CancerVme Videos

Videos by CancerVme. After my terminal cancer diagnosis I'm living my best life and dedicated to sharing the nutritional and metabolic therapies that saved my life.

We're so excited for the exclusive online screening of CANCER/EVOLUTION Episdode 1. To steam next week and to join to Q&A with us, Travis Christofferson, Dr. Nasha Winters, Jess Kelley, Miriam Kalamian and more, visit

All proceed will go towards funding the next episodes. Learn more at

#cancersupport #cancerwarrior #CANCEREVOLUTION

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We're so excited for the exclusive online screening of CANCER/EVOLUTION Episdode 1. To steam next week and to join to Q&A with us, Travis Christofferson, Dr. Nasha Winters, Jess Kelley, Miriam Kalamian and more, visit All proceed will go towards funding the next episodes. Learn more at #cancersupport #cancerwarrior #CANCEREVOLUTION

If you've been watching any of the cancer thriver interviews (see the link in my bio) you'll hear that a common therapy among thrivers - including me - is "off label drugs." Like many of you, I've been taking the Care Oncology Clinic protocol of metformin, mebendazole, doxycycline, atorvastatin (in addition to many other off-label drugs and supplements) since before I was cancer-free. Unfortunately, they appear to be imploding under the new leadership and I'm on the hunt for a new, reliable, and easily accessible prescriber. I will post here as soon as I have one. 🙋‍♀️What are Off-Label Drugs? “Off label use” of a drug means using it for a reason other than its approved use. For example, Benadryl is approved by the FDA for treating allergies. It also happens to make some people super sleepy and can therefore be used off-label as a sleep aid. Similarly, Metformin is approved by the FDA for treating high blood sugar as a result of diabetes but also happens to have a well-known side effect of reducing cancer risk and improving survival rates. There are many drugs with this anti-cancer "side effect." Fenbendazole is one, if you're a Joe Tippins fan. Unfortunately, off-label use of a drug is, by definition, not FDA approved and so not covered by most health insurance plans and rarely offered by doctors as it could open them up to lawsuits. "Well shoot," you think, "everyone knows Benadryl makes you sleepy and metformin improves cancer outcomes. Why doesn’t the FDA just approve those uses?" The reason is money. The clinical trial process required to attain FDA approval costs millions – sometimes billions – of dollars. These off-label uses are for drugs that are also off-patent, which means there's no possibility of recouping the cost of trials. That leaves cancer patients on our own for finding treatment. Jane McLelland @how_to_starve_cancer is the fairy godmother of off-label cancer treatments and another wonderful resource. An integrative

I first learned about Adam while interviewing Dr. Adrienne Scheck for the upcoming docuseries @cancerevolutiondoc She was wonderfully protective of his identity but I was able to track him down through the The Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies @charliefoundation His father was kind enough to introduce me and I interviewed him last year over zoom in his dorm room. His story still blows me away. The average survival for GBM patients is estimated to be only 8 months. The five-year survival rate is only 6.8 percent. He's now been cancer-free for over 10 years. While n=1 is a small sample size, his defying of the odds is a touching illustration of the now well-documented research that a ketogenic diet can improve the efficacy of chemo, radiation and TKIs while reducing the side effects. This is especially well-known for GBM but, sadly, too few oncologists have implemented it as it's not yet standard of care until the billions of dollars of trials can be funded and done. I hope Adam's story can give hope to anyone who's been misinformed that GBM is an immediate death sentence. There is hope! Note that this interview will be professionally edited for inclusion in the doc. I'm a very very very bad editor and was even worse when I made this. I apologize - it was just too good a story to wait! #gbm #braintumor #warrior #survivor #thriver #braintumorssuck #ketoforcancer

After her prognosis of less than a year, Sarona Rameka has healed and managed her #stage4 thymoma #terminalcancer using only keto and fasting. She is the subject of a case study published in Frontiers in Oncology in May 2020 and I've been blessed to know her since meeting her neurologist at a conference in 2019. Her story is extraordinary and I'm so grateful she took the time to share it for the #CANCEREVOLUTION docuseries. She is so inspirational I couldn't wait to share the background and video interview before the series comes out. #cancerhealing #thymoma #ketoforcancer #therapeuticfasting

Win $100 cash plus tons of prizes (over $200 bucks)!! I changed the link in my profile just for this. Prizes include a @ketomojo GK+, @kyoord olive oil, some of my favorite books, and loads of swag. Click through for all the details on how to win. There are two prizes and the winner does not need to be in the US. It was too good not to share here. #ketoforcancer #contest #contestalert #ketomojo #kyoord #metabolicapproachtocancee #trippingoverthetruth #cancerevolution