Tim Adams for Comptroller

Official campaign page of Tim Adams, Mayor of Bowie, Democratic candidate for Comptroller of Maryland Tim has torn down barriers his entire life.

As Maryland's next Comptroller, Tim Adams brings executive experience and proven ability to demand financial accountability, fight for economic justice and deliver real change to the people. He made it to the top of the defense services industry at a time when it was dominated by a small group of insiders and cronies. Tim ran for Mayor of Bowie when the Prince George’s County political machine tol

Tim Adams for Comptroller – Accountability. Justice. Change 05/01/2021

Anybody want to guess who this guy is? Anyone?

This is none other than Charles Harvey Stanley (1842-1913), who happens to be the last Maryland State Comptroller to come from Prince George's County. Prior to becoming Comptroller, this man actually served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War - Company B of the First Regiment, Maryland Cavalry, 1862-1865. This man - who fought on the side of white supremacy, slavery and treason against the United States - is actually the last Prince Georgian to serve as our State Comptroller, more than 100 years ago.


Isn't it time to refresh those dusty old history books?

I think Prince George's County - the home of National Harbor, the University of Maryland, Bowie State University, NASA-Goddard, Andrews AFB and the Washington Football Team - is long overdue.

I am a proud Prince George's County resident who has raised my family and built one of the nation's most successful minority-owned businesses right here. While I will be the first Prince Georgian to serve as Comptroller in over 100 years, I'll be a fiercely independent voice for all Maryland taxpayers, from Western Maryland to the Lower Eastern Shore.

One who isn't part of the Annapolis Machine. One with the proven executive experience - in both government and the private sector - to lead from the day I take office.

It's a new day for Prince George's County and it's a time for change in Maryland. I'm ready to roll!

Tim Adams for Comptroller – Accountability. Justice. Change Accountability. Justice. Change

Bowie State Students Receive COVID-19 Vaccine - The Washington Informer 04/30/2021

COVID-19 vaccinations are safe, convenient and easy. Love to see Bowie State students stepping up and getting it done!

Bowie State Students Receive COVID-19 Vaccine - The Washington Informer After the University System of Maryland chancellor recently announced staff and students who return to campuses in the fall must receive a vaccine, Jermale Bell quickly complied.

Photos from Tim Adams for Comptroller's post 04/27/2021

As your Comptroller, I will be responsible for protecting the hard-earned financial security of families across our state. I will serve as either the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of our state’s $55 billion pension system, which provides the retirement, death and disability benefits for more than 405,000 people.

This is one of the most important jobs I’ll have, because the ability of people to put food on the table, keep a roof over their heads and live with dignity depends on the choices made on the Board of Trustees. I promise to be a fiercely independent and dependable steward of YOUR money, and will ensure that the pension system remains fully funded by taking the following actions:

1. Adopting an investment strategy that maximizes investment returns, successfully manages investment risks, and reduces management fees;

2. Rejecting those ill-advised policies that have jeopardized the safety of our entire system in the past;

3. Expanding the pension system’s Terra Maria Program, which provides opportunities for highly qualified emerging fund managers – including many from Maryland-based and minority and women-owned firms – to manage pension assets;

4. Strongly opposing any and all efforts by the next Governor and legislature to solve short-term budget challenges by drawing down on their pension funding obligations.

So much is at stake. Our success at managing these assets will ensure a safer and happier retirement for countless Maryland families. This is yet another reason that we must have a Comptroller with a proven record of executive leadership in both government and the private sector.

Together, we can give working Marylanders the retirement they so richly deserve. Let's roll!


I am profoundly honored and humbled to have received the endorsement of the Omega Network For Action in my campaign for Comptroller of Maryland. For me, this one runs very deep.

One of my deepest and most meaningful relationships through the years has been with the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. This was the first international fraternal organization founded on the campus of a historically black college; specifically, the Science Building at Howard University, on November 17, 1911.

For over a century, this very special fraternity has made its motto - "friendship is essential to the soul" - its mission and reason for being. By providing extraordinary levels of philanthropic support to HBCUs, financial assistance to promising young students, and grassroots work on behalf of better health care, voter registration and adult literacy in communities across America, this organization continues to change our world for the better, each and every day.

I have been honored to be a part of this organization through the years, and as your next Comptroller, I promise to lead in a manner that upholds its most noble ideals and aspirations.

Tim Adams for Comptroller Official campaign page of Tim Adams, Mayor of Bowie, Democratic candidate for Comptroller of Maryland, and CEO of SA-Tech, one of America's most successful minority-owned companies.


Justice has been served. Derek Chauvin will be going to prison for a very long time for the brutal, vicious murder of George Floyd. Which is how the American justice system should always work. Murderers must be held accountable and prosecuted to the strongest extent of the law for the taking of another human life.

Let it never be said, though, that this is the end of the journey. Let us not forget that George Floyd was murdered, slowly and painfully, under the weight and force of a police officer's knee for no reason other than the fact that he was Black.

Let us not forget that in far too many other instances, sworn officers have taken the lives of innocent Black men and women with no accountability or legal consequences.

Let us not forget that Black lives are ended in gunfire on streets, cul-de-sacs, intersections and alleys across this country each and every day, and hardly warrant a line in the newspaper, or a mention on the 11 o'clock news, or a glimmer of recognition from the larger community.

Am I relieved that Derek Chauvin has been found to be a convicted murderer by a jury of his peers? Yes.

Am I thankful that this murderer will languish in a jail cell for years to come? Yes.

Am I happy today? No.

Because no court verdict will bring George Floyd back, just as there is nothing that can be done to bring back Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice or Freddie Gray. This isn't a day for happiness.

Just maybe, however, it is a day for hope that things, just maybe, are beginning to change. That, just maybe, a country that prides itself on being a leader among nations and a beacon of life, liberty and happiness around the world might finally begin to live up to these noble aspirations.

Today, I choose hope. Today, I choose to forget the name of that pathetic murderer who is already on his way to a jail cell. Today, I choose to remember George Floyd. A man who had the life drained from his body for eight minutes and 46 seconds as he called out in vain for his mother.

This is a day for remembrance and hope. It is a day to rededicate ourselves to the fight for lasting change.

Photos from Tim Adams for Comptroller's post 04/19/2021

Good morning! As we continue to celebrate Earth Week, here is yet another way in which the Comptroller of Maryland can, and must, lead in the fight against climate change.

As a member of the Board of Public Works, which also includes the Governor and State Treasurer, the Comptroller is responsible for approving land preservation projects that are funded through Maryland's Program Open Space. They include ecologically valuable forests, coastal areas and farms that are particularly vulnerable to sprawl development.

However, Program Open Space resources are also used to fund both active and passive recreational opportunities for children and families, ranging from boat ramps and picnic areas to basketball courts, Little League fields and public playgrounds! This program is essential to protecting our communities from the devastating effects of overdevelopment, as well as ensuring that families in neighborhoods across Maryland have adequate spaces to exercise, play and enjoy one another's company.

Given how important this program is to Maryland's quality of life, it is essential that our limited dollars be invested properly and not squandered. As your next Comptroller, I will ensure that Program Open Space dollars are truly being used to preserve the most ecologically valuable and vulnerable lands in our state, and not simply being used to provide windfalls for politically connected landowners.

I will expect that counties and towns that receive Program Open Space dollars for recreational projects are truly doing everything possible to encourage families to use their new facilities.

Finally, I will ask that the Governor, and his or her Administration, to update the ratings system that is used to prioritize Program Open Space investments. This hasn't been done since 2007, and it's time for these standards to be revisited.

These are investments in cleaner air and water. They are also investments in Maryland's economy and quality of life. As your Comptroller, I stand ready to protect our natural resources, our taxpayer dollars AND the quality of life that makes Maryland so special.

Photos from Tim Adams for Comptroller's post 04/18/2021

I feel it's important to remind my Facebook friends, as we prepare to celebrate Earth Day later this week, that the Comptroller of Maryland actually has an important role to play in the fight against climate change! Over the next few days, I will share just a few of the ways that the Comptroller can and must be a part of the solution to this existential problem.

The Comptroller is one of three members of the Board of Public Works, which also includes the Governor and the State Treasurer. Under our state's regulations, the Board is responsible for either approving or rejecting applications to build on tidal wetlands across the state.

Which means that the Board of Public Works is the last line of defense against reckless, irresponsible development that would pollute our rivers, streams and Bay grasses, threaten our fish, crab and oyster populations, and disrupt neighborhoods through greater traffic congestion and and overcrowded schools. Overdevelopment within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area also leads to deforestation, And on this as so many other matters that come before the Board, the Comptroller usually serves as the deciding vote.

As your next Comptroller, I pledge to be a leader in the fight against sprawl development that contributes to sea level rise, elevates our carbon footprint and destroys our vulnerable natural resources. In addition to being good for our planet, this approach is vital to the strength of the Maryland economy, which is so reliant upon tourism, seafood harvesting, agriculture and aquaculture.

As I've always said, environmental stewardship and economic development aren't contradictory goals - they work hand in hand.


Paying tribute, a couple of years ago, to one of my true political heroes - Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm of New York. The first Black woman elected to Congress and the first Black candidate for major party's presidential nomination in American history.

Looking back on it, I can only imagine how many times Shirley Chisholm was told that she should "wait her turn." Or that there were more "qualified" candidates on the horizon, or that it "just wasn't yet her time." She ignored those gestures of soft bigotry and went on to make American history, and all of us are so much better off today because of her example.

Congresswoman Chisholm's slogan was "Unbought and Unbossed." It's a standard that I've lived by throughout my career and I promise it's one that I will uphold as your next Comptroller.


It is my privilege to announce my candidacy to become the next Comptroller of Maryland in 2022. This short video shares my personal journey from the poverty and racism of rural Louisiana, to success as one of America's most successful minority business owners and the first Black mayor of Bowie. I look forward to bringing my values and expeirence to the Comptroller's Office, where I will work every day for fiscal responsibility, economic justice and social change.

Gov. Hogan vetoes key parts of Maryland police reform package; General Assembly begins votes to override him 04/10/2021

As the Mayor of Bowie, I am proud of the elite professionalism that is routinely displayed by the men and women of the Bowie Police Department. However, I've also experienced police brutality, firsthand, as a young man growing up in rural Louisiana, and I can attest to the fear, pain and distrust that it can cause. A society that lives in fear of its police is one that can never be truly safe.

It is with these shared experiences in mind that I strongly support the comprehensive police reform package that has been passed by the Maryland General Assembly. Collectively, these proposals will go a long way to building a culture of transparency and trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they are sworn to serve. I'm grateful to House Speaker Adrienne Jones, Senate President Bill Ferguson and the majority of lawmakers in both chambers who have taken a stand for accountability.

Gov. Hogan vetoes key parts of Maryland police reform package; General Assembly begins votes to override him The bills rejected by Republican Gov. Larry Hogan contain some of the most controversial provisions in the sweeping Maryland Police Accountability Act.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, barrier-breaking Florida Democrat, dies at 84 04/06/2021

Remembering Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, who died on Tuesday at 84.

Congressman Hastings grew up in the South in the age of Jim Crow, and channeled the experiences he faced in his youth to become one of our nation's most forceful fighters for civil rights, equality of opportunity and true economic justice. His legacy can and must be remembered by all of us who will carry the baton from here.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, barrier-breaking Florida Democrat, dies at 84 Hastings, who had been serving his 15th term in Congress, was impeached and removed in 1989 as a federal judge before his congressional career.


Wishing each and every one of you a joyous Easter Sunday!

One officer dead after man rams Capitol barricade; suspect fatally shot by police, officials say 04/02/2021

Extending my heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of United States Capitol Police Officer William "Billy" Evans, who died this afternoon in the line of duty, and my prayers for the officer who was injured in today's attack on the Capitol.

The men and women who safeguard the Capitol complex are heroes, and they have been working under an unthinkable emotional toll since the January 6 insurrection.

One officer dead after man rams Capitol barricade; suspect fatally shot by police, officials say The incident on Friday comes less than three months after the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Tim Adams 04/02/2021

Tim Adams This is the Official Webpage of Timothy J. Adams for Maryland. Sign up for the latest news from Tim.

Bowie Mayor Makes Comptroller Bid Official – Maryland Matters 04/01/2021

Very fair coverage of my candidacy for Comptroller from Bennett Leckrone of Maryland Matters. The lead paragraph captures the essence:

"Timothy J. Adams (D) made history when he was elected as Bowie’s first Black mayor in 2019. Now he’s looking to make history again as the state’s first Black comptroller – and the first person with paraplegia to ever hold a statewide office in Maryland."

To learn more about my campaign and how you can get involved, please visit my official website, www.timadams.org. Thank you!


Bowie Mayor Makes Comptroller Bid Official – Maryland Matters Timothy J. Adams (D) made history when he was elected as Bowie’s first Black mayor in 2019. Now he’s looking to make history again as the state’s first Black comptroller – and the first person with paraplegia to ever hold a statewide office in Maryland. Adams, a wealthy government contractor...

Bowie Mayor Tim Adams announces run for state comptroller 03/30/2021

More coverage of today's announcement from the Baltimore Sun.

From the article: "Adams has noted that, if elected, he would be the first Black comptroller and the first person in statewide office with paraplegia. 'I might not be able to walk,' Adams says in the video, 'but that’s never stopped me from running.'

Bowie Mayor Tim Adams announces run for state comptroller Bowie Mayor Tim Adams says he’d strengthen the state employee pension system, “hold big corporations accountable,” improve the state’s contracting processes and ensure quality public schools if elected Maryland comptroller in 2022.

Bowie mayor launches bid for Maryland state comptroller 03/30/2021

Coverage from the Washington Post about my candidacy for Comptroller of Maryland!

Bowie mayor launches bid for Maryland state comptroller Tim Adams was elected mayor in 2019 and is vying to become the state’s first Black comptroller.

Photos from Tim Adams for Comptroller's post 03/28/2021

Last night in Cheverly, I was honored to join friends from Prince George's County for a rally to call for an end to the growing climate of prejudice, bigotry and hate against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders.

This is growing cancer in our society, it is real and it is getting worse. It is critical, for the well-being of our state and country that we come together to send the message that this is not okay and that bigotry in all of of manifestations will not be tolerated.

Hogan Signs $577 Million Settlement Bill for Maryland’s Historically Black Universities – Maryland Matters 03/25/2021

Having dedicated a considerable part of my life to supporting Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and having testified in strong support of this legislation as the past chairman of the Bowie State University Foundation, I am filled with joy and relief that this landmark settlement agreement has now been signed into law.

This is an investment in many of Maryland's most powerful economic engines, all of which are preparing its graduates for success in the Information Age economy while resetting the limits of human understanding with their cutting edge research. This is an investment in our economy, it's an investment in our children, and the returns on this investment will be staggering.


Hogan Signs $577 Million Settlement Bill for Maryland’s Historically Black Universities – Maryland Matters Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan (R) signed legislation Wednesday that requires the state to direct $577 million in additional funding to Maryland’s historically Black colleges and universities over the course of a decade. Last year, Hogan vetoed a similar bill that unanimously passed the Senate and passed ...


Happy Maryland Day!

Tim Adams 03/24/2021

Earlier this morning, during a guest appearance on The Larry Young Show, I expressed my strong support for the legalization of recreational ma*****na.

As I said on Sen. Young's show, our current federal and state laws on this subject are a discredited relic of a failed war on drugs, as well as a tactic used by governments to target young Black people for arrest, prosecution and imprisonment.

Just like alcohol and to***co, I believe our most effective strategy moving forward is to tax the product, regulate the product to ensure its safety and integrity, and educate consumers about the risks of consuming these products. And I feel very strongly that the Comptroller of Maryland – which is responsible for the collection of taxes and has the history of regulating alcohol and to***co – should be the regulatory agency of record.

That strikes me as a far more sensible approach than allowing these sales to be made in back alleys and other tucked away places, where nobody can vouch for exactly what’s being sold and what people are about to put into their bodies.

That said, I am concerned that this policy would put the State of Maryland at odds with the federal government, and that there are still serious risks associated with being on the wrong side of federal law. Such as the ability of users to get and hold onto federal government jobs. It is my hope that the Biden Administration will work with Congress to reform and abolish our outdated national policies on the subject.

In short, we must legalize it. Tax it. Regulate it. Educate people about it. And that work should and must be done by the Maryland Comptroller's Office, in close collaboration with our public health and public safety communities.

Tim Adams This is the Official Webpage of Timothy J. Adams for Maryland. Sign up for the latest news from Tim.


John Lennon once wrote that “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” The man was right, and this picture, taken yesterday, illustrates his point.

My beautiful family and I were at the house yesterday, preparing to film video for my upcoming campaign for Comptroller of Maryland. And while the members of the film crew were preparing to shoot a scene around our breakfast table, a real and impromptu family meal broke out!

In this day and age, when all of us are so busy and distracted with the pressures of work, school and social lives, those moments we get with our family are precious and not to be squandered. In this moment, I was reminded once again just how blessed I am.


Up early this Saturday morning to film video for my campaign for Comptroller of Maryland!


Enjoyed a good conversation last night with the Western Charles and Veterans Democratic Clubs. Charles County is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic counties in our state, with vast, untapped economic potential. It is also a county in need of strategic investment in order to accommodate this growth and fulfill that enormous potential.

In that spirit, I called last night for a greater commitment of state resources in midday, evening and weekend Metrobud services along the Route 210 and U.S. 301 corridors. Doing so will take cars off these congested highways, and will also gradually build a ridership base for a light rail extension from the Branch Avenue station to Waldorf.

To do all of this, we must expect and demand that our limited taxpayer dollars be managed as efficiently as possible. I look forward to being your Comptroller and leading the fight against wasteful spending so that we can have the benefits of smart investment.


There isn’t a day that goes by without me thinking about this great and good man, and everything he did to lift people up. An American hero whose legacy will live through those he inspired and whose lives were changed thanks to his good fight.

Marsha WKIM with Timothy Adams 03/09/2021

Deeply honored to be a guest of my friend, Marsha Reeves Jews, on the WKIM Radio Network. Had a wonderful time sharing details of my childhood down in New Orleans' Ninth Ward, the personal values that I've brought to my business and life in public service, and the priorities I will bring to the Maryland Comptroller's Office. Please let me know what you think!

Marsha WKIM with Timothy Adams

Baltimore’s Purple Line: Been there, done that, had it canceled | COMMENTARY 03/01/2021

I live and work in a county with 15 Metrorail stations, along with a mature and synergistic network of Amtrak, MARC, Metrobus and county bus services. Every day, I can see how safe, reliable and user-friendly transit is a lifeline for the people of Prince George's County, a catalyst for economic revival in older communities, and an indispensable resource in our fight against climate change.

Knowing this, I can say with full conviction that Baltimore needs the Red Line, and that it never should have been taken off the state's books to begin with. If our next generation of state and local leaders have the political will to restart the project, then I know, beyond a doubt, that we can successfully face the financial and planning challenges and make it happen.

The costs of doing nothing - for vulnerable people, for an economy that needs a lift, and for our environment - is truly unfathomable.

Baltimore’s Purple Line: Been there, done that, had it canceled | COMMENTARY Hogan's rewrite of light rail expansion plan requires correction: Baltimore had the equivalent of a Purple Line and you spiked it, governor.


Spending time with my friend and a great leader - U.S. Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey. He was a remarkable voice for accountability and change during his time as Mayor of Newark, and is now fighting hard for economic and social justice in the Senate.


Thinking this is a very appropriate photo to post on this last day of Black History Month, and it's one that has always held deep meaning for me.

I vividly recall Jesse Jackson's first run for the presidency in 1984. The so-called "wise men" - and by that, I mean the Democratic Party's political establishment - gave Jesse the same old reasons why he shouldn't even run.

"It would divide the party," they said.

He would "alienate southern voters," they said.

His policies were "too radical," they said.

We should "unify" around the frontrunner, they said.

What "they" were really saying is that Jesse Jackson should just do what he was told and fall into line.

And Jesse Jackson went out and told them to pound sand. He went everywhere - down south, up north, out west. He registered countless new Black voters and inspired them to get to the polls and vote. He gave progressives and people of color something to vote FOR and not simply something to vote AGAINST.

Jesse Jackson changed the political playing field for the Democratic Party, and his campaigns in 1984 and 1988 - where he won seven primaries and four caucuses and finished as the runner-up - paved the way for Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and others who will still yet to come. He's still an inspirational figure to me.

White Maryland residents have gotten 4 times the COVID vaccine doses as Black people, a gap not improving with increased eligibility 02/27/2021

This is unconscionable in the richest state in the richest country on earth. And I'm not interested in hearing the explanations or excuses for how this happened - I just expect our state to do better.

It's not enough to simply SAY that Black Lives Matter - we need to be ready to step and do whatever it takes, by any and all means necessary - to get into our communities of color and start saving more lives.

White Maryland residents have gotten 4 times the COVID vaccine doses as Black people, a gap not improving with increased eligibility As eligibility expanded to include older Marylanders and essential workers, many minorities, especially those in low-income areas, have faced barriers to accessing the highly coveted appointments in the state’s current system.


For me, Black History Month is about much more than simply remembering those who have gone before us. It's about using our formative experiences, achievements and challenges to help the next generation climb that ladder of success.

In that spirit, I had a chance, this past week, to participate in an event with great meaning for me. The moMENtum program at my alma mater, The University of New Orleans, is dedicated to providing Black men with the network and supportive resources they need to stay in college and earn their degree. I wouldn't be where I am today without the benefit of a good education, and I desperately want today's young people to have that same fair chance to make it.


moMENtum Black History Month Guest Speaker Series w/ Mayor Tim Adams Zoom Meeting ID: 81677371474 • Host: Ryan Bell • Meeting Start: 02/24/2021 @ 3:45 PM • Recording Start: 02/24/2021 @ 3:50 PM • Duration: 1 hr 20 mins

House bill would ban flavored to***co products in Maryland 02/25/2021

I strongly support this bill. The national to***co industry has made billions by targeting underage consumers with savvy marketing campaigns and products with appealing flavors.

Let me be more direct - international corporations are getting rich off the addictions, illnesses and deaths of our children. It's immoral, it flies in the face of everything that Maryland purportedly stands for as a progressive state that takes care of its kids, and it has to stop.

In that spirit, I believe the legislature must pass a statewide ban on flavored to***co products, and then make the necessary investments within both the Comptroller's Office and the Alcohol and To***co Commission to fight the inevitable rise in to***co smuggling along Maryland's highways and interstates.

House bill would ban flavored to***co products in Maryland Maryland lawmakers are considering a statewide ban on flavored to***co products, from ci**rs to menthol ci******es and va**ng products.

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Bowie, MD

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