Naturally Nourished NTP

Naturally Nourished NTP

Helping women to regain their energy and restore their health through customized holistic nutrition.

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 15/08/2024

Sleep is where it’s at, y’all. Most of us try to aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but the actual amount we get of QUALITY sleep is often much less.

Sleep is crucial for recovery, repair, drainage, detoxification, and so much more. If you are stressed, you need even more sleep- but ironically stress is the enemy of good sleep.

That “tired but wired” feeling you get? That’s adrenal stress. Your adrenal load during the day is maxed out, leaving bedtime for the time it uses to reset and unwind from all.the.things you’ve endured during the day. Your cortisol levels (released by adrenals) are still high, instead of lowering in the afternoon and evening and allowing melatonin to kick in.

Waking up to go potty during the night? Here’s a hint- it’s not your bladder! Your bladder doesn’t haven’t that kind of communication setup. What’s actually happening is liver stress and low blood sugar. When blood sugar levels drop in the night and your liver is too busy doing other things to replenish stored glucose for fuel, your adrenals release cortisol which forces the liver to do it- and that cortisol spike is what is waking you up!

If sleep is an issue for you, know that you are not alone.

There is a way for you to improve sleep and have energy that lasts all day!

Message me to learn more 💜


Perimenopause is a transition that all women go through starting around the age of 35 and ending usually in their 50s when they hit menopause.

When we go through a transition like this, our body feels unstable. One of the ways it creates stability is by storing fat for energy use. Unfortunately, excess weight or the inability to lose weight is a symptom that’s often the last piece of the perimenopause puzzle that falls into place after experiencing other symptoms long before you start to gain weight.

Symptoms like headaches, trouble, sleeping, low energy throughout the day, painful, and difficult., And Moore all indicate that your body is in the transition of perimenopause. When you do all the things that used to work to be able to lose weight, but are no longer helpful, perimenopause is often the culprit as to why your body won’t let go of that weight.

So, what do we do about it? When you’re finally ready to prioritize this piece, it’s OK to ask for help. You don’t have to do everything on your own, and in fact, having help can make your journey much simpler and more straightforward without having to shoot a bunch of arrows in the dark trying to figure out what’s wrong.

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to focus on the foundations of health and stick to things consistently that care for our bodies and meet the unique needs that we have during this time. This however, is not the time to add stress to your life with high impact workouts and intermittent fasting because even while those are great tools, they are a form of stress on your body , and reducing stress is paramount during perimenopause.

If you’d like to know more about what you can do to care for yourself well during this transition, and how you can lose that stubborn weight, message the word “transition” below and I’ll send you some information.

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 05/08/2024

Your gut gives us so much information about your struggle to lose weight, especially if you are in perimenopause.

Decades of stress, restricting calories, over exercise, and poor nutrient consumption has wreaked havoc on our digestive system.

Most of us believe that our symptoms like gas, bloating, heartburn, and constipation are “normal” when in fact they are just “common”. These symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that it needs help.

When our digestion is not working as it should, we aren’t able to actually absorb the nutrients we are consuming (yes, these also includes supplements) and we also struggle with detoxification the elimination of excess hormones, toxins, and more.

Additionally, the gut-brain connection impacts our moods and our energy levels, changing how we sleep, how we move through our day, and how we interact with the world around us.

But usually the symptom that gets our attention is the weight gain. When your digestion is compromised, you are not able to process and absorb nutrients or detox well, and your body goes into a state of protection, where it stores toxins in fat cell and creates new fat cells- causing you to gain weight and struggle to lose it.

If you are curious about whether your weight is affected by your gut health, comment “gut” below and we can chat about how you can know for sure!

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 31/07/2024

When you’re ready to finally prioritize your health, it’s OK to ask for help. You don’t have to do everything on your own and in fact, having help can make your journey much simpler and more straightforward without shooting a bunch of arrows in the dark to figure out what’s wrong.

We don’t have to rely on ourselves to be the expert in everything. It’s OK to farm out some of those responsibilities and delegate so that you can stay in your lane. Be really good at what you’re really good at, and get help in the areas where you need help. If managing symptoms like weight gain from perimenopause is something that you can’t seem to get a handle on that’s when you’re going to want to call someone who is an expert and can help you.

Don’t be afraid to invest in yourself! If you’ve been struggling with symptoms for a long time and you’re not getting the results that you’re looking for, it might be time to call in a practitione that is trained in supporting those symptoms and get you the help that you need.

Message below with the words “I’m ready” and we can chat in DM’s or I can send you a link for a free phone call to discuss how I can help. 💜

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 20/06/2024

Curious about what is preventing you from losing weight? If restricting calories and increasing your exercise is no longer working for you, then there is most likely something else going on that traditional labs often miss.

Common diagnostic lab work is designed to capture the sickest of the sick, so the lab ranges for results are quite broad, meaning you can show as “normal” when in fact you are moving towards what could be a preventable diagnosis, if you look at the markers from a functional perspective.

Functional labs like the ones mentioned above are designed to capture the optimal function of your body, even on a cellular level. This type of information can uncover a host of information that uncover the cause of why you struggle to lose weight.

If you can’t break down and absorb the nutrients from your food due to impaired digestion, then you will struggle to lose weight. A GI Map can shed light on this.

If you are deficient in critical nutrients your body needs, which are seen in functional bloodwork, you will struggle to lose weight.

If you have an imbalance in minerals, have heavy metals or toxins, or have a depressed metabolism, as indicated by an HTMA test, you will not only struggle to lose weight but may even gain more.

If your hormones are all over the place, your body will not regulate and let go of the weight, so a DUTCH test can give you the info on which hormones are imbalanced and what to do.

If you are someone who has tried everything under the sun to lose weight, but are not getting the results you want, these labs can show you what’s going on behind the scenes that can be preventing you from losing weight.

Comment “lab” below or message me to chat about which lab would be best for you to get to the root of your weight loss resistance!


It might not be the food that is causing you to gain weight or prevent losing it. It might be what your body is DOING with the food.

If your digestion is impaired, then you won’t be able to break down and absorb the nutrients from your food. What this means is that even if you are eating a totally perfect diet, it may not be helping you, and in some cases, can be harming you! For example, if you can’t break down fats well, the keto diet is going to cause you more harm than good.

If you have inflammation, then your body will not release fat! This is because your body protects you from harmful substances like heavy metals, mold, and environmental toxins but encapsulating them in fat cells, creating more fate cells to hold more toxins! This is why you can gain weight without changing how you eat or exercise!

If your microbiome is imbalanced, meaning you have too many bad guys and not enough of the good guys, you will experience weight loss resistance. Sadly, most people take a random grocery store probiotic that is like a blanket approach versus determining what they truly need. Also, even too much of a good thing (aka, a probiotic) can be a bad thing, as some of our body’s good bacteria are harmful at high levels!

So, how do you know if any of this is getting in the way of your weight loss efforts? Well, you need to TEST, DON’T GUESS! The GI Map gives a very clear picture about your digestive function, inflammation load, and microbiome health.

I offer this lab as a one time session, and add on to an existing package of support, or as part of my all inclusive, VIP nutrition package. Message me “GI MAP” below or in DMs to get more information about this super informative lab!

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 06/06/2024

Spoiler: Cortisol isn’t the real enemy here. It’s actually a necessary hormone, but it is often chronically elevated and creates lots of problems, like the examples above.

The real problem is the STRESS in your life that drives it up!

So what can you do about it? Most of us have stress we can’t control (like our job or some relationships), so we need to reduce the stress we can control and give our body the tools it needs to reduce its impact on our health.

Good news- there may be a way you can lower stress, reduce cortisol, and lose the weight for good!

If you’d like to know more about stress and its impact on your weight loss resistance, DM the word “stress” and we can chat.


Over 50% of Americans struggle every year to lose weight, with the majority of those being women between the ages 40-59.

While there are some contributing factors like race and income level, women across the board have a much harder time losing weight than their male counterparts.

Why? Mainly bc of how we treat ourselves.

Women are predominantly more driven to do everything and do it well, including work full time, raise their kids, and make their home run smoothly. As a result their stress levels are higher, affecting their sleep, hormones, energy, and yep, weight.

In fact, stress is one of the top 3 main root causes for weight gain and weight loss resistance (when you try everything to lose weight but can’t). Stress keeps your body in a state of fight or flight, and processes like digestion, detoxification, and healing are compromised when you are stressed, causing your body to hold on to weight.

Impaired digestion is second, and that means you aren’t able to get the nutrients from your food, so functions slow down or stop. Your body holds on to weight and won’t release it, thinking it’s in a famine.

Another top root cause is inflammtion. When your body is inflamed, it stores toxins in fat to protect you, often creating more fat tissue to store more toxins!

Both digestion and inflammation are significantly impacted by stress.

If you could unlock the secrets to why you can’t lose weight, that would be something you’d want to know more about, right?

Message me the word “resistance” for more information.

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 24/05/2024

What if it’s not the food you are eating that caused you to gain weight?

What if increasing exercise is hurting you more than helping you?

The two main reasons calories in/calories out aren’t working for you are right here: digestion problems and inflammation.

If you can’t break down and absorb the nutrients from your food, it doesn’t matter what diet you follow or how many calories you consume.

If your body has inflammation, it will not release fat in order to protect you- our body stores toxins in fat, even increasing body fat to meet the demand that high inflammation creates. Too much exercise increases cortisol levels, which causes inflammation.

By running one lab, the GI Map, we can see right away by looking at these and other markers if you are dealing with a breakdown in digestion or if you have too much inflammation.

The good news is, this lab shows us what you need to do to fix both of these problems, and ultimately help you lose weight- and keep it off.

If you could get the answers to unlock your weight loss struggle, that would be something you’d want to know about right away, isn’t it?

Comment or DM “GI Map” and I’ll send you more information about how this lab can give you what you’re looking for.


Got stress? I can help 💜

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 15/02/2024
Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 08/12/2023

There may be a way you can have energy that lasts all day!

I’ll give you a hint: it has everything to do with your blood sugar levels.

If you’d like to learn how this works, and why it’s also responsible for waking you up in the middle of the night too (it’s actually not your bladder), drop the word “tired” below and I’ll send you a link to my Low Energy Masterclass next Wednesday.

Like and follow for more holistic health support!

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 03/10/2023

💜Client Love💜

So thankful for the gift of helping others feel their best and get their life back on track!

If you are curious about what it’s like to work with me, this is a beautiful example of one person’s journey with me.

Also, he didn’t mention this, but sometimes I’m funny. 🤭

Message me below if you’d like to know more about working with me! Or, click the link in my bio to book a free discovery call 📞

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 27/09/2023

Raise your hand if you’re trying to lose weight 🙋🏼‍♀️ 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
You are not alone.

When I see clients for the first time, I ask them what their three main goals are. Every single time they pick one or all of these: feel better, lose weight, or have more energy.

The thing is, back in the day we used to be able to just work out a little extra or maybe eat a little less and we could achieve our goals pretty easily. We had energy to spare and we felt great! We didn’t hurt everywhere every time we tried to go to the gym, we slept through the night just fine, and we didn’t need a nap every afternoon around 3:00.

Now it seems that everyone is struggling with these same kinds of symptoms, but they don’t see how it’s all related.

Somehow, despite their best efforts, the scale has slowly been creeping up over the last 5 to 10 years and they’re not sure what to do about it.

Unfortunately, it’s not just about calories in/calories out anymore. Our body has compensated for our poor choices for the last couple of decades, and is now DONE. We have to stop writing checks that our body can’t cash. (Does anyone still write checks?😂) It’s time to look at our health from a different perspective, on a cellular level. The food we eat is comprised of nutrients that our body needs to function properly and when we’re missing some of those nutrients, or if we can’t actually digest them and absorb them, our bodies going to suffer as a result. Sometimes, the food we eat can be causing inflammation, which puts our body into “freeze” mode, and our best efforts are stalled.

Symptoms like low energy, the ability to lose weight and generally feeling like crap are becoming more and more prevalent, despite doing “all the right things“. It’s time to get our health back, to stop taking “normal labs” for an answer, and get to the root cause of our issues.

I can help. I’m like your own personal detective 🕵️‍♀️ who searches out the foundation of your problems and supports your body to heal.

Message me today if you’re ready to get your life back. 💪🏼

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 06/09/2023

Need some liver love? ❤️ ❤️❤️

TBH, everyone does. From nutrient depleted soil that contributes less and less nutrients to our food, to processed foods devoid of nutrients, our liver takes a toll.

Our liver does over 500 jobs and needs dozens of nutrients to perform them. Just two of these jobs, the creation of bile and detoxification, are super important and require a lot of nutrients to work properly. If you are experiencing symptoms like:
• waking up between 1-3am
• difficult, painful periods
• gas, bloating, and/or cramping after meals
•or, if you’ve had your gall bladder removed

Then you need to support your liver with some extra love. 💜

How do you do that? Simple! Eat some liver!

I know, I know, it’s gross. But, beef and chicken liver contain the highest amount of nutrients for not only liver health but overall nutrient health! They contain a full amino acid profile, tons of B vitamins, iron, vitamin A, selenium (great support for your thyroid too!), zinc, and more!

If you can’t stomach the thought of pate’, try beef liver capsules. You can also cube raw beef liver and freeze it, then take 1-2 cubes once a day like taking a pill!

Other supplements like TUDCA are great for liver and bile support.

If you have questions, drop them below. If this was helpful, please give me a follow and share it with a friend!

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 16/08/2023


Even though it’s my birthday, I want to share some very special gifts with YOU!

Hurry- these specials are only for the FIRST 10 PEOPLE who message me, so don’t wait too long!

A couple of details to note:
•You can only pick ONE offer
•these offers can not be shared or combined
•the coaching option discounts your first month to $52, with a 4 month minimum plan

So- message me or comment below with the name of the freebie you want!

This offer ends Friday 8/18, so don’t wait!


Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 27/06/2023

Does this sound like you? Is this how you always feel, so now you just think it’s normal?

Hint: it’s not NORMAL, it’s just COMMON. Just because everyone else feels this way doesn’t mean you have to! You don’t have to live like this.

Join me Thursday, July 6th at 6:30pm PST for a deep dive into how stress affects your health but is really just part of the problem.

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 02/06/2023

Are you a child of the low fat diet craze? Little did we know that we were actually hurting ourselves in the long run by eliminated fat from our diets.

First, we need (healthy) fats for many functions (see my post on fat we need) so removing them has actually made us inflamed, tired, and metabolically sluggish.

Second, most manufacturers replaced with fat with SUGAR in order to make the food taste better.

Guess what our bodies store excess sugar as?


Yep. When our blood sugar levels are too high for the glucose our body needs, insulin causes that excess to be stored as adipose tissue, or body fat.

If you are eating low fat to lose weight, you may be increasing inflammation and affecting hormone production, which can lead to weight gain.

Instead, you should remove sugar- in all forms. Even sugar free sugars- those are often hard to digest or eliminate, and can still spike insulin (our taste buds can trigger an insulin release too!)

Want more tips and support like this? Like, follow, and share! 💜Thanks!


You need fat. Every day. But- the type is important.

Fats are used for many functions, like the creation of steroid hormones (hello, estrogen), the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A,D,E, &K, they also help to regulate our energy leveled by slowing food absorption, act as building blocks for cell membranes, and…
Make prostaglandins.

These gems are like hormones used by every cell to help regulate inflammation. And if you are not getting enough fat, you can’t make them. Some fats are used to make PGs that create inflammation, like in response to a wound, while others work to stop inflammation. We need both kinds, but as you can guess, we need MORE of the anti-inflammatory types, bc of our crazy, stressed out lives.

By adding foods such as egg yolks, fatty fish, flax, h**p, or walnuts, and other healthy fats from butter/ghee, and coconut, avocado, or olive oils, you can give your body the resources it needs to fight inflammation, and to do all of the big jobs fats do everyday for us.

In addition, by removing toxic and inflammatory fats like heat processed seed oils (canola, rapeseed, soybean, corn, vegetable), you can help reduce inflammation and support prostaglandin production.

Ready to start swapping out ingredients in your pantry? Message me or comment below if you’d like my help to know what to do 😉


Where’s my stressed out peeps? This one’s for YOU 💜

If we’re being honest, stress is everywhere. All the time. And maybe our body is managing it well! But maybe, it isn’t.

If you can’t quit your job or find a way to remove the stressful relationships in your life. The best thing you can do is to support your body in how it reacts to stress and minimize the stress when and where you can.

Just by removing refined and processed foods from your diet and swapping them for more whole, natural foods can be a huge help.

Getting the right amount of exercise helps too- but did you know that too much can add stress? I learned that the hard way. If you feel that you are in a constant state of stress, cutting back on cardio and doing more walking and heavy lifting will help you stay moving but not overwork your adrenals.

When I work with clients who have high levels of stress, the first thing I do is give them some adrenal support in the form of adaptogens. My favorite go to is King Coffee! (See the link in my bio to try some) We also incorporate daily adrenal cocktails and electrolytes. Balancing blood sugar is huge here, bc your body will call on cortisol to help regulate it if it senses danger, which happens largely from a diet high in processed foods and sugars.

Want to know more about how to reduce stress and manage it better? Message me below or in DMs and we can chat!

Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 01/05/2023

It’s not your fault.

You’ve been told to do so many things by so many well meaning people, and you’ve done them all. But you still don’t feel the way you’d hoped.

You’re confused about what you should eat that’s right for your body. Maybe you’re even confused about how much to eat, or when.

You wake up exhausted and wish you could sleep more, but have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

Stress is kicking your b***y. And you don’t have any idea how to get it under control.

You are desperate to lose that stubborn weight.

You remember how you felt and looked “before” and desperately want to get back to that.

But, nothing you’ve tried has worked.

Until now!

and I designed our Fit & Nourished program for YOU- to give you the education and tools you need to:

•know exactly what to eat (and when and how much) to properly fuel your body
•reduce and manage stress
•find the means to get back into shape with at home OR gym based workouts
•get proper quality sleep to wake up refreshed and have energy that lasts all day (without depending on ☕️)
•to finally feel better than you have in YEARS!

This program is the missing link to help you get the results you want but have worked so hard to achieve without success.

Fit & Nourished is 5 weeks with on-demand resources PLUS 2 live Q&A calls with us. Additionally, I offer a full symptom assessment that tells us exactly what nutrients your body needs- symptoms that are actually created by a lack of nutrients that you may not even be aware of!

What are you waiting for? Registration closes soon- click the link in my bio or DM me to sign up today!


Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 27/04/2023

🎉Why you NEED Fit & Nourished🎉

If you are tired of wondering what to eat, how much to eat, what to NOT eat, or how to prep it all…

If you are curious about what it is exactly you that YOUR body needs…

If you wish you knew what steps to take next, with a clear path forward…


If you are tired of feeling like a failure for trying everything under the sun to get results but still end up in the same place…

Fit & Nourished is FOR YOU!

Get the guidance and support you need and enroll TODAY!
Use the link in my bio to sign up or comment below with “I’m ready!”

Enrollment ends May 7th!


Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 26/04/2023

5 reasons why you should join Fit & Nourished:

1. Clarity regarding what to eat- and what NOT to eat
2. Understanding about how YOUR body functions and how to best support it
3. Access to not one but TWO health professionals dedicated to supporting you
4. Resources designed to hold you accountable and keep you on track
5. Weekly workouts for at home or at the gym, with mindset and motivation

What are you waiting for? Join us tonight for our LIVE Q&A at 6pm PST!


Photos from Naturally Nourished NTP's post 24/04/2023

THIS is the program you’ve been looking for!

Experience the ultimate 5 week transformation with our unique program designed to nourish you gut, fuel your body, and strengthen your mindset and body for lasting success with 2 expert perspectives to guide you to clarity and achievement!

Click the link in my bio to sign up today! Early Bird discount available today through Tuesday 4/25 at midnight PST!



Suffering from bloating after meals? Often what you do before you eat can help.

Start by sitting down, relaxing, and taking a few deep breaths. This helps your body switch from it’s usual sympathetic/stress state into a more calm, parasympathetic state- which is the state in which digestion occurs.

Then, drink a small glass of warm lemon water. The acidity of the lemon promotes healthy levels of stomach acid needed to break down your meal. Adding a digestive enzyme with your first bite of food supports this breakdown as well, which in turn prevents the food from sitting and fermenting, causing that uncomfortable bloated feeling.

If these simple steps aren’t getting you enough relief, it may be time to work with a qualified practitioner (🙋🏼‍♀️) to look deeper into what may be going on behind the scenes with targeted labwork, like the GI Map. This test gives clear insight into what pathogens may be present that can create gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. Other possible sources may be food sensitivities, and your practitioner can help identify these to remove. Together you can find a plan to eradicate those pathogens and remove food sensitivities to help your body heal and digest properly.

If you are tired of feeling miserable, then it’s time to reach out for help. Click the link in my bio for a free call or message me here to chat about how I can help!

✨Follow for more gut healing tips ✨

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Stress is a real problem for most all of us. Unfortunately, we can’t all quit our jobs or remove all the difficult peopl...

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Tuesday 13:00 - 17:00
Thursday 13:00 - 17:00
Friday 13:00 - 16:00