins fan.

Unfortunately, off-label use of a drug is, by definition, not FDA approved and so not covered by most health insurance plans and rarely offered by doctors as it could open them up to lawsuits.

"Well shoot," you think, "everyone knows Benadryl makes you sleepy and metformin improves cancer outcomes. Why doesn’t the FDA just approve those uses?"

The reason is money. The clinical trial process required to attain FDA approval costs millions – sometimes billions – of dollars. These off-label uses are for drugs that are also off-patent, which means there's no possibility of recouping the cost of trials. That leaves cancer patients on our own for finding treatment.

Jane McLelland is the fairy godmother of off-label cancer treatments and another wonderful resource. An integrative oncologist can help you decide what might be best for you.




I first learned about Adam while interviewing Dr. Adrienne Scheck for the upcoming docuseries She was wonderfully protective of his identity but I was able to track him down through the The Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies His father was kind enough to introduce me and I interviewed him last year over zoom in his dorm room.

His story still blows me away. The average survival for GBM patients is estimated to be only 8 months. The five-year survival rate is only 6.8 percent. He's now been cancer-free for over 10 years. While n=1 is a small sample size, his defying of the odds is a touching illustration of the now well-documented research that a ketogenic diet can improve the efficacy of chemo, radiation and TKIs while reducing the side effects. This is especially well-known for GBM but, sadly, too few oncologists have implemented it as it's not yet standard of care until the billions of dollars of trials can be funded and done.

I hope Adam's story can give hope to anyone who's been misinformed that GBM is an immediate death sentence. There is hope!

Note that this interview will be professionally edited for inclusion in the doc. I'm a very very very bad editor and was even worse when I made this. I apologize - it was just too good a story to wait!


After her prognosis of less than a year, Sarona Rameka has healed and managed her thymoma using only keto and fasting.

She is the subject of a case study published in Frontiers in Oncology in May 2020 and I've been blessed to know her since meeting her neurologist at a conference in 2019.

Her story is extraordinary and I'm so grateful she took the time to share it for the docuseries.

She is so inspirational I couldn't wait to share the background and video interview before the series comes out.


What better way to break my social media fast than sharing my go-to break fast salad that I enjoy every week after fasts short (24 hours) and long (5-7 hours). Of course, it's Monday tomorrow so I'm actually fasting now but am looking forward to throwing this together on Wednesday.

Here's how easy it is to make one serving:

💚1-2 tbs high-oleocanthal olive oil (I use )
💚1 tbs apple cider vinegar
💚1 clove raw garlic
💚1/2 tsp mustard

whiz them together in a mini food processer

🍃Lots of easy to digest dark leafy greens
🌱 Not pictured (I'm out) broccoli sprouts
🥑 Avocado

Optional: cukes, carrots, broccoli or whatever you're into!

I usually eat this with my daily 2 Brazil nuts eaten for their high selenium.

So tasty and healing! 🌿🌱💚🥑

I'm committed to posting more frequent, regular, super-helpful content from here on out. A little more focused on and in general than mostly vegan keto recipes - but there will still be lots of them, too. 😊

I love you guys! Thanks for bearing with me!


My favorite thing so far this year is "Plant-Forward Keto," the latest cookbook by my friend

I started flipping through it towards the end of my extended New Years fast and need to make everything in there. Not only are the recipes incredible but I couldn't believe all the extra info like meal plans, preferred brands, nutritional facts... Amazing!

I'm sure to be posting a ton of these recipes this year.

Photos from CancerVme's post 04/12/2021

The very first day we arrived in the US, Brad asked "Can we get some of that olive oil now?"

After a year on the road in Europe, we missed it desperately. At least, in Hong Kong, I'd been able to pick up a bottle every time I made a medical run to the US.

This is not your usual oil. Developed by a former cancer researcher, it is extra rich in cancer fighting polyphenols. Healthy, and crazy delicious, I try to have at least a tablespoon every day I'm not fasting. It isn't hard.

Thanks to my friend Limor, you can get 10% off your first bottle using the link in my bio.

You can also win a bottle in the referral contest (also in my bio link).



Win $100 cash plus tons of prizes (over $200 bucks)!! I changed the link in my profile just for this.

Prizes include a GK+, olive oil, some of my favorite books, and loads of swag.

Click through for all the details on how to win. There are two prizes and the winner does not need to be in the US.

It was too good not to share here.

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

Happy Independence Day, Americans!

We're celebrating with these parfaits made from
💙 chia seed pudding made with blue spirulina
⭐ coconut yogurt
❤ strawberry-rhubarb chia jam

🌠 The explosive topping is coconut shreds, strawberries, and green apples soaked in water with a little blue spirulina.

Looking to Quit Caffeine? These Are the 15 Healthy Alternatives Experts Swear By 30/06/2020

So honored to be featured in this Parade article!

Looking to Quit Caffeine? These Are the 15 Healthy Alternatives Experts Swear By If you’re addicted to that morning cup of coffee, you’re not alone—but there are plenty of healthy alternatives to caffeine that can get us just as energized in the morning.While there are notable health benefits of coffee, there can be downsides to your AM habit, too. “Caffeine drains your ...

Dandelion and Pepito Pesto 20/06/2020

A few summer rainstorms 🌧 have brought in a bumper crop of dandelions along the sidewalks in our neighborhood. ☀🌈 I couldn't resist picking a bunch to make my favourite dandelion and pepito pesto. 🌻⁠

The link to the recipe is in my bio. ⁠

Dandelion greens have been show to:⁠
🌻 Fight cancer⁠
🌻 Reduce inflammation⁠
🌻 Reduce cholesterol⁠
🌻 Reduce blood sugar⁠
🌻 Reduce blood pressure⁠
🌻 Improve digestion⁠
🌻 Boost immunity⁠
🌻 Protect the liver⁠
And more⁠

This little w**d just might be magic.⁠

And the pesto, too - check out those !⁠

360 calories⁠
8.3g protein⁠
4.5g net carbs⁠
34.4g fat⁠

I serve this tossed with kelp noodles, mushrooms and arugula but it's just as good used as a dip for raw vegetables. I mean, it's good no matter what.⁠


Dandelion and Pepito Pesto This pesto harnesses all the powerful healing benefits of dandelion greens with lab perfect keto macros. It's hard to believe it also tastes amazing. Dandelion greens are known for their potent antioxidants and for being

Timeline photos 10/06/2020

This ol' salad again? 💚💚 I can't help it that this salad is so delicious we have to make it every week 😍 And then so pretty I have to post a picture of it every time 😂⁠

This time we tried using a h**p seed tempeh (h**peh?) instead of the normal tempeh - it still contained soy but the h**p seeds added a slightly different texture that Brad (also a regular lover) preferred. I liked them both equally. ⁠

Just marinate the tempeh of your choice in a tasty garlic, ginger, sesame oil and tamari marinade overnight and then mix it with some cabbage and a little apple cider vinegar in the morning. ⁠

A real recipe with macros is linked in my bio. ⁠

If you haven't already, this one is worth trying!⁠


Photos from CancerVme's post 07/06/2020

Strawberry rhubarb crumble! 🍓💕 To me, strawberry rhubarb is synonymous with summer so when I spotted some organic rhubarb in the market, I knew what I had to do. ⁠

What I didn't know was how easy these would turn out to be!⁠

Per serving: ⁠
🍓 1/4 c strawberry rhubarb chia jam (recipe at⁠
🍓 1 tbs coconut flour⁠
🍓 1 tbs almond flour⁠
🍓 1/2 tbs coconut oil⁠
🍓 Sweetener of choice only if you need it, to taste⁠

👉 Spoon chia jam into 2 ounce or 50 mL ramekins (use a bigger dish to prepare a larger portion)⁠
👉 In a separate bowl, crumble flours with coconut oil until crumbly. Spread on top of filling.⁠
👉 Bake in a preheated 350F/ 180C oven until tops are golden, about 5-8 minutes. ⁠
👉 Enjoy!⁠

💪170 calories⁠
💪13.6g protein⁠
💪15.3g net carbs⁠
💪112.6g fat⁠

⭐ For a fun variation, I added a sprinkle of keto granola between the filling and the crumble for a little extra texture and it was awesome! 😋⁠


Timeline photos 06/06/2020

I saw some organic rhubarb in the market and knew I had to ix it with strawberries 🍓 and make some magic.🌠 This jam/ pie filling/ topping is just three ingredients! ⁠

So easy and only 3.3 net carbs per generous quarter cup serving. ⁠

So far I've used it ⁠
🍓 As the base for a crumble ⁠
🍓 Swirled into flaxseed porridge⁠
🍓 Drizzled on unsweetened coconut yogurt⁠
🍓 Spread on homemade keto bread⁠
🍓 Layered in parfait⁠
🍓 Spooned directly into my mouth⁠

Check out the link in my bio for full recipe and macros. ⁠


⁠ ⁠

Timeline photos 05/06/2020

Just the most super simple bowl of shiritaki noodles mixed with some veggies and sauce. 🍜💚 ⁠

are also called because they're made from the konjac yam. Konjac is a great source of indigestible soluble fibre that acts as a with all the attendant prebiotic benefits. has organic line which I love but you can usually find some brand in the refrigerator section of your market.⁠

They're about 10 calories and 1 net carb per serving. I usually eat a full bag, or 2 servings, when I prepare them this way because I yum 😋⁠

My favorite snack is to quickly rinse and mix the noodles with tamari and sesame oil - sometimes adding nut butter if I'm fancy and its thin enough to stir in. I got extra fancy here and added some shredded bell pepper, cucumber, and carrot. ⁠

An added benefit: only the strainer and bowl to wash! ⁠


Timeline photos 04/06/2020

This simple miso soup has become a weekly staple since we arrived in London.⁠

For 4 servings:⁠

6 cups filtered water⁠
3-4 ounces of organic miso paste⁠
4 ounces mushrooms⁠
1 bag konjac noodles, drained⁠
1 tbs tamari⁠
1 tbs sesame oil⁠
1 block tofu⁠
2-3 ounces spinach⁠
A sq**rt of chili oil if you like it a little spicy⁠

1️⃣ Bring the water, miso, and mushrooms to a simmer while you prepare the konjac noodles. ⁠
2️⃣ Add the noodles and continue to simmer until the mushrooms are tender. ⁠
3️⃣ Season with tamari and sesame oil. ⁠
4️⃣ Add the tofu and spinach and simmer until tofu is warmed through and spinach is wilted.⁠
5️⃣ Adjust seasoning as desired and serve. ⁠

I've loved brand konjac noodles for over a decade now. They even have an organic line! Use the link in my bio or coupon code AFF10MN for 10% off on their website!

Timeline photos 03/06/2020

Some broccoli roasted with garlic and tossed with sun-dried tomato and my favorite olive oil. ⁠

To maximize the other in this dish, , eat it with a little raw mustard seed sprinkled on top after cooking. ⁠


Timeline photos 02/06/2020

🧡💛 Turmeric "golden milk" was a staple during my healing and continues to be a treat now that my goal is preventing recurrence.

Turmeric is well known for its , , benefits - and that's just the beginning of this root's healing properties.

Curcumin is the primary cancer fighting chemical and, in order to make it bioavailable, it's important to consume turmeric with
▶1. black pepper which contains piperine to activate the
▶ 2. a warm fat as curcumin is fat soluable

This delicious, creamy, golden milk latte will do both making sure you maximize your body's ability to absorb these healing nutrients.

For one serving, just bring to a simmer:
💛 1 cup coconut milk (for fat)
💛 a thumb-sized nub of turmeric, peeled (can sub 1 tsp ground turmeric)
💛 a thumb-sized nub of ginger, peeled (can sub 1 tsp ground ginger)
💛 Several black peppercorns or a few twists of freshly ground black pepper
💛 2 cinnamon sticks or a healthy pinch of ground cinnamon
💛 optional: a few pods of cardamom, a star anise, or a pinch of stevia or erythritol if you do that kind of thing -- or add a tablespoon of coconut oil for extra creaminess and

Simmer for a few minutes and then remove the cinnamon stick and cardamom pods, if using. Use an immersion blender to fully blend the turmeric and ginger. Then strain the golden delicious mess into a cup and sip mindfully while you savor all the wonderful, healing chemicals coursing through your blood.


Timeline photos 01/06/2020

🌮🌮🌮 OK, we made these a couple weeks ago but they're here now to celebrate !! 🌮🌮🌮 ⁠

Just a little shredded and sauteed with some assorted taco-friendly, healing spices. I picked up a bottle of black seed oil and love the cumin-y taste so that went in here. ⁠

The chipotle mayo is just chipotle plus a little avocado oil/ pasture-raised egg mayo. Use your favorite vegan mayo if you prefer.⁠

Nestled with a little avocado and tomato in a cabbage or lettuce leaf, these fully scratched the taco itch! ⁠


Timeline photos 31/05/2020

Herbed arugula and egg "tartine" is a super fancy way of serving scrambled eggs on crackers 🤣💚⁠

In a pan with 1 tbs of coconut oil I added a bag of arugula, 2 organic, pasture-raised eggs, fresh rosemary, thyme, green onion (chives would be lovely), black pepper and salt.⁠

I cooked over low heat, stirring, until the eggs were cooked through, then divided between two flaxseed crackers.⁠

I used to have either a pasture-raised egg or 3 ounces of wild-caught salmon every week. This is actually my first animal food in two months and I haven't missed it at all!⁠

This recipe would work nicely with scrambled tofu or just egg, too, if you're not into the occasional egg. It won't be long before I'm not either ⁠


Timeline photos 31/05/2020

pointed out how much my favorite lemon-garlic-tahini dressing tastes like Caesar dressing and I realized that, with a few additions, it's almost indistinguishable from the real thing!

Combine in a mini food processor and whiz:

2 cloves raw garlic (add more if you're garlic crazy like me)
2 tbs
juice of 1 lemon
1/4 c nutritional yeast
1 heaping tbs capers
1 tbs white miso
1 tsp tamari (optional, adds a deeper umami)
1/2 tsp mustard
2-4 tbs water, as needed, to thin to desired consistency
freshly ground black pepper

Makes 2 servings. In each serving:

160 calories
7.7g net carbs
10.4g protein 🤩
8.8g fat

Feel free to leave out the miso, tamari, mustard or even capers - each just takes this one step closer to real Caesar flavor but the base is so close already. Also, add a couple tablespoons of quality olive oil to bump up the fat and compliment the flavor.


Timeline photos 30/05/2020

You knew this was coming after this morning's post, right?⁠

I stuffed those incredible 4-ingredient, egg-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free, low carb wraps with some roasted vegetables, avocado and arugula. 🥑💚⁠

Flatbread recipe linked from my bio just in case you missed it 🌈⁠

What's your dream flatbread filling?⁠


This is it! The only vegan keto bread recipe I'll ever need. Just 4 ingredients (plus water) and so easy to make! 🥥🎉⁠

🐣 No eggs⁠
🐮 No dairy⁠
🍞 No gluten⁠
🌾 In fact, no grains⁠
💙 Low FODMOP and totally anti-inflammatory ⁠
🥥 No nuts (unless you count coconuts as a nut)⁠

Best of all, only 2.0 net carbs per soft, delectable flatbread. ⁠

The only ingredients are:⁠

- coconut flour⁠
- psyllium husk⁠
- coconut oil⁠
- baking soda⁠
- water⁠

Make them on the stovetop or in the oven - I've done it both ways. These are improvisation friendly and almost foolproof! I mean, even this fool can make them 🤣⁠

See the link in my bio for the step-by-step recipe. ⁠


Timeline photos 29/05/2020

Super simple kale and broccoli salad in my fave lemon-garlic-tahini dressing.⁠

This used to be "Wednesday salad" for the first year of my healing diet. Now I can't wait for Wednesday!⁠

You all know the recipe:⁠
juice of 1/2 lemon⁠
3 tbs tahini⁠
3 cloves raw garlic⁠
a healthy pinch of pink salt⁠
2-4 tbs water to thin⁠

whiz in the blender and drizzle over everything⁠

Calories 280⁠
Protein 8.0 g⁠
Net Carbs 8.2⁠
Fat 24.3g⁠
Flavor: ∞⁠

I love this most massaged into kale or dripping off raw broccoli so I make it thick to stand up to cruciferous veggies. Thin it out to drizzle over lighter greens like arugula or romaine. Just as mouthwatering 🤤⁠


Timeline photos 29/05/2020

These cute little chocolate cookies are 1.2 net carbs and 2 grams of protein each!

Recipe was adapted from There are no measuring cups or spoons in my airbnb but I travel with my food scale so thank you Camilla for providing ingredients in grams! 😀🙏

84 g (3/4 c) almond flour
37 g (1/3 c) raw cacao or cocoa powder
1-4 spoonfuls monkfruit, erythritol or your sweetener of choice, depending on your desired sweetness
1/4 tsp baking soda (or 1/2 tsp aluminum-free baking powder)
1 pinch pink salt
60 mL (1/4 c) water, more or less as needed to achive cookie dough consistency

Divide into 12 little dollops on a baking sheet and bake 12-14 minutes in a 180C/ 350F preheated oven.

Net carbs: 1.2
Protein: 2.1g
Fat: 3.9g
Calories: 47

Throw in some sugar-free chocolate chips or a heart of peanut butter if you' eat those kinds of things. I'm not here to judge! 😀

Enjoy! 🍪💛

Timeline photos 28/05/2020

Hello gorgeous! Meet my new favourite crush: this strawberry-protein frozen smoothie bowl. 🍓💕

It's simple as can be! Just combine the following in a blender or mini food processor and whiz:

1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/4 cup h**p hearts
1 tbs chia seeds
2 tbs coconut milk
a splash of vanilla
water to thin as desired

As written this is

360 calories
15.2g protein
11.3g net carbs
27.9g fat

Customize your add-ins. I blended in some camu camu powder but it would be a great vessel for medicinal mushroom powder, maca root powder, cinnamon... whatever you're trying to eat more of. Or add some coconut oil or MCT oil for an extra shot of good fats.

Different variations are going to be part of my summer rotation! ☀🌈



Timeline photos 27/05/2020

Getting fancy with my chia seed pudding!! 🦋🌷

The base recipe for is 3/4 cup nut/seed milk and 3 tablespoons of chia seeds. From there, adjust proportions and ingredients as you like to make it thicker/ thinner/ creamier/ sweeter/ choclatier/ vanillaier/ whatever.

My usual mixture is made with h**p milk and doctored with cacao powder, medicinal mushroom powder, cinnamon and a splash of vanilla.

This summer dream was made extra thick with coconut cream and vanilla on one side and melted, blended frozen berries on the other.

Probably not as healing as my cacao+mushroom+cinnamon version but OMG what a treat!!


Maybe the best thing that ever happened to me.

Brad and I moved from LA to Hong Kong a week before my 40th birthday ready for new adventures.

One month later I was diagnosed with terminal stage IVB non-small-cell lung cancer that had metastasized to my brain and eye along with multiple lymph nodes throughout my chest and neck.

The prognosis for lung cancer that’s spread to the brain is not good. Average life expectancy with treatment is reported as 6-8 months and the 5-year survival rate rounds to 0%. I certainly felt like I was dying.

Thanks to all the support from my friends and family, the miracle of targeted therapy, SRS brain radiation, fasting, raw vegan keto, meditation, and yoga I feel better than I ever have in my life - physically, mentally and spiritually.

Videos (show all)

We're so excited for the exclusive online screening of CANCER/EVOLUTION Episdode 1.  To steam next week and to join to Q...
If you've been watching any of the cancer thriver interviews (see the link in my bio) you'll hear that a common therapy ...
I first learned about Adam while interviewing Dr. Adrienne Scheck for the upcoming docuseries @cancerevolutiondoc She wa...
After her prognosis of less than a year, Sarona Rameka has healed and managed her #stage4 thymoma #terminalcancer using ...
Win $100 cash plus tons of prizes (over $200 bucks)!! I changed the link in my profile just for this.Prizes include a @k...