Willie's Vegan Forever

Willie's Vegan Forever

I’m Willie, welcome to Willie’s Vegan Forever.



The ultimate goal of the EPSTEIN-BARR virus is for some of its virus cells to venture past your thyroid and inflame your central nervous system.
Your immune system normally wouldn’t allow this to happen. But if EBV has successfully worn you down in STAGE THREE by entering your thyroid—-and all that comes with that—-and if on top of that you are abruptly faced with some physical or severe emotional injury, the virus can take advantage of your immune system’s vulnerability and start to cause a multitude of strange symptoms that range from heart palpitations to aches and pains that shift and move around to tingling and numbness to mysterious fatigue to nerve pain.
A common scenario is being in an accident, getting surgery, suffering some other physical damage, or even giving birth, and then feeling awful for much longer than would be expected. A typical reaction is to ,”feel like a truck hit me.”
Blood tests, X-rays, and MRI’s will reveal nothing wrong, so doctors won’t be aware of the virus inflaming the nerves. STAGE FOUR EPSTEIN-BARR is therefore a major source of mystery illnesses —-that is, neurological problems that cause doctors massive confusion.
What’s actually happening is that your injured nerve triggers an “alarm” hormone to notify your body that the nerves are exposed and need repair. In STAGE FOUR, EBV detects that hormone coupled with an adrenaline surge and rushes over to latch on to those damaged nerves.
A nerve is similar to a string of yarn with little root hairs hanging off it. When the nerve is injured, the root hairs pop off the sides of the nerve sheath. EBV looks for those openings and grabs on to them. If it succeeds, it can keep the area inflamed for years. As a result, you can have a relatively small injury that remains flared up and causes you continual pain.
You don’t need to have physical injury to develop any of these neurological symptoms caused by EBV. The nerves can still get inflamed by the virus. As the virus feeds on toxins that are readily available (such as mercury, aluminum, copper, and other toxic troublemakers, plus foods like eggs, milk, cheese, butter, and gluten), it can release neurotoxins that cling to nerves—-whether root hairs, injured nerves, or even non-damaged nerves. This can create symptoms of different types, and each variety of EBV does something a little different. An EBV variety may have an appetite for more toxic foods such as mercury, or it may produce a more toxic neurotoxic that can inflame nerves just by touching them—-without the nerves even being injured or frayed.
The issue that results from this viral inflammation can include muscle pain, joint pain, painful tender points, back pain, tingling and/or numbness in hands and feet,joints pain, jerking and spasms, tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, humming, or popping sounds in the ears), migraine, ongoing fatigue, dizziness, eye floater’s, insomnia, unrest full sleep, and night sweats. Patients with these issues are sometimes diagnosed as having fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or rheumatoid arthritis, all of which are collections of symptoms that medical communities admit they don’t understand and for which they have no cure. In such cases the patients are given inappropriate treatments that don’t begin to address the real culprit—-because these mysterious illnesses are really STAGE FOUR EPSTEIN-BARR.
One of the greatest missteps of all time is mistaking women’s EPSTEIN-BARR symptoms for peri menopause and menopause. Symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, heart palpitations, dizziness, depression, hair loss, and anxiety were and are frequently misinterpreted as hormonal change—-which is what launched three disastrous movements: the autoimmune theory, the “it’s all in your head” theory, and the HRT movement. (To learn more, see Chapter 15, “Premenstrual Syndrome and Menopause.”)
Let’s take a closer look at some of the chronic illnesses that have puzzled doctors for decades and are the result of STAGE FOUR EPSTEIN-BARR.

Medical Medium Anthony WILLIAM Medical Medium

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 07/02/2024


The ultimate goal of the EPSTEIN-BARR virus is for some of its virus cells to venture past your thyroid and inflame your central nervous system.
Your immune system normally wouldn’t allow this to happen. But if EBV has successfully worn you down in STAGE THREE by entering your thyroid—-and all that comes with that—-and if on top of that you are abruptly faced with some physical or severe emotional injury, the virus can take advantage of your immune system’s vulnerability and start to cause a multitude of strange symptoms that range from heart palpitations to aches and pains that shift and move around to tingling and numbness to mysterious fatigue to nerve pain.
A common scenario is being in an accident, getting surgery, suffering some other physical damage, or even giving birth, and then feeling awful for much longer than would be expected. A typical reaction is to ,”feel like a truck hit me.”
Blood tests, X-rays, and MRI’s will reveal nothing wrong, so doctors won’t be aware of the virus inflaming the nerves. STAGE FOUR EPSTEIN-BARR is therefore a major source of mystery illnesses —-that is, neurological problems that cause doctors massive confusion.
What’s actually happening is that your injured nerve triggers an “alarm” hormone to notify your body that the nerves are exposed and need repair. In STAGE FOUR, EBV detects that hormone coupled with an adrenaline surge and rushes over to latch on to those damaged nerves.
A nerve is similar to a string of yarn with little root hairs hanging off it. When the nerve is injured, the root hairs pop off the sides of the nerve sheath. EBV looks for those openings and grabs on to them. If it succeeds, it can keep the area inflamed for years. As a result, you can have a relatively small injury that remains flared up and causes you continual pain.
You don’t need to have physical injury to develop any of these neurological symptoms caused by EBV. The nerves can still get inflamed by the virus. As the virus feeds on toxins that are readily available (such as mercury, aluminum, copper, and other toxic troublemakers, plus foods like eggs, milk, cheese, butter, and gluten), it can release neurotoxins that cling to nerves—-whether root hairs, injured nerves, or even non-damaged nerves. This can create symptoms of different types, and each variety of EBV does something a little different. An EBV variety may have an appetite for more toxic foods such as mercury, or it may produce a more toxic neurotoxic that can inflame nerves just by touching them—-without the nerves even being injured or frayed.
The issue that results from this viral inflammation can include muscle pain, joint pain, painful tender points, back pain, tingling and/or numbness in hands and feet,joints pain, jerking and spasms, tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, humming, or popping sounds in the ears), migraine, ongoing fatigue, dizziness, eye floater’s, insomnia, unrest full sleep, and night sweats. Patients with these issues are sometimes diagnosed as having fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or rheumatoid arthritis, all of which are collections of symptoms that medical communities admit they don’t understand and for which they have no cure. In such cases the patients are given inappropriate treatments that don’t begin to address the real culprit—-because these mysterious illnesses are really STAGE FOUR EPSTEIN-BARR.
One of the greatest missteps of all time is mistaking women’s EPSTEIN-BARR symptoms for peri menopause and menopause. Symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, heart palpitations, dizziness, depression, hair loss, and anxiety were and are frequently misinterpreted as hormonal change—-which is what launched three disastrous movements: the autoimmune theory, the “it’s all in your head” theory, and the HRT movement. (To learn more, see Chapter 15, “Premenstrual Syndrome and Menopause.”)
Let’s take a closer look at some of the chronic illnesses that have puzzled doctors for decades and are the result of STAGE FOUR EPSTEIN-BARR.

Medical Medium Anthony WILLIAM Medical Medium

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Once the virus settles into your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive organs, it nests there.
From this point on, when a doctor tests for EPSTEIN-BARR, she or he will most likely find antibodies and take these to indicate a past infection, when EBV was in its mono phase. The doctor will not find the EBV presently active in the bloodstream. The confusion here is one of the biggest blunders in medical history—-this is how this virus has slipped through the cracks. Unless you have already followed the measures outlined in this book to kill EBV, the virus is in fact , still alive and causing new symptoms…and it’s eluding the tests. That’s because it’s living in the liver, spleen, and/or reproductive system, and the tests to detect this has not yet been invented. On top of which, there are so many different and newer mutations of EBV, testing may miss them altogether.
With the virus hiding undetected in your organs, your body assumes it’s won the war and the invader has been destroyed. Your immune system returns to its normal state, your mononucleosis ends, and your doctor tells you that you’re healthy.
Unfortunately, the EPSTEIN-BARR virus has barely begun its voyage through your body.
If you have a typical variety, EBV could lie dormant in your organs for years—-possibly for decades—-without you knowing it, especially if your immune system hasn’t been weakened by other challenges through life. If you have an especially aggressive variety, though, EBV may create serious problems even while it’s nesting.
For example, the virus may burrow deep into your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive system, causing those organs to become inflamed or enlarged. And once again, keep in mind that before this book’s initial publication, doctors did not know to connect the dots between past EBV and its present activity in the organs. Now, with this information, doctors are starting to become mindful that there is post-mononucleosis activity that creates new symptoms.
The virus also creates three types of poisons.
* EBV excretes toxic waste matter, or viral byproduct. This becomes increasingly significant as the virus grows more cells, and its expanding army keeps eating and excreting poisonous byproducts. This waste matter is often identified as spirochetes, which can trigger false positives on tests such as LYME titers (screening tests for LYME DISEASE) and lead to a false diagnosis of LYME.
* When a cell of a virus dies—-which happens often, as the cells have a six week life cycle—-the co**se that is left behind is itself toxic and so further poisons your body. As with viral byproduct, this problem becomes more severe as EBV’s army grows, creating fatigue and others symptoms.
The issues that may result from an aggressive variety of EBV nesting in your organs include:

* Your liver performing so sluggishly that it does a poor job of flushing toxins out of your system, creating hot flashes, heart palpitations, skin rashes, and weight gain.
* Hepatitis A, B, and C (EBV is actually the primary cause of hepatitis C. It can also cause acute cases of hepatitis A and B.)
* Your liver’s sluggish performance leading to stress upon your stomach’s gastric glands, which can cause low hydrochloric acid and cause your intestinal tract to start to become toxic. This in turn can result in some food not being fully digested and instead putrefying in your intestinal tract, resulting in bloating and/or constipation. The strain on your liver can also lead to bile reserves diminishing, so that fats in your diet are not being dispersed or broken down, causing them to go rancid.
* The stage being set for endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, or enlarged prostate to start to develop.
* You’re developing sensitivities to foods that has never caused you problems before. This happens when the virus consumes a food it likes, such as cheese or gluten, then “goes to the bathroom” and eliminates it within your body, which transforms the food residue into something your body doesn’t recognize.
The virus bides it’s time until it senses stress related hormones indicating you’re in an especially vulnerable state—-say, as a result of burning the candle at both ends; enduring a severe emotional both such as divorce, breakup, or betrayal; or suffering a physical jolt such as being in a car accident—-or when it senses you’re undergoing hormonal immune system shifts, as when the immune system changes gears during times suck as pregnancy, childbirth, and even menstruation and ovulation.
When the virus is about to reproduce in numbers, a feeding frenzy starts as the virus goes on the search for various foods it likes. Upon serving and consuming these various foods, it begins to excrete neurotoxins. This adds an extra burden upon your liver, because your liver must then filter and process this extra viral waste matter.
An important point to emphasize here is that for the virus to be able to grow in numbers means that most likely, you encountered a viral trigger recently or even months ago. Examples include the types of challenges we just covered: Intensely stressful events, difficult circumstances, emotional struggles, such as heartbreak and betrayal, or physical trials such as childbirth. Or maybe you faced a lowering of the immune system from ongoing deficiencies or certain foods in the diet that are virus-promoting rather than antiviral. Even vices such as excessive caffeine from common beverages take a toll on the adrenals and liver. Other tiggers can include mold exposure; plug in air fresheners, scented candles, cologne, or perfume; lawn treatment chemicals; the removal of mercury amalgam dental filling’s; pesticides or herbicide’s exposure; or exposure to additional pathogens such as COVID or the flu. This is not an exhaustive list of the triggers that can occur in one’s life to allow for the next phase of EBV to begin, only some of the common ones. All of these triggers have the potential to reduce the immune system temporarily.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 07/02/2024


Once the virus settles into your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive organs, it nests there.
From this point on, when a doctor tests for EPSTEIN-BARR, she or he will most likely find antibodies and take these to indicate a past infection, when EBV was in its mono phase. The doctor will not find the EBV presently active in the bloodstream. The confusion here is one of the biggest blunders in medical history—-this is how this virus has slipped through the cracks. Unless you have already followed the measures outlined in this book to kill EBV, the virus is in fact , still alive and causing new symptoms…and it’s eluding the tests. That’s because it’s living in the liver, spleen, and/or reproductive system, and the tests to detect this has not yet been invented. On top of which, there are so many different and newer mutations of EBV, testing may miss them altogether.
With the virus hiding undetected in your organs, your body assumes it’s won the war and the invader has been destroyed. Your immune system returns to its normal state, your mononucleosis ends, and your doctor tells you that you’re healthy.
Unfortunately, the EPSTEIN-BARR virus has barely begun its voyage through your body.
If you have a typical variety, EBV could lie dormant in your organs for years—-possibly for decades—-without you knowing it, especially if your immune system hasn’t been weakened by other challenges through life. If you have an especially aggressive variety, though, EBV may create serious problems even while it’s nesting.
For example, the virus may burrow deep into your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive system, causing those organs to become inflamed or enlarged. And once again, keep in mind that before this book’s initial publication, doctors did not know to connect the dots between past EBV and its present activity in the organs. Now, with this information, doctors are starting to become mindful that there is post-mononucleosis activity that creates new symptoms.
The virus also creates three types of poisons.
* EBV excretes toxic waste matter, or viral byproduct. This becomes increasingly significant as the virus grows more cells, and its expanding army keeps eating and excreting poisonous byproducts. This waste matter is often identified as spirochetes, which can trigger false positives on tests such as LYME titers (screening tests for LYME DISEASE) and lead to a false diagnosis of LYME.
* When a cell of a virus dies—-which happens often, as the cells have a six week life cycle—-the co**se that is left behind is itself toxic and so further poisons your body. As with viral byproduct, this problem becomes more severe as EBV’s army grows, creating fatigue and others symptoms.
The issues that may result from an aggressive variety of EBV nesting in your organs include:

* Your liver performing so sluggishly that it does a poor job of flushing toxins out of your system, creating hot flashes, heart palpitations, skin rashes, and weight gain.
* Hepatitis A, B, and C (EBV is actually the primary cause of hepatitis C. It can also cause acute cases of hepatitis A and B.)
* Your liver’s sluggish performance leading to stress upon your stomach’s gastric glands, which can cause low hydrochloric acid and cause your intestinal tract to start to become toxic. This in turn can result in some food not being fully digested and instead putrefying in your intestinal tract, resulting in bloating and/or constipation. The strain on your liver can also lead to bile reserves diminishing, so that fats in your diet are not being dispersed or broken down, causing them to go rancid.
* The stage being set for endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, or enlarged prostate to start to develop.
* You’re developing sensitivities to foods that has never caused you problems before. This happens when the virus consumes a food it likes, such as cheese or gluten, then “goes to the bathroom” and eliminates it within your body, which transforms the food residue into something your body doesn’t recognize.
The virus bides it’s time until it senses stress related hormones indicating you’re in an especially vulnerable state—-say, as a result of burning the candle at both ends; enduring a severe emotional both such as divorce, breakup, or betrayal; or suffering a physical jolt such as being in a car accident—-or when it senses you’re undergoing hormonal immune system shifts, as when the immune system changes gears during times suck as pregnancy, childbirth, and even menstruation and ovulation.
When the virus is about to reproduce in numbers, a feeding frenzy starts as the virus goes on the search for various foods it likes. Upon serving and consuming these various foods, it begins to excrete neurotoxins. This adds an extra burden upon your liver, because your liver must then filter and process this extra viral waste matter.
An important point to emphasize here is that for the virus to be able to grow in numbers means that most likely, you encountered a viral trigger recently or even months ago. Examples include the types of challenges we just covered: Intensely stressful events, difficult circumstances, emotional struggles, such as heartbreak and betrayal, or physical trials such as childbirth. Or maybe you faced a lowering of the immune system from ongoing deficiencies or certain foods in the diet that are virus-promoting rather than antiviral. Even vices such as excessive caffeine from common beverages take a toll on the adrenals and liver. Other tiggers can include mold exposure; plug in air fresheners, scented candles, cologne, or perfume; lawn treatment chemicals; the removal of mercury amalgam dental filling’s; pesticides or herbicide’s exposure; or exposure to additional pathogens such as COVID or the flu. This is not an exhaustive list of the triggers that can occur in one’s life to allow for the next phase of EBV to begin, only some of the common ones. All of these triggers have the potential to reduce the immune system temporarily.

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At the end of STAGE ONE, the EPSTEIN-BARR virus becomes willing to challenge your immune system in a battle. That’s when EBV first makes its presence known…by turning into what doctors call MONONUCLEOSIS. This is the infamous mono that we all grow up hearing about the “kissing disease.”it’s what hundreds of thousands of university students worldwide contract every year when they run themselves down with all-night partying and studying.
Medical communities are unaware that every case of mononucleosis is only STAGE TWO of EBV.
This is one of the periods when the virus is most contagious. It’s therefore advisable to avoid getting exposed to blood, saliva or other bodily fluids from someone who is known to have mono…or to avoid exposing anyone to your fluids if you have mono. (EBV transmission is still possible through blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids outside of this mono stage; it’s just less likely.)
During this STAGE TWO, your body’s immune system goes to war with the virus. It sends identifier cells to “tag” virus cells, I.e., place a hormone on or around them that is released from your adrenal glands and processed and activated by your liver to make virus cells as invaders. It then sends soldiers cells to seek out and kill the tagged virus cells. This is the power of your immune system coming to your defense.
How severely this battle rages will vary from person to person, because everyone is different in what they’re up against. One person may be deficient in zinc while someone else may be severely deficient in zinc. This difference matters. Someone may already have a weakened immune system from other pathogens it’s already facing or keeping in control. (Examples include H. pylori, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, shingles virus, E. Coli, HPV, and many other different pathogens.). Someone could be facing emotional hardship, which can prompt fight or flight and the release of lots of corrosive adrenaline, pushing the nervous system and the immune to the edge. Someone’s caffeine addiction, which puts a lot of stress on the immune system, could be weakening immune responses. The range in viralactivity from person to person can also be as simple as food in the diet. For example, eggs feed viruses, so they’re very igniting for EBV. If one person eats eggs regularly and another seldom eats an egg , that makes all the difference.
On top of all this, it will also depend on what EBV strain or variety a person has. You can have mono for just a week or two with a mild scratchy throat and tiredness, in which case you aren’t likely to realize what’s really happening, so you most likely won’t visit a doctor for a blood test.
Then again, you can get hit hard with fatigue, sore throat, fever, headache, rashes, and more that hang on for several months. If this happens, the chances are you’ll go see a doctor who’ll test your blood, and the EPSTEIN-BARR virus will show up as a form of mono most of the time.
It’s during this stage that EBV seeks a long-term home by making a run for one or more of your major organs and—-typically your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive organs. EBV loves being in these organs because mercury, dioxins, other toxins, and residues from foods such as eggs, dairy products, and gluten are likely to accumulate there. The virus thrives on these poisons, which could be eventually lead to endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, ovarian cysts, prostate issues, and/or other mysterious infertility.
One other secret about EBV is that it has a best friend, a bacterium called Streptococcus. In such cases your body is dealing with not only a virus, but also bacteria that further distract the immune system and produce their own array of symptoms. Strep is EPSTEIN-BARR’S number one cofactor. In many situations, someone has more than one strain of strep.
During EBV’s STAGE TWO, Streptococcus can travel up to create strep throat and/or infest the sinuses, nose, mouth, or earcs. It can also travel down to create infections in the urinary tract, va**na, kidneys, or bladder…. EPSTEIN -BARR STAGE TWO

At the end of STAGE ONE, the EPSTEIN-BARR virus becomes willing to challenge your immune system in a battle. That’s when EBV first makes its presence known…by turning into what doctors call MONONUCLEOSIS. This is the infamous mono that we all grow up hearing about the “kissing disease.”it’s what hundreds of thousands of university students worldwide contract every year when they run themselves down with all-night partying and studying.
Medical communities are unaware that every case of mononucleosis is only STAGE TWO of EBV.
This is one of the periods when the virus is most contagious. It’s therefore advisable to avoid getting exposed to blood, saliva or other bodily fluids from someone who is known to have mono…or to avoid exposing anyone to your fluids if you have mono. (EBV transmission is still possible through blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids outside of this mono stage; it’s just less likely.)
During this STAGE TWO, your body’s immune system goes to war with the virus. It sends identifier cells to “tag” virus cells, I.e., place a hormone on or around them that is released from your adrenal glands and processed and activated by your liver to make virus cells as invaders. It then sends soldiers cells to seek out and kill the tagged virus cells. This is the power of your immune system coming to your defense.
How severely this battle rages will vary from person to person, because everyone is different in what they’re up against. One person may be deficient in zinc while someone else may be severely deficient in zinc. This difference matters. Someone may already have a weakened immune system from other pathogens it’s already facing or keeping in control. (Examples include H. pylori, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, shingles virus, E. Coli, HPV, and many other different pathogens.). Someone could be facing emotional hardship, which can prompt fight or flight and the release of lots of corrosive adrenaline, pushing the nervous system and the immune to the edge. Someone’s caffeine addiction, which puts a lot of stress on the immune system, could be weakening immune responses. The range in viralactivity from person to person can also be as simple as food in the diet. For example, eggs feed viruses, so they’re very igniting for EBV. If one person eats eggs regularly and another seldom eats an egg , that makes all the difference.
On top of all this, it will also depend on what EBV strain or variety a person has. You can have mono for just a week or two with a mild scratchy throat and tiredness, in which case you aren’t likely to realize what’s really happening, so you most likely won’t visit a doctor for a blood test.
Then again, you can get hit hard with fatigue, sore throat, fever, headache, rashes, and more that hang on for several months. If this happens, the chances are you’ll go see a doctor who’ll test your blood, and the EPSTEIN-BARR virus will show up as a form of mono most of the time.
It’s during this stage that EBV seeks a long-term home by making a run for one or more of your major organs and—-typically your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive organs. EBV loves being in these organs because mercury, dioxins, other toxins, and residues from foods such as eggs, dairy products, and gluten are likely to accumulate there. The virus thrives on these poisons, which could be eventually lead to endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, ovarian cysts, prostate issues, and/or other mysterious infertility.
One other secret about EBV is that it has a best friend, a bacterium called Streptococcus. In such cases your body is dealing with not only a virus, but also bacteria that further distract the immune system and produce their own array of symptoms. Strep is EPSTEIN-BARR’S number one cofactor. In many situations, someone has more than one strain of strep.
During EBV’s STAGE TWO, Streptococcus can travel up to create strep throat and/or infest the sinuses, nose, mouth, or ears. It can also travel down to create infections in the urinary tract, va**na, kidneys, or bladder….eventually causing cystitis. causing cystitis.

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 07/02/2024


At the end of STAGE ONE, the EPSTEIN-BARR virus becomes willing to challenge your immune system in a battle. That’s when EBV first makes its presence known…by turning into what doctors call MONONUCLEOSIS. This is the infamous mono that we all grow up hearing about the “kissing disease.”it’s what hundreds of thousands of university students worldwide contract every year when they run themselves down with all-night partying and studying.
Medical communities are unaware that every case of mononucleosis is only STAGE TWO of EBV.
This is one of the periods when the virus is most contagious. It’s therefore advisable to avoid getting exposed to blood, saliva or other bodily fluids from someone who is known to have mono…or to avoid exposing anyone to your fluids if you have mono. (EBV transmission is still possible through blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids outside of this mono stage; it’s just less likely.)
During this STAGE TWO, your body’s immune system goes to war with the virus. It sends identifier cells to “tag” virus cells, I.e., place a hormone on or around them that is released from your adrenal glands and processed and activated by your liver to make virus cells as invaders. It then sends soldiers cells to seek out and kill the tagged virus cells. This is the power of your immune system coming to your defense.
How severely this battle rages will vary from person to person, because everyone is different in what they’re up against. One person may be deficient in zinc while someone else may be severely deficient in zinc. This difference matters. Someone may already have a weakened immune system from other pathogens it’s already facing or keeping in control. (Examples include H. pylori, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, shingles virus, E. Coli, HPV, and many other different pathogens.). Someone could be facing emotional hardship, which can prompt fight or flight and the release of lots of corrosive adrenaline, pushing the nervous system and the immune to the edge. Someone’s caffeine addiction, which puts a lot of stress on the immune system, could be weakening immune responses. The range in viralactivity from person to person can also be as simple as food in the diet. For example, eggs feed viruses, so they’re very igniting for EBV. If one person eats eggs regularly and another seldom eats an egg , that makes all the difference.
On top of all this, it will also depend on what EBV strain or variety a person has. You can have mono for just a week or two with a mild scratchy throat and tiredness, in which case you aren’t likely to realize what’s really happening, so you most likely won’t visit a doctor for a blood test.
Then again, you can get hit hard with fatigue, sore throat, fever, headache, rashes, and more that hang on for several months. If this happens, the chances are you’ll go see a doctor who’ll test your blood, and the EPSTEIN-BARR virus will show up as a form of mono most of the time.
It’s during this stage that EBV seeks a long-term home by making a run for one or more of your major organs and—-typically your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive organs. EBV loves being in these organs because mercury, dioxins, other toxins, and residues from foods such as eggs, dairy products, and gluten are likely to accumulate there. The virus thrives on these poisons, which could be eventually lead to endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, ovarian cysts, prostate issues, and/or other mysterious infertility.
One other secret about EBV is that it has a best friend, a bacterium called Streptococcus. In such cases your body is dealing with not only a virus, but also bacteria that further distract the immune system and produce their own array of symptoms. Strep is EPSTEIN-BARR’S number one cofactor. In many situations, someone has more than one strain of strep.
During EBV’s STAGE TWO, Streptococcus can travel up to create strep throat and/or infest the sinuses, nose, mouth, or earcs. It can also travel down to create infections in the urinary tract, va**na, kidneys, or bladder…. EPSTEIN -BARR STAGE TWO

At the end of STAGE ONE, the EPSTEIN-BARR virus becomes willing to challenge your immune system in a battle. That’s when EBV first makes its presence known…by turning into what doctors call MONONUCLEOSIS. This is the infamous mono that we all grow up hearing about the “kissing disease.”it’s what hundreds of thousands of university students worldwide contract every year when they run themselves down with all-night partying and studying.
Medical communities are unaware that every case of mononucleosis is only STAGE TWO of EBV.
This is one of the periods when the virus is most contagious. It’s therefore advisable to avoid getting exposed to blood, saliva or other bodily fluids from someone who is known to have mono…or to avoid exposing anyone to your fluids if you have mono. (EBV transmission is still possible through blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids outside of this mono stage; it’s just less likely.)
During this STAGE TWO, your body’s immune system goes to war with the virus. It sends identifier cells to “tag” virus cells, I.e., place a hormone on or around them that is released from your adrenal glands and processed and activated by your liver to make virus cells as invaders. It then sends soldiers cells to seek out and kill the tagged virus cells. This is the power of your immune system coming to your defense.
How severely this battle rages will vary from person to person, because everyone is different in what they’re up against. One person may be deficient in zinc while someone else may be severely deficient in zinc. This difference matters. Someone may already have a weakened immune system from other pathogens it’s already facing or keeping in control. (Examples include H. pylori, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, shingles virus, E. Coli, HPV, and many other different pathogens.). Someone could be facing emotional hardship, which can prompt fight or flight and the release of lots of corrosive adrenaline, pushing the nervous system and the immune to the edge. Someone’s caffeine addiction, which puts a lot of stress on the immune system, could be weakening immune responses. The range in viralactivity from person to person can also be as simple as food in the diet. For example, eggs feed viruses, so they’re very igniting for EBV. If one person eats eggs regularly and another seldom eats an egg , that makes all the difference.
On top of all this, it will also depend on what EBV strain or variety a person has. You can have mono for just a week or two with a mild scratchy throat and tiredness, in which case you aren’t likely to realize what’s really happening, so you most likely won’t visit a doctor for a blood test.
Then again, you can get hit hard with fatigue, sore throat, fever, headache, rashes, and more that hang on for several months. If this happens, the chances are you’ll go see a doctor who’ll test your blood, and the EPSTEIN-BARR virus will show up as a form of mono most of the time.
It’s during this stage that EBV seeks a long-term home by making a run for one or more of your major organs and—-typically your liver, spleen, and/or reproductive organs. EBV loves being in these organs because mercury, dioxins, other toxins, and residues from foods such as eggs, dairy products, and gluten are likely to accumulate there. The virus thrives on these poisons, which could be eventually lead to endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS, ovarian cysts, prostate issues, and/or other mysterious infertility.
One other secret about EBV is that it has a best friend, a bacterium called Streptococcus. In such cases your body is dealing with not only a virus, but also bacteria that further distract the immune system and produce their own array of symptoms. Strep is EPSTEIN-BARR’S number one cofactor. In many situations, someone has more than one strain of strep.
During EBV’s STAGE TWO, Streptococcus can travel up to create strep throat and/or infest the sinuses, nose, mouth, or ears. It can also travel down to create infections in the urinary tract, va**na, kidneys, or bladder….eventually causing cystitis. causing cystitis.

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