Heartsteps Healing Videos

Videos by Heartsteps Healing. Supporting mamas to make an income online to create financial and time freedom. Mama. Healer. Coach.

Beautiful testimonial from one of my amazing clients Femi.

“I have pulled myself out of the gutter. I was going through a very traumatic abusive relationship after dealing with childbirth….it was a dark, dark, dark time for me.”

“I went outside of my comfort zone. I did something I don’t normally do…It was so freaking worth it.”

“I think the best part about it was it reinforced in me certain characteristics and principles I had in me that I had already built and it just made them stronger.”

“It was a reminder for me that I know who I am. I know how to be this person. I can take care of myself. I can take care of others and my environment. I have what it takes. I’m worthy, I’m deserving, I’m freaking amazing! Really that was the discovery, it was a rediscovery of this self that I had already worked so hard to be. It showed me that I can overcome any trauma.”

“I can overcome any trauma and maybe I could not have done it on my own but I am so proud of myself for going out of my way to find a solution to better my life which was ultimately my goal. And I did that!”

Thank you Femi @_impressdivine you inspire me and I am so proud of you 💗

If you are ready to overcome your trauma and rediscover how worthy and amazing you are, reach out to me and send me a DM. 🥰💫

#energyhealing #energyhealer #selflove #selflovejourney #selfworth #selfworthmovement #overcomingtrauma #healingtrauma #healyourlife #healyourself #selfhealers #transformationjourney #stressedout #stressedoutmom #abusiverelationship #healingjourney #birthtrauma #stressedmom #anxiousmoms #anxiousmommy #innerwounds #healingwounds #relationships #traumarecovery #traumahealing #womenscoach #womenscoaching #selfloveclub #spiritualgrowth #spiritualcoach

Other Heartsteps Healing videos

Beautiful testimonial from one of my amazing clients Femi. “I have pulled myself out of the gutter. I was going through a very traumatic abusive relationship after dealing with childbirth….it was a dark, dark, dark time for me.” “I went outside of my comfort zone. I did something I don’t normally do…It was so freaking worth it.” “I think the best part about it was it reinforced in me certain characteristics and principles I had in me that I had already built and it just made them stronger.” “It was a reminder for me that I know who I am. I know how to be this person. I can take care of myself. I can take care of others and my environment. I have what it takes. I’m worthy, I’m deserving, I’m freaking amazing! Really that was the discovery, it was a rediscovery of this self that I had already worked so hard to be. It showed me that I can overcome any trauma.” “I can overcome any trauma and maybe I could not have done it on my own but I am so proud of myself for going out of my way to find a solution to better my life which was ultimately my goal. And I did that!” Thank you Femi @_impressdivine you inspire me and I am so proud of you 💗 If you are ready to overcome your trauma and rediscover how worthy and amazing you are, reach out to me and send me a DM. 🥰💫 #energyhealing #energyhealer #selflove #selflovejourney #selfworth #selfworthmovement #overcomingtrauma #healingtrauma #healyourlife #healyourself #selfhealers #transformationjourney #stressedout #stressedoutmom #abusiverelationship #healingjourney #birthtrauma #stressedmom #anxiousmoms #anxiousmommy #innerwounds #healingwounds #relationships #traumarecovery #traumahealing #womenscoach #womenscoaching #selfloveclub #spiritualgrowth #spiritualcoach

If you’re new here, Hi I’m so happy to welcome you into my space🙋‍♀️💗 In this video I’m introducing myself, how I work and how you can work with me.🥰 I can’t wait to connect with you. If you’d like to know more or explore working together send me a DM with the word SHINE.✨ If you would like to experience Light Language for yourself check out my IG LIVE videos (you can see these in the highlights on my profile) for different transmissions.🦋 Enjoy!! Lots of love Amy 💜🥰⭐️ See more on Light Language below ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️EXPERIENCE DIVINE LIGHT LANGUAGE HEALING WITH AMY⭐️ IG LIVE @heartstepshealing Every Sunday 5PM AEST Light language is a divine language, a form of vibrational energy healing that bypasses the mind and goes directly to the soul. It can’t be translated into words and is a form of healing that can be felt by the heart. Light language comes through as sounds, movements, writing or art. It has a divine intelligence for healing and goes to wherever you need it most. It is especially potent for soothing inner wounds or old hurts. Receive this divine healing from my heart to yours ⭐️💜⭐️ #lightlanguagehealer #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguagecodes #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguage #lightcodes #lightcodeactivation #lightlanguagetransmission #meditation #healing #energyhealing #energyhealer #healingvibrations #healingjourney #soundhealing #soundhealingmeditation #innerwounds #healingwounds #vibrationalhealing #selflove #selflovejourney #womenscoach #womenscoaching #spiritualcoach #spiritualawakening #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork

⭐️ARE YOU EATING, DRINKING OR SHOPPING TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER BUT IT’S NOT WORKING?!⭐️ Today I am talking to you about overconsumption, what it could mean for you and what could be happening for you underneath the surface.😬🛍 If this resonates with you and you have any feedback, questions or comments please let me know in the comments below👇 If you are struggling with this, know that you’re not alone. I have been there and I completely get it. If you would like some support or you’d like to know more please reach out to me in the DMs or comments below.🥰 You can be happy, free and fulfilled! 🦋💜🤩 Can’t wait to chat to you. Lots of love Amy 😍⭐️💜 #innerwounds #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork #overeatersanonymous #overeating #drinking #shopaholic #stressedmom #stressedout #stressedoutmom #healingjourney #healingwounds #energyhealing #energyhealer #womenscoach #womenscoaching #traumahealing #wounded #selflovejourney #selfworth #selfworthmovement #selfhealers #selfhealingjourney #selflovewarrior #selfhealing #healyourself #healyourlife #traumarecovery #avoidance

❗️Why you are attracting unavailable men❗️ Today I am talking to you about why you are attracting the wrong types of guys. I have definitely been there in the past!😬 I know how hard it is and how much it hurts when you don’t receive the love that you truly deserve. 👉Are you attracting the wrong men? 👉Do you feel like you have a blockage in relationships? 👉Would you like more love in your life? 👉Do you have past hurts or wounds you need to heal? I would love to hear from you so shoot me a DM if you would like any support with relationships or heartbreak 💔 #Womenscoach #relationshipadvice #lovelife #selflove #selflovejourney #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #innerwork #coaching #coach #heartbreak #relationships

❗️Are you feeling stressed and tired all the time? It’s not normal⁉️😴😬 Today I’m talking to you about how society has conditioned us to believe it’s normal to feel tired and stressed all the time and I’m here to tell you it’s not! There are many ways we can be happy and healthy. It’s our natural state of being but if we feel good about ourselves we consume less. 👉Has this activated you at all? 👉Do you agree or disagree? 👉Do you feel tired and stressed out all the time? 👉Do you need any support to feel happy, healthy, peaceful and abundant? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below I would love to hear from you 👇💜 If you have any questions or would like some support my door is always open please shoot me a DM and we can chat.🥰💗 Sending lots of love Amy 💜✨ #stress #tired #stressedoutmom #tiredmom #tiredasamother #Womenscoach #stressrelief #stressfree #anxietyrelief #anxiety #stressmanagement #healingjourney

✨What if your wound is your greatest gift?✨ Today I am talking to you about how your weakness can actually be your greatest strength. Have you ever heard anyone say that their biggest breakdown created their biggest breakthrough? Here is my experience of my wound of grief and the gifts and strengths it has given me. 👉What is your wound or your weakness? 👉What do you need to breakthrough? 👉What could be on the other side of your breakthrough? 👉Do you need support to breakthrough it? I’d love to hear in the comments if you have already had your breakthrough and what you experienced. Let me know below👇 If you are experiencing something painful and need support I would love to help you, send me a DM. I am happy to answer any questions you have💗 Sending lots of love as always Amy 💜✨🌈 #mondaymotivation #womenscoach #breakthrough #coaching #wound #Personaldevelopmentjourney #selfdevelopment #strength #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #healingjourney #healing #transformation #transformationjourney #personalgrowth #stressrelief #Stressedoutmom #anxietyrelief

Why eating meat is lowering your vibration to that of a dead body 💀 Why I haven’t eaten meat for over 3 years and why it is seriously lowering your vibration. Everything is energy and we are made up of particles vibrating at a certain frequency. This is determined by the emotion we are holding in our bodies and there is an emotional scale. We are aiming to vibrate around neutral which is 200hz or higher with love vibrating at 500hz. Eating meat is death and at a frequency of 0 and seriously affecting our mood and health. I would love to know your feedback on this topic. How does eating meat make you feel? Has this topic activated you in any way and why? Are you feeling down and would you like some support to improve your mood? I would love to hear from you. If you would like any support with a plant based diet I would love to help.🌱 Send me a DM if you would like some support. 👇Let me know your thoughts in the comments below 👇 Sending love Amy 💜 #vegan #plantbased #vegetarian #veganism #veganlife #veganlifestyle #vegandiet #Womenscoach #transformation #transformationjourney #energy #raiseyourvibration #vibratehigher #coaching #healthfood #raisethevibetribe #raiseyourfrequency #coach #personaldevelopment

✨How the universe gave me a massive wake up call✨ I am telling you my story so that you don’t have to experience what I went through. If you are feeling unhappy, lost, stuck, unsatisfied and unfulfilled with life, disconnected from yourself and others and you’re not sure what to do, know that you are not alone. I have been there and it took a huge accident and two giant black eyes to wake me up. It doesn’t have to get that bad for you. If you are feeling lost and you have suppressed trauma or you have pushed down emotions from past hurts and anything in my story resonates with you please reach out to me. I would love to hear from you. Know that you can feel happy, more confident and more fulfilled in your life and you can have the support that you need to live the life full of love, happiness and abundance that you truly deserve. Send me a DM if this resonates and you would like to chat more. Sending so much love and healing energy! Amy 💜✨ #energyhealing #energyhealer #energymedicine #everythingisenergy #healing #healingvibrations #healingjourney #selfdevelopmentjourney #healingenergy #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritualgangster #selfhealing #spiritualhealer #spiritualhealing #intuitivehealer #spiritualcoach #spiritualcoaching #spiritualcoachforwomen #vulnerability #vulnerabilityisstrength @bekantonucci @albertrchavez @jodieross.xo @andreafallettaufficiale @jaiyde_inanna_skye @janwillemvanderh @sequoia.rock