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⚡️ Helping You Become Superhuman
📕 The Neo Diet book OUT NOW

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 16/03/2023

🗣️The more people I talk to, the more I realize why chronic diseases are so prevalent.

Some licensed and well-known nutritionists are still giving outdated advice, like starting the day with toast or cereal. 🤦♀️

With easy access to books and research, there's no excuse not to know better.

Let's prioritize staying up-to-date and providing the best advice for people's health and wellness.

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 14/03/2023

Have you heard the myth that frequent small meals can boost your metabolism for weight loss?

While it's true that our body uses energy to digest food, the impact of this process on our overall metabolism is actually quite small.

In fact, constantly snacking throughout the day can lead to overeating and weight gain. Focus on less-frequent nutrient-dense meals and regular exercise instead to support a healthy metabolism and reach your wellness goals.


Let's talk about salt, baby! 🧂💪
For years, we've been told to avoid this pantry staple like the plague, because it's been framed as the ultimate villain behind hypertension. But what if we told you that salt isn't the enemy it's been made out to be? In fact, low salt intake can actually lead to the deregulation of aldosterone, which in turn can cause hypertension. The real culprit behind high blood pressure? Metabolic dysfunction. That means that lifestyle factors like stress, lack of sleep, and a diet high in processed foods and sugar are more likely to blame for hypertension than that pinch of salt in your food. So go ahead and season to taste, but don't forget to take care of the rest of your body too! 🌿💕


Think twice before biting into that juicy tomato or indulging in some spicy peppers, because did you know that nightshades contain antinutrients that can wreak havoc on your gut health and even lead to systemic inflammation? As much as we love their vibrant colors and bold flavors, it's important to be mindful of the potential consequences. So if you're experiencing any digestive issues or unexplained inflammation, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship with nightshades and opt for alternative ingredients instead. Your gut (and body) will thank you in the long run! 🌶️🍅


People think that exercise has to be excruciating. Don't get overwhelmed by that idea. Something as simple as walking can be incredibly beneficial for our health.
Here are a few of its benefits:
Improves cardiovascular health: Regular walking can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Supports weight loss: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help burn calories and promote weight loss.

Boosts mental health: Walking can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and improve mood and cognitive function.

Strengthens bones and muscles: Regular walking can help strengthen bones and muscles, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and falls in older adults.

Increases energy levels: Walking can help increase energy levels, making you feel more awake and alert.

Improves circulation: Walking can help improve circulation and increase blood flow throughout the body.

Supports joint health: Walking is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce the risk of joint damage and improve joint health.

Boosts immune system: Regular walking can help boost the immune system, reducing the risk of illness and disease.

Improves sleep quality: Walking can help improve sleep quality and reduce the symptoms of insomnia.

Promotes longevity: Regular walking has been linked to a reduced risk of premature death and improved longevity.


Buying organic does not mean that you are safe from pesticides. Organic produce still has pesticides, but at least it has to follow stricter guidelines in terms of the quantity and quality of chemicals used. By buying organic you also protect yourself from ingesting GMO's.
If available where you live, try to go to a local farm that actually does not use any of these harsh chemicals. Not only are you helping the local economy but you are getting the safest produce possible.


While this may seem too easy to provide real results... trust me... This simple hack will make a huge difference in your energy levels during the day. Try it and let me know how you feel.


Watch the clip to learn what Paleo 2.0 is and let me know your thoughts


We used to think that our genetic makeup was our life sentence. However, that is not true. This is what you can do if you have bad genes!

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 09/09/2022

Did you know about Shilajit?
This is an incredible supplement. One of my favorites.
Learn more about it by swiping left or by reading the


Breakfast is not as important as you think. Especially what people usually consider a healthy breakfast. You are better off just hydrating and then breaking your fast with a nutritious lunch!


I always loved poetry 😅

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 05/09/2022

Have you heard about Spirulina?
Learn more by swiping left.


Time for a puzzle! What were the first 3 words you found and how do you interpret them?

Leave a comment below! 👇


Time for a puzzle! What were the first 3 words you found and how do you interpret them?

Leave a comment below! 👇

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 22/08/2022

In the last few years, maca has grown in popularity around the world as a natural remedy for infertility and low s*x drive. There are plenty of anecdotal reports supporting these effects, but research is still unclear about a final verdict. Either way, don’t ignore this plant. Maca is a good source of fiber and contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. It also has other bioactive compounds, including macamides, macaridine, alkaloids, and glucosinolates, which have been associated with some health benefits.
The best way to consume maca is in its powdered form. Just add a bit to your smoothie!



Sleep is one of the most important things for your health. Creating the right environment in the bedroom and a solid routine before going to bed will help you fall a sleep faster and sleep better. 

There are many tricks and hacks but for me this is the most important one.

The blue light of electronic devices can reduce the natural production of melatonin and therefore disturb falling asleep or the quality of sleep. It’s essential that you avoid electronic screens at least 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Instead of scrolling social media or watching Netflix before going to sleep, you can for example read a book! 📚

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 12/08/2022

Roseroot aka Rhodiola rosea has been used as a physical and cognitive elixir for several years.
Several studies suggest that this plant may have potent adaptogenic effects and thus help decrease stress and fatigue, reduce symptoms of depression and even improve brain function.
You can consume it as a tea or in supplement form.

Have you ever tried it?


It’s once again the battle of convenience vs health. Nonstick pans can be very convenient however some of them might be incredibly dangerous.
Instead of writing a huge text here, let me make this more dynamic. I invite you to watch the . It’s based in a true story and really shows how some big companies use convenience to make a lot of money, while not caring about our health.

Sure, PFOA which is the chemical substance discussed in the movie are no longer used to make teflon coatings and are banned from other products, however there are still thousands (if not millions) of these products still in circulation (sold before the use of PFOA was banned).

Besides that, many we are still unsure about some of the PFOA replacement the industry has found. Some studies lead to believe that they might have harmful effects (but more research is needed). For example, the replacement PTFE, at high temperatures, seems to to emit chemical byproducts that can lead to PTFE toxicosis in birds.

You are better off using the good old stuff like stainless steel, cast iron or even the modern carbon steel. Yes, they stick but nothing that some tallow, butter, ghee or lard won’t solve. And hey, you probably can use that extra fat for your hormonal health.

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 05/08/2022

Baobab is a tree native to certain regions of Africa, Arabia, and Australia. The fruit and leaves have been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for many ailments. It is also part of the cuisine of some of those regions of the world.
The pulp, leaves and seeds of the baobab fruit have a rich micronutrient profile which makes baobab an amazing superfood.

Although the seeds have plenty of micronutrients, they also have antinutrients, such as phytates, tannins and oxalic acid, that can reduce nutrient absorption and availability. These can also trigger inflammation in the body. That is why you are better off choosing extracts made from the pulp and leaves.

Research shows that the nutritional content of baobab can vary depending on the geographical location where it’s grown and between different parts of the plant. For instance, the pulp is high in vitamin C, antioxidants and several key minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc. The leaves are rich in calcium and high-quality proteins that can be easily digested.

The micronutrients present can reduce levels of inflammation in the body, improve the metabolic function, boost digestive health, and even help with weight loss. In one small study in 20 people showed that drinking a smoothie with 15 grams of baobab extract significantly reduced feelings of hunger compared to a placebo drink.

There have also been some concerns about the presence of cyclopropenoid fatty acids in baobab oil, which can interfere with fatty acid synthesis and may contribute to health problems. However, studies show that these harmful compounds are significantly reduced during processing and unlikely to be problematic for most people.


Most of us have heard about all the chemicals still present in tap water and we try to be more health conscious by going for bottled water. This would be ok if we were talking about glass bottles but most of the bottled water in the market uses plastic bottles.

While proponents within the plastic water bottle industry argue that drinking water from plastic bottles is safe to consume, they are not sharing the whole truth.

Especially with heat, some of the chemicals in the plastic can leach into the water and end up inside us. These have been associated with:
- Miscarriages
- Premature births
- Cardiovascular disease
- Reduced male s*xual function
- Reduced s***m quality
- Altered liver function
- Obesity
- Oxidative stress
- Reduced fertilization success
- Implantation failure
- Altered thyroid hormone concentrations.

To avoid this, you can choose glass bottles but the best is probably to get a water filtration system. Nowadays, you can find several high quality systems at very reasonable prices. Not only will this hack make you healthier but the environment and your wallet will thank you.


Before, humans would spend long periods of time without food. Many times due to shortage, other times due to the lifestyle they lived. The point is that our bodies learned how to live without constant access to food and they used those fasting periods to recycle and repair our systems.

Nowadays, for most people, the reality is different. We live surrounded by food and our bodies never have enough time to recycle and repair. They are in this constant growth phase. And, as you know, uncontrolled growth is not something we should aim for. After all, that's the modus operandi of cancer.

Knowing this, it is essential to learn that our bodies need periods of fasting so they can have the opportunity to repair, recycle and heal. This is essential for a long and healthy life.

Do you practice any form of fasting in your day-to-day?

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 24/06/2022

This superfood is a real powerhouse.

100 grams of camu camu contain:
– 2,145 milligrams of vitamin C, i.e. 3575% of the daily nutritional value.
– 355 milligrams of carotenoids, notably luteins which offer ocular and dermatological protection.
– 15.7 milligrams of calcium.
– 2.1 milligrams of manganese.
– 0.2 milligrams of copper.
– 0.5 milligrams of iron.
– 12.4 milligrams of magnesium.
– 83.8 milligrams of potassium.
– 0.4 milligrams of zinc.

Camu Camu is excellent to lower inflammation, strengthen the immune system, detoxify, boost eye and skin health, and help you live longer.

This is one of the foods I consume almost daily. Unless you leave in the Amazon region, you will probably find it very hard to find the fruit in your grocery store. However, you can do like I do, and buy it as a powered extract to add to your smoothies.

Did you know this one?


There are many ways to solve a problem... Numbing the symptoms is not one of them.

Treating the symptoms is not addressing the problem. it's just masking the issue. But, the issue eventually will come back.

If you are dehydrated, you can develop headaches. Taking a pain-killer might help you with the pain for a while, but this pain will eventually return if you don't get hydrated.

Anxiety and depression are no different. You can take SSRIs and other meds but that is not addressing the reason why your body is not producing enough "feel-good hormones." These meds are just forcing you to exhaust your already low supplies of these hormones and neurotransmitters. They are not doing anything to boost your natural production.

That is only achieved with diet and lifestyle changes. Only when you adopt these changes, will you be able to address the real issue and make lasting change.

What are you doing to deal with anxiety?


We are conditioned to believe that our genes dictate our fate. And while they are important, they do not fully control your health.

You can have 2 twins with the same genetic composition, but one is incredibly healthy and the other incredibly sick. Same genes, different outcomes.

What you eat and how you live will be essential in turning these genes on or off(epigenetics). In other words, your choices will determine your health.

Are you making choices to empower you or to make you sick?

Photos from HolisticPerformance.co's post 17/06/2022

Moringa (moringa oleifera) is known by over 100 names in different languages around the world. This easy-to-grow tropical plant species, native to the Himalayan mountains and parts of India and Africa, comes packed with over 90 protective compounds, including isothiocyanates, flavonoids and phenolic acids.�

One of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. 🌍

�Did you know this superfood?


One of the best and easiest things you can do to optimize your health is to stay away from plastic. Plastics are known hormonal disrupters that eventually will wreak havoc inside you. Just choose glass. That’s the healthiest choice for you and for the planet. �Do you still use a lot of plastic at home? What are you finding hard to replace?


It took waaaaay longer than expected but here it is. The Neo Diet is finally available in all formats in most amazon stores across the world (some take a bit more time to update their system).

If you purchase a physical copy, you’ll be making a donation to fight child hunger.

If you decide to get the ebook for free (until Saturday), please make your donation directly with and 🙏

Thank you all for your support! I couldn’t do this without you. ❤️


Unfortunately, I had a small issue with Amazon and I have decided to postpone the launch by one day.


My goal was to run a $99 promo today (for the digital version) so more people could buy it and indirectly make their donation. However, amazon decided I could only run this promo on June 19th 😕
The other alternative was to run a 5-day free promo, but that could only be programed for tomorrow (and that's why I am postponing by one day).

There are pros and cons to this. The number one pro is that you will be able to read the book for free. You will also be able to get more friends onboard since they will not have to pay for the digital version.
However, since I will not be earning any money from those ebook "sales" i will not be able to make a donation on your behalf.

My hope is that the people that decide to get the book for free, see its value and then decide to purchase the actual physical book, allowing me to make the donation.

Just wanted to be completely transparent and share everything with you.

Thank you for your continuous support!

Videos (show all)

The Salt Paradox
Tom Brady's Diet
Exercise: Start by walking
Why Organic is Important
Why Organic is Important
Morning Hack to Boost Your Energy
Watch the clip to learn what Paleo 2.0 is and let me know your thoughts
Your Genes Don't Dictate Your Future
I always loved poetry 😅#neohacker #neodiet #biohacking #biohacker #healthyliving #healthhacks #humanoptimization
Before, humans would spend long periods of time without food. Many times due to shortage, other times due to the lifesty...
We are conditioned to believe that our genes dictate our fate. And while they are important, they do not fully control y...
The solution is not in meds. Instead, food shall be your medicine.
