California Chinese Catholic Living Camp Videos

Videos by California Chinese Catholic Living Camp. The California Chinese Catholic Living Camp (CACCLC) brings together young adults in the Chinese Cath

Here’s your friendly reminder of the Make-Your-Own-Boba Kits CACCLC fundraiser!

Pick-up is available at select NorCal and SoCal locations.

Order online for pick-up at (link in bio):

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Please help us fundraise and share our fundraiser with your friends and family. Thank you and God bless!!

Other California Chinese Catholic Living Camp videos

Here’s your friendly reminder of the Make-Your-Own-Boba Kits CACCLC fundraiser! Pick-up is available at select NorCal and SoCal locations. Order online for pick-up at (link in bio): If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Please help us fundraise and share our fundraiser with your friends and family. Thank you and God bless!!

Reason #9 to come to CACCLC 2013: Please see video. Registration ends THIS Friday! We still have space and you can register through our website.